Izdelki za prodajo (219)

Nastavljivi Enkratni Rjuhe 80×210 cm (3200 enot)

Nastavljivi Enkratni Rjuhe 80×210 cm (3200 enot)

El Pallet de Sábanas Desechables Ajustables de 80x210 cm es la solución perfecta para clínicas y salones que buscan calidad y eficiencia en su servicio. Con un total de 3200 unidades, este pallet garantiza que siempre tendrás sábanas limpias y listas para usar. Estas sábanas son ideales para tratamientos estéticos, masajes y cualquier servicio que requiera un entorno limpio y cómodo para el cliente. Su diseño ajustable asegura un ajuste perfecto en cualquier camilla, proporcionando comodidad y seguridad durante el uso. Fabricadas con materiales de alta calidad, estas sábanas desechables son una opción ecológica y responsable. Al optar por sábanas desechables, eliminas la necesidad de lavar y secar sábanas de tela, lo que ahorra tiempo y recursos. Este pallet es una inversión inteligente para cualquier negocio que valore la eficiencia y la satisfacción del cliente, asegurando que cada visita sea cómoda y agradable.
Masažni papir 70 cm širok s predrezom (9 rola)

Masažni papir 70 cm širok s predrezom (9 rola)

El papel camilla ancho 70 cm con precorte es un producto esencial para clínicas, spas y centros de belleza que buscan mantener altos estándares de higiene. Este papel está diseñado para cubrir camillas de manera eficiente, proporcionando una barrera protectora entre el cliente y la superficie de la camilla. Su diseño con precorte asegura un uso fácil y rápido, eliminando el riesgo de contaminación cruzada. Fabricado con materiales de alta calidad, el papel camilla es suave al tacto y resistente, lo que lo hace cómodo para el cliente y duradero para el profesional. Al ser productos fabricados en España, garantizan estándares de calidad europeos, ofreciendo a los usuarios una experiencia superior a un precio competitivo. Este papel es una inversión inteligente para cualquier establecimiento que valore la calidad y la sostenibilidad.
Sončni panel TRINA SOLAR Vertex 660W Bifacial

Sončni panel TRINA SOLAR Vertex 660W Bifacial

El Panel Solar TRINA SOLAR Vertex 660W Bifacial es una solución avanzada para quienes buscan maximizar su producción de energía solar. Con una potencia de 660W y una eficiencia del 21.4%, este panel está diseñado para captar luz solar desde ambos lados, aumentando su rendimiento. Su tecnología innovadora y robusta construcción aseguran un funcionamiento óptimo en diversas condiciones climáticas. Al elegir este panel, los usuarios están invirtiendo en un producto de alta calidad que contribuye a un futuro más sostenible. El Panel Solar TRINA SOLAR Vertex 660W Bifacial es una solución fotovoltaica de alta gama, diseñada para maximizar la captación de energía solar y ofrecer un rendimiento excepcional. Con una impresionante potencia de 660W y una eficiencia del 21.4%, este panel bifacial permite generar electricidad tanto por su cara frontal como trasera, aumentando la producción hasta un 30% en comparación con los paneles convencionales. Su tecnología avanzada incluye celdas de alta eficiencia y un diseño robusto que garantiza una durabilidad superior y resistencia a condiciones climáticas adversas, como vientos fuertes y granizo. Este panel es ideal para proyectos de gran escala que requieren alta producción energética y buscan un retorno de inversión rápido. Al optar por el TRINA SOLAR Vertex 660W Bifacial, los usuarios están eligiendo una tecnología fiable y sostenible que impulsa la eficiencia energética y contribuye a la reducción de la huella de carbono. ¡Lleve su proyecto solar al siguiente nivel con el panel bifacial TRINA SOLAR Vertex 660W! Contáctenos para recibir asesoramiento y una cotización personalizada.
Banana Cavendish prit - Musa Dwarf Cavendish

Banana Cavendish prit - Musa Dwarf Cavendish

Musa Dwarf Cavendish est une variété naine de la banane Cavendish (Musa acuminata). C’est l’une des variétés les plus populaires et les plus cultivées du genre Musa en raison de sa taille compacte et de ses fruits délicieux. Elle mesure généralement entre 1,5 et 2,5 mètres de haut. La plante possède une tige courte et robuste qui sert de support aux feuilles et à la grappe de fruits. Les feuilles du Cavendish nain sont grandes et en forme d’éventail, typiques des bananiers.
Klasična sadna drevesa

Klasična sadna drevesa

Les arbres fruitiers classiques sont des plantes vivaces appartenant au groupe des angiospermes et sont cultivés principalement pour leurs fruits comestibles. Ces arbres jouent un rôle clé dans l’agriculture et l’horticulture, en fournissant une grande variété de fruits appréciés pour leur saveur et leur valeur nutritionnelle. Les arbres fruitiers ont généralement des feuilles vertes et caduques, ce qui signifie qu’ils les perdent pendant l’hiver. La plupart produisent des fleurs voyantes et attrayantes qui sont essentielles à la pollinisation et à la formation des fruits.
Figa (Ficus Carica) - Sadno drevo

Figa (Ficus Carica) - Sadno drevo

Le Ficus carica, communément appelé figuier, est un arbre fruitier appartenant à la famille des Moraceae. Originaire de la région méditerranéenne, la figue est cultivée depuis des siècles pour ses fruits comestibles et sa valeur ornementale. Le figuier peut atteindre une hauteur de 3 à 9 mètres, en fonction des conditions de croissance et de la variété spécifique. Le tronc est généralement court et tordu, avec une écorce lisse et gris clair. Les branches s’étendent et s’entrelacent, créant une structure particulière.


Le rhododendron est un genre de plantes appartenant à la famille des Ericaceae, qui comprend une grande variété d’arbustes et d’arbres ornementaux connus pour leurs fleurs voyantes. Les feuilles des rhododendrons sont persistantes chez la plupart des espèces. Elles sont simples, coriaces et souvent lancéolées ou ovales. Les fleurs sont l’une des caractéristiques les plus distinctives du rhododendron. Leur taille et leur forme peuvent varier, mais elles sont généralement grandes et frappantes, avec des couleurs allant du blanc au rose, en passant par le rouge et le violet.


La lavande, scientifiquement connue sous le nom de Lavandula, est un genre de plantes aromatiques et ornementales appartenant à la famille des Lamiaceae. Ces plantes sont connues pour leurs belles fleurs et leur parfum agréable. Ses feuilles sont étroites, linéaires et généralement de couleur vert grisâtre. Leur taille peut varier, mais beaucoup sont de petits arbustes atteignant une hauteur de 60 à 90 centimètres. Ses fleurs poussent en épis longs et minces, généralement pourpres ou lavandes, bien qu’elles puissent également être blanches ou roses.
Javor - Acer

Javor - Acer

L'Acer, communément appelé érable, est un genre de plantes appartenant à la famille des Sapindaceae, apprécié pour son feuillage attrayant et ses couleurs automnales éclatantes. Ces arbres et arbustes se déclinent en une variété de formes et de tailles, allant des petits arbustes aux grands arbres majestueux. Les feuilles d'Acer sont caduques et peuvent afficher des tons vibrants de rouge, d'orange et de jaune en automne, ajoutant une touche de couleur spectaculaire aux jardins et aux aménagements paysagers. Disponible en gros dans différents formats et tailles, l'Acer est une option polyvalente pour les jardiniers et les paysagistes. Sa capacité à prospérer dans divers environnements et son entretien minimal en font un choix populaire pour les jardins, balcons et patios. Avec son feuillage attrayant et ses couleurs automnales éclatantes, l'Acer est sûr d'attirer l'attention et d'ajouter une touche d'élégance à tout espace.
Wakame Snack

Wakame Snack

Wakame seaweed platter. Includes: soy sauce. SKU:8436010980865 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Račka Hosomaki, Edamame i Hoisin sos u Tempura

Račka Hosomaki, Edamame i Hoisin sos u Tempura

4 tempura maki rolls with duck, edamame, scallions, and uncut hoisin sauce. SKU: PT 0001246 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Zelenjavne Gyoze

Zelenjavne Gyoze

Japanese dumplings filled with vegetables. SKU: PT 0000881 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experience
Hinoki Pladenj

Hinoki Pladenj

2 salmon nigiris, 2 prawn nigiris, 2 butterfish nigiris, 4 futomakis with salmon, cream cheese, avocado, and surimi, 4 futomakis with avocado, cream cheese, surimi, and sesame, 4 futomakis with foie, raspberry, and caramelized pear, 4 hosomakis with salmon tartare, avocado, and cream cheese, 4 hosomakis with surimi, cream cheese, and avocado. SKU:PT 0000129 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Losos Nigiri

Losos Nigiri

32 salmon nigiris. SKU: PT 0000100 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Losos in kremni sir maki

Losos in kremni sir maki

48 salmon and cream cheese makis. SKU: PT 0000107 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Nigiri z rakovicami

Nigiri z rakovicami

32 shrimp nigiris. SKU: PT 0000104 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Sushi: 10 kosov

Sushi: 10 kosov

2 salmon nigiris, 2 futomakis with surimi, avocado, cream cheese, and sesame, 2 salmon and cream cheese makis, 2 avocado makis, and 2 surimi makis, cheese, and avocado. Includes soy sauce packet, mini wasabi, and chopsticks. SKU:8436010988434 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Losos, Sir in Avokado Maki

Losos, Sir in Avokado Maki

48 salmon, cream cheese, and avocado makis. SKU: PT 0000109 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!


Soybeans. SKU: PT 0000467 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Tempura Makis z lososom i kremowym serem

Tempura Makis z lososom i kremowym serem

6 tempura maki rolls with salmon and cream cheese, uncut. SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences! SKU: PT 0000251
Futomaki Surimi, Futo maki z avokádem a sýrem

Futomaki Surimi, Futo maki z avokádem a sýrem

32 futomakis with surimi, avocado, and cheese. SKU: PT 0000111 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Butterfish Nigiri

Butterfish Nigiri

32 butterfish nigiris. SKU: PT 0000103 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Gurmansko Oljčno Olje za Koche

Gurmansko Oljčno Olje za Koche

AOVE seleccionado especialmente para chefs y cocina de alta gama. Aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico de calidad superior, obtenido de aceitunas seleccionadas y cultivadas en olivares propios bajo prácticas sostenibles y sin pesticidas. El proceso de extracción en frío permite conservar al máximo las propiedades organolépticas del aceite, preservando su intenso sabor afrutado y beneficios para la salud. Perfecto para ensaladas, salsas y como toque final en platos gourmet, su perfil único lo convierte en una elección esencial para consumidores conscientes de la salud y el medio ambiente.
Gyoze s kozicami

Gyoze s kozicami

Japanese dumplings filled with shrimp. SKU: PT 0000898 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Maki Losos

Maki Losos

48 salmon makis. SKU: PT 0000105 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Sushi: 30 kosov

Sushi: 30 kosov

4 salmon nigiris, 2 Ebi shrimp nigiris, 4 hosonomakis with salmon tartar, avocado, and cheese, 4 hosonomakis with surimi, avocado, and cheese, 8 tuna piquillo makis, 4 salmon makis, 4 avocado makis. Includes soy sauce packet, mini wasabi, and chopsticks. 5 units/box SKU:843601089790 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Riževe kroglice

Riževe kroglice

Rice balls for Sushi. SKU:PT 0000886 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Avocado Maki

Avocado Maki

48 avocado makis. SKU: PT 0000106 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Futomaki losos, avokado in kremni sir

Futomaki losos, avokado in kremni sir

32 salmon, avocado, and cream cheese futomakis. SKU:PT 0000122 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!
Tuna in Piquillo paprike Maki

Tuna in Piquillo paprike Maki

48 tuna and piquillo pepper makis. SKU: PT 0000108 SUSHITA is the leading company in Spain in the production and distribution of sushi and frozen Asian products. Since 1999, we have specialized in offering high-quality frozen sushi wholesale, using advanced freezing techniques such as liquid nitrogen to preserve the freshness and organoleptic properties of our products. Our offerings include: - Frozen sushi wholesale for restaurants - Sushi for corporate catering - Sushi in large quantities for events - Frozen gyozas, samosas, and dim sum - Sushi for companies: Customized frozen sushi solutions - Gourmet frozen sushi for catering - Traditional Asian sauces to accompany sushi and other Asian cuisine dishes At SUSHITA, we are committed to providing superior quality frozen foods, from large quantities of sushi to specialized products like gyozas and dim sum. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we use selected raw materials, such as sustainably caught salmon and certified origin rice, to ensure excellence in each of our products. Our efficient logistics network guarantees daily delivery within 48 hours, maintaining the freshness and quality that our clients deserve. Contact us so we can help you create unforgettable culinary experiences!