Izdelki za oskrba s kozami (7)

Odstranjevanje gnoja z vrvjo za čiščenje hodnikov s kablom

Odstranjevanje gnoja z vrvjo za čiščenje hodnikov s kablom

We offer wire ropes for alley cleaner for stables/barns. Our portfolio contains three differents versions: - "Alley cleaner wire rope" Standard (8x7+FC), stainless steel 1.4301 - "Alley cleaner wire rope" Special (6x19S+FC), stainless steel 1.4301 - "Alley cleaner wire rope" coated, various versions, galvanized For more information, please visit our website: https://www.hamburger-drahtseilerei.de/produkte/drahtseile/entmistungsseil/
Milo z Aktivnim Ogljem in Kozjim Mlekom - Cosmate Mila

Milo z Aktivnim Ogljem in Kozjim Mlekom - Cosmate Mila

• Carbon soap is a good solution for those who have problems due to their oily skin, especially in summer. This soap absorbs excess oil as well as impurities on the skin and leaves an oil-free appearance. • It is also used in the treatment of acne. It not only eliminates toxins, but also destroys skin imperfections and contributes to acne treatment. It can also be good for the scars left by acne. • If you spend a lot of time outside, you are exposed to a lot of pollution, and you may notice that they are enlarged because of the accumulation of these dirt in your pores. After a while, these pores become easily visible. Carbon soap offers good solutions in this regard. It not only removes impurities, but also treats clogged pores and reduces their size. • Loose skin is a sign of aging and therefore it is necessary to take precautions early. Carbon has the ability to tighten the skin. • It is suitable for all skin types.
Reja prepelic

Reja prepelic

Francuska firma specjalizująca się w hodowli przepiórek w Wogezach. Od prawie 50 lat rodzinna firma koncentruje się na dobrostanie zwierząt i i jakości. Przepiórki rodzą się, są hodowane, ubijane i przetwarzane na miejscu. Używamy lokalnych pokarmów roślinnych. Nasze umiejętności polegają zarówno na selekcji zwierząt, jak i na dobrych warunkach chowu. Sprzedajemy wszystkie nasze świeże/mrożone produkty we Francji, Europie i na daleki Eksport
Kokcidioza telet

Kokcidioza telet

When rearing calves, farmers strive for regular growth of their animals. This can only be achieved when the calves get enough food and when farmers ensure that the animals remain healthy. A common, yet underexposed, problem to the calves’ health is coccidiosis (also named eimeriosis). A 2011 study in Austria showed that only 45% of the farmers were familiar with the term “coccidia”. So, what is this? What is coccidiosis in calves? Coccidiosis is an important parasitic disease of vertebrate animals (including calves and adult cattle) and is a common cause of scours. The infection is mainly seen in calves from 3 weeks up to approximately 1 year of age and is highly prevalent on cattle farms. This high prevalence causes a big financial impact to farms due to reduced growth or even death of calves.
Milo iz kozjega mleka hladnega postopka

Milo iz kozjega mleka hladnega postopka

Le savon à froid Lait de Chèvre est naturel et répond aux exigences de la charte Bio Earth Durable. Il est saponifié à froid, enrichi aux beurres de Noix de Coco et de Karité, au Lait de Chèvre, à l’huile de Noisette et aux huiles essentielles Tea Tree et de Pamplemousse. La saponification à froid permet de concevoir des savons enrichis en huiles précieuses, parfumés aux huiles essentielles et complétés de nombreux ajouts naturels aux innombrables vertus. Ici le savon à froid Lait de Chèvre n’est pas monté en température, il est soigneusement reposé pendant un mois et conserve ainsi les propriétés et bienfaits de tous ses ingrédients Le beurre de Noix de Coco : Le beurre de Noix de Coco est très hydratant et soutient l’élasticité de la peau. Il est idéal pour le soin des peaux sèches et abimées (gerçures, crevasses).
Prepelji jajca

Prepelji jajca

French company, specialised in rearing quails in the Vosges. For almost 50 years, our family business has focussed on animal well-being & quality. Quails are born, reared, slaughtered and transformed on site. We use local plant-based feed. Our know-how is based on animal selection and good breeding conditions. We sell all our fresh and frozen products throughout France, Europe & for major export
Prepelji jajca

Prepelji jajca

Sociedade francesa, especializada na criação de codornizes nos Vosges. Há cerca de 50 anos que a empresa familiar se foca no bem-estar animal ena qualidade. As codornizes nascem, são criadas, abatidas e transformadas no local. Utilizamos alimentos vegetais locais. O nosso saber-fazer reside, por um lado, na selecção dos animais e, por outro, nas boas condições de criação. Comercializamos a totalidade dos nossos produtos frescos/congelados em França, na Europa e para grande exportação