Samohrani čistač žita in naloževalec žita OBC-70M4L - Produktivnost do 80 ton žita na uro
OBC-70M4L is a self-propelled high-performance combination of a grain cleaning machine, a grain thrower and a grain loader, which minimizes human labor when cleaning, shipping and moving grain.
OBC-70M4L has the following main advantages:
1. Versatility - the machine cleans,loads, moves and dries all kinds of grain.
2. Used for loading any kind of transport, handling and stacking any kind of grain into piles up to 9 m high.
3. Capacity up to 80 tons of grains per hour.
4. OBC-70M4L is a mobile machine and can be easily transported to another grain warehouse or to another farm.
5. Consume 0.25 kWh of electricity for cleaning, drying, loading and storage of ton of grain.
6. Move independently and load itself with grain without help of other machines
or people.
7. Change the direction and height of the grain flight in less than 3 seconds.
8. Easy, safe and convenient operation and maintenance.
9. Minimal grain damage.
10. Good price and quick payback.
Performance, tons per hour:up to 80
Mass, kg:3019
Capacity, kWt:19,52