Izdelki za menikon sp care (35)

Honor Krema 250 ml - Kozmetika

Honor Krema 250 ml - Kozmetika

- Fuß Balsam - Fuß und Bein Lotion - Aloe Vera Creme - Muskelbalsam - Rosskastanien Creme 1.920 St. / Palette Ab Lager: Mönchengladbach D Code: LKW-Abnahme: SE 11.110 Paletten-Abnahme: SE 11.138 Zolltarifnummer: 3401.30.00
Intenzivna Krema za Ročno Nego 150 ML

Intenzivna Krema za Ročno Nego 150 ML

Jophielle Angel’s Light Yoğun El Bakım Kremi; kuru ve yıpranmış olan elleri yoğun bir şekilde nemlendirmeye yardımcı olur. Özenle hazırlanan içeriği sayesinde cilt tarafından çabuk emilerek yağ tabakası bırakmadan cilde ipeksi bir yumuşaklık kazandırmayı destekler. ml:150
Spanec Plus - Melatonina

Spanec Plus - Melatonina

Spécifiquement formulé à base de Mélatonine et de 4 plantes (Mélisse, Houblon, Passiflore et Valériane) pour contribuer à réduire l'anxiété, à favoriser la relaxation et à améliorer la qualité du sommeil. Disponible en 60 ou 120 gélules. Formule disponible en marque blanche. Personnalisez ce produit à votre marque.
Čistilna Pena - ČISTILA / TONIKI

Čistilna Pena - ČISTILA / TONIKI

This light and mild foam allows perfect cleansing of skin that is exposed to pollution and environmental stress. Because it is formulated with very mild cleansing agents, even persons with sensitive skin can use it daily. Its active ingredients bring oxygenation (Lupin and Gingko Biloba) and radiance (Nopal flower) to the skin. Skin type:All skin types Needs:cleansing Texture:foam Use:Morning and evening, every day
Dermax Paket Brez Dišav

Dermax Paket Brez Dišav

The Dermax Package Fragrance-Free Skin Care is a comprehensive skincare set designed for those with sensitive skin. This package includes a fragrance-free liquid soap, body lotion, shower gel, and shampoo, all formulated to cleanse and nourish the skin without causing irritation. The products are free from mineral oils, parabens, and artificial fragrances, making them suitable for daily use on even the most sensitive skin. The liquid soap is an excellent cleanser that does not dry out the skin, while the body lotion provides long-lasting hydration. The shower gel and shampoo are designed to protect the skin and hair from drying out, ensuring a healthy and balanced complexion. Experience the gentle care of the Dermax Package Fragrance-Free Skin Care. This set is perfect for those seeking a complete skincare routine that is both effective and gentle on the skin. The products are enriched with moisturizing substances that help to lock in moisture, keeping your skin soft and supple throughout the day. Whether you're looking to prevent irritation or simply maintain a healthy complexion, this fragrance-free skincare package is your go-to solution for beautiful, nourished skin.
DERMAEX AVANT TRAVAUX - Ščititi i brinuti se

DERMAEX AVANT TRAVAUX - Ščititi i brinuti se

Pâte de protection pour les mains AVANT TRAVAUX Sans colorant, sans lanoline ni silicone Protège l’épiderme contre les graisses, solvants, peintures, essences, produits d’usinage entiers, détergents concentrés, bains de traitements électrolytiques, ciment sec ou humide etc… Réf:PP642 Conditionnement:Bidon de 1 L – Carton de 12 Ex:DERMAEX PROTECT
ESAROME SEBO IKS - Losjon z Eteričnimi Olji za Seborejo

ESAROME SEBO IKS - Losjon z Eteričnimi Olji za Seborejo

E’ studiato per tutti i casi di seborrea e cute grassa. Il complesso di principi attivi funzionali (PAF) in esso contenuti, regola le funzioni del cuoio capelluto ripristinando il suo equilibrio. Grazie al mix di Estratti naturali e Oli Essenziali, accuratamente selezionati e sapientemente amalgamati, svolge un’importante azione antibatterica, previene il cattivo odore dovuto all’eccessiva secrezione sebacea, allontanando nel tempo l’untuosità dei capelli. In modo particolare: Estratto di Foglia di Ortica Dioica – Estratto di Argan – Estratto Glicerico di Edera – Estratto di Semi di Sesamo: svolgono un’efficace azione antibatterica e antinfiammatoria, mantenendo la cute morbida e idratata. Estratto di Serenoa Serrulata: i suoi polifenoli hanno proprietà antiandrogeniche che espletano principalmente attraverso l’inibizione dell’enzima 5-alfareduttasi (deputato alla conversione del testosterone in diidrotestosterone responsabile nei soggetti predisposti, dell’alopecia androgenetica) Scatola per home care:12 fiale da 7 ml cadauna
Sensodyne Pronamel Intenzivno Obnavljanje Sklenine Belilna Zobna Pasta

Sensodyne Pronamel Intenzivno Obnavljanje Sklenine Belilna Zobna Pasta

Top quality dental care products available whole sale and retail.
medicinski izdelki

medicinski izdelki

Alles medizinische produkte


[Product Description] As a product for aesthetic specialists, it goes beyond instant moisturizing to help restore and maintain the balance of sebum in the skin, helping skin regain its vitality. [Product Features] 1. Whitening effect and skin barrier improvement effect with niacin amide 2. Combination of 7 natural plant extracts to improve skin health and recharge moisture 3. Soft and cool formulation that absorbs into the skin without being sticky [Product Standard] 1. Capacity : 30ml 2. Product weight : 185g 3. Package weight : 202g 4. Volume after packaging : 80mm x 80mm x 60mm [Product Use] 1. Product Use : after washing your face or before going to bed for whitening, moisturizing and skin care 2. Field of use : Face and body [Company Information] E2BIO CO.,LTD. Website : http://www.grinee.co.kr Brand Name :E2BIO CO.,LTD. Place of Origin:South Korea
Perkosun Krema Deodorant 3 Dni

Perkosun Krema Deodorant 3 Dni

The unpleasant body odor arises when sweat, odorless in itself, reaches the surface of the skin. There starts its decomposition caused by grampositive and gramnegative bacteria which are found on the skin. PERKOSUN cream deodorant controls the development of grampositive and gramnegative bacteria i.e. it does not allow them to proliferate. This results in perspiring freely without any unpleasant odor. Normal perspiration is essential for preserving normal body functions. Moreover, PERKOSUN cream deodorant protects you for 3 whole days. This means that for 3 days you perspire normally without any unpleasant odor. During the period of 3 days you can have as many showers or baths as you like, without using again Perkosun. All the above statements are clinically proven by independent institute of researches for cosmetic products. Moreover, PERKOSUN cream deodorant is dermatologically tested.
Nevtralna Krema - Nevtralna Masaža

Nevtralna Krema - Nevtralna Masaža

La Crème Neutre est destinée aux massages utilisés une manipulation régulière, plus ou moins longue. Hydrosoluble, hypoallergénique, ne tachant pas et naturellement hydratante, elle apporte glisse et confort, sans risque d’échauffement dû à une manipulation prolongée. Application: Appliquer directement sur la zone à traiter par petites quantités (30 ml). Masser jusqu’à pénétration complète du produit. Formule: Émulsions L / H, huile d’amande douce, vitamine B5, chèvrefeuille. Poids:0,3 kg Contenant:250ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 5000ml
Heliocare SPF 50 Sprej - KOSMETIKA

Heliocare SPF 50 Sprej - KOSMETIKA

Spray SPF Heliocare SPF 50 - COSMETICS




In der Kosmetikserie von apiserun finden Sie die unvergleichliche Kombination von Gelee Royale und ausgesuchten natürlichen Pflanzenextrakten. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE ist ein erfrischendes Tonic für die reifere und regenerationsbedürftige Haut mit Straffungseffekt. apiserum LOTION TONIQUE morgens und abends nach der Reinigung auf Gesicht und Hals auftragen. Wirkstoffe: • Gelée Royal • Karottenextrakt • Rosenöl • Geraniumöl


Encimski pripravki: Proteozym® N

Encimski pripravki: Proteozym® N

Proteozym® N als Monoenzympräparat enthält Bromelain (Enzyme aus der Ananas) dazu Zink. Proteozym® N unterstützt eine normale Eiweißsynthese und die Erhaltung von Knochen, Haaren, Nägeln und Haut. Wann und wo Enzyme ? Eine „Kernkompetenz“ der Enzyme liegt in der Regulation, Unterstützung und Beschleu­ni­gung von Ent­zün­dungsreaktionen. Indem die Proteasen und Lipasen am Entzündungs­herd dazu beitragen, Zellfragmente abzubauen und die Mikrozirkulation zu verbessern, wirken sie anti­inflamma­torisch, antiödematös und letztendlich auch analgetisch, also schmerzlindernd. Da die meisten pathophysiologischen Vorgänge, von Hämatomen über Gelenkschmerzen bis Krebs, auf Entzündungen zurückgeführt oder zumindest von entzünd­lich­en Prozessen beglei­tet werden, können Enzyme auch bei einer sehr großen Zahl von Erkran­kun­gen eingesetzt werden.
FENOSOL Intenzivno Čistilo

FENOSOL Intenzivno Čistilo

FENOSOL® Intensivreiniger – Spezialreiniger auf Wasserbasis für weiße PVC-Hart Oberflächen. FENOSOL® Intensivreiniger wurde speziell entwickelt für die schonende Reinigung weißer PVC-Hart Oberflächen. Schnell, gründlich und zuverlässig entfernt er allgemeine Haushaltsverschmutzungen, Industrie- und Autoabgase, sowie Ölheizungsrückstände und Pollen. Durch seine antistatische Wirkung bleiben zudem die Oberflächen lange schmutzabweisend. Anwendungsgebiete FENOSOL® Intensivreiniger ist geeignet für weiße • Kunststoff-Fensterprofile • Kunststoff-Türen • Kunststoff-Rollladen • Kunststoff-Möbel • Kunststoff-Zäune Für folienbeschichtete Oberflächen verwenden Sie bitte unser Produkt: FENOSOL® Kunststoffreiniger.
MELANOout Maskna Krema MCCM Medical Cosmetics

MELANOout Maskna Krema MCCM Medical Cosmetics

MELANOout Mask Cream MELANOout Mask Cream is formulated to attenuate and eliminate coetanous spots of melanic origin located at epidemic levels. This product is also available as part of Melano Out System Pack. Product Features: Size 15ml All MCCM Medical Cosmetic orders are dispatched the same working day for next days delivery. Quality Beauty Store is exclusive distributor of MCCM products in the United Kingdom. Sign Up to our social media to get the latest product news and updates about our products.
Melexder Šampon za nego las (izpadanje las) - Melexder šampon za izpadanje las in prhljaj

Melexder Šampon za nego las (izpadanje las) - Melexder šampon za izpadanje las in prhljaj

Melexder shampoo, It nourishes, purifies and provides special care by moisturizing the thinned, worn and weak scalp and strands. It helps to keep the hair strands alive, strong and voluminous by protecting them from external factors. -Keratin: nourishes the hair by strengthening the hair follicles. -Caffein: prolongs the anagen process of the hair. Inhibits dihydrotesterone in the hair follicle. -Hyaluronic Acid: regenerates the cells of scalp and keeps the scalp young. -Vitamin E, B5 and B3: Vitamin E protects the hair follicle by reducing oxidative stress. Vitamin B5 strengthens the hair fiber, moisturizes the scalp and repairs damaged follicles. Vitamin B3 ensures healthy, lively and strong growth of the hair fiber. -Calendula extract, Chamomilla Extract, nettle extract, horsetail extract, basil extract, grape seed extract, rosemary and lavander oils.
Phar smartSkincare Serum - 30 ml

Phar smartSkincare Serum - 30 ml

Siero viso attivo specificatamente formulato per la pelle matura che necessita di sostegno e rinforzante della struttura cutanea, svolge un'azione rassodante che apporta il tessuto cutaneo più elastico e ringiovanito. Riempie le rughe e immediatamente ridefinisce l'aspetto del viso, combattendo i segni della stanchezza e donando il pelle un aspetto più liscio e setoso.
Kenogen - INTENZIVNO ZDRAVLJENJE Ponovna rast, Zgoščevanje, Podaljševanje

Kenogen - INTENZIVNO ZDRAVLJENJE Ponovna rast, Zgoščevanje, Podaljševanje

From the fourty-year trichological experience of Vivipharma research comes a specifi cally targeted solution for the need to regrow hair: the KENOGEN® treatment with 500 mg melatonin, in versions for both men and women. Since the remarkable qualities of the Keno-Complex promote the natural regrowth and thickening of the hair, and facilitate its lengthening, the KENOGEN® treatment with 500 mg melatonin is a valuable daily program that restores energy, health and beauty to your hair. The Keno-Complex is a potent hair follicle activator that acts synergistically on the principal factors that promote hair growth: - inhibition of 5 a-reductase - increased subcutaneous microcirculation - dermal regeneration through activation of cell metabolism - synchronization of the biological clock.
Mandelna Kislina 15%

Mandelna Kislina 15%

Multifunctional chemical peeling based on 15% mandelic acid. It exfoliates the epidermis, stimulating it to intensive regeneration. It evens out the color, supports collagen production, smoothes fine wrinkles and has an anti-aging effect firming the skin. Irreplaceable in the care of problematic skin. It regulates the secretion of sebum, prevents the formation of acne, effectively narrows enlarged pores. It does not cause photosensitization and can be used all year round. In summer, you should use a cream with a UV filter after its application. Available Packages:Set of 3 positions ( Mandelic Acid 15%): Degreasing + acid peels + nutralization Country of Origin:POLAND - AVA
Lotion za lase z močnim učinkom - 100 ml, farmakološko testirano, intenzivno zdravljenje

Lotion za lase z močnim učinkom - 100 ml, farmakološko testirano, intenzivno zdravljenje

Loción capilar que estimula el crecimiento del cabello, reduce su caída y redensifica. Rica en nutrientes que reparan y refuerzan los folículos dañados para obtener un cabello más grueso, brillante y resistente a la caída. Además, el oligopeptide-2 y las glicoproteínas estimulan los factores de crecimiento IGF1 y VEGF, que redensifican la fibra capilar.
ŠPORTNA KREMA - Krema za ogrevanje ali sproščanje mišic pred ali po športu.

ŠPORTNA KREMA - Krema za ogrevanje ali sproščanje mišic pred ali po športu.

This care product, specially formulated for athletes, is the one to put in your sports bag or when going walking. It will quickly become your best friend in case of stiffness or muscle aching and/or numbness.


• 11 vitamins + 8 minerals. • Based on the age-specific requirements of the body in useful substances. • Provides nutriment and support to joints, extends the active life period. • Suitable for daily intake during the ARVI season, diets and other nutritional restrictions, as well as during recovery from diseases and overstrain. Recommendations for use: For adults, take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals.


A specially created anti-dandruff and oily scalp product, regulating sebum secretion. Its regular use stops hair loss, eliminates dandruff and itching. The natural hydrobalance is normalized. Your skin calms down, redness and irritation disappear. Euterpa anti-dandruff shampoo is a viscous, pearly liquid with a pleasant aroma. Healthy scalp protection. ADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS: proven, long-lasting effect stops hair loss removes dandruff and itching moisturizes the scalp regulates fat secretion soothes redness and irritation adds softness, shine and volume to the hair for every hair type Code:3800201861403 WEIGHT:0.296 kg
Zaščita ust in nosu TIP II R roza - MNS maska, 50 kosov - 3 plasti

Zaščita ust in nosu TIP II R roza - MNS maska, 50 kosov - 3 plasti

Class I of Regulation EU 2017/745 on medical devices; Type II R (liquidresistant), tested according to EN 14683 2019 for surgical masks. The inside and outside are made of physiologically harmless, plasticizerfree polypropylene fleece, the filter medium consists of a special microfiber fleece produced using the meltblown process, welded together using the ultrasound process.
Skinceuticals Phloretin CF Gel 30 ml / 1 oz

Skinceuticals Phloretin CF Gel 30 ml / 1 oz

Skinceuticals Phloretin CF Gel 30 ml / 1 oz