RAMOS CARS 3D skenirni spektrometer - Konfokalne Raman rešitve
RAMOS CARS is the multifunctional multi-channel 3D scanning laser microscope-spectrometer. RAMOS CARS is intended for simultaneous and multifunctional analysis: high-speed imaging by CARS signal; confocal Raman imaging; confocal fluorescence imaging; confocal imaging in the reflected laser radiation; high-contrast imaging in the transmitted laser radiation; as well as visualization of a surface profile by means of the second harmonics generation signal.
Microscope RAMOS CARS combines in one system:
- CARS scanning microscope
- Raman/luminescent scanning confocal microscope
- Conventional scanning confocal laser microscope
- Nanobiotechnology: real-time noninvasive analysis of biological samples (cells and components of living cells) with high spatial resolution.
- Micro- and nanotechnology investigations of properties of non-biological microstructures: semiconductors, liquid crystals, polymers, pharmaceutical components, micro- and nanoparticles.
Spatial XYZ resolution of CARS signals (Objective lens: 60х, NA=1.2, water immersion):< 0.7 μm
Spatial resolution of Raman signals:XY< 300 nm, Z< 700 nm
Spectral detectable range:CARS signals: 985 – 5000 cm-1, Raman signals: 75 – 6000 cm-1
Spectral resolution of CARS signals:7-8 cm-1
Spectral resolution of Raman signals:0.25 cm-1(grating 75 l/mm Echelle); 0.6 cm-1 (grating 1800 g/mm)
Scanning range (fast scanning mode, 60x lens):XY: 225 х 225 μm, Z: 80 μm
Control and automation:Fully motorized
Optical microscope type:inverted
Optical microscope model:Nikon Ti-U
Sample stage:motorized
- travel range:114 х 75 mm
- accuracy (for 1 mm traveling):0.06 μm
- XY repeatability:± 1 μm
- minimal step:0.02 μm
Micro-objective lens:60 х NA-1.2 water immersion, 20 x NA-0.45
Z-scanner type:piezo scanner
Z-scanner lens movement range:80 μm
Z-scanner minimal step:50 nm
Z-scanner repeatability:< 6 nm
Illuminator for reflection mode:Halogen lamp 100 W
Illuminator for transmission mode:LED
Laser input port:motorized triple turret
Detector (Raman, E-CARS, fast measurements):Hamamatsu Photosensor module H7844 (with TE cooling)
Scanners:Galvano-mirror scanners (XY)
Scanning Model:raster high speed and start-stop mode
Scanning area:225 μm х 225 μm (objective lens 60Х)
Full frame scanning speed:4 s/frame: 1000 х 1000 points
Confocal pinhole:motorized confocal pinhole, continuously adjustable from 0 to 1.5 mm
Number of registration channels:5