Izdelki za dobro do 301 epoksi (26)

Montažno lepilo - Kontaktno lepilo

Montažno lepilo - Kontaktno lepilo

Colle de contact transparente à base polyuréthane - spécial PVC doux Pour double encollage de matériaux divers, durs ou flexibles, comme la plupart des matières synthétiques (PVC souple, PVC, ABS, plexi, polycarbonate), bois, panneaux de revêtements décoratifs stratifiés, placage et collage sur champ, nez de marches et marches d’escalier, plinthes en PVC, cuir, liège, textile, métaux entre eux ou sur bois, pierre, béton, plâtre, métal et autres supports lisses et non poreux. Spécifiquement pour des applications dont la couche de colle ou le joint de colle reste visible : comme le collage sur verre ou plexi. Aussi idéal pour la réparation de bâches, toiles de tente et pour matériaux gonflables en PVC souple. Prête à l'emploi, transparente au séchage, pas de trace brune, utilisation aisée à la brosse et au peigne à colle, force d'adhérence progressive rapide, résistante à l'humidité à la chaleur et au froid (-10°C jusqu'à +70°C) Résiste aux acides légers et bases Sans...
PRO-SET Epoksidni Laminacijski Sistem

PRO-SET Epoksidni Laminacijski Sistem

PRO-SET® Laminier-Epoxide gehören zu einem vielseitigen System aus flüssigen Harzen und Härtern und eignen sich für viele Nasslaminier-Verfahren. Mit PRO-SET Laminier-Epoxiden lassen sich leichte, leistungsstarke Verbundbauteile herstellen, die dauerhaft höchsten zyklischen Belastungen unter härtesten Umweltbedingungen ausgesetzt werden können. Bei Raumtemperatur entwickeln diese Epoxide ausgezeichnete physikalische Eigenschaften und können zur Verbesserung der Eigenschaften nachgehärtet werden. Zu den weiteren Merkmalen gehören: Verkleben vieler verschiedener Arten von Kernmaterialien einschließlich Holz, Metall und alle Verstärkungsfasern Ausgezeichnete Feuchtebeständigkeit Hervorragende Wärmebeständigkeit Hervorragende Dauerfestigkeit
Chemi-Coat - Debeloslojni epoksid z odlično kemijsko odpornostjo

Chemi-Coat - Debeloslojni epoksid z odlično kemijsko odpornostjo

Eine industrielle Bodenbeschichtung, die dank ihrer Epoxidharz-Basis enorm chemikalienbeständig ist. In vielen Farben und den Versionen Säureresistent, Anti-Rutsch, Kalttrocknend, Rapid verfügbar.
EG 91: Elastični dvokomponentni, epoksidno-poliuretanski, tiksotropni zaptivač

EG 91: Elastični dvokomponentni, epoksidno-poliuretanski, tiksotropni zaptivač

EG 91 Epoxy-polyurethane two-component elastoplastic and thixotropic sealant, for joints subject to traffic, where Shore A Hardness Scale = 65. The elongation-at-break is 70%. To be applied with a trowel or extruded into the suitably-taped sections of the joint (to protect adjacent surfaces). Resistant to contact with hydrocarbons (gasoline and diesel fuel). Horizontal sealing of joints in industrial flooring, even in the presence of chemical attacks and stresses from average-heavy traffic. Vertical sealing of joints in concrete works and products. The application and containment surfaces (joint walls) should be clean, dry, conveniently prepared and adequately resistant: free from dust, grease, soiling, crumbling and/or non-adhering parts and dry. The application surfaces must also be preliminarily treated with Protech Flex Primer. Add component B to component A taking care to pick up all the material contained in the packs, mix thoroughly with a mixer at a low number of revolutions, until a perfectly homogeneous mix is obtained; add the required load amount (component C) continue to mix until a perfectly homogeneous mixture is obtained, indicated by the uniform colour of the mixture. Apply the product mixed by trowelling or with extrusion guns. Do not apply with temperatures below + 5°C or higher than + 35°C and in the presence of surface stagnant water. Approximately 1.25 kg of EG 91 per cubic decimetre of joint volume to be sealed (1250 kg per cubic metre). Packaging: Kit of 5+2.5 kg UM: €/kg
IDS EPOXYKLEAN 100 - Odstranjevalec epoksidnih in PU barv

IDS EPOXYKLEAN 100 - Odstranjevalec epoksidnih in PU barv

L'IDS EPOXYKLEAN 100 est spécialement formulé pour le nettoyage et le décapage des résines époxy, PU, etc. employées pour le collage et jointoiement de revêtements céramique ou autres supports. Ce produit permet l’élimination des vernis époxy, vernis 2K, revêtement anticorrosion, etc. employés notamment dans l’industrie automobile pour le nettoyage des installations d’application de peintures et résines (pistolet, pompes, buses, zones de préparation, sols, etc.). L’IDS EPOXYKLEAN 100 est une solution neutre qui permet le ramollissement des résines même durcies. Sa formulation est totalement exempte de produits CMR. L’IDS EPOXYKLEAN 100 ne corrode pas les métaux ferreux et non ferreux et n’attaque pas les joints dans leur masse. Produit fabriqué en France.
Dekorativna Epoksidna Talna Obloga z Barvnim Kvarcem EMEX QUART

Dekorativna Epoksidna Talna Obloga z Barvnim Kvarcem EMEX QUART

Pardoseala epoxidica cu granule colorate Emex Quartz - See more at: http://www.e - Pardoseala Epoxidica Decorativa EMEX QUARTZ este un produs profesional, pe baza de rasini epoxidice fara solvent, disponibil intr-o gama infinita de modele obtinute prin inglobarea de granule de cuart sau marmura divers colorate in masa pardoselii. Acest tip de pardoseala se mai numeste si covor epoxidic. Produsul poate inlocui cu succes mozaicul sau gresia, avand in primul rand avantajul aspectului superior, dar fiind si o alternativa mult mai rezistenta atat la utilizare dar si in timp a acestora. Caracteristici principale: - Produs agrementat sanitar; - Aderenta excelenta la suport; - Etalare de exceptie; - Duritate excelenta; - Durabilitate mare; - Rezistenta mare la abraziune; - Rezistenta excelenta la uzura; - Rezistenta mare la agenti corozivi; - Rezistenta mare la hidrocarburi, medii acide sau alcaline.
Litev - Epoksidna smola SR 1690 + Zelo počasen trdilec SD 7160

Litev - Epoksidna smola SR 1690 + Zelo počasen trdilec SD 7160

- Remplissage - Calage de lest Utilisation de la résine Coulée Couleur du mélange Incolore Viscosité du mélange à 20 °C de 600 à 1 000 CPs Durée de vie en pot sur 500 g à 20 °C > 3h Transition vitreuse TG1 en °C de 80 à 100 °C Température minimale de polymérisation 40 °C
Epoksidna Rola Premaz za Tla in Stene | E30RB

Epoksidna Rola Premaz za Tla in Stene | E30RB

Das Epoxidharz-System E30RB ist eine 2K Epoxi-Rollbeschichtung mit mittlerer Verarbeitungszeit für hochwertige Boden- und Wandbeschichtungen ähnlich RAL7032 kieselgrau.
Deco-Epoxy Temelj 2C-LD

Deco-Epoxy Temelj 2C-LD

2component epoxy paint for the protection of concrete floors, metal structures, etc. Does not contain solvents (100% solids). Features Excellent adhesion. Great penetration power. Good adhesion in wet substrate with high percentage of humidity. Good capacity for reaction at low temperatures and high percentage of humidity. Indoor and outdoor use.
Epoksidni in poliuretanski material za talne obloge - Epoksidna smola

Epoksidni in poliuretanski material za talne obloge - Epoksidna smola

Nummer Eins chemicals 2008 Yılından beri Kimya sektöründe edinmiş olduğu tecrübeler ışığında müşterilerine en iyi ürünü ve hizmeti sunma felsefesi ile yola çıkarak İSTANBUL tuzla’da A.O.S.B de Epoksi ve Poliüretan Yapı Sistemleri, Antikorrozif epoksi ve poliüretan çelik konstrüksiyon ürünleri, Ahşap ve Metal tekneler için epoksi ve poliüretan ürünler, Su bazlı polimer esaslı su yalıtım sistemleri İç ve Dış mekanlarda kullanılan kaplama sistemlerine yönelik ürünlerin üretimine devam etmektedir. Firmamız kaliteli üretim kaliteli ürün anlayışı ile Avrupa normlarına uygun laboratuar cihazları ve analiz ekipmanlarına sahip ARGE ve Kalite Kontrol Laboratuvarında konusunda uzman mühendis ve kimyager kadrosu ile günümüz dünyasındaki teknolojik gelişimleri yakından takip ederek ürünlerini sürekli geliştirmekte ve yenilikçi bir anlayış ile çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.
FM Epoksidna Popravila Betona - Epoksidna Mörtel za Popravilo Industrijskih Tal Betona/Asfalta

FM Epoksidna Popravila Betona - Epoksidna Mörtel za Popravilo Industrijskih Tal Betona/Asfalta

Ein geschmeidiger Epoxidharz-Mörtel für die Reparatur von Betonböden oder Asphalt, Innen oder Außen, nach 12 Studen mit Gabelstapler befahrbar. Gibt es in den Versionen schnellhärtend, 0-10C° härtend und verschiedenen Farben. Kann leicht und einfach durch Ihre eigenen Mitarbeiter verarbeitet werden.
EPOXY SMOLA D150 KOMPLET 2kg - Epoksidna litje smola

EPOXY SMOLA D150 KOMPLET 2kg - Epoksidna litje smola

Système époxy transparent. Dureté variable. Facile d'emploi. -> Application Décoration, décoration florale, imitation de liquide, simulation de cours d'eau en maquettes. Couleur : Transparent Ratio mélange : 100/100 Potlife : 70 min à 9h Temps avant démoulage : >48h TG°C : nc Unité de vente : 1 kit de 2kg Minimum de commande : 1 kit
Poliuretanske prevleke

Poliuretanske prevleke

ADLER PUR-based coatings are modern solvent-based systems that meet the most demanding standards in furniture and interior decoration. The best resistance, both for chemical and mechanical stresses and strains, as well as ease of application and use are the special features of this type of coating system. ADLER offers the best choice of PUR-based coatings for the most diverse types of wood as well as the most varied design concepts. Premium quality and efficient use are always ensured in the process. In this manner, you can meet almost any need or requirement for the surface as desired by your customers.
Lepilo za Les C-65

Lepilo za Les C-65

Rapid high strength, ready to use wood adhesive which dries transparent. PACKAGE:200 GR, 500GR
Ekološka izolacija - Podloga

Ekološka izolacija - Podloga

Dış mekanlarda yatay ve dikey uygulamalarda. Çimento esaslı sıva, yapıştırıcılarda ve alçı esaslı harçların altında aderans artırıcı olarak kullanılır. Brüt beton duvar, tavan, kolon vb. yüzeylerde, alçı plaka, çimento ve ahşap esaslı levhalarda, EPS ve XPS ısı yalıtım levhalarında. Tekstürlü olmayan parlak ve emici yüzeyler için özel olarak üretilmiştir
Cementno vezana iverica

Cementno vezana iverica

Płyty cementowo-wiórowe stosowane są w technologii „suchego montażu”. Dzięki swoim parametrom znajdują zastosowanie w budownictwie, także w elementach konstrukcyjnych. Są odporne na różne warunki atmosferyczne, takie jak mróz czy wilgoć, na działanie pleśni i grzybów, a dzięki zawartości cementu – również odporne na owady. Płyty cementowo-wiórowe to materiał sprężysty - moduł sprężystości płyt wynosi ponad 4500 N/mm2, wytrzymałość na zginanie jest większa niż 9 N/mm2.
Enostransko lepilo za PROIZVAJALCE USNJA

Enostransko lepilo za PROIZVAJALCE USNJA

One Side Adhesive for LEATHER'S PRODUCERS The NEOPRENE ONE WAY is a plychloroprene adhesive adapt for LEATHER'S PRODUCERS and GIUNETRIA in particular in the case where you want apply the glue only in a side. Used for the construction of insoles in shoes too. It has high viscosity. High bond strength. CHARACTERISTICS : Viscosity : 2800 +/- 100 cPs Opened Time : 30 - 60 Minutes USING INSTRUCTIONS : Apply an homogeneous coat upon one of the two parts has to be sticked, let it dries for at least 10 - 15 minutes and join the two parts with hands, hammer or with a press. To dilute the PRODUCT, use SOLVENT P or SOLVENT M. The products has to be conserved in the original tins well closed and in a cool and dry place. N.B.: All the indications over reported are without obligation and warranty. PACKAGING : Kg 800 - Kg 200 - Kg 40 - Kg 15 - Kg 9 Kg 4 - Kg 1 .
Cortec VpCI® 386 Vodna Akrilna Prevleka

Cortec VpCI® 386 Vodna Akrilna Prevleka

Cortec VpCI® 386 Coating is a cutting-edge, water-based acrylic topcoat engineered to deliver superior corrosion protection for diverse metal substrates. Developed by corrosion prevention experts at Cortec Corporation, this innovative coating harnesses VpCI® technology to create an invisible shield against rust and oxidation. Environmentally friendly and easy to apply, it offers exceptional adhesion, durability, and versatility across various industries.Ideal for industrial equipment, manufacturing, automotive, marine, and construction applications, Cortec VpCI® 386 provides reliable protection while meeting stringent environmental standards.


Référence GCNOIRPIS-25KG
GC COMPOSITE PRIMER - Lepilo za lepljenje kompozita na kompozit

GC COMPOSITE PRIMER - Lepilo za lepljenje kompozita na kompozit

Adhésif pour collage de composite sur composite Recrée une couche d'inhibition pour une adhésion fiable entre composite et composite Avantages Application simple avec un pinceau Manipulation rapide et facile Recrée une couche d'inhibition Adhésion sûre Comment l'utiliser? GC COMPOSITE PRIMER est également appliqué pour une adhésion sûre lors de la caractérisation de dents artificielles et prothèses acryliques avec le système composite micro hybride GC GRADIA et GC GRADIA gum shades. Liste
Strukturna pena - Epoksidna smola PB 250 + Trdilec SD 5604

Strukturna pena - Epoksidna smola PB 250 + Trdilec SD 5604

Utilisation de la résine Coulée Couleur du mélange Blanche Viscosité du mélange à 20 °C > 1 000 CPs
Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal: Dvokomponentni epoksidni premaz specifičan za metalne površine

Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal: Dvokomponentni epoksidni premaz specifičan za metalne površine

Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal is a two-component primer based on epoxy resins free from solvents, used to promote adhesion, as a surface sealant for concrete, applied as a substrate for works with polyureas on metal surfaces and epoxy and polyurethane coatings. Adhesion promoter, surface sealant for concrete, to be applied as a substrate for works with polyureas on metal surfaces and epoxy and polyurethane coatings. The application must take place on a dry and degreased surface; the substrate must not have crumbly or detached parts and with a degree of humidity that must not exceed 5%. Preparation of the substrate may require some types of mechanical action: Smoothing, bush-hammering, shot peening, hydro-washing. Other mechanical actions that can make the support suitable. The individual components must be mixed carefully until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The material can be applied by roller, brush or spray by means of special airless machines, even in two coats. The temperature of the support must always be at least 3°C higher than the dew point temperature. Minimum application temperature +5°C, maximum temperature +35°C. Approximately 0,20 kg of Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal for every square metre of surface to be treated. Can 10 kg [A] - Can 5 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 10 kg [A] + 1 Can 5 kg [B]
EMEX Klorirana Guma Barva za Tla in Promet

EMEX Klorirana Guma Barva za Tla in Promet

Vopseaua Clorcauciuc pentru Pardoseli EMEX este un produs monocomponent, profesional, pe baza de emulsii de cauciuc clorurat, pigmenti, aditivi, plastifianti si solventi specifici, cu adaos de alfa corindon sau faina de cuartz pentru duritate. Produsul, foarte rezistent atat la apa cat si la frecare sau abraziune, are ca destinatie principala vopsirea pardoselilor din beton, fie pentru protejare, fie doar pentru marcare (eventual cu adaos de micro-perle din sticla). Vopseaua Clorcauciuc poate fi colorata in orice nuanta a cartelei RAL. Caracteristici principale: - Produs agrementat sanitar; - Aderenta ridicata la suport; - Aplicare si intretinere usoara; - Duritate excelenta; - Putere mare de acoperire; - Rezistenta mare la abraziune; - Rezistenta excelenta la uzura; - Rezistenta mare la agenti corozivi; - Rezistenta mare la intemperii, factori chimici, frecare.
RDEČA GLINA GIPS 25KG - Izdelki za Litje Gips za Litje

RDEČA GLINA GIPS 25KG - Izdelki za Litje Gips za Litje

REFERENCE : ARTP3200TCR25 ALPHA 3200 coloré PLATRE 3200 T.CUITE ROUGE 25kg -> Descritpion PLATRE DE MOULAGE COLORE POUR L'INDUSTRIE STATUAIRE -> Domaine d'application Produit teinté, spécialement conçu pour l'industrie statuaire : - Moulages durs, - Maquettes, - Statuettes, et ornement. -> Caractéristique Unité de vente : bidon de 25kg Minimum de vente : un bidon