Izdelki za kotle za proizvodnju topla (40)

Kotel za toplotno olje

Kotel za toplotno olje

Kessel , Erhitzer , Boiler nach Kundenvorgaben Wir planen und bauen Thermoölerhitzert / Boiler nach Kunden wünschen. Schlüsselfertig inkl. Inbetriebnahmen
Učinkovitost - Kotli na Biomaso

Učinkovitost - Kotli na Biomaso

The use of gas economizers and primary and secondary air preheating allows for yields of over 90%.
Parni kotel

Parni kotel

Ein Produkt mit Tradition Der Dampfkessel kann nicht nur auf eine lange Geschichte verweisen, er verrichtet auch in der heutigen Zeit noch äußerst zuverlässig seinen Dienst. Dabei ist die Funktionsweise ganz einfach erklärt. Es handelt sich dabei nämlich um ein komplett geschlossenes Gefäß, welches beheizt wird. Der entstehende Wasserdampf wird dann für Heiz- oder Betriebszwecke genutzt. Unser Unternehmen BBS wurde im Sommer 2004 gegründet. Dabei entstand die BBS GmbH aus einer Fusion der Firmen Bay Engineering und Consulting und BAY Wärmetechnik GmbH. Unser Team kann auf eine langjährige Erfahrung im Bau von Dampfkesseln zurückblicken und so wurden bereits vor über 70 Jahren die ersten Anlagen errichtet. Inzwischen gibt es unzählige etablierte Varianten und auch hier werden wir zum ersten Ansprechpartner. Unser Knowhow ist auch über die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannt und so wissen auch viele internationale Kunden die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit unserer Kessel zu schätzen. Welche...
Lesni Kotel “BM” - Napredni Lesni Kotli

Lesni Kotel “BM” - Napredni Lesni Kotli

The wood boiler BM is designed to offer incomparable economy in the most challenging operating conditions. It is equipped with a lambda sensor, which adjusts the air supply into the combustion chamber, in order to guarantee the ideal ratio between fuel consumption and efficiency. Furthermore, it is equipped with the fuel gas thermometer and double centrifugal fan, which minimize the heat loss from the chimney, as well as the particulate emissions into the atmosphere. Its innovative design offers the possibility of control of up to four room thermostats, adjusting the temperature in each space to the level the user desires. Moreover, the automatic functioning mode “pyrolysis cleaning” helps eliminating tar and deposits from the boiler wall, facilitating thus its cleaning. A typical feature of its incomparable functionality is the fact that it harmonizes its functions with the most demanding environmental conditions.
SCOTCH TIP PARNI KOTLI - Parni kotli Scotch na trdna goriva

SCOTCH TIP PARNI KOTLI - Parni kotli Scotch na trdna goriva

Katı Yakıtlı Skoç Buhar Kazanları ile enerji ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılayacak çözümler sunuyoruz.
Kotli na Tekoče in Plinske Gorivo - Kotli na Tekoče in Plinske Gorivo

Kotli na Tekoče in Plinske Gorivo - Kotli na Tekoče in Plinske Gorivo

Anahtar Teslim Yüksek Kapasiteli Doğalgazlı, Düşük NOx Emisyonlu, Az Yakıtla Yüksek Verim sağlayan Buhar Kazanları üretmekteyiz.. Mimsan, EN 12952 standartlarına uygun olarak yüksek kapasiteli ve yüksek basınçlı sıvı ve gaz yakıt uygulamaları için sıvı ve gaz yakıtlı su borulu kazan üretmektedir. Buhar dramının üstte, su dramının altta olan ve suyun membran duvarlarda dolaştığı bu kazanlarla yüksek kapasitelere ulaşmak mümkündür. - 39 Yıllık Deneyim - İhtiyacınıza özel Kapasitede Buhar Kazanı üretimi - Yüksek Basınç - Yüksek Kapasite - Yüksek Verim - Tam Otomatik Çalışma Özelliği - Güçlü Satış Sonrası Servis Hizmeti - Anahtar Teslimi Kurulum - TSE, CE, ISO Standartlarına Uygun Üretim - Her Aşamada Kalite Kontrol Hizmeti - Güvenli ve Ekonomik
Toplotni izmenjevalnik

Toplotni izmenjevalnik

Abhitzekessel nach einer thermischen Nachverbrennung (TNV), Leistung: 1460 kW, Abgas: 1200°C
Bosch Kotli za obnovo toplote - UL-S/UT-H uporabni kot preprosti kotli za obnovo toplote

Bosch Kotli za obnovo toplote - UL-S/UT-H uporabni kot preprosti kotli za obnovo toplote

— Idéal pour une utilisation combinée avec des modules de cogénération ou des turbines à gaz — Production écologique de vapeur et d’eau chaude à partir de la chaleur d’échappement — Rendement élevé grâce à l’échangeur thermique à tubes performant et à la bonne isolation — Faibles coûts d’acquisition et d’exploitation, du fait de l’absence de brûleur
Kotelni Toplotni Izmenjevalniki

Kotelni Toplotni Izmenjevalniki

Boyler istantaneo brevettato per la produzione di acqua calda rapida e continua d. brev.n. 44009A-76-garanzia anni 5 Una delle caratteristiche più importanti di questo apparecchio è la sua versatilità di installazione dovuta anche dalle sue ridotte dimensioni che permette di installarlo in qualsiasi tipo di caldaia e di sostituire impianti già funzionanti, potendo essere montato indifferentemente sia in posizione verticale sia in posizione orizzontale, poiché a seconda del caso, l'installatore, volta per volta deciderà in merito e in relazione allo spazio disponibile. Se il fabbisogno dello stabile richiede una maggiore produzione di acqua calda, è possibile installare più di un boyler istantaneo allacciati in parallelo fra loro. L'afflusso di acqua calda nei radiatori va regolato mediante la valvola miscelatrice manuale o motorizzata o valvola di zona.Il boyler istantaneo è fabbricato con materiale di prima qualità come rame, acciaio inox e carcassa mannesmann
Parni kotli - Industrijski parni kotli

Parni kotli - Industrijski parni kotli

ISIMEK biyokütle yakıtlı kazanlar üretmektedir. Kazanlarımız hareketli ızgaralı ve PLC uzaktan kontrollu ve tam otomatikdir. ISIMEK manufactures biomass fired industrial type steam boilers. Our steam boilers have moving grate unit. Full automatic operation system and PLC remote control is ensured.
Kotel za odpadno toploto, regeneracijski kotel, toplotni izmenjevalnik izpušnih plinov - Pridobivanje toplote iz dimnikov kogeneracije ali procesnih dimnih plinov

Kotel za odpadno toploto, regeneracijski kotel, toplotni izmenjevalnik izpušnih plinov - Pridobivanje toplote iz dimnikov kogeneracije ali procesnih dimnih plinov

Waste heat boilers are the equipment used in the production of process fluids such as steam, hot water or hot water by recovering this heat in processes where there is high temperature waste heat. For example, cogeneration plants, cement plants, glass factories or steel production process chimneys are potential sources for waste heat boiler application. Design and production with CE/ASME mark can be made according to EN12952 & EN12953 & ASME standards with smoke tube, water tube or combined. Depending on the operating time of the system, the payback period for installing such boilers may be limited to several years, so they are quite attractive systems to invest in. Our team has deep experience in the design, manufacture and turnkey installation of such systems.
PROTEC A 12X1L - vzdrževanje centralnega ogrevanja - vzdrževanje kotlov, centralno ogrevanje za profesionalno uporabo

PROTEC A 12X1L - vzdrževanje centralnega ogrevanja - vzdrževanje kotlov, centralno ogrevanje za profesionalno uporabo

- Désembouant pour l'entretien des tuyauteries de chauffage central. - Met en suspension les dépôts de calcaire, de boue et de rouille. - Disperse les agglomérations de résidus métalliques circulant dans les tuyauteries. - Augmente le rendement du système de chauffage. Etat physique:Liquide pH:13 Densité:1,035 kg/l (20°C) Solubilité:Complétement soluble N° article:MCG003-14 Conditionnement:1l Unité :12 Unit(s)
Phoenix Serija Pregrevanega Olja - Pregrevan Kotel - Kotel za Tekučine in Plin

Phoenix Serija Pregrevanega Olja - Pregrevan Kotel - Kotel za Tekučine in Plin

PHOENIX SERIES 100,000 Kcal/h – 10.000.000 Kcal/h heat capacity” “• Operates at high temperature and low pressure. • The heat conduction oil used in the system does not cause calcification, calcification, sediment, corrosive effect, etc. in the boiler. It can be used for a long time as it does not cause negative effects. • There is no need to use any conditioning unit in heat conduction oil. • Under normal conditions, freezing does not occur in the installation. • The Hot Oil Boiler can also be used as a heating fluid in the production of Steam, Hot Water, Boiling Water. • Hot oil outlet temperature is controlled by PID controller. • Hot oil return temperature is controlled by digital thermostats. • Ekotek Heating Technologies recommends all the accessories and burner systems that are used in Package System Hot Oil Boilers (Thermal Oil Heaters) from brands with known safety, Gas fuel type
Parni kotel s plamenom - Industrijski trojni prehodni parni kotel

Parni kotel s plamenom - Industrijski trojni prehodni parni kotel

1 ton/h to 18 ton/h Industrial Fire tube Steam Boiler, generating superheated or saturated steam, fired Gas, Liquid and/or Solid fuels, turnkey project flexible solutions as per customer demand.
ATTSU CSPM Biomasni parni kotel - Za vse vrste biomase

ATTSU CSPM Biomasni parni kotel - Za vse vrste biomase

With steam production from 0.5 t/h (349 kW) up to 20 t/h (13.000 kW). The CSPM boiler is a three-pass horizontal fire-tube steam generator, with a furnace designed for biomass.
Plošče in Cevi

Plošče in Cevi

Design and manufacturing of tube plates for heat exchangers Officine Sbarra is a solid reality in Italy and Europe in the sector of the production of components for piping systems. The proposal includes tube plates for heat exchangers as well as flanges and fittings. The company operates for the most varied mechanical and technological sectors. The staff of via della Stazione 27, in Bagnone is at the service of industries in the hydraulic, petrochemical, food and canning, naval, military and energy sectors. Contact the office by phone for a quote on tube plates for exchangers. Plates for boilers and pressure vessels The company offers a wide range of tube plates for exchangers. Depending on the customer's system requirements, solutions in different materials are proposed. Below are some of the products for the correct functioning of boilers, exchangers and pressure vessels. • Carbon Steel Plates • Alloy steel plates • Stainless steel plates • Non-ferrous alloy plates Tube plates to design From turning to milling, from drilling to plating, the tube plates for exchangers and boilers are processed in the company's workshops using the latest generation CNC machines. These technologies are able to guarantee extremely high precision mechanical processing for both standard lines and customer-designed models. It is possible to finish the products with chamfers or special interventions. The drilling of the tube plates for heat exchangers and heating systems can be carried out according to specific customer instructions, so as to obtain the correct space for inserting the tubes. The company has obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 quality certification and the ISO1400 environmental certification
Visokotemperaturne peči - Od 1300 °C do 1800 °C

Visokotemperaturne peči - Od 1300 °C do 1800 °C

Industrial furnaces BTF sa is the ideal partner for your thermal processes and custom solutions, in production or research!! BTF specialises in the design and construction of various types of industrial ovens and furnaces which are aimed at all industrial sectors and research laboratories. The range of operating temperatures of the units manufactured is up to 1,800°C. They can be designed to operate under air, under neutral gases, under vacuum or for performing special thermal treatments such as cimentation, (carbo) nitriding, …
Termični oljni grelnik

Termični oljni grelnik

Der GekaKonus® Thermalölerhitzer Typ THERMOMAT® ist ein Zwangsumlauferhitzer in Dreizug-Bauweise für organische Hochtemperatur-Wärmeträger auf mineralischer oder synthetischer Basis.
Pridobivanje peletov in briketov

Pridobivanje peletov in briketov

La obtención de pellets y briquetas es un proceso innovador que transforma el aserrín en combustibles ecológicos. Estos productos son esenciales para calderas de biomasa, que requieren biomasa en lugar de diesel, ofreciendo una alternativa sostenible a los combustibles fósiles. Los pellets y briquetas son altamente eficientes, proporcionando una fuente de energía limpia y renovable que reduce las emisiones de carbono y contribuye a la conservación de los recursos naturales. Este servicio no solo beneficia al medio ambiente, sino que también ofrece ventajas económicas para las empresas. Al utilizar pellets y briquetas, las empresas pueden reducir sus costos energéticos al tiempo que cumplen con las normativas ambientales. Además, la producción de estos combustibles fomenta la economía circular al dar un nuevo propósito al aserrín, un subproducto del reciclaje de madera. En resumen, la obtención de pellets y briquetas es una solución ecológica y económica para la generación de energía sostenible.
Sežigalnice - Sežigalnice s fluidiziranim ležiščem

Sežigalnice - Sežigalnice s fluidiziranim ležiščem

A fluidised bed incinerator is the technology of choice for the combustion of many sludge streams or solid waste streams with a high moisture content. In a fluidised bed reactor, an inert material, typically calibrated quartz sand, is fluidised by blowing air through the bed. The sand bed expands and provides an ideal medium for the mixing of waste with combustion air. Because the fluidised bed is maintained at an elevated temperature, typically between 650°C and 800°C the water evaporates and volatile organic compounds mix with combustion air whilst escaping from the fluidised bed. EUROPEM fluidised bed reactors are bubbling fluidised beds with high turbulence. Different feeding systems can be supplied ranging from feeding screws and over spreader stokers to injection lances. Key Features Turbulent bubbling fluidized bed of inert material Different feeding systems for solid waste, waste liquids and waste gases Can be operated in a reducing or oxidising environment Key Advantages - Robust and flexible design to burn sludge or solid waste with high moisture content – Stable combustion process of waste with varying moisture content over time – Proven technology – Destruction efficiency over 99.99% and less than 1% carbon in the ashes – Low NOx and CO emissions possible – Flue gas treatment train needed to meet acid, heavy metal, dust and PCDD/F emission levels
Parni boben za vodikovo napravo - Toplotni izmenjevalniki

Parni boben za vodikovo napravo - Toplotni izmenjevalniki

Steam Drum for Hydrogen Plant
Bioplinske naprave

Bioplinske naprave

Als Betreiber einer Biogasanlage nutzen Sie die Vorteile der erneuerbaren Energien. Sie tun Gutes für die Umwelt und können zudem noch Geld verdienen. Wir von SHS - Stützle GmbH kümmern uns für Sie um sämtliche Arbeiten rund um das Thema Biogasanlage. Vom Bau einer Anlage bis zur Erweiterung. Den Rohrleitungsbau jeglicher Art übernehmen wir ebenso für Sie, wie die heizungstechnische Ausführung. Ob Fermenterheizung oder kleine Nahwärmenetze. Alle Aufgaben erhalten Sie aus einer Hand. Dies bietet für Sie sowohl finanzielle Vorteile, als auch einen erheblich geringeren Aufwand. Gerne helfen wir Ihnen Ihre Anlage auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen oder zu erweitern. Wir beraten Sie gerne!
Testne postaje za trajnost in testne postaje za puščanje - Toplotne črpalke, Plinske kotle, Tehnologija plina in vodika

Testne postaje za trajnost in testne postaje za puščanje - Toplotne črpalke, Plinske kotle, Tehnologija plina in vodika

Wir verfügen über Erfahrung im Bereich der Prüfsystementwicklung zwecks Leckageprüfung, Lebensdauertests und End-of-Line-Prüfständen im Bereich der Gas- & Wasserstoff-Produkte. Zudem haben wir ein Netzwerk von Lieferanten und Partnern, die wichtige Komponeten für die Leckagemessung, Verrohrung und Messtechnik liefern. Merecs Engineering kann als GU und Integrator das Testsystem individuell auslegen, montieren und bei unseren Kunden vor Ort in Betrieb nehmen.
Hladilni stolpi z aksialnim ventilatorjem in odprtim krogom

Hladilni stolpi z aksialnim ventilatorjem in odprtim krogom

Langlebige und korrosionsbeständige Verdunstungskühltürme aus GFK mit offenem Kreislauf
HA Clean 4 Grill

HA Clean 4 Grill

Le HA Clean 4 Grill est un dégraissant hautement performant, conçu pour dissoudre et éliminer efficacement toutes les graisses, huiles et hydrocarbures. Sa formule biodégradable le rend respectueux de l'environnement tout en étant d'une efficacité redoutable sur les surfaces les plus exigeantes. Ce produit est idéal pour éliminer les graisses carbonisées et autres résidus tenaces sur une grande variété de matériaux de cuisine, à l'exception de l'aluminium brut. Son efficacité est maximale lorsqu'il est appliqué à chaud (80-100°C), révélant une légère odeur agréable. Il est particulièrement adapté pour les friteuses, fours, grills, hottes et même pour nettoyer la suie sur les vitres de cheminée, les jantes de voitures ou les bâches. HA Clean 4 Grill est également le choix parfait pour le nettoyage des sols de cuisine, où il agit profondément pour éliminer les graisses et les saletés les plus tenaces, laissant les surfaces impeccables et hygiéniques.
Peleti - Peleti SL A1

Peleti - Peleti SL A1

EN A1 kotitalous pelletti Specs webpage: http://konetyo-metsa-ky0.webnode.fi/en/palvelut/pellets-and-bedding-briquette/
Stroški Proizvodnje (1 tona Pare) - Kotli na Biomaso

Stroški Proizvodnje (1 tona Pare) - Kotli na Biomaso

Production Costs (1 ton Steam) - Biomass Boilers
Profil proizvodnje pare vs. Zahteve - Kotli na biomaso

Profil proizvodnje pare vs. Zahteve - Kotli na biomaso

Steam Production Profile vs. Requirements - Biomass Boilers
Biomassne kotle

Biomassne kotle

Manufacturer of biomass boilers for the construction industry. Contact us now to get a quotation. Send a message or visit our website.
Pelit peletni kotel

Pelit peletni kotel

Pelit is not just a simple class 5 pellet boiler. Its ergonomic certified steel design offers high power density and an excellent efficiency of 93.4%, making it the most reliable heating system. Its multiple flue gas paths guarantee the most efficient cleaning of flue gases, achieving a 27% reduction of ash and a 60% reduction in dangerous particulates emissions to the atmosphere. The boiler automatic cleaning function reduces the need for regular maintenance, while the large ash tray maximizes its ease of use. Typically, the ash tray requires cleaning for every 500 kg of pellet for the 35kW boiler, for every ton for the 45kW boiler and for every 2 tons for the 75kW boiler. Finally, its flexible installation connectors and its small size ensure that the boiler can be installed even in a confined space. The Pelit Boiler is available in different powers that cover various needs and requirements, ensuring that its power and efficiency are the ones that suit you the best.