Izdelki za leteča veverica (25)

Praženi Lešniki - ITALIJA - 4x5 kg - Ekološki* - Druge možnosti pakiranja V KOMBINACIJI in VREČAH: 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg

Praženi Lešniki - ITALIJA - 4x5 kg - Ekološki* - Druge možnosti pakiranja V KOMBINACIJI in VREČAH: 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg

La Noisette concassée toastée VIJAYA réveillera tous vos sens gustatifs tant dans vos plats sucrés que salés. Référence:11000
Divji prašič

Divji prašič

Terrine traditionnelle au Sanglier en 90g Jean Brunet
Salchichonal 125

Salchichonal 125

Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, para la elaboración del producto cárnico no tratado por el calor denominado “Salchichón” o “Chorizo blanco” de calidad “Extra”, elaborado con técnicas de curación lenta (temperatura de 6 a 12ºC y HR inicial del 78 al 86%). Formato: bolsa 4kg
Cranberry Cut 1000G

Cranberry Cut 1000G

Las frutas de arándano son una rica fuente de vitaminas (C, B, E, K vitaminas), minerales (sodio, potasio, fósforo, calcio, magnesio, manganeso, hierro), fibra, ácidos orgánicos, carotenoides, flavonoides, taninas y pectinas. Cranberry no pierde sus propiedades durante el tratamiento térmico, por lo que, para los beneficios para la salud, puede consumir sus preparaciones, que no son tan agrias como la fruta de arándano fresco. Cravina funciona muy bien en la prevención de recaídas de infecciones del tracto urinario. Acidifica la orina, lo que conduce a bacterias matadoras que se encuentran en la vejiga. Además, los ácidos contenidos en arándano reducen la adhesión bacteriana, gracias a la cual se excretan en la orina. Los ácidos contenidos en el arándano son efectivos en la prevención y el tratamiento de los cálculos renales. El arándano seco también previene la enfermedad de las encías y la formación de placa. Cravina tiene fuertes propiedades antioxidantes.
Naravne marelične koščice

Naravne marelične koščice

-Kayısı çekirdeğinin içinde A, D, K ve E vitaminlerinin yanı sıra kanserle mücadele önemli bir etki sahibi olduğu söylenen B17, başka bir isimle laetril adı bir madde de yer alıyor. Bu nedenle kayısı çekirdeği birçok konuda vücudun yanında yer alabiliyor. -İçindeki B17 sayesinde kanserli hücrelerin oluşumunu, oluşmuş olanlarınsa genişlemesini engellediği söyleniyor. -Bolca vitamin barındırması sayesinde kayısı çekirdeği bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici bir etki de yaratabiliyor. -Bu özellikleri dışında yüksek kan basıncını dengelemede yardımcı oluyor. Bu sayede yüksek tansiyonu olanlara destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği, yağ olarak kullanıldığına selülitlerin görünümünü azaltıp oluşumunu önlüyor. -Bununla da kalmayan kayısı çekirdeği yağı, cildi nemlendiriyor, kırışıklık karşıtı bir etki yaratıyor, cildin yaşlanmasını geciktiriyor. -Sivilcelerin hızla geçmesine destek oluyor. -Kayısı çekirdeği yağı, ağrıları dindirmede de önemli rol oynuyor.
Kikiriki - Povečan Kikiriki, Java Kikiriki, Blanširan Kikiriki

Kikiriki - Povečan Kikiriki, Java Kikiriki, Blanširan Kikiriki

Ние доставяме фъстъци: Смел фъстък Ява фъстък Бланширани фъстъци
Guarana - prašek

Guarana - prašek

Natural guarana powder Net weight:50 g Energy value per 100 g:590 kcal Shelf life :12 months


Fruto seco sin cáscara ecológica procedente de agricultura orgánica. De calidad Premium, nuestras nueces con propiedades saludables únicas son el tentempié ideal mas beneficioso que puedas imaginar.
Cimet (Narezan)

Cimet (Narezan)

Kategorie: Einzelgewürze Geschmack und Aroma: Sehr feines, angenehm süßes Aroma mit herb-holzigem Duft und Noten von Gewürznelken. Anwendung: Der Ceylon-Zimt stammt aus Sri Lanka und wird dort aus der Rinde des Zimtbaumes gewonnen. Er duftet und schmeckt feiner und deutlich vielschichtiger als der preiswertere, chinesische Cassia-Zimt und enthält zudem bis zu 400-mal weniger Cumarin, das gesundheitlich als bedenklich gilt. Der geschnittene Zimt (2-7mm) eignet sich sehr gut für die Herstellung eigener Tee-Kreationen. Zutaten: Zimt Hinweis für Allergiker: Kann Spuren von Schalenfrüchten, Erdnüssen, Sesam, Senf und Sellerie enthalten. Inhalt: 30 g in Weißblechdose
Kikiriki, praženi - Praženi kikiriki

Kikiriki, praženi - Praženi kikiriki

Mit den gerösteten NutriPur Erdnüssen kommt das Snack-Erlebnis zu Dir nach Hause oder ins Büro. Eignet sich auch für Unterwegs! Nüsse zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Anteil von Proteinen aus. Ideal für deine leckere Zwischenmahlzeit. Die Erdnüsse sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Snack it!
Orehovo jedro - OREH

Orehovo jedro - OREH

Walnuts, which are especially popular in winter, contain a lot of useful nutrients for our health. It is an essential element of both traditional and reform nutrition. The walnut or nut tree is a genus belonging to the Nutaceae or Nutraceae family. It is native to Hungary as well, and in the Carpathian basin you can find two types more often: one is the edible ordinary walnut, and the other is the black walnut planted as an ornamental tree in Europe. It has spread in folk medicine due to its blood purifying effect, and is used in cases of gastritis and enteritis. Externally, it is used to treat skin diseases, acne, ulcers, and eczema. Rich in minerals. The calcium content helps maintain the health of bones and teeth, contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis, and plays a role in the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. Zinc is necessary for the production of insulin, growth and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Praženi soljeni arašidi 40g - SOLJENI OREH IN SEMENA

Praženi soljeni arašidi 40g - SOLJENI OREH IN SEMENA

Meetings with loved ones? We start conversations at the table with the most pleasant topic - food. Remember, we bite difficult or contentious issues with snacks ... without restrictions. Classic and to everyone's taste - salted peanuts. Product features:No added sugar, Gluten free, Vegan Weight:40g
Navadni oreh - Orehove pregrade, orehovi listi, Juglans regia

Navadni oreh - Orehove pregrade, orehovi listi, Juglans regia

High quality walnut partitions and/or leaves for wholesale. Both leaves and partitions are widely used in medicine.Particions contains the most iodine. It causes a pleasant dark brown color and a bitter taste. It is because of the high content of iodine that this product is valued. It also contains trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. The vitamin composition of the partitions is rich: they contain carotene, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, B vitamins and vitamin PP. There are a lot of amino acids, tannins and essential oils in the partitions, which determine their benefits for the human body. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Conventional Part of plant:Partitions, leaves Quantity:up to 3 tons per year Package :As required
Posušene pese - HoReCa

Posušene pese - HoReCa

The history of beets totals more than 2 thousand years. This root crop is the most common among vegetable crops. In dried form, it can be stored for a long time. Its use is similar to the use of fresh root crops. Like any dried product, getting into the liquid, it quickly restores its properties. Use for Soups, sauces, meat, marinades, poultry dishes, rice and vegetable dishes. Taste sweet Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 9,0 Fats (g / 100g)… 0,5 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 54 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 260
Praženi Oluščeni Lešniki

Praženi Oluščeni Lešniki

Le gustose nocciole sgusciate e tostate le riconosci subito per il loro profumo delizioso. Ne esistono davvero tante varietà e differiscono per la loro particolare forma che può essere tonda o allungata. Tutte le nocciole hanno, però, un comune denominatore: fanno gola al palato e sono delle vere protagoniste in cucina, essendo perfette sia nei piatti dolci che salati. Le puoi aggiungere ai cereali, alle insalate, alle salse, ai budini o utilizzarle per conferire croccantezza e gusto a primi piatti, secondi di pesce e di carne. Oltretutto, sono veramente preziose in pasticceria e in gelateria perché costituiscono un ingrediente base di tantissime creazioni, come creme, gelati e torte. Le nocciole sgusciate e tostate, oltre ad essere squisite ed irresistibili, sono anche benefiche per il nostro organismo: sono ricche di vitamina E, un antiossidante utile per la prevenzione di alcuni tipi di tumore e sono un’ottima fonte di fosforo, potassio, calcio e proteine.
Posušene Fige iz Kalabrije - Alaricovi Zakladi Mandlji 200g

Posušene Fige iz Kalabrije - Alaricovi Zakladi Mandlji 200g

I prelibati fichi secchi di Calabria, piccoli, dai semi impercettibili palato e dalla dolcezza infinita, cotti al forno e con all'interno una prelibata mandorla siciliana nella confezione regalo da 200 gr. dedicata all'antico condottiero Alarico. Da tenere in luogo fresco e asciutto, lontano da fonti di calore e luce eccessiva.


We are supplying a wide range of fresh products such as Citrus, grapes, watermelons, tomatoes, cherries, figs, peaches, cucumbers, peppers chesnuts, apples, nectarines,pomegranate and many more vegetables all year round. Company has own pack house with cold storage.Also have GLOBAL GAP &ISO 22000 certificates munevvercelebiAThirafood.com
Pecan 500g vivio orehi

Pecan 500g vivio orehi

Pecan nuts are classified as one of the most noble species of nuts. They were an important element of the diet of native inhabitants of North America. The nuts have a slightly sweet and buty -button taste, so they fit perfectly with all cakes, desserts and chocolates. They are a component of the famous Pecan (Pecan Pie) tart, prepared for thanksgiving. A 90% of fats contained in Pecan nuts are healthy, monounsaturated fatty acids. EFAs are necessary for skin health, proper cardiovascular function. They reduce LDL (so -called bad cholesterol), thanks to which they protect against the development of atherosclerosis. Pecan presents contain vitamins: C, E, K and B vitamins as well as magnesium, manganese and copper minerals. Manganese supports the nervous system and accelerates the passage of cholesterol, while copper is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which is transferred to the good condition of our skin.
Praženi arašidi s česnom 100g - SOLJENI OREH IN SEMENA

Praženi arašidi s česnom 100g - SOLJENI OREH IN SEMENA

Meetings with loved ones? We start conversations at the table with the most pleasant topic - food. Remember, we bite difficult or contentious issues with snacks ... without restrictions. The best and everyone's taste - peanuts with spices. Product features:No added sugar, Gluten free, Vegan
Posušen jajčevec - HoReCa

Posušen jajčevec - HoReCa

This solanaceous berry came to Europe from Persia, and because of the difficulties of translation, it was often called a crazy apple. Eggplant came to Russia from the Caucasus, which is why it had the nickname “Armenian cucumber” for a long time. Properly dried eggplant has a bright aroma and taste of mushrooms. This feature makes it an indispensable component in dishes with stewed vegetables or in any roast. Use for Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes from meat, poultry and game dishes. Taste Spicy, bitter, piquant Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 11 Fats (g / 100g)… 1,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 43 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 230
Lešniki Azija, praženi - Praženi Lešniki

Lešniki Azija, praženi - Praženi Lešniki

Nüsse zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Anteil an Proteinen aus. Ideal für deine leckere Zwischenmahlzeit. Die Erdnüsse sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Snack it!
Dimljena Semena Sončnice, Pražena - Pražena Semena Sončnice

Dimljena Semena Sončnice, Pražena - Pražena Semena Sončnice

Diese unscheinbaren kleinen grauen Samen stecken voller Power. Unsere gerösteten Sonnenblumenkerne sind eine ideale pflanzliche Eiweißquelle. Mit ihrem leicht nussigen Geschmack sind sie ideal als Topping für Salate oder man snackt sie einfach zwischendurch.
Pecan 500g vivio orehi

Pecan 500g vivio orehi

Les noix de pacanes sont classées comme l'une des espèces les plus nobles de noix. Ils étaient un élément important du régime alimentaire des habitants indigènes d'Amérique du Nord. Les noix ont un goût légèrement sucré et buty-buutton, donc ils s'adaptent parfaitement à tous les gâteaux, desserts et les chocolats. Ils sont une composante de la célèbre tarte aux pacanes (tarte aux pacanes), préparée à Thanksgiving. 90% des graisses contenues dans les noix de pacanes sont des acides gras sains et monoinsaturés. Les AGE sont nécessaires pour la santé de la peau, une fonction cardiovasculaire appropriée. Ils réduisent les LDL (si appelés mauvais cholestérol), grâce auxquels ils protègent contre le développement de l'athérosclérose. Les cadeaux des pacanes contiennent des vitamines: C, E, K et B les vitamines ainsi que le magnésium, le manganèse et les minéraux en cuivre. Le manganèse soutient le système nerveux et accélère le passage du cholestérol, tandis que le cuivre est nécessaire pou
Karamelizirani indijski oreščki 90g - OREH IN SEMENA V KARAMELU

Karamelizirani indijski oreščki 90g - OREH IN SEMENA V KARAMELU

Cashews are one of the noblest and tastiest nuts and dried fruit. Just a bomb full of precious ingredients. Enriched with delicate golden caramel, it tastes delicious. Product features:Gluten Free, Salt Free, Vegan