Izdelki za prodajo (2)

Prodaja pločevine različnih razredov jekla

Prodaja pločevine različnih razredov jekla

Our compane had selling sheet metal starts from 1994. We have our own warehouse, which consist more than 2000 tons of different steel sheets. Our prices are very good, because of we are trading metall directly from producers. We have a wide variety of steel grades for various applications.
ConversayIT - Presegite pričakovanja svojih strank z pametnimi prodajnimi scenariji

ConversayIT - Presegite pričakovanja svojih strank z pametnimi prodajnimi scenariji

ConversayIT is an enhancement for Salesforce® CRM system that provides users with adjustable custom phone conversation scripts. ConversayiIT allows to track each customer`s answer, to determine at what conversation stage the company is losing customers and deals, to decide on how efficient the calls are to raise the effectiveness of sales department workflow and quality of provided services.