Izdelki za maksiliv ds sirup (24)

Javorjev sirup TM Maribell - Javorjev sirup TM Maribell, narejen iz sladkorja in naravne arome, izvožen po vsem svetu

Javorjev sirup TM Maribell - Javorjev sirup TM Maribell, narejen iz sladkorja in naravne arome, izvožen po vsem svetu

Maple sugar syrup is one of the most popular in the world. It perfectly works as additive for coffee, cocktails and tea. Ingredients: sugar, water, natural flavor, citric acid Packed in glass bottles 0,7L or plastic bottles 1L Besides, we have small 0,25L glass bottles. We export worldwide. To know the price, please email: irina.syrup@gmail.com Visit our web: www.maribell.com.ua/en
Sunpride %100 Paradižnikov sok - 100% naravni okus

Sunpride %100 Paradižnikov sok - 100% naravni okus

A unique taste collected from Turkey's tomato gardens, squeezed and taken its place on the tables.
Meravit Multivitamin - 20 Šumečih Tablet

Meravit Multivitamin - 20 Šumečih Tablet

Simply dissolved in water for a refreshing orange-flavoured drink, the potent blend of 10 essential vitamins that supports cognitive function, energy levels, and overall well-being. Perfect for those experiencing fatigue or stress, Meravit Multivitamin enhances mental clarity and boosts immune function with every sip.
Sumivital - Prehransko dopolnilo

Sumivital - Prehransko dopolnilo

Protection cellulaire* - Stress oxydatif* – Système immunitaire** Sumivital contient des antioxydants (vitamines + minéraux) qui interviennent dans: la protection contre les radicaux libres, le renforcement de la vitalité, le soutien du système de défense. Il est important que l'alimentation apporte à l'organisme les éléments nécessaires à une protection antiradicalaire. Sumivital en assure la supplémentation. Propriétés La vitamine C et la vitamine E contribuent à protéger des radicaux libres. La vitamine C intervient à différents niveaux: Contribution à la régénération de la forme réduite de la vitamine E, Participation au métabolisme énergétique, à une bonne fonction du système immunitaire, à la diminution de la lassitude et de la fatigue, etc... Le bêta-carotène, précurseur de la vitamine A, aide à la stimulation et au renforcement du système immunitaire. Le sélénium, associé à la vitamine E, contribue à protéger l’organisme des radicaux libres soutenant ainsi le système...
Smoothie iz paradižnika in zelene s kolagenom - LEOVIT DETOX, Paket 20 g

Smoothie iz paradižnika in zelene s kolagenom - LEOVIT DETOX, Paket 20 g

LEOVIT DETOX Tomato and celery smoothie with collagen is a unique healthy food product. It contains tomato, celery, beets, apples, inulin, pectin, basil, detox spices and chia seeds, linseeds, collagen for beauty. Detoxification of the body is a vital procedure. Specialized preventive nutrition for body detoxification contains components that affect all stages of the metabolism of toxins, promote binding and their speedy elimination from the cell, and then from the body (ensuring the process of neutralization and elimination of toxins). Numerous clinical studies of LEOVIT DETOX products have shown the possibility of their daily constant use with a stable positive effect. The amount of food consumed between courses of the nutrition program depends on the level of contamination of the body with exo- or endotoxins. Proper nutrition for a reasonable price! Our smoothie is allowed in fasting!
Oligomax Cink - Silicij

Oligomax Cink - Silicij

OLiGOMAX Zinc-Silicium est une synergie de minéraux et oligoéléments d’origine naturelle : association d’eau de mer concentrée et de lithothamne, algue rouge source d’oligoéléments. Y sont ajoutés des oligoéléments sélectionnés pour leurs bienfaits, dont le zinc et le silicium. Le zinc contribue à un métabolisme acido-basique normal et au maintien d’une bonne ossature. Le bambou, bon pour les articulations, contient de la silice qui participe au confort articulaire. Quand est-il conseillé ? OLiGOMAX Zinc - Silicium pourra être conseillé pour le confort articulaire et pour l’équilibre acido-basique. Silicium:12 mg Zinc:1,5 mg (15% VNR*)
MAXILIV A+C+D3 - Prehransko dopolnilo (Sprej)

MAXILIV A+C+D3 - Prehransko dopolnilo (Sprej)

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D3 Vitamin A:120 mcg Vitamin C:17.5 mg Vitamin D3:800 IU
Humisol-plus Fruit And Berry, Grapes - Humisol-plus Fruit And Berry, Grapes - tekoči organski biostimulator na osnovi vermikomposta

Humisol-plus Fruit And Berry, Grapes - Humisol-plus Fruit And Berry, Grapes - tekoči organski biostimulator na osnovi vermikomposta

Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for root and foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of fruit and berry crops and grapes. How to use: Root and foliar feeding (spraying). Culture: Fruit trees (pome, stone fruit, nut-bearing), berry crops (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, etc.), grapes. Action: The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants. Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying. Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008. Preparation form:Liquid TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021 Packaging:Canister 10 l
Attimo 100 Ml

Attimo 100 Ml

Liquore a base di castagne Liquor based on chestnuts Liquor based on chestnuts Cartone da 24 bottiglie Pack of 24 bottles Pack de 24 bouteilles 100 ml 17% vol Ref:0501273 EAN:8034125102051
150 ml tekoče slane raztopine

150 ml tekoče slane raztopine

Dünyanın en kaliteli tuzları kaynak sularından elde edilen tuzlardır ve yeryüzünde sınırlı sayıda kaynak suyu tuzlası bulunur. Mayi Tuz ürünleri de Kırıkkale’nin Delice ilçesinde bulunan doğal kaynak suyu tuzlasından, hiçbir işlem uygulanmadan, rafine edilmeden ve sadece güneşte kristalleştirilerek elde edilen son derece kaliteli, sağlıklı ve doğal tuzlardır. Mayi Sıvı Tuz ise diğer bütün Mayi Tuzların kaynağının ta kendisidir. Yerin 1300 metre aşağısındaki fay kırığından çıkan sıcak su hattının kırmızı toprak minerallerini bünyesine katarak ve kristal kaya tuzlarından tuzluluğunu alarak yeryüzüne çıkan bu eşsiz kaynağın en saf hali ile sofralarınıza ulaşmış halidir. Mayi Sıvı Tuz Nasıl Kullanılır? Salatalar için ya da tuzun eşit dağılmasını, yemekle anında bütünleşmesini istediğiniz zamanlarda son dokunuş için mükemmeldir. Sprey ambalajda bulunan sıvı tuzlar salata ve soslar için son derece pratiktir.
DYACIL MAXI - Odobreno koncentrirano dezinfekcijsko sredstvo za hrano

DYACIL MAXI - Odobreno koncentrirano dezinfekcijsko sredstvo za hrano

Détergent, désinfectant apte au contact alimentaire, pour le nettoyage et la désinfection simultanés des surfaces et objets. Ce bactéricide, levuricide, fongicide, virucide puissant détruit de nombreux germes et prévient le risque de contamination. Il est efficace contre les Coronavirus. Il possède des normes de désinfection en collectivités et pour le secteur médical. Il est particulièrement recommandé dans les cuisines collectives (restaurants, cantines, etc.) pour l’hygiène des sols, murs, portes, chambres froides, chariots, réfrigérateurs, comptoirs, matériels... mais aussi pour la désinfection en milieu agro-alimentaire (laiteries, salaisonneries, abattoirs...). Ce produit est adapté à une utilisation en centrale-mousse sous pression et canon à mousse, il produit une très belle mousse permettant la visualisation de la surface traitée et assurant ainsi un nettoyage et une désinfection conformément aux normes d’hygiène en cuisine et en milieu agro-alimentaire.
Aureum Likirji - 200 ml

Aureum Likirji - 200 ml

Os licores Aureum neste formato estão disponíveis em 24 variedades. Licores exóticos e tropicais, licores tradicionais, de diferentes frutos e ervas aromáticas, pétalas de rosa, mel, etc...


Formulated with organic acid technology (OAT), it is a long-lasting concentra ted cooling fluid that ensures that the engine operates at ideal operating temperature in all four seasons. The specially developed green design is ethylene glycol based antifreeze and does not contain nitrite, amine, phosphate, silicate and borate. Before use in all climatic conditions ta provide optimum performance in the radiators of motor cooling systems, dilute with 50 % pure water.


La vera tradizione italiana in un processo di distillazione a ghiaccio, ottenedo una preparazione del caffè a freddo di origine pura. Le nostre miscele appena tostate vengono macinate, inserite nel processo produttivo di distillazione che versando acqua ghiacciata goccia a goccia sul caffè macinato per ben 18 ore permette di sprigionare completamente gli aromi senza scaldarli. Il nostro “LUWAK COFFEE” offre sapori forti, intensi, più ampi e più complessi di qualsiasi altro caffè ghiacciato o ghiacciato. Ideale per coctkail e da bere freddo per avere energia , forza , concentrazione e dissetarsi, consigliato anche a chi pratica sport frequentemente.
MCK Magenta Barvna Krema 250 ml

MCK Magenta Barvna Krema 250 ml

MCK Majenta Color Cream Paint 250 ml
Poletni koncentrat za čiščenje oken 1:10, 1 L - 5 L

Poletni koncentrat za čiščenje oken 1:10, 1 L - 5 L

The concentrate can be used in a 1:10 ratio, One time concentrate and 10 times distilled water., the concentrate comes in four flavors Citrus, Forest berry, Orange, and Apple. Other sizes available on request Premium 1:10 Summer Window Cleaner Concentrate - 4 Refreshing Flavors:69 Premium 1:10 Summer Window Cleaner Concentrate - Fresh Citrus, Forest Berry:114
Vsebuje na ml: Amoksicilin (kot trihidrat) 100 mg

Vsebuje na ml: Amoksicilin (kot trihidrat) 100 mg

Please visit our website www.jhlanimalhealth.com . Can email us at... +32474 - #Composition Contains per ml: Amoxycillin (as trihydrate) 100 mg #Description by e.g. penicillinase-producing staphylococci and some Gram-negative strains Amoxycillin long-acting is a broad-spectrum, semi-synthetic penicillin, active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The range of effect includes Streptococci, not penicillinase-producing Staphylococci, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Brucella spp., Haemophilus spp., Pasteurella spp., Salmonella spp., Moraxella spp., E. coli, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Fusiformis, Bordetella spp., Diplococci, Micrococci and Sphaerophorus necrophorus. Amoxycillin has many advantages; it is non-toxic, has good intestinal resorption, is stable in acidic conditions and is bactericidal. The drug is destroyed #Amoxicillin_ Injection #antibiotic_ Veterinary #Medicine _veterinary #Animal_ amoxicillin_ trihydrate_ GMP #amoxicillin_ raw_ pharmaceutical_ veterinary #amoxycillin_ raw_ pharmaceutica
Deepway Gel za Tuširanje

Deepway Gel za Tuširanje

Yüksek oranda kullanılan kalsiyum bentonit kilin yüksek negatif iyon özelliği sayesinde deri altında ve üstünde bulunan ağır metal ve toksitleri çeker ve vücuttan uzaklaştırır. Egzema, kaşıntı, deri döküntüleri, eklem ve kas ağrılarına vb. birçok cilt rahatsızlıklarına karşı etkilidir. Yorgunluğu alır, pozitif enerji verir. Uykuya yardımcı olur.
Ekološki Rdeči Vinski Kis 6% LEONY

Ekološki Rdeči Vinski Kis 6% LEONY

Ingrédients : 100% Vinaigre de vin vieux rouge 6° biologique Conseils d'utilisation : A utiliser dans les vinaigrettes, salades, crudités et marinades. Ce produit est disponible également en bouteille de 25, 50 cl, cubis de 3-5-10 litres et fût de 220 litres.
Sunpride Cmix Sok 1000 ml - 100% Naravni Cmix Sok

Sunpride Cmix Sok 1000 ml - 100% Naravni Cmix Sok

A unique flavor collected from the orchards of Turkey, squeezed and taken its place on the tables.
MAXILIV DVIT-3 1.000 IU - Kapljice vitamina D3

MAXILIV DVIT-3 1.000 IU - Kapljice vitamina D3

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3:1.000 IU


ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Coenzim Q10 Korean Ginseng Extract Serenoa Repens Extract Chromium Molibden Manganese Copper Selenium Calcium Zinc Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B7 Vitamin B9 Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Excipients: Diluent: Microcrystalline Cellulose; Binder: Polyvinylpyrollidon; Glidant: Colloidal Silicon Dioxide; Lubricant: Magnesium Stearate,Film Coating Agent.
MAXILIV MAGNIFUL - Prehransko dopolnilo (Tableta)

MAXILIV MAGNIFUL - Prehransko dopolnilo (Tableta)

Magnesium (as Magnesium Citrate) Magnesium (as Magnesium Taurate) Magnesium (as Magnesium Bisglycinate) Magnesium (as Magnesium Malate) Magnesium (as Magnesium L-Threonate) Magnesium (as Magnesium Citrate):35.0 mg Magnesium (as Magnesium Taurate):30.0 mg Magnesium (as Magnesium Bisglycinate):25.0 mg Magnesium (as Magnesium Malate):25.0 mg Magnesium (as Magnesium L-Threonate):10.0
MAXILIV ENZYME DIGEST - Prehransko dopolnilo (Kapsula)

MAXILIV ENZYME DIGEST - Prehransko dopolnilo (Kapsula)

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Amylase Zingiber Officinale Extract Glycyrrhiza Glabra Extract Bromelain Lipase Protease Saccharomyces Cerevisia Hemicellulase Amylase:175.0 mg Zingiber Officinale Extract:60.0 mg Glycyrrhiza Glabra Extract:60.0 mg Bromelain:40.0 mg Lipase:40.0 mg Protease:40.0 mg Saccharomyces Cerevisia:40.0 mg Hemicellulase:15.0 mg