Izdelki za kotle za proizvodnju topla (46)

Stroški Proizvodnje (1 tona Pare) - Kotli na Biomaso

Stroški Proizvodnje (1 tona Pare) - Kotli na Biomaso

Production Costs (1 ton Steam) - Biomass Boilers
Pelit peletni kotel

Pelit peletni kotel

Pelit is not just a simple class 5 pellet boiler. Its ergonomic certified steel design offers high power density and an excellent efficiency of 93.4%, making it the most reliable heating system. Its multiple flue gas paths guarantee the most efficient cleaning of flue gases, achieving a 27% reduction of ash and a 60% reduction in dangerous particulates emissions to the atmosphere. The boiler automatic cleaning function reduces the need for regular maintenance, while the large ash tray maximizes its ease of use. Typically, the ash tray requires cleaning for every 500 kg of pellet for the 35kW boiler, for every ton for the 45kW boiler and for every 2 tons for the 75kW boiler. Finally, its flexible installation connectors and its small size ensure that the boiler can be installed even in a confined space. The Pelit Boiler is available in different powers that cover various needs and requirements, ensuring that its power and efficiency are the ones that suit you the best.
Industrijski Kotli na Biomaso - Industrijski Tip Kotlov na Biomaso

Industrijski Kotli na Biomaso - Industrijski Tip Kotlov na Biomaso

ISIMEK tam otomatik, uzaktan PLC kontrollu, %50 nemli talaş, hızar tozu, ahşap atıkları,ağaç kabuğu, pellet, prina ve ahşap işleme ve kereste atıkları yakıtlı endüstriyel tip Sıcak Su, Kızgın Su, Kızgın Yağ, Buhar ve Su Borulu kazanlar üretmektedir. Kendi nitelikli personeli ile sahada kazan ekipmanlarını başarı ile monte edip sahada devriye almaktadır. Hareketli ızgaralı kazan sistemleri ile Ahşap işleme, Orman endüstrisi, Mobilya, Kereste fabrikaları, Kağıt, oluklu mukkava ve gıda sektörüne yönelik kazanlar üretmektedir. Ayrıca, yüksek kapasite , işletme sıcaklığı ve işletme basıncına göre özel tasarım ve imlaat yapmaktadır.Isimek has been manufacturing industrial type boilers (Boiler types: Steam boiler, Hot water boiler, Superheated water boiler, Hot oil boiler), Modular reverse bag filters, Bitumen storage tanks, Edible oil tanks, Polygonal modular sawdust and woodchips silos, Dust extraction system and filtering are in our product range since 2002.
Kotel z vodnimi cevmi

Kotel z vodnimi cevmi

Dampfleistung: 1000 – 25.000 kg/h* BBS-Wasserrohr-Dampfkessel finden ihren Einsatz dort, wo höhere Betriebsdrücke erforderlich sind. Auch die sogenannten Produktenkessel mit geringem Wasserinhalt lassen sich auf der Basis der Wasserrohrtechnik realisieren. Für den Betrieb der BBS-Wasserrohrkessel können sowohl die Öl- und Gasfeuerungen, als auch viele unterschiedliche Arten von Biomasse (Kohle, Holz, Kaffee- Kakao-, Reis und Sonnenblumenschalen) eingesetzt werden. *größere Leistungen auf Anfrage
Bosch Kotel za obnovo čistega izgorevanja

Bosch Kotel za obnovo čistega izgorevanja

Bosch systèmes de récupération - Chaudière à quatre parcours avec brûleur - — Générateurs de chaleur à combustion conventionnelle avec parcours de tube de fumées intégré en supplément pour l’exploitation de la chaleur d’échappement — Production écologique de chaleur de chauffage ou processus de chaleur par utilisation des sources de chaleur d’échappement — Sécurité d’approvisionnement élevée assurée par la combustion propre — Robuste, fiable et offrant une longue durée de vie — Grande souplesse d’utilisation : avec plusieurs combustibles ou en fonctionnement mixte avec plusieurs foyers (fioul, gaz, biogaz, hydrogène) — Idéal pour une utilisation en combinaison avec des modules de cogénération ou des turbines à gaz
Sežigalnice - Visoko Intenzivne (HI) Sežigalnice

Sežigalnice - Visoko Intenzivne (HI) Sežigalnice

The HI Incinerator features a combustion chamber with a mixing wall which divides this chamber into a high temperature combustion HI zone and a lower temperature post-combustion zone. This particular configuration is most suited to the fuel efficient combustion of lean waste gases and effluents, as it reduces the need for any support fuel. Key Features - Combustion chamber with mixing wall – High intensity combustion zone at elevated temperatures – Waste gases and liquids are delivered to the HI zone through the burner and a series of injection lances. – The mixing wall creates a high temperature zone around flame ensuring complete oxidisation and also to increase turbulence, thus avoiding cold spots and the formation of CO – Post-combustion zone after the mixing wall to ensure residence time of 2 seconds at >850°C Key Advantages - All hydrocarbons are destroyed – No CO formation – Complete odour destruction – Up to 20% fuel saving – Destruction efficiency over 99.99%
Enplus A1 lesni peleti - lesni peleti

Enplus A1 lesni peleti - lesni peleti

Houtpellets zijn een samengeperste vorm van houtachtige biomassa die wordt gebruikt als een milieuvriendelijk, koolstofarm alternatief voor traditionele fossiele brandstoffen. Als bron van hernieuwbare energie bieden houtpellets de ultieme, duurzame, hoogwaardige en prijsstabiele brandstof. Onze pellets Belangrijkste materialen: grenen, spar, spar, beuk, lariks, zilver, eik, enz. Din Plus (Premium!) Enplus A1 en A2 pellets 6-8 MM zilverberk of zilverspar pellets gecertificeerd volgens EN 14961-2 EN plus A1, EN PLUS, DIN PLUS, 6-8 mm, in 15 kg PE zakken Onze pelletfabriek heeft een ENPLUS A1 certificaat en DINPLUS certificaat, wat betekent dat ons product voldoet aan de strengste Europese eisen en wordt aanbevolen voor gebruik door alle grote Europese ketelproducenten en installateurs. Ons professionele logistieke team zorgt ervoor dat uw product altijd op tijd en in goede staat aankomt.
Peleti - Peleti SL A1

Peleti - Peleti SL A1

EN A1 kotitalous pelletti Specs webpage: http://konetyo-metsa-ky0.webnode.fi/en/palvelut/pellets-and-bedding-briquette/
Profil proizvodnje pare vs. Zahteve - Kotli na biomaso

Profil proizvodnje pare vs. Zahteve - Kotli na biomaso

Steam Production Profile vs. Requirements - Biomass Boilers
Biomassne kotle

Biomassne kotle

Manufacturer of biomass boilers for the construction industry. Contact us now to get a quotation. Send a message or visit our website.
Integriran sistem ogrevanja s peleti "Pelletwork"

Integriran sistem ogrevanja s peleti "Pelletwork"

Pelletwork is Axinar’s flagship product. Its robust design, its excellent performance and easy use are the properties that make it the top integrated heating solution. Its modular design includes an auto-cleaning, new generation Pelit Boiler with multiple flue gas paths, an analog burner with internal screw feeder, an auger, which ensures the smooth feeding of the burner with pellets, and an ergonomic fuel storage tank. All the individual parts of Pelletwork are designed and manufactured in compliance with the strictest production and quality standards of Axinar. Pelletwork has been designed to satisfy the wide range of market needs in an optimal way, offering convenience, flexibility and ensuring that its performance and efficiency are the ones that suit you best. Therefore, it can be effectively used both in residences and large industrial buildings. It is available in the following power range: 35kW – 45kW –75kW – 95kW – 120kW – 150kW
Parni kotel z dvema prehodoma

Parni kotel z dvema prehodoma

Zweiflammrohr-Dampfkessel Dampfleistung 18.000 – 55.000 kg/h BBS-Zweiflammrohr-Dreizugkessel werden zur Erzeugung von großen Wärmeleistungen für industrielle und kommunale Projekte genutzt. Wie die Einflammrohr-Kessel werden sie sowohl als Sattdampf- als auch optional als Heißdampferzeuger gefertigt. Betriebsdrücke je nach Leistung bis 20 bar. BBS Dreizug Dampfkessel zeichnen sich durch ihre hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit, Sicherheit, robuste Bauweise und geringen Bedienungsaufwand aus. Dadurch finden Sie Ihren Einsatz in vielen Industriezweigen.
Zunanji vijak za pelete - Zunanji vijak za pelete

Zunanji vijak za pelete - Zunanji vijak za pelete

The external auger is manufactured from non-magnetic high-grade stainless steel and has a non-combustible 35cm long polyurethane tube. Its clever design ensures continuous and smooth fuel flow in the burner. Its ash-repellant material prevents clogging of the tube, ensuring the smooth operation of the boiler. Therefore, it can support lower quality fuel.
Abar Tank - Abar Tank

Abar Tank - Abar Tank

The tank is made of metal plate coated with electrostatic paint, which is resistant to corrosion by environmental conditions. It has a revolving pellet feeding port, while its small size makes its installation and movement easy, even in a confined space. Its architecture ensures the proper fuel flow in the boiler, complete emptying of the tank and minimization of the ash. -Polyester Power Coat -Revolving feeding port Capacity (L)Capacity (kg)Dimensions (cm) 310 200 48x94x120 1500 1100 120x100x160
Bosch Digitalni Asistent za Učinkovitost MEC Optimize - Bosch Kontrole - Digitalni Asistent za Učinkovitost MEC Optimize

Bosch Digitalni Asistent za Učinkovitost MEC Optimize - Bosch Kontrole - Digitalni Asistent za Učinkovitost MEC Optimize

— Detección de pérdidas de energía mediante la evaluación inteligente de datos in situ — Mayor disponibilidad del sistema: las previsiones de desgaste permiten realizar un plan de mantenimiento optimizado — Mayor fiabilidad de funcionamiento: libro de calderas inteligente con evaluación automática de los parámetros de operación — Datos de funcionamiento históricos: el registro completo de datos facilita la optimización de la instalación y la búsqueda de errores, opcionalmente mediante acceso remoto — Almacenamiento digital: todos los documentos y manuales importantes de la instalación se almacenan localmente y son accesibles en cualquier momento — Integración sencilla de la instalación: transmisión de los datos de la instalación al sistema de control superior a través de protocolos estándar de comunicación o visualización a través de PC/tableta (MEC Remote)