Izdelki za kemično ločevanje (34)

Prikaz Diapozitivov/Sušilni List 20 Diapozitivov - pladenj za prikaz diapozitivov

Prikaz Diapozitivov/Sušilni List 20 Diapozitivov - pladenj za prikaz diapozitivov

Slide Display/Drying Sheet 20 Slides - slide display tray PRODUCT CODE:035 Color:White Raw Material:Polystyrene Barcode Number:8682009086425 Catalog number:PK.06.425
Skladiščni Rezervoarji - Na različnih področjih Kemija, Predelava Živil, Reciklaža, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska Industrija

Skladiščni Rezervoarji - Na različnih področjih Kemija, Predelava Živil, Reciklaža, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska Industrija

KC Group is an Engineering Limited Turkish Company, established in Sakarya which started its activities since 2016. Our sectors of activity are: Chemistry, Food Processing, Recycling, Metallurgy, Automotive, Machinery Manufacturing, Medicine… Due to our experiences in the field of manufacturing, we manufacture products such as: Pressure Vessel, Storage Tanks, Reactors, Heat Exchanger, Industrial Piping, Machinery Manufacturing
Boraks Dekahidrat

Boraks Dekahidrat

Borax decahydrate is a type of borax mineral with the chemical formula Na2B4O7·10H2O. This chemical compound has a hydrate structure containing 10 molecules of water and finds applications in various industrial, commercial, and household purposes. It is used in cleaning products, detergents, insecticides, glass production, and more.
stekleni prah

stekleni prah

WHAT IS GLASS POWDER? Mey Kimya glass powder is produced by sieving 100% recycled glass and turning it into flour in mills. Mey chemistry glass powder is both a reinforcing and an additive since it is much more economical than raw materials, as well as improving the mechanical properties of the product. USAGE AREAS OF GLASS POWDER Glass powder is used in many different sectors such as composite, concrete, plastic, ceramic, insulation, epoxy, adhesive, abrasive industry for the purpose of increasing quality and/or reducing costs. It is preferred in many different sectors for the purpose of increasing quality and / or reducing costs. The particle size is of great importance for the effective use of glass powder, and in this direction, the use of the right sieve is very important.
Laboratorijska Oprema - Laboratorijska Oprema, Kemikalije in Potrošni Material

Laboratorijska Oprema - Laboratorijska Oprema, Kemikalije in Potrošni Material

Laboratuvar Mobilyaları, Çeker Ocaklar, Laboratuvar Tezgahları, Biyogüvenlik Kabinleri, Hassas Terazi Masaları, Kimyasal Saklama Dolapları, Laboratuvar Cihazları, Laboratuvar Kimyasalları ve Sarf Malzemeler, Lokal Emiş Kolları, Hassas Teraziler, Vorteks, Etüv, Santrifüj, Pcr Kabinleri, Ultrasonic Banyo, Soğutmalı Çalkalamalı İnkübatör, Çalkalamalı İnkübatör, İnkübatör, Distile Su Cihazı, Evye, Laboratuvar Su Muslukları, Su Banyosu, Orbital Çalkalayıcı, Kül Fırını, Kurutma Fırını, Vakum Etüv, Etüv, İklimlendirme Test Kabini, Hassas Terazi, Terazi, Isıtıcılı Manyetik Karıştırıcı, Votex (Vorteks), Isıtıcılı Karıştırıcı, Magnetic Stirrer, Laboratory Furnitures, Laboratory Benches, Fume Hood, Fume Cupboard, Biosafety Cabinet, Local Extraction Arm, Balance Table, Chemical Storage Cabinets, Oven, Laboratory Accessories, Centrifuge, Drying Rack, Water Bath, Ultrasonic Bath, Laboratory Gas Tap, Laboratory Water Tap, Laboratory Sink, Laboratory Chemicals, Incubator, Vacum Oven, Pcr Cabins


KOSTİK SODA LİKİT AMONYAK GLİKOLİK ASİD OTHER PRODUCTS * LABSA * LAB * Zeolite ( Sodium Alumina Silicate ) * Detergent Base Powder * SLES * Hydroxen Peroxide * Ethyl Alcohol * Methyl Alcohol * Iso Buthyl Alcohol * Iso Propyl Alcohol WAXES AND PROCESS OILS * Paraffin Wax ( Various Grades ) * Slack Wax ( Various Grades ) * RPO ( Rubber Process Oils ) OILS AND GELS * Base Oils ( Virgin / Recycled and Regenerated) * Liquid Paraffin Oil * White Oils * Petroleum Jelly ( Vaseline ) BITUMEN * Bitumen ( Both in Bulk and in Drums ) * Oxidized Bitumen
R&R Oblikovanje

R&R Oblikovanje

A full service is provided within the scope of new product development and product improvement activities in our R&D and P&D laboratory for all products manufactured at Natrolabs. Our laboratory, which has the ability to develop products in liquid, capsule, soft capsule, sachet, tablet, effervescent tablet, sublingual tablet, chewable tablet and powder forms, pre-formulation, pilot production laboratory, stability cabins, analytical development laboratory areas and scale-up and process development studies in service.
Zvezdna Kemija

Zvezdna Kemija

For more than 20 Years, STAR KIMYA in detergent and technical chemical sector is known with innovative working. In the field of detergents and industrial cleanning, produces according to the clients needs and provides technical services at the facility of 1000m² closed area. Makes a point of standing by clients with operative marketing and distribution ability forever. In every year, we produce tons of healthy detergents and cleaning products for you valuable customers and provide them to reach you exactly. All products manufactured in our ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO 10002 and OHSAS 18001 quality certificated facilities carries tracking numbers and reach to customers. With the QR codes stipulated on products stickers, it is easy to reach MSDS documents and technical specifications of a product and order if needed immediately.
Laboratorij za Naravoslovje, Fiziko, Kemijo in Biologijo - Laboratorij za Naravoslovje, Fiziko, Kemijo in Biologijo

Laboratorij za Naravoslovje, Fiziko, Kemijo in Biologijo - Laboratorij za Naravoslovje, Fiziko, Kemijo in Biologijo

Sıralı sistem, grup sistem veya u sistem gibi yerleşim planları en çok tercih edilenler arasında yer almaktadır. Oda kenarlarına duvar tezgahları duvardan duvara da yerleştirebilir. BrauLAB masa ile kendine has planlar oluşturmak ta mümkündür. Çalışma yüzeyi: Suya, kimyasallara, çizilmeye ve darbeye dayanıklı kompakt laminat. Tezgah altı dolaplar: 18mm MDFlam malzemeden imal. Kapaklar frenli menteşeye sahip. Görünen kenarlar 2mm PVC bandlı. Çekmeceler teleskopik raylı. Su musluğu: Kimyasallara dayanıklı epoksi polyester kaplamalı lab. tipi nozula sahip. Evyeler: Kimyasallara dayanıklı polipropilen lavabolar. Gaz musluğu: Kimyasallara dayanıklı epoksi polyester kaplamalı lab. tipi nozula sahip. Emniyet volanlı açma kapama vanası. Prizler: 220V 16A IP44 korumalı çelik kasa üzerinde prizler yerleştirilmiştir.
Triizobutilfosfat (TIBP) - Kemijske Surovine

Triizobutilfosfat (TIBP) - Kemijske Surovine

ANT AIR 2020, Has a perfect influence over the foam by removal of inner and surface bubbles. It works as a air regulator agent based on its polymeric structure. Uses; It is a polymeric defoamer different from the mineraol oil, vegetable oil and silicone oil defoamers and antifoamers. It is the phosphate ester of isobutyl alcohol. It is used as a de-icer and foam regulator in the building industry. Other common uses are used as an auxiliary chemical in dyeing, printing, buildings and petroleum sectors. Detailes information contact with us please.
Sterilni Pipetni Nasveti

Sterilni Pipetni Nasveti

Pipet Uçları, ölçülen bir sıvı hacmini aktarmak için kullanılan laboratuvar araçlarıdır.
natrijev bikarbonat

natrijev bikarbonat

sisecam sodium bi carbonate
Ferrolegure in izdelki za upravljanje z energijo. - Ferrolegure in izdelki za upravljanje z energijo (Jeklarske tovarne)

Ferrolegure in izdelki za upravljanje z energijo. - Ferrolegure in izdelki za upravljanje z energijo (Jeklarske tovarne)

Two of our business lines is about the supplement of Ferroalloys and Energy management products which can be specially use in Steel plants. Depend on customer request and location, we supply from different location including: South Africa, China, India, Iran and Indonesia. Ferroalloys: FeSi, FeSiMg, FeMn, FeMo, FeCr Energy Management: GPC, PCI, Graphite Powder (Injectable) & Mineral Coke (Injectable). Send your email to reply it including our catalog.
Popolnoma Avtomatska Stroj za Polnjenje in Zapiranje Aerosolov - Popolnoma Avtomatska Stroj za Polnjenje in Zapiranje (Polnjenje za Deodorant, Osvežilec Zraka itd.)

Popolnoma Avtomatska Stroj za Polnjenje in Zapiranje Aerosolov - Popolnoma Avtomatska Stroj za Polnjenje in Zapiranje (Polnjenje za Deodorant, Osvežilec Zraka itd.)

Standart bir hatta valf atma, tepe çakma, kapak kapatma ve inkjet ünitelerini ekleyerek tam otomatik hale getirebilinir. Konvoyörde ilerleyen boş kutular ilk olarak sıvı doluma girerler. Hemen ardından döner tabla yardımıyla valf atma işlemi ve valf kapatma işlemleri yapılır.Daha sonra gaz odasına giren kutular çıkışta tepe çakma ünitesinden geçer ve kapak kapatmaya hazır hale gelir.Hattın sonunda paketlenmeye başlamadan önce kutuların üzerine tarih/ürün kodu vs yazan inkjet ünitesi bulunmaktadır. TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLER Gaz Basıncı8 bar Hava Basıncı8-10 bar Üretim Kapasitesi50-60 cans(of 200 ml) Max. Gaz Dolum Kapasitesi400 gr Hava Tüketimi3000 lt/min Toplam Uzunluk13 m Elektriksel Özellikler220 V -5 kW
Toplotni izmenjevalnik - Na različnih področjih: Kemija, Predelava hrane, Recikliranje, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska industrija

Toplotni izmenjevalnik - Na različnih področjih: Kemija, Predelava hrane, Recikliranje, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska industrija

KC Group is an Engineering Limited Turkish Company, established in Sakarya which started its activities since 2016. Our sectors of activity are: Chemistry, Food Processing, Recycling, Metallurgy, Automotive, Machinery Manufacturing, Medicine… Due to our experiences in the field of manufacturing, we manufacture products such as: Pressure Vessel, Storage Tanks, Reactors, Heat Exchanger, Industrial Piping, Machinery Manufacturing
Proizvodnja Industrijske Opreme - Na različnih področjih: Kemija, Predelava Živil, Reciklaža, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska Industrija

Proizvodnja Industrijske Opreme - Na različnih področjih: Kemija, Predelava Živil, Reciklaža, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska Industrija

KC Group is an Engineering Limited Turkish Company, established in Sakarya which started its activities since 2016. Our sectors of activity are: Chemistry, Food Processing, Recycling, Metallurgy, Automotive, Machinery Manufacturing, Medicine… Due to our experiences in the field of manufacturing, we manufacture products such as: Pressure Vessel, Storage Tanks, Reactors, Heat Exchanger, Industrial Piping, Machinery Manufacturing
Industrijski Reaktor - Na različnih področjih: Kemija, Predelava hrane, Recikliranje, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska industrija

Industrijski Reaktor - Na različnih področjih: Kemija, Predelava hrane, Recikliranje, Metalurgija, Avtomobilska industrija

KC Group is an Engineering Limited Turkish Company, established in Sakarya which started its activities since 2016. Our sectors of activity are: Chemistry, Food Processing, Recycling, Metallurgy, Automotive, Machinery Manufacturing, Medicine… Due to our experiences in the field of manufacturing, we manufacture products such as: Pressure Vessel, Storage Tanks, Reactors, Heat Exchanger, Industrial Piping, Machinery Manufacturing
Sistemi za postavitev in opremo laboratorijev - Laboratorijski sistemi

Sistemi za postavitev in opremo laboratorijev - Laboratorijski sistemi

BRAU GRUP Organizasyon yapısında ISO 9001 yönergelerini uygular. EN ve DIN normlarına hakimdir, CE direktiflerine ve TSE standartlarına uygun üretim yapar. BRAU GRUP Ürünlerinde uluslararası standartların öngördüğü güvenlik, ergonomi ve kalite kriterlerine riayet eder. Çalışmalarında, imalat ve montaj hizmetlerinde çevreye duyarlı davranır, atık yönetim prosedürlerine sadıktır, karbon emisyonlarını küçültmenin gayretindedir.
Laboratorijske študije

Laboratorijske študije

Raw materials arriving at our warehouse come to the quality control laboratory in accordance with the sampling procedure, and if the analysis results are found appropriate, their entry into the company is approved. Raw materials are analyzed based on European Pharmacopoeia 10.8 methods, based on certain control criteria. These controls; visual control, solubility control, density determination, moisture determination, pH determination, viscosity determination. After the approvals, weighings are carried out in accordance with GMP in a special weighing room equipped with HEPA filters and humidity controls. The controls made on finished products are; visual control, solubility control, organoleptic control, volumetric and quantitative control, moisture determination, pH measurement, density determination, viscosity determination, hardness determination, diameter-thickness measurement, quantification (HPLC), gas chromatography.
Pogodbeno proizvodnjo in polnjenje vitaminov

Pogodbeno proizvodnjo in polnjenje vitaminov

Contract Vitamin Production and Filling
Proizvodnja in polnjenje kapsul na podlagi pogodbe

Proizvodnja in polnjenje kapsul na podlagi pogodbe

Companies using this type of production can improve themselves in the marketing sector. Because instead of wasting time dealing with small parts in production processes, it is advancing in the marketing sector. Since contract manufacturing enterprises progress by improving themselves in this business, they may receive contract manufacturing offers from larger companies. Capsule Filling Type in Contract Production: Since pills and vitamin drugs are usually in the form of capsules, the filling part is very important when manufacturing. Capsule filling processes, which must be done very hygienically and carefully, are usually carried out by machines. Since it is a laborious task to fill powder or granules into small pills, the idea of contract manufacturing can be quite logical.
Sistem kakovosti in zagotavljanje

Sistem kakovosti in zagotavljanje

Our quality department serves with an independent quality assurance unit and chemical, physical control, microbiology and production control laboratories that form the pillars of quality control. Quality assurance, quality control, licensing, R&D and laboratory service units in our quality directorate carry out all activities that will ensure that the consumer encounters a quality product both during and after production. In our quality unit; All studies within the scope of stability, starting materials and finished product analyzes, process and cleaning validations are carried out with a full GMP and BRC Food understanding. Necessary in-service trainings are given to all our employees by our expert personnel.


We carry out the licensing process for food supplements and cosmetic products.
Grafični Oddelek

Grafični Oddelek

All design and printing services, which are critical for the Registrar's Department of food supplements and Dermo cosmetics, are in safe hands. Graphic design is one of the most important factors during the emergence of a product. The reason for this is that it is one of the longest-lasting processes among many stages from the decision-making stage of the products to the stage of launching the product. With this awareness, our company helps its customers with our Artwork team so that the products can be produced on time. Graphic-Artwork Management Support Box Design (1 design+2 revisions) Label Design (1 design+2 revisions) Prospectus Design (1 design+2 revisions) Blister Design (1 design+2 revisions) Box Design (1 design+2 revisions)
Glavna Enota za Nadzor Energije

Glavna Enota za Nadzor Energije

Tanımı : Fen, Fizik, Kimya ve Biyoloji Laboratuvarlarında kullanılan enerji panelleridir. Sistemin içerisinde elektrik bağlantısı su ve gaz fitingleri vardır Bu sistemin özelliği bütün sistemin kontrolü öğretmende olmasıdır. Ölçüler: 52x75x109h Kullanım alanı: BrauLAB TCU-WG7501 ana kumanda ünitesi fen, kimya ve biyoloji laboratuvarlarında öğretmen ünitesi olarak kullanıma uygundur. Öğretmenin uygulamalarda ihtiyaç duyabileceği su ve gaz musluklarına, 220V şebeke elektrik prizlerine, 0-15V gerilimleri arasında alternatif akım (AC) ve doğru akım (DC) verebilen güç kaynağına sahip kombine bir kontrol ünitesidir. Ayrıca öğrenci ünitelerine giden elektrik besleme hatlarının koruma ve kumandası yapılabilmektedir. Ana kumanda üzerinden öğrenci masalarına giden su ve gaz hatları açılıp kapatılabilmektedir. Acil durumlarda tüm sistemi kapatabilecek bir acil durum butonu mevcuttur.
Proizvodnja in polnjenje kreme po pogodbi

Proizvodnja in polnjenje kreme po pogodbi

Contract cream production can be preferred by different cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. Contract manufacturing generally means helping other companies. Companies that make this type of production are often preferred by large or small companies. Contract production is also used in the cream production business, which allows large companies to get rid of costs such as production costs and labor, and allows small companies to adapt faster to the sector they are new to. Sensitive works such as contract cream production are also carried out by companies engaged in this type of contract manufacturing. In this way, thanks to contract cream production, a fast and practical production process is achieved. Contract companies producing creams can perform both production and filling processes. In this way, contract cream production, the filling process of which is provided by machines, is done both quickly and practically and in a more hygienic way. During the filling
Uvoz in Izvoz

Uvoz in Izvoz

As Natrolabs, we set out in 2015 to close the gap in the market and to contribute to our country and people. We export mainly to Iraq, Libya, Switzerland, England, Netherlands, Germany, France, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Sudan, UAE, Ethiopia and Yemen. Natrolabs; the knowledge and experience he has gained so far; We offer innovative ideas and technology-supported product forms to the use of the consumer. By using the unlimited resources that nature offers us, we make contract manufacturing in our fully integrated facility with a closed area of ​​approximately 3,000 square meters in Tuzla-Tepeören, Istanbul, and we provide added value to our country by providing employment with our exports. We aim to grow both in the domestic and international markets with our natural, protective and health-supporting products by producing Food Supplements and Dermo Cosmetics with our expert technical team.
PCR plošča - Tesnilni film

PCR plošča - Tesnilni film

Ultra ince ve tutarlı duvar kalınlığı, optimum PCR sonuçları için hassas termal transfer sağlar.
Pogodbeno kozmetično proizvodnjo in polnjenje

Pogodbeno kozmetično proizvodnjo in polnjenje

face care creams Face wash gels and foams body care creams skin care serums Skin care masks and peeling products skin care tonics Hair care products (Shampoo, Conditioner, Mask) Hair styling products Hair care oils Eyebrow and eyelash care products Making the ministry records that your company will need in the legal process, preparation of product safety information files (MSDS), preparation of cosmetic product information file (ÜBD) and product safety assessment reports (UGR), Responsible Technical Staff service, Ministry of Health TITCK product tracking system (ÜTS) cosmetics We deliver product notifications, obtaining cosmetic export certificates, designing cosmetic product labels in accordance with the legislation, cosmetic product formulation and process support, contract manufacturing of your turnkey private label products in our production facility under GMP conditions, and providing services in accordance with ISO 9001 and GMP norms
Pogodben razvoj in polnjenje tablet

Pogodben razvoj in polnjenje tablet

For this reason, contract tablet production is frequently used by companies that produce food and medicine. In addition to production, filling and packaging operations can also be carried out by contract manufacturers. Companies can cooperate with contract companies in the packaging or filling stages along with the contract tablet production process. Companies that have contracted tablet production provide advantages and profits in many respects. Companies that manufacture tablets can also support companies in the formulation and product development stages. With contract tablet production, many products such as vitamin tablets, tablet medicines, food supplement tablets are produced. When any contract manufacturing is to be done, the product quality and boundaries must be determined with a definite line between the two companies. It is important to carry out production with a hygienic and sensitive approach, especially in the production of tablets