Izdelki za oprema za rešitve (803)

Distribuator Essm - Podpore in Oprema

Distribuator Essm - Podpore in Oprema

DISTRIBUTEUR ESSM Distributeur PVC, semiopaque visuel pour éviter les ruptures de papier, fermeture à clé (S’utilise avec l’essuiemains gaufrés et l’essuiemains blanc) Référence:MAT-DISESS Poids:1,150 KG
LOKALNE ZAŠČITNE UKREPE - Rešitve za Shranjevanje

LOKALNE ZAŠČITNE UKREPE - Rešitve za Shranjevanje

Hierbei handelt es sich um Barrieren zum Schutz von Systemen, die sich in kleinen Bereichen innerhalb des Lagers befinden. Sie werden kompakt in unterschiedlichen Höhen gefertigt, bei Bedarf auch mit Tür.
Procesi in Sledenje - Rešitve

Procesi in Sledenje - Rešitve

LA MAITRISE DE TOUS LES PROCESS : · Mélanges caoutchouc et silicone · Moulage (compression, injection, transfert) · Garnissage de rouleaux et galets · Solution complète · Découpe jet d’eau · Revêtement de pièces et caoutchoutage · Extrusion de profils (autoclave, UHF, bain de sel) · Transformation des PU (coulée, ribbon flow, rotomoulage) · Pultrusion · Moulage SMC/BMC/RTM/LSR (liquid silicone rubber) · Usinage et parachèvement
Žar klešče

Žar klešče

Material gefertigt aus Hochleistungskunststoff hitzebeständig bis 270° Spülmaschinengeeignet und hervorragend geeignet für beschichtete Töpfe und Pfannen Made in Germany mit 5 Jahren Garantie Aufhängöse zur praktischen Aufbewahrung an einer Küchenleiste Modernes Design, Formstabil und gute Handhabung Farb und Lebensmittelecht, keine Schadstoffabgabe an Mensch und Umwelt Labor geprüfte und getestete Sicherheit und Qualität Grill und Servierzange, Classic Line, Kunststoff, Schwarz, Länge 29,5 cm Diese Grill und Küchenzange der Classic Line ist ein Multitalent und ein universales Küchenutensil. Sie eignet sich sowohl zum Wenden und Greifen von Speisen in der Pfanne als auch von Lebensmitteln auf dem Grill. Außerdem ist sie ideal geeignet zum Anrichten und Überreichen von Speisen. Dieses Küchenutensil ist aus hochwertigem Kunststoff gefertigt. Die perfekte Mischung aus Qualität und Design wird somit zu einem besonderen Hingucker in jedem Haushalt. Artikelnummer:5008R5-A Farben:Anthrazit Länge:29,5cm
ESAP ELEPHANT Električni Verižni Dvigalo Prosti Voziček - Električni Verižni Dvigali

ESAP ELEPHANT Električni Verižni Dvigalo Prosti Voziček - Električni Verižni Dvigali

Palan électrique à chaîne ESAP ELEPHANT chariot libre Modèle ESAP : Monophasé 220 Volts accouplé à un chariot porte palan à direction MANUELLE Sécurité intégrée avec son limiteur de couple, arrêt d’urgence, commande TBT 24V, interrupteurs fin de course. Un freinage puissant et fiable, belle finition : peinture électrostatique. Raccordement électrique facilité par connectique et 5m de câble d’alimentation. Marquage CE : garantit la conformité aux directives Machines européennes. Protection par absence de phase qui interdit l’utilisation du palan lors d’une inversion de phases ou d’un manque de phases. Palan électrique à chaine livré avec de nombreux équipements standards : Arrêt d’urgence Limiteur de couple Commande TBT 24V Protection IP54 Fins de course électriques Chaine Grade 80 UGS:PALELEESAP Capacité:0.5T, 1T Longueur:3m, 4m, 5m, 6m


500 ml | IVD | pH 6.8-7 Non-Steril Saklama 15-25 °C Raf Ömrü: 24 Ay Crystal Violet, gram boyama yöntemlerinde kullanılan bazik bir boyadır. Teknikte hücresel kısımların boyanmasında kullanılır.
Teikoplanin-TF (Teikoplanin) - Prah za raztopino za intravensko in intramuskularno dajanje 200 mg, 400

Teikoplanin-TF (Teikoplanin) - Prah za raztopino za intravensko in intramuskularno dajanje 200 mg, 400

New highly effective glycopeptide antibiotic for systemic use with bactericidal activity against a wide range of gram-positive (+) bacteria, multiresistant nosocomial strains, including VanB-phenotype VRE. It can be administered once daily intramuscularly or intravenously as a bolus injection. The antibiotic has low toxicity and favorable tolerability. It is used in treatment of serious respiratory and urinary tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, bone and joint infections, septicemia, endocarditis, peritonitis, infectious colitis.
ATEX kabelska spojka z dodatki IP68 501421KIT

ATEX kabelska spojka z dodatki IP68 501421KIT

Convient pour toutes les zones gaz et poussière 1, 2, 21 et 22 Indices de protections IP66, IP67 et 68 Equipé d'un joint testé déluge DTS01 Indice de Protection:IP66 / IP67 / IP68 Température d'Utilisation Min:-60 °C Température d'Utilisation Max:100 °C Zones:Zones 1, 2, 21, 22 Testé Déluge:DTS01 Matériau PE:Laiton Filetage:M20-O
Linearni listni polarizatorji na zalogi 3M HN38S - Aplikacije: televizorji, fotografija in drugi sistemi osvetlitve in zabave

Linearni listni polarizatorji na zalogi 3M HN38S - Aplikacije: televizorji, fotografija in drugi sistemi osvetlitve in zabave

Linear sheet polarizers are used for a broad range of applications including the production of LCD monitors and TVs, photography and other lighting and entertainment systems such as projectors. Our UV and IR sheet polarizers extend the spectral range down to 290m for the HNP’B replacement material and HR is used between 800nm to 2000nm. We have extensive stock of HR material in 76.2mm square sheets. The range from 800-860 the HN7 type offers superior performance at a reduced price. Working below 800nm HN22 is an ideal choice. Knight Optical supply linear sheet type polarizers in a range of types. These sheet polarisers were formerly supplied by Polaroid/3M under the Vikuti brand. Although these sheets have since been made obsolete by the manufacturer, Knight Optical holds substantial stock of the original material including HN32, HN38 and HN42, and performance HN22, HN38S and HN42HE high extinction sheets Read PDF for information
Dopolnilna krmila - Naša rešitev za vzrejo / Prehrana živali

Dopolnilna krmila - Naša rešitev za vzrejo / Prehrana živali

Quality complementary feeds direct from the manufacturer for personalized formulations adapted to your field challenges. Benefit from the complementarity of Vitalac's industrial know-how and zootechnical skills. We formulate as closely as possible to your needs, depending on the type of raw materials (wheat, corn, yarn, cotton, etc.) and their nutritional values.
TIP Ogrevalne in Ventilacijske Enote - Stenske in Stropne Enote, Preprosta Rešitev

TIP Ogrevalne in Ventilacijske Enote - Stenske in Stropne Enote, Preprosta Rešitev

TIP – powietrze o idealnej temperaturze. Aparat grzewczo-wentylacyjny TIP firmy Kampmann to proste rozwiązanie, służące do optymalnego, centralnie sterowanego ogrzewania i wentylacji wszelkiego rodzaju hal, stanowisk pracy w branży przemysłowej i rzemieślniczej, magazynów, a nawet cieplarni. Zasada działania Powietrze zasysane jest przez cichobieżny wentylator w blaszanym wirnikiem sierpowym, a następnie wdmuchiwane do pomieszczenia przez wymiennik ciepła z miedzi i aluminium. Kampmann całkowicie modernizuje swoje nagrzewnice powietrza. Jako liderzy rynku w tym segmencie wykonujemy odpowiedzialny i odważny krok naprzód, konsekwentnie polegając na technologii EC w napędzaniu i sterowaniu naszych urządzeń. Jest to podyktowane istotnymi powodami — Energetyczne zabezpieczenie na przyszłość — Płynna regulacja — Brak utraty wydajności — Minimalny poziom hałasu ogrzewanie:woda grzewcza i woda gorąca Montaż:Montaż ścienny lub sufitowy Strumień powietrza:Powietrze obiegowe wymiennik ciepła:miedziano-aluminiowy KaControl:11,1 –77,2 (przy temp. wody grzewczej 75 /65, tL1 = 20 °C)
PLATNI IN CEVNI TOPLOTNI IZMENJEVALNIKI - Zanesljive rešitve, ki so stroškovno učinkovite

PLATNI IN CEVNI TOPLOTNI IZMENJEVALNIKI - Zanesljive rešitve, ki so stroškovno učinkovite

Optimalizace celkové účinnosti elektrárny využívající Rankinův cyklus vyžaduje integraci vysoce specializovaných zařízení, která podporují maximalizaci účinnosti parního cyklu, snižují spotřebu energie z primárních zdrojů, minimalizují dopady na životní prostředí a pomáhají optimalizovat provozní náklady (OPEX), a tím i návratnost investice. Rychle rostoucí konkurence mezi různými centralizovanými technologiemi pro výrobu elektřiny a zvyšující se povědomí o problematice ochrany životního prostředí nutí všechny stávající technologie výroby, aby zdokonalovaly svou účinnost a snižovaly spotřebu energie z primárních zdrojů.
Alpha - Rešitev za Energijo v Pisarnah

Alpha - Rešitev za Energijo v Pisarnah

Power Logic SA’s range of Alpha products are as wide and varied as your imagination. The sleek, minimalist styling offers a clean, functional presence with an almost limitless selection of customizable options. Some options include protection modules, timers, data/voice, and audio visual cabling solutions to suit your power distribution needs. This tailored product maximises efficiency and can suit any home or office environment. Besides the single circuit and hybrid units, separate clean power circuits are also available. The Alpha also includes a new swivelling strain relief system to reduce the stress on your cables, and to accommodate multiple mounting options. Alternatively, link multiple units with a bypass cable to create a network of power supply units. *Image used to display the style of the product. This product can accommodate the Schuko, French/Belgium and other international sockets. Contact Power Logic directly for more information. Sleek, minimalist design adds a stylish touch to any professional environment:N/A Multiple mounting options accommodate any installation requirements:N/A Wide range of data/voice, and AV peripheral compatibility:N/A Robust construction featuring extruded aluminium:N/A Selection of international power outlets available:N/A Connect multiple units with bypass cables:N/A Swivelling cable strain relief:N/A
Po meri izdelane industrijske baterije za letalstvo

Po meri izdelane industrijske baterije za letalstvo

Rétrofit de vos équipements GSE thermiques vers l’électrique et basculement des matériels équipés en batteries plomb vers la technologie LITHIUM. Qu’il s’agisse de re-motoriser un équipement de piste thermique en électrique, d’étudier un pack batterie adapté à votre véhicule électrique lourd ou léger ou bien de vous conseiller pour le choix d’une batterie industrielle lithium compatible avec l’activité de votre navire de travail ou engin naval de loisir, FORKLIFT ENERGIE met ses 15 ans d’expérience industrielle à votre service. Conception et l’intégration de système de stockage d’énergie sur batteries, Accompagnement dans le choix des solutions en adéquation avec l'aspect humain, technologique, fonctionnel, durable et financier A chaque étape, nous attirons votre attention sur les avantages et inconvénients de la technologie proposée


SSD SUPER AUTOMATIC SOLUTION , ACTIVATION POWDER AND CLEANING MACHINE TO CLEAN B - Global delivery ssd chemical contact ...sadikhassan677@gmail.com skype sadik.hassan85 Head Office USA No :(731)681-3353 Turkish phone.+90-534-345-0568 Ssd Solution chemical, activation powder super automatic Solution, anti-breeze bank notes, black marked currency, black coated notes, cleaning Black money.NOTES ,also clean all kind of Gold WE WORK ON COMMISSION We provide chemicals for anti-breeze bank notes currencies such as USA Dollar, Euro, Pound, and many local currencies.WE ALSO OFFER MACHINES TO DO THE BIG CLEANINGS,OF ALL KIND CURRENCY AND WE DO DELIVERY OF PRODUCTS DEPENDING ON DIFFERENT CASES.OR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE DO CONTACT US IN OUR phone number head office Turkey +90-534-345-0568 Branch office india our branch email us. sadikhassan677@gmail.com or sadikhassan677@gmail.com skype.sadik.hassan85 DIFFERENT OFFICES. Europe,America & North AMERICAN,Asia & Middle East our Usa phone number is . our Turkish number is +90-534-345-0568 contact ...sadikhassan6


With the new generation of regional thinning technology, Hobraz deeply effects under the skin to produce collagen and remodel skin tissue. Radio Frequency waves activate the water molecules and ions in the body and soft tissues in the applied area are activated. Thus, it provides thinning and tightening of the skin.Lifting applicaton prevents soft tissue sagging and wrinkling caused by excessive use of mimic, such as the effects of the sun on the skin. It provides stretching and strengtening the main muscles on your mouth, neck, chin, cheek and forehead just as you use these muscles while you are exercising. Reconstruction occurs in the face and chin area. Restores vivid and youthful appearance. You have the opportunity to make comfortable regional thinning applications through Tripolar and Multipolar Radio Frequency handpieces.
Točilna naprava Stojnica Nektar Natura  - Točilna naprava za brezalkoholne sadne, zelenjavne in zelenjavno-sadne pijače

Točilna naprava Stojnica Nektar Natura - Točilna naprava za brezalkoholne sadne, zelenjavne in zelenjavno-sadne pijače

Stojnica Nektar Natura je naprava za točenje najboljših pijač, ustvarjena z namenom več-senzoričnega doživetja. Steklenice ustvarjajo vizualen stik gosta s pijačo, med tem ko iz prostora za shranjevanje vedno pritečejo sveži sadni in zelenjavni napitki. Zagotavlja popolno varnost pijače in zanesljivost točenja 5 različnih svežih zelenjavnih ali sadnih okusov Nektar Natura. Popoln učinek zdravega kotička lahko dosežete s kombinacijo zelenjavnih, zelenjavno-sadnih in sadnih napitkov s 100-odstotnim zelenjavno-sadnim deležem v končnem napitku. (100-odstotni zelenjavni, zelenjavno-sadni ali sadni delež dobimo ob točenju pri priporočenem mešalnem razmerju, ki vam ga natančno nastavijo naši tehniki na terenu.)
Krtača za teleta Willy - Idealna rešitev za nego in stimulacijo vaših telet

Krtača za teleta Willy - Idealna rešitev za nego in stimulacijo vaših telet

Willy Kalvebørste - den ideelle løsning til at pleje og stimulere dine kalve. Vores kobørster er skræddersyet til at imødekomme behovene hos både landmænd og kalve, med fokus på kvalitet, holdbarhed og overkommelighed. Designet til vægmontering, Willy Kalvebørste er let at installere i både kalvehytter og kalvestalde. Denne børste er enkel, men effektiv, hvilket gør den til en uundværlig del af din kalves plejerutine. Fremstillet af robuste materialer, sikrer vores kobørster langvarig ydeevne og holdbarhed under forskellige vejrforhold og belastninger. Den er skånsom mod dyrenes hud, samtidig med at den effektivt fjerner snavs og løs pels, hvilket giver kalvene en behagelig og sund plejeoplevelse. Uanset om du driver en stor landbrugsvirksomhed eller har en mindre gård, er Willy Kalvebørste den økonomiske og pålidelige løsning til at opretholde en sund og glad kalvebestand. Størrelse: 45x15 cm.
VI serija Inrow hladilniki za kabine žerjavov - hladilniki za kabine žerjavov / klimatske naprave

VI serija Inrow hladilniki za kabine žerjavov - hladilniki za kabine žerjavov / klimatske naprave

VI Series Inrow type Crane Cabin Coolers are bringing breath of fresh air to crane cabins. Process cranes in Steel, Non-Ferrous metals, Mining, Oil&Gas, Cement, Paper, Offshore industries have the most challenging environmental conditions. Extremely dusty and corrosive, very high and low ambient temperatures are enemies of crane cabin coolers and cause failures and stoppages sometimes. Perfect solution on keeping the A/C in protected environment! The whole A/C unit except condenser unit is kept inside on the cabin where is more safe than outside conditions. No worries, we still keep all the precautions for condenser unit too. There are still a lot of options for condenser unit such as Cu/Cu or SS coils as well as various coating options for coil and fans. The models are perfect match with the sizes of E-Panels in Electrical cabins. They are stackable next to each other or to be placed in spread delivering Cooling capacity:4,2 kW - 22,6 kW Temperature range for operation:+80°c Vibration Resistant:Durable Design Against Vibration Dust Resistant:Durable Design Against Dust Corrosion Resistant:Durable Design Against Corrosion
Comfort Parking - rešitev za parkiranje

Comfort Parking - rešitev za parkiranje

Les systèmes de parking privés sont souvent utilisés dans les parcs de stationnement non commerciaux où l’on veut surtout éviter le parking sauvage. En fonction de l’infrastructure de votre parking, il est possible de choisir parmi différents scénarios de gestion de parkings.
Študentski Paket za Vrnitev v Šolo - Paket Opreme za Posteljnino

Študentski Paket za Vrnitev v Šolo - Paket Opreme za Posteljnino

L’installation des chambres des étudiants vous prend trop de temps ? Bonne nouvelle, le pack étudiant rentrée – TOUT EN 1 – est fait pour vous ! Il vous fera gagner un temps considérable ! Ce pack Easytex comprend 1 rénove matelas imperméable Confort il permet de protéger vos matelas toute l’année et prolonge donc la durée de vie de ces derniers. 1 oreiller ferme Eco 60x60cm – 600g 1 couette Eco Blanche 140x200cm – garnissage 250g/m² L’oreiller et la couette sont certifiés OekoTex® Class II et made in Europe. Ces produits sont soumis à écoparticipation. Les packs étudiants "rentrée" sont disponibles pour matelas en 90x190cm et 120x200cm. Autres tailles disponibles sur demande par mail. Le conseil Easytex en complément des packs étudiant Easytex, pensez à mettre à disposition de vos nouveaux arrivants des kits d’accueil ménager. Réf:A29434 Utilisation:Durée de vie Jusque 12 mois
Fox4, rešitev fotogrametrije UAV - Majhen, lahek in profesionalen dron za kartiranje in inšpekcijo

Fox4, rešitev fotogrametrije UAV - Majhen, lahek in profesionalen dron za kartiranje in inšpekcijo

Its light structure and engine allow for extreme maneuverability with manual piloting. Designed for automatic photogrammetry missions up to 1.5 km², Fox4 may also carry out missions for inspection of infrastructure, structures, network lines or industrial sites, in automatic or manual mode. Perfect for your daily mapping missions and calculations of cubature, this quadcopter allows for photo collages, georeferenced orthophotos and point clouds as well as DTM / DSM. This drone is made for professionals of the measurement such as surveyors, topographers, archaeologists and responsible for quarries or mines. Autonomy:Up to 25 min Scan surface:Up to 20 ha (49 acres) Max takeoff weight:5 Kg
VOMM TURBO SUŠILEC - Najbolj fleksibilna rešitev za vse potrebe sušenja

VOMM TURBO SUŠILEC - Najbolj fleksibilna rešitev za vse potrebe sušenja

Turbo Dryer operates with any type of wet solid, liquid or pasty product, independently of its moisture content, viscosity and consistency. Turbo Dryer is widely used for partial or full drying in water or solvent precence. Pilot plant is available in VOMM R&D department in Rozzano.
Rec15_AI1_5p Avtomatski Prekidač Cikla

Rec15_AI1_5p Avtomatski Prekidač Cikla

A utility needed to connect PV plants in the fields of Transylvania to a grid. The biggest challenge was to meet the client’s requirements as well as the National Grid Dispatcher's requirements, whose primary concern is the security of the system. Tavrida Electric’s solution provided a complete, secure and reliable answer to the customer’s needs which exactly meets the imposed utility requirements on energy production. As a result, the customer experienced the following benefits One of the lowest overall costs for MV interconnection switchgear Very fast project implementation (each recloser project has been completed within a month) Reclosers were integrated into the utility’s SCADA without any problems Islanding and Synccheck protection implementation Rated voltage:15.5 kV Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage:110 kV Rated continuous current:630 A Rated breaking current:16 kA Rated short time withstand current:16 kA, 4 s Mechanical resource:30,000 CO Rated operating sequence:O-0.1s-CO-2s-CO-2s-CO Switching module weight:68 kg Control cubicle weight:41 kg
Rešitev Bookblock SigmaLine III - Edinstven celovit sistem za proizvodnjo knjižnih blokov

Rešitev Bookblock SigmaLine III - Edinstven celovit sistem za proizvodnjo knjižnih blokov

The SigmaLine lll connects digital printing and print finishing into one unique complete system, allowing fully automated production in one pass – from the PDF file to the gathered book block, even for VDP production down to print runs of one copy. With web widths between 20” and 42” and power of up to 1,000 fpm (305 m/min), it is the most flexible, efficient and costeffective system for digital printing applications on the market. Max. web peed:1000 feet/minute or 305m/min Web width:20" - 42"
InkSight - Rheonics Rešitev za Tiskanje Nadzor Tinte - InkSight - Večpostajni sistem nadzora tinte z zaklepanjem barve

InkSight - Rheonics Rešitev za Tiskanje Nadzor Tinte - InkSight - Večpostajni sistem nadzora tinte z zaklepanjem barve

InkSight Rheonics Printing Solution Multi-station ink control system • Single click to lock to the correct ink viscosity • Level 5 Autonomous Control throughout the print • Consistent prints set to master • Load jobs at a click : Zero setup time and Zero setup scrap • Predictive tracking control for precise dilutions of solvent/pH water InkSight fundamentally changes the nature of the flexo printing process, from initial job setup all the way to jobs that, once delivered, secure a clear path to repeat business… It can produce a change in the very culture of the flexo industry by adding job-length consistency, accuracy and efficiency. Color and Rheonics is synonymous with InkSight and color control. InkSight Colorlock precisely locks color from start to finish on every job with repeatable results.
Ventilacijski sistem - Za pokrov robota - Rešitev

Ventilacijski sistem - Za pokrov robota - Rešitev

The fan provides a permanent air circulation that keeps the robot dry. The volume of air is renewed preventing moisture from condensing inside the cover.


Wir haben viele Arten von Schachtabdeckungen: MAXI, PRO und ALU. Wählen Sie einfach das Beste für Sie.
Stenski Delavnica Distribucija - Podpore in Oprema

Stenski Delavnica Distribucija - Podpore in Oprema

DISTRIBUTEUR ATELIER MURAL Métal traité anticorrosion, couleur blanc, arrêt pour bien maintenir la bobine, mural avec fixation (S’utilise avec la bobine chamois 1000 FTS, la bobine bleue 900 FTS et la bobine blanche 1000 FTS) Référence:MAT-DISATEMUR/1 Poids:980 grs
Pena pršilo 9l - Podpore in Oprema

Pena pršilo 9l - Podpore in Oprema

Multiusages (Mousse, jet, brouillard). Fonctionne sur batterie Lithiumion rechargeable. Mobilité pulvériser en toute liberté gâce à son tuyau de 5 mètres. Pas besoin de raccordement en eau, en électricité et air comprimé. Utilisation non stop grâce à sa batterie à forte autonomie. Portée du jet jusqu’à 4 mètres. Chariot avec réservoir et pompe intégrée. Très maniable par son encombrement et son poids (Hauteur 70 cm, Largeur 28 cm Profondeur 28 cm, Poids 4.5 kg). Débit de 48L/heure, durée de travail batteries chargées environ 3 heures. Capacité du réservoir de 9 litres. lance de 2X50 cm en inox *AVANTAGES TRAVAILLER EN TOUTE SECURITE (Préserve l'utilisateur des douleurs musculaires). Possibilité de travailler d'une seule main sur toutes surfacesr. Multi usages (canon à mousse ou pulvérisateur). Fonctionne sur batterie au LithiumIon. Portée du jet jusqu'à 4 mètres. Référence:MAT-FOASPR/9 Hauteur:70 cm Largeur:28 cm Profondeur:28 cm Poids:4,5 kg