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Armaproof Membrana: Protivnapuknasta vodoodporna membrana od polietilena i netkanog materijala

Armaproof Membrana: Protivnapuknasta vodoodporna membrana od polietilena i netkanog materijala

Armaproof Membrane Anti-cracking waterproof membrane to be laid before laying ceramic, natural stone and parquet coverings. In combination with the other products of the I.T.W.S (Integral Terrace Waterproofing System) system, it creates perfect and long-lasting waterproofing even on cracked, not perfectly cured or with possible vapor tensions due to residual humidity coming from the substrates. Crack bridging, vapor management and sound absorption are the distinctive characteristics of this innovative waterproof membrane. Armaproof Membrane is an innovative waterproof membrane formed by the union of two different non-woven fabrics, coupled with a polyethylene membrane. The deformability under stress of the membrane (crack-bridging) allows the compensation of potential tensions from hygrometric shrinkage and thermal deformation of the substrate, thus facilitating the management of contraction joints present in the substrate. The non-woven fabric of the upper surface (light color), in polypropylene, and that of the lower surface (dark color), in polypropylene/polyester, allow optimal adhesion of our cementitious adhesive Osmokoll Mono (certified adhesive C2TES1), recommended both for gluing the membrane to the substrate and for gluing tiles above the membrane. The special configuration, together with its material conformation, promote extremely resistant and durable chemical and mechanical adhesion of our Osmokoll Mono glue, among other things with glue consumption reduced by 30-40% compared to other systems on the market. The management of the steam potentially present in the support is also facilitated, which finds an outlet through the fibres of the non-woven fabric and the porosity of the adhesive. The special shape of the membrane is also highlighted in the extremely limited thickness, just 1.8 mm, which makes it extremely easy to handle, making it easier to install. Its sound-absorbing characteristics complete the characteristics of the Armaproof Membrane membrane, making it unique in its sector. The waterproofing system is completed with the Elastotex 120 Cloth elastic band, which is used across the area where two membranes meet and in the perimeter parts between the wall and the floor, in contact with columns, pillars, architectural elements protruding from the installation surface, drains, etc., gluing using Osmokoll Mono. Waterproofs any surface, both old and new, even if cracked or subject to dimensional movements caused by hygrometric shrinkage or thermal deformations. Waterproofing of internal and external surfaces with compensation of vapour pressure before laying ceramic tile, natural stone and parquet coverings for commercial/industrial uses (warehouses, shopping centres, food industries, canteens) and for civil uses (balconies, terraces, flat roofs). Large surfaces such as flat roofs or roof slabs. Check the adequacy of the mechanical performance and the surface consistency of the laying substrate. Check the anchoring and cleaning of old flooring by eliminating all potentially detaching substances, dirt, surface patinas. Check that the movements of the contraction joints and cracks in the substrate are ≤ 1.5 mm. Respect the structural movement joints (the membrane is able to compensate for the movements caused by the hygrometric shrinkage of the screeds, up to a maximum of 1.5 mm, but is not suitable for supporting the movements expected in the structural joints). In these cases, interrupt the membrane and connect its edges to the structural joint. Check with a carbide hygrometer that the residual humidity of the screed is less than 8%. In outdoor applications, in the event of rain in the days before laying the membrane, check with a carbide hygrometer that at least the first 2 cm of the top of the screed have humidity < 4%. Do not apply in the presence of stagnant water puddles. Use 1 m² of Armaproof Membrane for each m² of surface to be covered. Packaging: Roll of 15 m2 UM: €/m2
Sprej za Nadzor Prahu

Sprej za Nadzor Prahu

Twapet li jwaħħlu li jikkontrollaw it-trab huma prodott li jwaħħal it-trab li jeħel waħdu ffurmat mill-materjali tal-Film tal-Polietilene b'Densità Baxxa. Twapet tal-art li jeħlu li jintremew għandhom super viscidity. Kull saff huwa mwaħħal b'kisja ta 'viskożità għolja, lixxa u durabbli, tista' malajr u b'mod effettiv tneħħi l-ħmieġ, it-trab biex iżżomm l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif. Kontra l-Batterja, Reżistenti għat-Tikmix,. Kontra ż-Żlieq. Jista 'jneħħi b'mod effiċjenti t-trab minn qigħan taż-żraben u roti tal-karrettun. Ħalli l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif u jimmassimizza biex itejjeb il-kwalità tal-arja. Il-kulur u d-daqs jistgħu jiġu personalizzati. Twapet li jwaħħlu għall-kontroll tat-trab jintużaw ħafna f'workshops mingħajr laboratorju, laboratorju, sptar, istituzzjonijiet mediċi, manifattura ta 'preċiżjoni, skola, hotal, eċċ