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Spletna trgovina

Spletna trgovina

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Ponudbe storitev

Ponudbe storitev

Unser Service für Sie! ✓ Ersteinrichtung Smartphone/Tablet ✓ Geräte-Reset ✓ Apps installieren ✓ Datenübertragung ✓ Reparaturabwicklung ✓ Guthaben aufladen ✓ Datensicherung ✓ Vertragskündigung- und änderung ✓ Leihgeräte ✓ Datenrettung ✓ Handyschutz & Geräteversicherungen ✓ Software-Updates ✓ SIM-Karte stanzen ✓ Schutzfolie aufbringen ✓ Klärung von Vertragsangelegenheiten mit dem Netzanbieter ✓ SIM-Karte entsperren ✓ aetka 3-Jahres-Garantie ♥ Wir kümmern uns!
Kemikalije - specializirane

Kemikalije - specializirane

LOGISTICS OF HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS Top-of-the-line logistics standards. Regarding the logistics of regulated hazardous products, there is no room for error. This highly specialised area is subject to complex legislative regulation requiring constant diligence and compliance with strict standards and procedures. It is a matter for experts like us, who have been a reliable partner of the chemical industry since 1991. We have buildings, authorisations, certifications and above all, the know-how needed to store and transport these products. With this experience, we offer our customers an appropriate solution and full services in the area of storage, handling, land and over sea transport and customs, combined with a comprehensive management and reporting system. In this way, we allow manufacturers of hazardous goods to outsource all or part of their logistics and thus focus on their core trade. Our expertise is based on extremely strict procedures in accordance with the standards of...
Financiranje kupca - Kupite zdaj, plačajte kasneje

Financiranje kupca - Kupite zdaj, plačajte kasneje

We pay your suppliers immediately on your behalf so you can delay payments by 30, 60 or even 90 days! All this at affordable rates and without requiring any collateral! We make import financing flexible, secure & easy. Find out more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5N9Aq0kguc