Izdelki za družba epoksi gret (34)

Montažna Pena 2H Hitro Peno

Montažna Pena 2H Hitro Peno

2H Rapidschaum ist ein treibgasfreier 2-Komponenten-Montageschaum für die Türzargen-Montage und andere Befestigungsarbeiten. 2H Rapidschaum ist speziell geeignet für die Montage von Türzargen und anderen Bauelementen sowie für sonstige Montage-, Dämmund Abdichtungsarbeiten. 2H Rapidschaum ist ein gebrauchsfertiger, schnellhärtender und treibgasfreier 2-Komponenten PUR-Schaum für Befestigungszwecke. 2-K-Doppelkartuschen à 210 ml
SOLIDECOR ODTOKOVNA PREVLEKA - Notranja dekorativna prevleka

SOLIDECOR ODTOKOVNA PREVLEKA - Notranja dekorativna prevleka

DÉFINITION TECHNIQUE Enduit décoratif à projeter en pâte prête à l’emploi pour un usage en murs et plafonds intérieurs. Permet de rattraper dans une certaine mesure les défauts du support tels que bullages et balèvres. Peut être appliqué en tant qu’enduit de lissage ou en relief structuré type « gouttelette ». Différentes teintes et qualité lavable sur demande. DOCUMENTS À CONSULTER DTU 59.1. PV CSTB N°R.A.97.179 : classement au feu MO. COMPOSITION ET ASPECT Résine acrylique en émulsion, charge minérale, dérivés cellulosique, agent de conservation et divers adjuvants. La pâte est de couleur blanche et de consistance adaptée à la projection mécanique. CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES • Extrait sac : 72% • Densité : 1,6 SUPPORTS ADMIS Béton plus ou moins bullé, béton brut de décoffrage, béton cellulaire, carreaux de terre cuite, première couche lissée de SOLIDECOR, agglos, enduits plâtre, anciennes peintures, enduit ciment, carreaux de plâtre, plaques de...
Kemična tesnilna smola - FIS VO 300T

Kemična tesnilna smola - FIS VO 300T

Résine verte spécialement conçue pour nos applications de fixations chimiques de surface, inventé par la SNIT.
Montažno lepilo - Kontaktno lepilo

Montažno lepilo - Kontaktno lepilo

Colle de contact transparente à base polyuréthane - spécial PVC doux Pour double encollage de matériaux divers, durs ou flexibles, comme la plupart des matières synthétiques (PVC souple, PVC, ABS, plexi, polycarbonate), bois, panneaux de revêtements décoratifs stratifiés, placage et collage sur champ, nez de marches et marches d’escalier, plinthes en PVC, cuir, liège, textile, métaux entre eux ou sur bois, pierre, béton, plâtre, métal et autres supports lisses et non poreux. Spécifiquement pour des applications dont la couche de colle ou le joint de colle reste visible : comme le collage sur verre ou plexi. Aussi idéal pour la réparation de bâches, toiles de tente et pour matériaux gonflables en PVC souple. Prête à l'emploi, transparente au séchage, pas de trace brune, utilisation aisée à la brosse et au peigne à colle, force d'adhérence progressive rapide, résistante à l'humidité à la chaleur et au froid (-10°C jusqu'à +70°C) Résiste aux acides légers et bases Sans...
Chemi-Coat - Debeloslojni epoksid z odlično kemijsko odpornostjo

Chemi-Coat - Debeloslojni epoksid z odlično kemijsko odpornostjo

Eine industrielle Bodenbeschichtung, die dank ihrer Epoxidharz-Basis enorm chemikalienbeständig ist. In vielen Farben und den Versionen Säureresistent, Anti-Rutsch, Kalttrocknend, Rapid verfügbar.
Dekorativna Epoksidna Talna Obloga z Barvnim Kvarcem EMEX QUART

Dekorativna Epoksidna Talna Obloga z Barvnim Kvarcem EMEX QUART

Pardoseala epoxidica cu granule colorate Emex Quartz - See more at: http://www.e - Pardoseala Epoxidica Decorativa EMEX QUARTZ este un produs profesional, pe baza de rasini epoxidice fara solvent, disponibil intr-o gama infinita de modele obtinute prin inglobarea de granule de cuart sau marmura divers colorate in masa pardoselii. Acest tip de pardoseala se mai numeste si covor epoxidic. Produsul poate inlocui cu succes mozaicul sau gresia, avand in primul rand avantajul aspectului superior, dar fiind si o alternativa mult mai rezistenta atat la utilizare dar si in timp a acestora. Caracteristici principale: - Produs agrementat sanitar; - Aderenta excelenta la suport; - Etalare de exceptie; - Duritate excelenta; - Durabilitate mare; - Rezistenta mare la abraziune; - Rezistenta excelenta la uzura; - Rezistenta mare la agenti corozivi; - Rezistenta mare la hidrocarburi, medii acide sau alcaline.
Epoksidna Rola Premaz za Tla in Stene | E30RB

Epoksidna Rola Premaz za Tla in Stene | E30RB

Das Epoxidharz-System E30RB ist eine 2K Epoxi-Rollbeschichtung mit mittlerer Verarbeitungszeit für hochwertige Boden- und Wandbeschichtungen ähnlich RAL7032 kieselgrau.
Deco-Epoxy Temelj 2C-LD

Deco-Epoxy Temelj 2C-LD

2component epoxy paint for the protection of concrete floors, metal structures, etc. Does not contain solvents (100% solids). Features Excellent adhesion. Great penetration power. Good adhesion in wet substrate with high percentage of humidity. Good capacity for reaction at low temperatures and high percentage of humidity. Indoor and outdoor use.
Epoksidni in poliuretanski material za talne obloge - Epoksidna smola

Epoksidni in poliuretanski material za talne obloge - Epoksidna smola

Nummer Eins chemicals 2008 Yılından beri Kimya sektöründe edinmiş olduğu tecrübeler ışığında müşterilerine en iyi ürünü ve hizmeti sunma felsefesi ile yola çıkarak İSTANBUL tuzla’da A.O.S.B de Epoksi ve Poliüretan Yapı Sistemleri, Antikorrozif epoksi ve poliüretan çelik konstrüksiyon ürünleri, Ahşap ve Metal tekneler için epoksi ve poliüretan ürünler, Su bazlı polimer esaslı su yalıtım sistemleri İç ve Dış mekanlarda kullanılan kaplama sistemlerine yönelik ürünlerin üretimine devam etmektedir. Firmamız kaliteli üretim kaliteli ürün anlayışı ile Avrupa normlarına uygun laboratuar cihazları ve analiz ekipmanlarına sahip ARGE ve Kalite Kontrol Laboratuvarında konusunda uzman mühendis ve kimyager kadrosu ile günümüz dünyasındaki teknolojik gelişimleri yakından takip ederek ürünlerini sürekli geliştirmekte ve yenilikçi bir anlayış ile çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.
Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal: Dvokomponentni epoksidni premaz specifičan za metalne površine

Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal: Dvokomponentni epoksidni premaz specifičan za metalne površine

Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal is a two-component primer based on epoxy resins free from solvents, used to promote adhesion, as a surface sealant for concrete, applied as a substrate for works with polyureas on metal surfaces and epoxy and polyurethane coatings. Adhesion promoter, surface sealant for concrete, to be applied as a substrate for works with polyureas on metal surfaces and epoxy and polyurethane coatings. The application must take place on a dry and degreased surface; the substrate must not have crumbly or detached parts and with a degree of humidity that must not exceed 5%. Preparation of the substrate may require some types of mechanical action: Smoothing, bush-hammering, shot peening, hydro-washing. Other mechanical actions that can make the support suitable. The individual components must be mixed carefully until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The material can be applied by roller, brush or spray by means of special airless machines, even in two coats. The temperature of the support must always be at least 3°C higher than the dew point temperature. Minimum application temperature +5°C, maximum temperature +35°C. Approximately 0,20 kg of Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal for every square metre of surface to be treated. Can 10 kg [A] - Can 5 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 10 kg [A] + 1 Can 5 kg [B]
lepilo cement - C2ETS1

lepilo cement - C2ETS1

Nous fournissons tout type de ciment colle fabriqué selon la norme EN 12004 : du Cilement colle basique (C1) à ciment colle haute performance (C2TES2)
Flake - Dekorativni Flake - Epoksi Flake - Flake Talna obloga

Flake - Dekorativni Flake - Epoksi Flake - Flake Talna obloga

durability and design: FLAKE flooring elements are used to enhance the appearance and texture qualities of highperformance flooring systems while maintaining superior chemical and abrasion resistance. hygienic and seamless protection: High-performance flooring systems create seamless surfaces that are extremely durable and easy to maintain. The non-porous surface makes spills easy to clean and provides superior protection against the growth of mold and bacteria compared to tile and grout options. design options: For everyday spaces, choose from our extensive collection of professionally designed color patterns..
Zwaluw Akril Anti-Pokanje - Popoln akrilni tesnilni material za barvanje

Zwaluw Akril Anti-Pokanje - Popoln akrilni tesnilni material za barvanje

Zwaluw Acryl Anti-Crack is speciaal ontwikkeld om veel voorkomende problemen bij het overschilderen van de acrylaatkit tegen te gaan zoals scheurtjes en verkleuring in de verf. Niet voor niets is Zwaluw Acryl Anti-Crack zo geliefd door de schilders! Zwaluw Acryl Anti-Crack laat zich makkelijk verwerken bij het afdichten van aansluitvoegen van bijvoorbeeld plafonds, raam- & deur kozijnen, plinten, trappen, ornamenten. Door de unieke samenstelling en omdat het product weekmaker vrij is wordt het risico op scheurtjes in de verf tot een minimum beperkt en zal de verf niet verkleuren door weekmaker migratie. Kortom, bespaar tijd en geld en voorkom narige klachten achteraf en gebruik Zwaluw Acryl Anti-Crack
Dymax GA-201 - Brez lepljivosti, odporna na vlago in kemikalije FIP tesnilna smola

Dymax GA-201 - Brez lepljivosti, odporna na vlago in kemikalije FIP tesnilna smola

Dymax GA201 forminplace (FIP)/cureinplace (CIP) gasketing resin is formulated for sealing plastic, glass and metal enclosures, and plated surfaces for automotive door handle, appliance housing, and critical electronic assembly and device applications which require a soft, tackfree, flexible gasket. Features: - Cures with UV/Visible light - Moisture resistant - Chemical resistant - Tackfree cure - Soft, durable after complete cure - Conforms to intricate channels and recesses - Compliant with RoHS directives 2015/863/EU
Tlačni Trampolin – Walk 100×150 - Tlačni Trampolin Walk 100×150 zagotavlja čudovito in varno zabavo na

Tlačni Trampolin – Walk 100×150 - Tlačni Trampolin Walk 100×150 zagotavlja čudovito in varno zabavo na

Walk 100×150 jest trampoliną do użytku zewnętrznego, montowana w prosty sposób stabilnie w ziemi. Nasi projektanci zadbali o to aby projekt spełniał najwyższe europejskie standardy. Uzyskaliśmy na nasz produkt certyfikat zgodności z normą PN-EN 1176-1 „Wyposażenie placów zabaw”. Gwarantuje to właściwy poziom bezpieczeństwa podczas zabawy na trampolinie lub wokół niej. Zachęca to jednocześnie do działań i czynności uznanych za korzystne dla dzieci. Trampolina Ziemna mogą użytkowa dzieci w wieku od lat 3 pod nadzorem opiekuna. Dorośli również mogą śmiało sobie poskakać. Walk 100×150 jest gwarancją wspaniałej i bezpiecznej zabawy na powietrzu. Dostępna w szerokim wachlarzu kolorystycznym, pozwalającym dopasować się do każdych oczekiwań. Wykonana jest z najlepszych materiałów, oraz jest bezpieczna dla środowiska naturalnego. Trampolina montowana w ziemi. Trampoliny Ziemne montowane są w ziemi w prosty sposób we wcześniej przygotowanym do tego celu podłożu.
Abrazivni Material Silikonski Karbid

Abrazivni Material Silikonski Karbid

Siliciumcarbid ist stark abrasiv und wird vielfältig im Schleifbereich eingesetzt. Siliciumkarbid ist toxisch unbedenklich, nicht krebserregend und somit gesundheitlich ungefährlich. Besonders gut eignet sich dieses extrem harte Strahlmittel für die Bearbeitung von Materialien mit sehr großer Härte in Injektor- und Druckluftstrahlsystemen. Anwendungsgebiete Reinigungsstrahlen: •Bearbeiten von Werkstücken mit extremer Härte •Reinigen von Metalloberflächen, vor allem bei gehärtetem Stahl •Aufrauhen •Entfernen von Rost und Zunder auf Metallflächen •Mattieren von harten Metallflächen Geeignete Strahlsysteme •Injektorstrahlsysteme •Druckluftstrahlanlagen
Cementno vezana iverica

Cementno vezana iverica

Płyty cementowo-wiórowe stosowane są w technologii „suchego montażu”. Dzięki swoim parametrom znajdują zastosowanie w budownictwie, także w elementach konstrukcyjnych. Są odporne na różne warunki atmosferyczne, takie jak mróz czy wilgoć, na działanie pleśni i grzybów, a dzięki zawartości cementu – również odporne na owady. Płyty cementowo-wiórowe to materiał sprężysty - moduł sprężystości płyt wynosi ponad 4500 N/mm2, wytrzymałość na zginanie jest większa niż 9 N/mm2.
Bacstain - CTC Hitri Barvni Komplet - Pripravljen za uporabo

Bacstain - CTC Hitri Barvni Komplet - Pripravljen za uporabo

Product group: DyesCellular Assays/ Detection-Labeling- kits Storing temperature: 2-8°C Shipping condition: ambient. Code:BS02 Manufacturers:Dojindo
Diabas Vodni Gradbeni Bloki

Diabas Vodni Gradbeni Bloki

Graue Wasserbausteine aus Diabas-Gestein. In verschiedenen Körnungen, aus eigener Produktion. - in 100-300 mm und 400-900 mm - hell- bis dunkelgrau - robust - Diabas Urgestein - witterungsbeständig - frostbeständig - farbecht
KORODUR Diamantni Beton - Diamantni Beton

KORODUR Diamantni Beton - Diamantni Beton

Hartstoff gem. DIN 1100 Gruppe KS zur Herstellung von zementgebundenen Hartstoffestrichen gem. DIN 18560-7 und DIN EN 13813 sowie für die Herstellung von Industrieböden im Einstreuverfahren gem. DIN 18560-3. Hartstoffgruppe KS gem. DIN 1100:Schleifverschleiß ≤ 1,5 cm³/50 cm² gem. DIN EN 13813 Lieferform:30 kg Papierspezialverpackung
CRETEX Bio-Aktiv CS - Biološko osnovano sredstvo za odstranjevanje madežev betona in cementa

CRETEX Bio-Aktiv CS - Biološko osnovano sredstvo za odstranjevanje madežev betona in cementa

Biological based concrete stain and cement remover for resistant paving and flooring of natural and concrete stone. Fast and reliable removal of concrete-, cement-, lime- and efflorescence stains.
DURA 68 - Industrijska in druga maziva

DURA 68 - Industrijska in druga maziva

Opet Dura Series, is a high performance hydraulic system oil formulated with high quality base oils and specially developed additive package. It prevents wear, oxidation, rust, corrosion and deposit formation under all operating conditions, so it provides trouble-free operations.


Il peut être utilisé en toute sécurité sur les points de graissage des machines agricoles, des machines industrielles, des surfaces de glissement, des paliers lisses et à rouleaux légers et moyens à grande vitesse et de toutes sortes d'équipements automobiles.
VCI-Espanso UNICO - Pena kot močan razdelilnik zaščite pred korozijo

VCI-Espanso UNICO - Pena kot močan razdelilnik zaščite pred korozijo

EXCOR UNICO è un espanso morbido a celle aperte, imbevuto di VCI e di 5 mm di spessore. Grazie alla sua struttura a spugna, dispone di un’enorme superficie di erogazione e fornisce così all’imballaggio velocemente la giusta quantità di VCI. Negli imballaggi con pellicole di grande volume, l’espanso UNICO si impiega come rinforzo. L’espanso UNICO è disponibile in rotoli o fogli, non rilascia odori, è asciutto e resistente all’invecchiamento. Per fissare il prodotto sulle pareti o sui soffitti, su richiesta del cliente, EXCOR può dotare il prodotto di autoadesivo.
GEO-protect barva - 0,750 litrska embalaža

GEO-protect barva - 0,750 litrska embalaža

Die GEO-protect-Farbe wird dauerhaft bei großflächigen Sanierungen bei Erdstörzonen angewendet. Auch zur Prävention bei Neubauten oder Renovierungen.
BIOREL® Biološki sproščujoči agenti

BIOREL® Biološki sproščujoči agenti

BIOREL® is a ready-to-use, modern biological release agent emulsion, made from vegetable raw materials. BIOREL® is environmentally friendly, easily biodegradable, technically harmless and is not subject to any dangerous goods classification. BIOREL® is a universal release agent that among other things It is used in the production, transport and processing areas of tar and road construction, where it e.g. the recurring difficulties and problems caused by buildup of asphalt mix prevented. BIOREL® is also used for all conventional and modern formwork. BIOREL® is suitable for universal use in the precast plant as well as for in-situ concrete production and with conventional methods of vibration and shaking technology. BIOREL® is particularly recommended for the production of uniform and low-pore areas such as large formwork or exposed concrete BIOREL® will also impress you with its outstanding price / performance ratio convince.
Grout CR: Umetni malta, anti-izpiranje, kompenziran za krčenje

Grout CR: Umetni malta, anti-izpiranje, kompenziran za krčenje

Grout CR Composite , castable, anti-washout, controlled shrinkage cement mortar, superfluid consistency, based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers (MICROSIL 90), polymeric modifiers, shrinkage resistant agents, specific additives, calcium silicate mineral fibres, selected silica aggregates. - Based on of thickened silica fume - three-dimensionally reinforced fibre with mineral and synthetic fibres - Provides high adherence and adhesion - dimensionally stable (shrinkage-compensated) - Provides high stability-physical chemical and resistance to chlorides and sulphates - suitable for underwater castings: it is anti-washout - high strength in terms of hydrostatic positive and negative thrust. Repair and protective coatings of hydraulic structures, marine and underwater structures, and articles in critical situations: harsh chemical-physical, leaching water, marine atmosphere, etc. Filling of formwork for the containment of cast immersed in sea water. In case of underwater application, the installation operations must be carried out within 8-10 hours of cleaning and "fouling" (accumulation and deposits of organic and inorganic particles on product surfaces) removal. An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). Pour 2/3 of total mixture water in the cement mixer, gradually add the product and the remaining water, until a homogeneous mixture of the required consistency is obtained. For sizable filling thicknesses, greater than 60 mm, Ghiaietto 6.10 (inert washed is selected with a particle size of from 6-10 mm) can be added in a percentage ranging from 20% to 40 %, on the basis of practical requirements. In some particularly demanding cases in terms of the resistance to the "dry-wet" cycle (for example, for the action of the tides) or for chemical attacks particularly strong, it would be advisable to add, in addition to the gravel, even thickened silica fume(MICROSIL 90), and in a variable amount depending on the thickness and construction-related need, to further improve the waterproofing and the mechanical strength of the product. In these cases, please contact our Technical Service. In the case of casts in water, make sure of perfect product hardening before removal of the formwork. Approximately 20,50 kg/m² of Grout CR for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 2050 kg per cubic metre). Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Grout 2 HP: Reoplastna, strukturna, protivsuknjiva malta s vrlo visokom otpornošću

Grout 2 HP: Reoplastna, strukturna, protivsuknjiva malta s vrlo visokom otpornošću

Grout 2 HP Grout 2 HP is a pourable, fiber-reinforced mortar, used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. The formulation contains very fine high-strength cements, micro-silicas with pozzolanic activity, aggregates in a rational granulometric curve (0.1 ÷ 1.8 mm), and special antisegregative additives. The product is mixed with 11% - 12% of water, requiring vigorous and prolonged mechanical mixing. The special formulation of Grout 2 HP provides the castings with mechanical strength, fracture energy, exceptional durability, and very high chemical-physical resistance. Grout 2 HP has a workability time of about 60-90 minutes, after which the setting process is triggered, followed by progressive hardening. The plastic and hygrometric shrinkage is extremely low thanks to the presence of Readymesh PM-060 multifilament synthetic fibers, which provide volumetric stability. The performances that make Grout 2 HP unique are: • very high compressive mechanical strengths (> 90 MPa at 28 days), • very high mechanical resistance to bending-traction (> 12 MPa after 28 days), • excellent durability and resistance to chemical attacks. Grout 2 HP is used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. It is particularly suitable for operations where high mechanical performance is required after short curing (compressive strength at 3 days > 60 MPa) and in operations carried out in severe exposure environments (XC - XS - XF), characterized by aggression from sulphates, chlorides, and nitrates. The material can also be used for repairs in anchoring areas subject to high stresses. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., and suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface". Adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting, etc. is always necessary to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). It is strongly recommended, for optimal performance of site operations, to use a vertical axis mixer with planetary movement or a double horizontal helicoid. The powder is mixed with drinking water to the extent of 11% - 12%, referring to the total weight of the mortar (about 2.75 liters per 25 kg bag) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Mixing time: about 4 minutes with a high efficiency mixer. The anchoring can be filled with a single screw pump, for mortars. Pumping must be carried out at a controlled speed to ensure a low working pressure. In case of restorations, the surface must be protected, after application, by polyethylene sheets or anti-evaporation treatments. Packaging: 25 kg bag Unit of Measure: €/kg
Decokril Rapid

Decokril Rapid

Waterbased pigmented primer for all types of masonry substrates. Suitable even on fresh concrete and mortar. Features Excellent adhesion to concrete. Excellent alkali and efflorescence resistance. Excellent water resistance. Good UV resistance. Interior and exterior. Eco friendly. Solvents free. Ready for use, do not dilute.