Izdelki za madè (4)



Debut is a careers app and website for early and graduate careers. The platform hosts more graduate roles than anyone else. Traditional entry level recruitment channels and tools are struggling to engage with students and graduates. Most companies acknowledge the importance of smartphones and digital media for their target audiences but are still lacking a comprehensive mobile attraction strategy. Until now. Debut is a completely free app for students to showcase their profile and skills in an engaging and fun way to employers across the country. For graduate employers, it is the attraction tool of choice, providing them unprecedented targeting and access to a wide and receptive talent pool.


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Prilagojeno delo

Prilagojeno delo

Contacta con nosotros para poder ofrecerte un presupuesto personalizado y adaptado a tus necesidades, con otros servicios adaptados a lo que necesites.


Idee brillanti per trasmettere il cuore e l'anima della tua attività. Emoziona il tuo pubblico, catturane l’attenzione, stregalo con il tuo fascino.