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Rezultati za

Izdelki iz leče - Prodaja Na Debelo - Slovenija

SlovenijaProdaja na debelo
  1. AVACOM D.O.O.


    Podjetje AVACOM, proizvodnja in trgovina d.o.o. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2014, pred tem pa je od leta 1988 poslovalo na trgu pod imenom Kovinoplastika Alojz Vončina s.p. Vse od takrat podjetje uspešno posluje in se širi tudi na tuje trge. Poslujemo na področju Italije ter sodelujemo z podjetji iz Nemčije, Avstrije ter s Hrvaške. Poslovna pot se je začela s proizvodnjo izdelkov za dekorativna svetila, nato smo hitro smo vstopili tudi na trg izdelkov za široko potrošnjo. Prav slednje oziroma gospodinjska galanterija predstavlja največji del našega poslovanja. V največjem obsegu sodelujemo s večjimi trgovskimi verigami. V zadnjem času predvsem izpopolnjujemo ponudbo izdelkov za vlaganje živil. Podjetje je pridobilo tudi certifikat Slovenska kakovost. Naše odlike so: -kakovostni izdelki -poznavanje izdelkov -zaloge večjih količin -raznolikost ponudbe -hiter odzivni čas -kvaliteten servis kupcu Naša vizija je ostati še naprej na vrhu na področju gospodinjskih izdelkov ter čim večje zadovoljstvo kupca! Alojz Vončina Direktor podjetja Avacom d.o.o.



    Tradition, knowledge, quality of products and services Our team has been making sure your orchards and crops are properly protected since 1998! We are sure that the effective functioning in the field of agriculture requires excellent knowledge of local production and climatic conditions. More than 20 years of presence on the market enables us to have effective access to information on the needs of growers and the state and directions of development of the entire industry. The production of food for the market or only for one's own needs has changed greatly in recent years. The demands and needs of the market are relentless, environmental standards are rising sharply, and weather factors for production are tightening. We used to say that food is easy to grow and difficult to sell, but today, due to plant protection restrictions, more difficult growing conditions and meeting requirements, it is becoming increasingly difficult to produce quality food. To food growers we offer a wide range of protective and planting materials to help you overcome the problems that arise in the production process. Practice has shown that through cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experience we greatly contribute to the satisfaction of our business partners, and above all make the production process simpler and more efficient. We do our best to be flexible.


Rezultati za

Izdelki iz leče - Prodaja Na Debelo - Slovenija

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2 Podjetja

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