Izdelki za jeklena jekla (772)

Cevovodi - Vsi naši izdelki

Cevovodi - Vsi naši izdelki

C’est seulement si vous avez les bons composants que vous pouvez planifier et mettre en place une solution d’extraction optimale. Nos fournisseurs et leurs nombreuses années d’expérience dans la construction de la pratique axée sur l’extraction et de filtration qui sont en conformité avec les dispositions légales, nous permettent de garantir des produits qualitatifs, fiables et hautement résistants. Nous vous proposons une gamme complète de systèmes et de circuits d’aspiration et d’acheminement personnalisés. Commandez sur notre boutique en ligne la tuyauterie nécessaire au raccordement des machines à bois sur votre aspiration industrielle centralisée. Aussi, n’hésitez pas à solliciter notre équipe technique par mail ou sur le terrain pour obtenir des conseils pour mieux choisir votre matériel.
Natančno CNC obdelovanje z visokim dovodom frezanja

Natančno CNC obdelovanje z visokim dovodom frezanja

Manufacturing precision steel parts using high feed tools
RAZDRTILEC LESA - Vsi naši izdelki

RAZDRTILEC LESA - Vsi naši izdelki

L'élimination des déchets dans le cadre de la transformation du bois requiert des solutions économiques, ce n'est qu'avec une technique de broyage intelligente que vos déchets seront transformés en un produit réutilisable. Les systèmes de broyage du bois sont économiques et adaptés aux système d’aspiration industrielle centralisé. Le bois résiduel et les matériaux à base de bois sont broyés sans difficulté et peuvent être ensuite acheminés à travers le système d’aspiration vers une presse à briquettes ou un silo de stockage.
Natančno CNC obdelovanje z visokohitrostnim frezanjem

Natančno CNC obdelovanje z visokohitrostnim frezanjem

Manufacturing precision steel parts using high feed tools
CNC Vrtanje - Obdelava čipov

CNC Vrtanje - Obdelava čipov

Toczenie CNC to jeden z najnowocześniejszych sposobów produkcji elementów metodą obróbki wiórowej, która wśród swoich licznych zalet pozwala na uzyskanie dużej powtarzalności i maksymalnego skrócenia czasu produkcji. Toczenie CNC bardzo mocno rozwinęło się w obszarze produkcji wielko i średnioseryjnej. W procesie tym wykorzystuje się urządzenia sterowane numerycznie – stąd nazwa CNC. Firma Marxam Project w ciągu długich lat pracy nad dużą ilością projektów związanych z toczeniem zebrała bardzo bogate doświadczenie produkcyjne. To pozwala w zaufaniu nam przez naszych klientów i powierzeniu nam swoich potrzeb w zakresie obróbki wiórowej. Marxam Project jako firma zajmująca się profesjonalną, i co ważne kompleksową, obróbką metali, także na toczenie CNC kładzie szczególny nacisk. Konieczność osiągnięcia różnych kształtów w sposób powtarzalny i szybki powoduje, że wybór klientów pada właśnie na nas.
CNC frezanje - Obdelava čipov

CNC frezanje - Obdelava čipov

Frezowanie CNC to nowoczesna metoda obróbki wiórowej, która pozwala na uzyskanie dużej powtarzalności, która jest szczególnie istotna w przypadku produkcji wielkoseryjnej. W tym procesie wykorzystuje się urządzenia sterowane numerycznie (CNC). W Marxam Project posiadamy długoletnie doświadczenie, podczas którego mieliśmy okazję pracować przy setkach projektów związanych z frezowaniem. Zaufaj nam we wszystkich swoich potrzebach w zakresie obróbki wiórowej i doświadcz najwyższej jakości usług. Marxam Project to firma zajmująca się profesjonalną i kompleksową obróbką metali, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem frezowania CNC. Ta metoda jest szczególnie popularna wśród naszych klientów ze względu na możliwość uzyskania rozmaitych kształtów w sposób szybki i powtarzalny. Nasi doświadczeni technolodzy posiadają wiedzę i zaawansowane urządzenia, aby zapewnić, że poradzimy sobie z każdym zadaniem. Zaufaj naszemu frezowaniu i doświadcz najwyższej jakości usług w atrakcyjnych cenach.


Les dépoussiéreurs conviennent à l’aspiration des poussières et copeaux provenant d’une ou plusieurs machines à bois pour un volume d’air allant jusqu’à 12 000 m3/h. Ces systèmes d’aspiration mobile peuvent être combinés avec des bacs de récolte pour l’ensachage, avec une presse à briqueter pour une élimination compacte des déchets ou avec une écluse ATEX permettant le raccordement d’une vis sans fin.


Les murs d’aspiration à sec des brouillards de peinture de la marque Schuko conviennent à l’extraction du brouillard de peinture et des vapeurs de solvant. Ils sont très peu encombrants et sont étudiés pour être installées directement sur un mur. Doté d’un ventilateur haute performance et d’une grande surface filtrante, les brouillards de peinture et les vapeurs sont efficacement capturés. La puissance d’aspiration est réglable individuellement. Moteur tr/min:2 860 Puissance kW (400V/50Hz):1,5 Débit nominal m³/h:3 600 Surface d’impact m²:2,0 Tuyau d’évacuation de l’air Ø (mm):300 Dimensions L x L x H (mm):2.650 x 800 x 1.355 Poids kg:170
Syntech Bioflex: Protivkiselinska prevlaka od modifikovanih epoksidnih i polisulfidnih polimera

Syntech Bioflex: Protivkiselinska prevlaka od modifikovanih epoksidnih i polisulfidnih polimera

Syntech Bioflex Anti-acid coating based on modified epoxy and polysulphide polymers, for the waterproof coating of concrete and steel tanks, tanks and containment tanks. High mechanical and abrasion resistance High adhesion to surfaces Good elasticity High chemical resistance to acids, bases and solvents Very high tenacity and ease of cleaning and maintenance Applicable to heavy thicknesses. Anti-acid waterproofing protective coating for the chemical industry Internal and external lining of tanks, tanks, cisterns, towers, pylons, etc. Waterproof protective coating of digesters of biogas and purification plants Anti-acid protective coating for sewers, secondary tanks, sewer collectors, channels and ducts intended for the containment of waste water and drainage Anti-acid coating of fiberglass tanks for the chemical industry. From 0.40 to 0.50 kg of Syntech Bioflex for each square meter of surface to be covered, applied in two coats. Can 6.1 kg [A] - Can 3.9 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 6.1 kg [A] + 1 Can 3.9 kg [B]
Syntech AS 21: Tixotropni epoksidni punilo, za popravke, učvršćivanje i betonsku ploču

Syntech AS 21: Tixotropni epoksidni punilo, za popravke, učvršćivanje i betonsku ploču

Syntech AS 21 Two-component structural adhesive epoxy filler, with soft consistency, thixotropic, easy to spread (malleable paste), for the anchorage of steel connectors, the hermetic closure of through holes in concrete, bonding steel plates on concrete supports, as accessory product for laying road joints, for the reconstruction of wooden heads, crack repair, reconstruction of missing geometries, fixing injectors, reconstruction of joints in concrete floorings etc. Thanks to its soft and thixotropic consistency, Syntech AS 21 has excellent spreadability and is easily applicable even on materials with little or no porous, making it the optimal adhesive for bonding all the elastic bands of our Elastotex line, including the band high elasticity and resistance Elastotex 250 Combi, consisting of a special elastomeric layer in Hypalon. Excellent adhesion also on PVC and plastic materials. Structural reinforcements of structural elements (beams, pillars, etc.) by bonding steel sheets to the concrete. Reconstruction of joints in concrete floorings. Rigid structural bonding (beton plaque) of prefabricated elements and of articles in different building materials: concrete, steel, glass, wood, marble, tiles, stones etc. Anchoring, bonding and attachment of connectors, ties etc. Attachment of elastic straps for waterproofing joints, Elastotex. Reconstruction of wooden heads, crack repair, reconstruction of missing geometries on various supports. The application surfaces must be suitably prepared and adequately resistant: free from dust, grease, soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, devoid of wet surface areas. For floorings, moreover, a shot peening or preliminary milling of the surfaces of adhesion is recommended. The metal elements are to be blasted to "almost white metal". Make sure that the environment is well ventilated and wear the personal protective equipment mentioned in the safety data sheet. Add component B to component A, taking care to remove all the material from the packaging and mixing thoroughly with a mixer at a low number of revolutions (or a suitable manual tool), until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, indicated by the uniform colour and the absence of lumps. Apply to the surfaces with the help of spatulas, trowels, etc. Complete the tasks during the useful life of the product. Do not apply in rainy days; do not apply on moist or wet supports; do not apply on pulverised supports; use the product immediately after mixing. Approximately 1.6 kg of Syntech AS 21 for each cubic decimetre of volume to be grouted. Kit: 1 Canister 1 kg [A] + 1 Canister 1 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 5 kg [A] + 1 Can 5 kg [B]
Sealgum: Vodna zapora v hidroekspandiranem gumi

Sealgum: Vodna zapora v hidroekspandiranem gumi

Sealgum Hydro-expanding waterstop sealant with a special mix of natural and synthetic rubbers and hydrophilic agents: in contact with water, it increases up to triple its volume compared to the original size (if used in environments with the presence of sea water the expansion will take place anyway but slightly reduced in volume). Sealgum is a simple waterstop easy to use, not requiring particular preparation on the supports, pre-shaped compartments, etc.. Sealgum waterstops are available in different sections: Sealgum 20.05 = 20x5 mm; Sealgum 20.10 = 20x10 mm; Sealgum 20.20 = 20x20 mm; Sealgum 50.05 = 50x5 mm; Sealgum 100.05 = 100x5 mm. Creation of castings and connections with safe and permanent hydraulic hold. Take care to create the laying site of the waterstop as smooth and even as possible. Remove any flaking, inconsistent, dusty, etc. parts. Sealgum must be spread on the laying surface and fastened using nails (steel nails plus water approx. every 25 cm). Sealing of the joints is ensured by simple placement side by side and not overlapping the ends. Positioning must guarantee good coverage of 10-12 cm by the concrete, to contain the expansive action generated by hydration. For particularly disconnected or rough surfaces, you can position Sealgum with the help of a hydro-expanding sealant in a cartridge Flexseal 300. 1.1 m/m: Use 1 metre of Sealgum for each linear metre, being careful to place 5-10 cm of the product alongside the end/start roll points to guarantee the permanent water tightness of the system. Sealgum 20.05 Roll 10 m - Sealgum 20.10 Roll 10 m - Sealgum 20.20 Roll 5 m - Box: 5 x (Sealgum 20.05 Roll 10 m) - Box: 7 x (Sealgum 20.10 Roll 10 m) - Box: 7 x (Sealgum 20.20 Roll 5 m)
Sealpvc SF 240 Bulb: Vodotěsný PVC pro dynamické konstrukční spáry, které spočívají na dně

Sealpvc SF 240 Bulb: Vodotěsný PVC pro dynamické konstrukční spáry, které spočívají na dně

Sealpvc SF 240 Bulb The Sealpvc SF 240 Bulb waterstop is a waterproofing PVC profile that is not hydro-expansive, having a thickness of 24 centimetres and equipped with a central and highly elastic bulb. It is used in dynamic joints for horizontal casting (slabs), in concrete structures, resting on the substrate beneath the reinforcement, in a position central to the casting. Given its particular composition, it can be cut with a sharp blade (cutter) and welded with simple heat welding tools, thus making it easier to create connections in the course of work. Waterproofing of dinamic construction joints between: raft foundation and the elevation wall, between two raft foundations, between two elevation walls, between the wall and floor, resting on foundations under the shoring. Bind with iron wire the side flaps of the waterstop to the steel plates provided, in order to position it and secure it in a central position with respect to the casting to be made. Proceed with the casting operations, ensuring it does not bend nor move from the seat identified. 1 m/m: Use Sealpvc SF 240 Bulb welding the two edges of different belts head to head using a leister (manual hot air welder). Roll 25 m
Flanž z vijakom: Jekleni žebelj za pritrditev izolacije in plastični vložek

Flanž z vijakom: Jekleni žebelj za pritrditev izolacije in plastični vložek

Flangia con vite Insulation fastener plastic dowel (58 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length) with screw in corrosion-resistant galvanised steel (30 mm) for connecting ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA mesh in anti-detachment RINFOR SYSTEM 1 and 2. The dowel is characterised by its gripping surface with improved adherence, to be particularly light, manageable, durable and tensile-resistant due to the closing cap in the input hole of the SCREW FOR CONCRETE that facilitates the operation of shaving with mortars in the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2. The galvanised steel CONCRETE SCREW is particularly resistant to corrosion. Preventing slab detachment with a Flangia con vite is a robust and economical fastening component in the ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA network of the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2. Make a hole on the concrete joists of the slab respecting the minimum/maximum dimensions indicated in the Technical Specifications then insert the dowel into the hole and fasten with a CONCRETE SCREW. No less than 4 pieces per square metre when a Flangia con vite is used in the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2 to prevent slab detachment. Bulk material 1 unit
Bentonet: Predobljena trapezoidna jeklena mrežasta kletka za Clayseal 25.20

Bentonet: Predobljena trapezoidna jeklena mrežasta kletka za Clayseal 25.20

Bentonet Trapezoid preshaped steel square mesh cage open only on one side, to be used to encourage correct positioning of the Clayseal 25.20 sodium bentonite waterstops, and to prevent the displacement from the seat provided, especially in complex situations or on surfaces which are not perfectly prepared. Once the joint is inserted, Bentonet will have to be fixed to the concrete support using steel nails and washers every 20-25 cm. Rigid construction joints (non-expanding) and connections with safe and permanent hydraulic seal. Prepare the smoothest and most planar laying surface, using Repar Tix to compensate for any inhomogeneity, and accurately remove crumbling, non-adhering, powdery parts. Spread the sodium bentonite waterstop Clayseal 25.20 in the designated position. Install the Bentonet joint locking cage above the Clayseal 25.20 hydro-expansive kerb. Fix it to the support by nailing: a steel nail every 20-25 cm approximately. The joints between the waterstop kerbs are sealed by simply flanking them by at least 10 cm and not by overlapping the ends. The positioning of the Clayseal 25.20 hydro-expansive kerb must ensure a concrete covering of 10-12 cm in order to contain the expansive action caused by hydration. 1 m/m : product to buy as needed. Bulk material 1 m - Box: 30 x (Bulk material 1 m)
Syntech HAG Injektor: "Ploski vrh" injektorji iz jekla in gume za injekcije v zid

Syntech HAG Injektor: "Ploski vrh" injektorji iz jekla in gume za injekcije v zid

Syntech HAG Iniettore This rubber and steel injectors are to be inserted in line with the damage, cracks, loose foundations, joints, cavities and so on, then waterproofed through the use of Syntech HAG Eco and Syntech HAG Flex hydro-expansive polyurethane resins, specifically for immediately stopping water infiltration. Equipped with a “flat head” with non-return valve, it is used in conjunction with the Syntech HAG Connettore. Available in two different sizes: Syntech HAG Iniettore 120 = 120x13 mm; Syntech HAG Iniettore 170 = 170x16 mm. Stop the infiltration of pressurised water in buildings by targeted injection of hydro-expansive polyurethane resins SYNTECH H.A.G. or fluid epoxy resins (Syntech IC 55). The surfaces of application should be clean and free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, powder, mosses, moulds, etc... Drill holes at the predetermined injection points. The injection holes will first be made with a drill bit, which should reached the required and intended depth within the wall body. Subsequently, only for the last superficial 10 cm, a second drilling will be performed in the same hole, with a drill bit bigger to create the seat where the rubber tip of the injector will be inserted. Insert SYNTECH H.A.G. INIETTORE in the intended holes. Screw the end portion of the injector with a suitable key. Screwing the injector will compress the rubber located on its tip, making it swell and thus creating the required mechanical and hydraulic seal. At this point, the injector is ready to be used. Ensure the seal of the injectors placed in the supports is secure. Given the high injection pressures reached by the pumps, in the case of injectors not positioned securely and correctly there is a real risk that they might come out at high speed from their seat (with the risk of injury to the operators!). Carefully study the positioning of the injectors near the masonry discontinuities to be injected. Bad positioning, too close to the crack to be filled, can cause the breaking of the support itself under the pressure of the pump. Product to buy as needed (about 4 pieces per metre on regular cracks). Bulk material 120 mm - Bulk material 170 mm
QL Polisil : Impregnacijsko sredstvo v vodni raztopini za obdelavo betona

QL Polisil : Impregnacijsko sredstvo v vodni raztopini za obdelavo betona

A sodic impregnating agent of polysilicic acid in aqueous solution (sodium silicate) for anti-dust and protective treatments of concrete flooring and screeds. It drastically reduces the product’s water permeability whilst maintaining the passage of aqueous vapour. Consequently, the resistance to acid attacks and the overall durability of the concrete work increases. A protective treatment for new industrial floors and concrete screeds, both grey and coloured. The supports must be dry, clean and dust-free. Apply QL Polisil by spray, roller or immersion. Between 0.1 and 0.3 kg of QL Polisil per square metre of surface to be treated. Consumption varies depending on the porosity of the structure.
Readymesh PW-120: 12 mm fibriliran polipropilenski mikrovlakno za izravnanje i beton

Readymesh PW-120: 12 mm fibriliran polipropilenski mikrovlakno za izravnanje i beton

Readymesh PW-120 is an auxiliary fibrillated polypropylene micro-fibre, with a length of 12 mm, suitable for adding concrete in general. The addition of Readymesh PW-120 to the mixture allows for preventing the phenomenon of cracking from plastic shrinkage of the concrete, as well as having positive effects as regards the ductility of the mixture, the resistance to freezing/thawing, the shock resistance and overall watertightness.
Rinfor Grout Col : Ultra visoko zmogljiv mikrobeton ojačan z vlakni

Rinfor Grout Col : Ultra visoko zmogljiv mikrobeton ojačan z vlakni

Rinfor Grout Col is a special cementitious formulation, being fibre-reinforced with READYMESH technology, enriched with reactive microsilicates with very high pozzolanic activity and special crystalliser additives that increase the end result and the durability. Mixed with water, it is able to forge micro-concretes with pourable rheology. Once hardened, the product offers exceptional physical-mechanical and ductility values. Ideal for the reinforcement and seismic adaptation of flooring in reinforced concrete, brick-concrete or corrugated sheeting or wood, by constructing a thin extradoxal structural screed along with beams, pillars, structural crosspoints and walls, by means of suitable liners. The rheological and physical-mechanical characteristics of the Rinfor Grout Col product render it extraordinarily effective in reinforcing structural elements in reinforced concrete and masonry. Adhered to the inside of caissons, confined within cavities or spread out over the extrados of foundations and lofts, Rinfor Grout Col allows for low thickness structural reinforcing, substantially devoid of additional metallic reinforcement. Rinfor Grout Col belongs to the HPFRC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete) family, permitting the structural designer to make use of the following characteristics: - Exceptional resistance and traction as well as exceptional values of shear stress adhesion on various supports which have been suitably roughened; - advantages in structural calculations prescribed for fracture mechanics, resistance to traction and of the ultimate material deformation; - minimum thicknesses applied with reinforcing effects which have been distinctly improved as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete; - highly notable reduction of mass and minimizing of additional loads applied for structural reinforcing as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete (practically nil additional loads in the case of the thickness of the coating corresponding with the depth of sacrificed surface); - anti-carbonatation barrier (practically zero penetration of CO2) and anti-oxidant barrier; - auto-healing of any micro-fissures exposed to contact with fluids, thanks to the particular crystallising additives; - increment of durability of the structures repaired with Rinfor Grout Col, thanks to the migration effect of the crystallising additives; - very high resistance to fire; - eco-sustainability - made up of 100% mineral and metallic materials, totally recyclable at end of life. From the environmental point of view, the Rinfor Grout Col product is characterised by the following advantages: - Ecological packaging (card-cardboard) - product based on hydraulic binders, selected aggregates and mineral additives with content of organic raw materials < 1% - practically nil VOC emissions during installation; once hardened, nil VOC emissions. - containing a fraction > 5% of sub-products from the production industry 100% recyclable at end of life. For seismic adaptation with absorption and transfer of pressure or traction during events with elevated dynamic forces (seismic, impacts, deflagration); - for structural reinforcing and seismic upgrading through coating of beams, pillars structural ties, walls; - for reinforcing and seismic upgrading with external, low thickness, structural screed for lofts in reinforced concrete, concrete masonry, corrugated sheeting, wood;
 - for fabrication of light, thin section, structural elements
; - for the repair of flooring with need for resistance against elevated static and dynamic stresses, together with exceptional values of resilience and resistance to impacts; - for reinforcing and precision anchoring of heavy and highly stressed machinery: E.g. wind turbines, turbines, precision machinery, etc. The support must be in good condition, clean, sufficiently coarse, without crumbling parts or dust, pressure washed and saturated with water before application. With concrete, the abrasiveness of the support must be > 3mm; to obtain this level of coarseness, techniques of hydro-scarifying, bush-hammering, mechanical chiselling, sand blasting with large grain may be considered. With the case of surfaces in strongly absorbent brick-work (lofts in brick cement with surfacing of parts in brick) or in the case in which it is impossible to saturate the support with water, contact our technical services to evaluate suitable adhesion primers, such as Syntech Pavisheer or Syntech RGS. Above all, when used as a surface covering of lofts in concrete, or as a repair to industrial flooring, providing anchoring roots by drilling the support is particularly useful for increasing resistance to cuts and adhesion to the support (diameter 18-20 mm, depth 20 mm), and accurately cleaning the surfaces of the holes before spreading the Rinfor Grout Col.
Varjenje - Trajne Povezave

Varjenje - Trajne Povezave

Löten ist ein Verfahren zum Verbinden von Metallen mithilfe von Lötzinn, das aufgrund seines niedrigen Schmelzpunkts zum Herstellen einer feste Verbindung verwendet wird. Bei Marxam Project bieten wir Lötdienstleistungen höchster Qualität an, dank denen Sie sich auf die Langlebigkeit des Endprodukts verlassen können. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute und erleben Sie die Zusammenarbeit mit echten Profis. Lötdienstleistungen bei Marxam Project sind eine Methode, die in unseren dauerhaften Verbindungen enthalten ist. Die Vollständigkeit unseres Angebots garantiert, dass Sie alle erforderlichen Metallbearbeitungsprozesse an einem Ort durchführen. Unsere hilfsbereiten und erfahrenen Experten helfen Ihnen bei der Auswahl der Projektparameter, sodass Sie wissen, dass das Endprodukt genau Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht. Vertrauen Sie Marxam Project und sorgen Sie für das Beste für sich und Ihren Auftrag.
Spajanje - Trajna montaža

Spajanje - Trajna montaža

La soudure est un procédé d’assemblage de métaux à l’aide de brasure qui, en raison de son point de fusion bas, est utilisé pour créer une assemblage permanente. Chez Marxam Project, nous proposons des services de soudure de la plus haute qualité, grâce auxquels vous pouvez être sûr de la durabilité du produit final. Contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui et faites l’expérience d’une coopération avec de vrais professionnels. Les services de brasage chez Marxam Project sont une méthode incluse dans nos relations permanentes. L’exhaustivité de notre offre vous garantit que vous effectuerez tous les processus de travail des métaux nécessaires en un seul endroit. Nos experts serviables et expérimentés vous aideront à choisir les paramètres du projet afin que vous sachiez que le produit final sera exactement comme vous l’aviez imaginé. Faites confiance à Marxam Project et offrez le meilleur pour vous et votre commande.
Lotanje - Trajne veze

Lotanje - Trajne veze

Lutowanie to proces polegający na łączeniu metali z wykorzystaniem lutu, który z uwagi na swoją niską temperaturę topnienia jest wykorzystywany do tworzenia połączenia stałego. W Marxam Project oferujemy najwyższej jakości usługi lutowania, dzięki którym będziesz miał pewność, o wytrzymałości produktu końcowego. Skontaktuj się z nami już dziś i doświadcz współpracy z prawdziwymi profesjonalistami. Usługi lutowania w Marxam Project to metoda wchodząca w skład naszych połączeń nierozłącznych. Kompleksowość naszej oferty gwarantuje, że wszystkie potrzebne procesy obróbki metali wykonasz w jednym miejscu. Nasi pomocni i doświadczeni eksperci pomogą Ci w wyborze parametrów projektu, abyś wiedział, że będzie on dokładnie takim, jakim go sobie wyobraziłeś. Zaufaj Marxam Project i zapewnij to co najlepsze dla siebie i swojego zamówienia.
Varjenje - Trajne povezave

Varjenje - Trajne povezave

Soldering is a process of joining metals using solder, which, due to its low melting point, is used to create a permanent connection. At Marxam Project, we offer the highest quality soldering services, thanks to which you can be sure of the durability of the final product. Contact us today and experience cooperation with true professionals. Soldering services at Marxam Project are a method included in our permanent connections. The comprehensiveness of our offer guarantees that you will perform all the necessary metalworking processes in one place. Our helpful and experienced experts will help you choose the project parameters so that you know that the final product will be exactly as you imagined. Trust Marxam Project and provide the best for yourself and your order.
Lasersko rezanje - Termična in curčna obdelava

Lasersko rezanje - Termična in curčna obdelava

Modernice su proceso de producción con los avanzados servicios de corte por láser de Marxam Project. Con años de experiencia y especialistas cualificados, garantizamos que cada proyecto se ejecutará con la máxima precisión para ofrecer productos de alta calidad. Ya sea que necesite cortar chapas, perfiles o tuberías, trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con nuestros clientes para asegurarnos de que cada detalle se ejecute de acuerdo con sus necesidades. Descubra nuestros servicios de corte por láser y vea lo que su alta precisión y eficiencia pueden ofrecerle. Contáctenos hoy para mejorar sus procesos de producción trabajando con verdaderos profesionales.
CNC Vrtanje - Procesi oblikovanja

CNC Vrtanje - Procesi oblikovanja

Le tournage CNC est l'une des méthodes les plus modernes de production d'éléments par usinage par copeaux, qui, parmi ses nombreux avantages, permet une répétabilité élevée et une réduction maximale du temps de production. Le tournage CNC s'est très fortement développé dans le domaine de la production en grandes et moyennes séries. Dans ce processus, des dispositifs à commande numérique sont utilisés - d'où le nom CNC. Au cours de ses nombreuses années de travail sur un grand nombre de projets liés au tournage, Marxam Project a accumulé une grande expérience de production. Cela permet à nos clients de nous faire confiance et de nous confier leurs besoins dans le domaine de l'usinage par copeaux. Marxam Project, en tant qu'entreprise spécialisée dans le traitement professionnel et surtout complet des métaux, accorde également une importance particulière au tournage CNC. La nécessité d'obtenir diverses formes de manière répétable et rapide signifie que les clients nous choisissent.


The grinding services are a surface finishing process that includes every detail that requires the removal of machining allowance and obtaining large classes of surface roughness. For technological reasons and the number of requirements as to the further condition of the surface of the elements, we adjust the metal grinding process to individual customer requirements. Metal grinding is a finishing treatment involving the treatment of surfaces of various shapes with abrasive tools. Grinding allows you to remove burrs (deburring) and roughness, as well as machining allowance. This surface finishing method allows to obtain a surface with low roughness and desired shapes and dimensions with quite high accuracy. Surface grinding is one of the most common methods of surface treatment, for a wide variety of metals, including grinding steel, metal grinding bits, grinding welds, aluminum grinding and many others.
Površinska obdelava - Pomožne tehnologije

Površinska obdelava - Pomožne tehnologije

Alle erforderlichen Schutzbeschichtungen werden von zertifizierten Dritten durchgeführt. Grundvoraussetzung für die Zusammenarbeit ist, dass alle Umweltanforderungen erfüllt werden. Unser Angebot umfasst die folgenden Oberflächenbeschichtungen: - Eloxieren von Aluminium (weich und hart); - Kataphorese (elektrophoretisches Lackieren); - Elektropolieren; - Verzinken; - Feuerverzinken; Als Produktionsfirma bieten wir Folgendes an: - Sandstrahlen von rohem Stahl; - Abbeizen von Lack durch Sand- und Sodastrahlen (ohne Erhitzung und Beschädigung der Oberfläche); - Verglasunge aus rostfreiem Stahl und Aluminium; - Vereinheitlichung von Oberflächen nach Bearbeitung und Schweißen; - großflächiges Lackieren mit einem Airless-Hydrodynamikgerät.
SIMETRIČNA ODBOČITEV Ø 275 MM - Simetrične odbočitve

SIMETRIČNA ODBOČITEV Ø 275 MM - Simetrične odbočitve

La dérivation symétrique aussi appelé culotte symétrique permet de scinder un tuyau en deux réseau. Le diamètre et l’angle des dérivations sont personnalisables. Dimensions:275 mm Angle:30°, 45°
KLAPNA S BALANSERJEM Ø 100 MM - Balansne klapne

KLAPNA S BALANSERJEM Ø 100 MM - Balansne klapne

Le clapet à balancier permet de fermer et d’ouvrir manuellement un réseau d’aspiration. L’avantage du clapet à balancier est de pouvoir contrôler l’ouverture de plusieurs descentes d’aspiration. C’est pourquoi ce produit est idéal pour actionner l’ouverture et la fermeture du réseau lorsqu’une machine à bois dispose de plusieurs bouches d’aspiration. À noter, l’installation des clapets à balancier doivent se faire sur un tuyau en position horizontal. Aussi il est nécessaire d’ajouter une corde ou une chaînette pour actionner le levier. Pour ces raisons, ce type de clapet correspond parfaitement au système d’aspiration industrielle ou aux petites menuiseries. Fonctionne bien pour l’aspiration de copeaux de bois, de PVC, de métaux ou de fumée de soudure. UGS:tmb-100 Dimensions:100 mm
Konvencionalno Frezanje - Obdelava Čipov

Konvencionalno Frezanje - Obdelava Čipov

Frezowanie konwencjonalne to metoda obróbki wiórowej, która polega na wykorzystaniu frezarek sterowanych manualnie do usunięcia zbędnej ilości obrabianego materiału, nadając mu w ten sposób określony kształt i właściwości. W Marxam Project świadczymy najwyższej jakości usługi frezowania manualnego, które uzupełnią Twój projekt i pozwolą na stworzenie dokładnie tego, czego chciałeś. Nasze długoletnie doświadczenie i zaawansowany park maszynowy to gwarancja jakości i zadowolenia klienta. Zaufaj nam w procesach frezowania konwencjonalnego metali i przekonaj się jak możemy Ci pomóc. W Marxam Project oferujemy kompleksowe frezowanie konwencjonalne o najwyższej jakości i szybkich terminach realizacji. Nasi eksperci obróbki wiórowej, wyposażeni w najnowocześniejsze urządzenia i rozległe doświadczenie gwarantują precyzję i dopasowanie procesu frezowania manualnego do Twoich potrzeb.
REDUCIRNI KONEC, Ø 80 MM DO 50 FLEKSIBILEN - Redukcijski konusi

REDUCIRNI KONEC, Ø 80 MM DO 50 FLEKSIBILEN - Redukcijski konusi

Cônes de réduction réalisé en acier galvanisé de 0,8mm d’épaisseur. Le côté Ø 80 mm dispose d’un bord tombé permettant l’assemblage avec un collier d’assemblage , l’autre côté est lisse et d’un diamètre permettant le raccord vers un tuyau flexible Ø 50 mm. Ces cônes sont spécialement fabriqué pour réaliser des systèmes d’aspiration et de dépoussiérage industriel. UGS:cdr-80-50 Dimensions:80 mm