Stacionarni sušilnik za plastične granule JETBOXX® - Stacionarni sušilnik plastike z odstranljivimi posodami za hitro menjavo materiala
The HELIO®MAT dryer station is part of the JETBOXX® system and features an independent JETBOXX® dryer with full functionality at each individual docking station. The material can be predried in removable drying containers at the dryer station. The drying container can be removed and brought to the processing machine if needed. It will be attached directly onto the feeding section there and the dried material can be processed. If the material should be kept dry on the machine, a JETBOXX® docking plate with dryer control are used in addition.
HELIO®MAT is applicable for example as pre-drying station for quick material change, as dryer station for sampling batches, for batch drying for small quantities / sampling, for laboratory applications, or for cleanroom supply with hermetically sealed dry material containers. Material change without delay. No humidification. No cleaning issues.
Type of dryer:Fixed station
Dryer control:WINsystem
Container sizes:0,5 - 30 liters
Drying temperatur:185°C
Dew point system:WINsystem
Docking station:2 (combined +2)
Power supply:230V, 50/60 Hz
Compressed air qual.:ISO 8573-1
Connection:6 bar