Izdelki za olje in (47)

Colluto3 - Usta izpiranje obogateno z ozonom

Colluto3 - Usta izpiranje obogateno z ozonom

The product is used after regular oral hygiene (brushing and flossing).Shake it vigorously, pour it into the supplied measuring cup and take it quickly, to avoid the separation of the components. Rinse for about 30 seconds. Repeat the application twice a day, morning and evening. It is advisable not to rinse the mouth with water for at least 15 minutes after the treatment and not to take food or drinks for at least 30 minutes after the treatment.
Motul 300VFL RoadRacing5w30 4T 1L

Motul 300VFL RoadRacing5w30 4T 1L

Per moto da corsa equipaggiate con motori 4 tempi ad elevate prestazioni , con cambi di velocità integrati e non, e con frizioni a bagno d’olio o a secco; motori da competizione concepiti per operare a bassa viscosità dell’olio: moto veloci, MotoGP, Supersport, Superbike, gare in salita, etc. Altre applicazioni: il prodotto può essere impiegato anche su moto da strada con marmitta catalitica, veicoli ATV e UTV.
Kokos - kokos, dehidriran kokos, kokosovo olje

Kokos - kokos, dehidriran kokos, kokosovo olje

Coconut oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the flesh or seed of coconut. It is known for its multiple properties and uses. It is rich in saturated fatty acids, especially lauric acid, which imparts antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It is also used for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. Coconut oil can help improve skin and hair health, support heart health, and provide quick energy due to its medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) content.
Sintetično Mazivo LubriLoy 255gr Sprej

Sintetično Mazivo LubriLoy 255gr Sprej

Lubriloy Synthetic Spray Grease H1 255 gr spray Grasso Spray sintetico multiuso aerosol garantisce lunga vita, estrema abilità di carico e trasporto e proprietà antiruggine Ideale per applicazioni con temperature da -62° C a +315°C. Registrato NSF, per l’impiego in impianti di trasformazione della carne, pollame e alimenti controllati dal Governo. Di colore chiaro resistente all’acqua, Spray facile da usare. Applicazioni: attrezzature di lavorazione di carne e latticini, dispenser di liquidi, impianti di imballaggio, apparecchiature di assemblaggio, trasportatori, catene, forni, valvole, pompe, nastri scorrimento, cerniere, ruote, freezer.
Napoli Hrana Škatla - Italijanska Hrana Škatla z: špageti, omaka iz češnjevih paradižnikov, oljčno olje

Napoli Hrana Škatla - Italijanska Hrana Škatla z: špageti, omaka iz češnjevih paradižnikov, oljčno olje

Simplicity at its best! The Napoli Food Box filled with the true essence and tradition of Italy: spaghetti accompanied by the freshness and color of the cherry tomato sauce and the intense aroma of extra virgin olive oil. irresistible for anyone! This Napoli Food Box contains: - Durum wheat semolina spaghetti 500g - Cherry tomato sauce 690g - Extra virgin olive oil 250ml.


ShampO3 is a shampoo based on ozonized sunflower seed oil (Ozonia 3000 Sunflower), with a pleasant scent of silk and acai berries. It is indicated in conditions of dryness, dandruff, itching, redness, flaking of the scalp and for the well-being of the hair. It makes the use of conditioner superfluous.
Navojni polnilni čepi D.70 – D.90

Navojni polnilni čepi D.70 – D.90

Bocchettoni di riempimento D.70 e D.90 filettati maschio, in acciaio o acciaio inox, da saldare o da avvitare direttamente su serbatoi di carburante, olii idraulici e altri fluidi di macchine industriali. Questi prodotti sono compatibili con i nostri tappi serbatoio filettati D.70 e D.90. La selezione accurata delle materie prime e l’adozione di processi produttivi innovativi sono la prima garanzia di qualità e affidabilità nel tempo del nostro prodotto. Eseguiamo diversi test di resistenza e durata e test di collaudo per il controllo qualità del prodotto durante le diverse fasi di lavorazione. Su richiesta possiamo rilasciare i relativi certificati nel rispetto delle normative nazionali e internazionali.
Pokrov rezervoarja za olje P3 - Pokrovi / Zatiči

Pokrov rezervoarja za olje P3 - Pokrovi / Zatiči

P3 oil tank cap female threaded, in plastic material, passage diameter 32 mm with NBR sealing gasket. It is available hermetic or ventilated. On request, we can supply versions with different colours, customized writings and oil logos. We also provide versions with modified design for easing the handle even when worker uses work gloves. We supply P3 filling plug combined to our P3 threaded filling system, possibly also equipped with safety cable and removable filter. It is however possible to obtain the threaded filler neck profile directly from the tank molding. P3 oil tank cap is generally used on tanks of building and agricultural vehicles, such as earth-moving machineries, on machines for cleaning and environment and on oil tanks of special vehicles. The use of accurate production processes in all phases and the careful selection of raw materials guarantee quality and reliability of our product over time. CATEGORY:Caps / Plugs PASSAGE DIAMETER:32 mm Passage
Steklenice - Vina - Olje - Voda - Pivo - Žgane pijače

Steklenice - Vina - Olje - Voda - Pivo - Žgane pijače

Bottiglia disponibile in forme, colori, capacità, imboccature, dimensioni e pesi diversi
Milano Food Box - Škatla s testeninami, paradižnikovo omako, oljem, olivami, taralli, balzamičnim kisom, parmezanom

Milano Food Box - Škatla s testeninami, paradižnikovo omako, oljem, olivami, taralli, balzamičnim kisom, parmezanom

The perfect Food Box for anyone who loves Italian food! The Milano Food Box offers a wide selection of artisan quality products, starting with durum wheat semolina spaghetti to combine with the sweet and tasty cherry tomato sauce, for a typical Italian lunch. For a perfect appetizer with friends, the food box also offers the famous Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, to be accompanied with the precious Balsamic Vinegar, an irresistible combination, typical of the Italian tradition! The crunchy Taralli and the tasty green olives complete the Milano food box. The Milano Food Box contains: - Durum wheat semolina spaghetti 500g - Cherry tomato sauce 690g - Extra virgin olive oil 250ml - Parmigiano Reggiano vacuum-packed 24 months aged 240g - Taralli 100g - Balsamic vinegar 5 years aged 250ml - Traditional Salami vacuum-packed 300g.
Italijanska Malica - Malica s testeninami, paradižnikovo omako, oljčnim oljem, balzamičnim kisom in parmezanom

Italijanska Malica - Malica s testeninami, paradižnikovo omako, oljčnim oljem, balzamičnim kisom in parmezanom

In this delicious Italian Food Box you will find the authentic italian flavours with the handcrafted spaghetti paired with the tasty cherry tomato sauce, biological Extravirgin olive oil, Balsamic vinegar from Modena, seasoned 5 years and 24 months Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. This Italian Lunch Food Box contains: - Durum wheat semolina spaghetti 500g - Cherry tomato sauce 690g - Extravirgin olive oil 250ml - Balsamic vinegar seasoned 5 years 250ml - Parmigiano Reggiano vacuum-packed seasoned 24 months 750g
Žgane pijače - Vina - Olje - Voda - Pivo - Destilati

Žgane pijače - Vina - Olje - Voda - Pivo - Destilati

Bottiglie per liquori di varie forme, dimensioni, capacità e imboccature
ESAROME FORFORA - Losjon z Eteričnimi Olji za Mastne in Suhe Prhljaje

ESAROME FORFORA - Losjon z Eteričnimi Olji za Mastne in Suhe Prhljaje

E' un complesso di Oli Essenziali vegetali, specifico per i casi di forfora grassa e secca. Il complesso di principi attivi funzionali di origine naturale vegetale elimina le cellule morte, ripristinando il fisiologico turn over delle cellule dell’epidermide. Principi attivi antimicrobici ad azione dermopurificante prevengono efficacemente la forfora. In modo particolare: Climbazolo: svolge un’importante azione antimicrobica, antimicotica e dermopurificante. Estratto di Foglie di Salvia: ha proprietà balsamiche e antinfiammatorie. Olio Essenziale di Eucalipto: ha proprietà battericida. Olio Essenziale di Menta Piperita: è antibatterico e rinfrescante. Olio Essenziale di Lavanda Biologica: ha proprietà lenitive e antinfiammatorie. Scatola per homecare: 12 fiale da 7 ml cadauna
Damigiana - Steklena damigiana - Vino - Olje - Kis - Voda

Damigiana - Steklena damigiana - Vino - Olje - Kis - Voda

54/34/28/25/23/20/17/12/10/5 lt Rivestimento robusto in plastica e ferro Rivestimento economico in plastica a rete Rivestimento plastica intera Rivestimento mastello in legno
Ozonia Spray - Ozoniziran sprej za suho olje

Ozonia Spray - Ozoniziran sprej za suho olje

Dry-oil containing 12% ozonized sunflower seed oil called Ozonia3000, which is titrated (test method: ISCO3), standardised and stabilised by Innovares. IP 350 meqO2/kg +/- 10% (average values). Does not contain petrolatum, silicons, preservatives, colourings; with natural fragrance. Dermatologically and microbiologically tested. Water-repellent, excellent nebulisation. Indicated for dermatological conditions which, because they are tender to the touch, cannot be treated with compressive or friction-generating therapies. Reddening or rash, delicate, neoformed or dystrophic tissue. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE!
Kapica rezervoarja ASM.OB - Kape / Plugs

Kapica rezervoarja ASM.OB - Kape / Plugs

ASM.OB fuel tank cap, in aluminium or steel material, with internal bayonet coupling, passage diameter 30 mm and different types of sealing gasket in relation to the fluid in the tank. It is available hermetic, ventilated or ventilated through valves. For the optimal operation of the endothermic engine or in case it is required by law or specific regulations, the ASM.OB tank cap can be equipped with unidirectional valves, that allow both the expulsion of vapors generated by fuel and the air inlet into the tank; moreover, in case of tank overturning, the loss of fuel is limited by the valves of controlled ventilation system. We can supply versions equipped with safety chains or cables and with customized writings, company logos and drawings. This product shall be sold with our bayonet filling systems passage 30 mm. ASM.OB is used particularly for fuel and oil tanks. in many applications of different industrial sectors PASSAGE DIAMETER:30 mm Passage
Ocetnik - Ocetniki na okvirju - Olje - Ocat

Ocetnik - Ocetniki na okvirju - Olje - Ocat

34/25/20/15/5 lt Ideale per conservare l'aceto e prelevarlo tramite l'appostito rubinetto