Izdelki za proteinpulver (197)

Prehranski Dodatki v Prahu – v Stick Pack

Prehranski Dodatki v Prahu – v Stick Pack

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere, confezionati in stick pack, offrono una soluzione pratica e innovativa per chi desidera un'assunzione rapida e senza complicazioni. Questi stick pack sono progettati per essere versati direttamente in bocca, sotto la lingua, garantendo un rapido assorbimento a livello orale. Disponibili in piccole dimensioni, questi stick pack sono perfetti per chi cerca un prodotto di alta qualità e personalizzabile. Con un ordine minimo di 100.000 stick pack e un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono ideali per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente. La formulazione degli stick pack include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine e minerali, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute senza compromessi, grazie alla loro capacità di fornire un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti essenziali. Scegliendo gli stick pack, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Tovarna Echinacea Purpurea Ekstrakt Korena V Prahu Polifenoli 4% - Funkcionalne Sestavine

Tovarna Echinacea Purpurea Ekstrakt Korena V Prahu Polifenoli 4% - Funkcionalne Sestavine

Echinacea Extract is a herbal remedy derived from the Echinacea plant, native to North America. Commonly extracted from species such as Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia, and Echinacea pallida, this botanical extract is often utilized for its potential immune-boosting properties. Studies suggest that Echinacea may contain compounds with antiviral and antibacterial effects, making it a popular choice for preventing and alleviating colds and respiratory infections. The raw materials of our products are of good quality, and we have a price advantage by cooperating with large factories. Other Name:Echinacea Purpurea.L. Spec./ Purity:Echinacosides 4% ( Other specifications can be customized) CAS Number:90028-20-9 Appearance:Brown & Yellowish Fine Powder Main function:Brown & Yellowish Fine Powder Test Method:HPLC Odor &Taste:Characteristic Assay:Echinacosides ≥2.5 % Particle size:95% pass 80 mesh Identification:Positive Loss on drying:≤5.0% Residue on Ignition:≤5.0% Bulk Density:0.3-0.6g/ml Tap Density:0.5-0.9g/ml Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm Lead(Pb):NMT3ppm Arsenic (As):NMT2ppm Mercury(Hg):NMT0.1ppm Cadmium(Cd):NMT1ppm Total Plate Count:NMT10,000cfu/g


Nous conditionnons des acides aminés libres comme la L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, Bétâ Alanine, L-Tryptophane. Nous pouvons conditionner de 150g à 1kg par unité.
Koncentrat sirotkinih beljakovin 80% Instant (WPC 80 instant)

Koncentrat sirotkinih beljakovin 80% Instant (WPC 80 instant)

Whey Protein Concentrate 80% instant (WPC 80 instant) (WPC 80% instant) is produced from sweet whey by using an advanced low-temperature ultrafiltration process. This is why most proteins remain undisturbed. WPC contains about 35-90% milk proteins. This powder is unflavored and thus can be given any flavor or aroma. WPC 80 Instant is used in production of ice creams, yoghurts, drinks, butcher’s products and mainly in sports nutrition. Instant concentrate dissolves easily even in cold water. WPC 80 Instant is available in packs of 15/ 20/ 25kg or „Big Bag” 500-1000kg. Average Shelf life of WPC 80 Instant is about 12 months. Protein content: min. 80% Fat content: max. 8% Ash content max. 3.5%
Hemp Protein Powder EU Organic

Hemp Protein Powder EU Organic

"Hemp Protein Powder Hemp protein powder is a source of protein, amino acids and omega fats. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through nutrition. Protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. It also contributes to the maintenance of strong bones. Properties Hemp protein powder is also rich in fiber, and minerals. In other words, hemp is very healthy and can give your body positive influences. Hemp has a nutty taste and is easily digestible. This is very suitable for athletes, vegetarians and vegans. Use You can add the hemp protein powder to smoothies, yogurt, shakes or dough ingredients. You can add 2-4 tablespoons 1-2 times a day to your smoothie, yogurt or in the shake."
Whey protein

Whey protein

Whey Protein
VG Titans P65-M teksturiran grahov protein

VG Titans P65-M teksturiran grahov protein

VG Titans P65-M Textured Pea Protein is a premium plant-based protein product designed to meet the needs of modern food manufacturers. This dry product, created through a sophisticated extrusion process, hydrates to deliver a meat-like texture, making it perfect for plant-based burgers, sausages, and other meatless products. Its high protein and fiber content, combined with its versatility, make it an excellent choice for enhancing the nutritional value of various culinary creations. Sourced from non-GMO peas, VG Titans P65-M is produced with a commitment to sustainability and quality. This textured pea protein is ideal for companies looking to innovate and expand their offerings in the plant-based food sector. Its ability to integrate seamlessly into a wide range of recipes makes it a must-have ingredient for those catering to the growing demand for vegan and vegetarian options.
Jajčni prašek, Prašek za beljakovine z visoko peno - vsestranska funkcionalnost skozi sposobnost stepanja in moči gela

Jajčni prašek, Prašek za beljakovine z visoko peno - vsestranska funkcionalnost skozi sposobnost stepanja in moči gela

Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Eiweiß sind extrem vielfältig. Ob als Füllung, Schaum, Baiser, Stabilisator oder als Strukturbildner bei Fleischersatzprodukten. Wir beraten Sie gerne. Kartons/ Säcke: 25 kg
Ekološki protein v prahu iz konopljinih semen

Ekološki protein v prahu iz konopljinih semen

Proteinpulver aus Hanfsamen in Bioqualität
Lactopro Prah - Kapsule in tablete

Lactopro Prah - Kapsule in tablete

Nutritional supplements with probiotic lactic acid bacteria and zinc Lactopro contains six different probiotic bacterial cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecium, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus salivarius in a particular, highly concentrated combination as well as roughages (Oligofruktose). Zinc is important for a working immune system, amongst others, and contributes towards a normal acid-alkali, carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolic rate. Lactopro powder can be simply stirred in liquids and meals and can be consumed immediately. Lactopro is free of gluten, yeast and lactose. Art. No.:160
Ekstrakt v prahu poljske fižole 10:1; Ekstrakt v prahu poljske fižole 65% beljakovin - Chem2Market GmbH

Ekstrakt v prahu poljske fižole 10:1; Ekstrakt v prahu poljske fižole 65% beljakovin - Chem2Market GmbH

Verarbeiteter Pflanzenteil: Samen Extraktionsmittel: Ethanol & Wasser Trägerstoff: Maltodextrin wiss. Name: Vicia Faba Ackerbohnen, auch als Saubohnen bekannt, sind Hülsenfrüchte, die reich an Proteinen und Ballaststoffen sind und als vielseitige Nahrungsquelle in vielen kulinarischen Traditionen Verwendung finden. Unsere Produkte werden als Bulkware verkauft. Bei den meisten unserer Produkte gibt es eine Mindestabnahmemenge von 25kg. Muster können bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem ist Plants2Market BIO und HACCP zertifiziert und seit Ende September 2023 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 erstzertifiziert. Folgende Produkte bieten wir außerdem an: Acerola Ackerbohne Acker-Schachtelhalm Afrikanische Schwarzbohne Alant Alpha-Liponsäure Amla Artischocke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Baldrian Bambus Beta Glucan BIO Birkenblatt BIO Brasilianischer Mandelegerling BIO Brennnessel BIO Brokkoli BIO Chaga BIO Chlorella BIO Cranberry
Beljakovinski prašek - individualno razvito v okusu, odmerku in sestavi

Beljakovinski prašek - individualno razvito v okusu, odmerku in sestavi

Sie möchten Vielfalt in Ihr Protein-Sortiment bringen? Dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Mit einem reichen Erfahrungsschatz in dieser Branche bieten wir Ihnen die leckersten Rezepturen mit 1A-Nährwerten. Egal ob klassisches Whey Protein, Mehrkomponentenprotein oder vegane Specials – bei uns werden Sie garantiert fündig. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir Ihre Wunschrezeptur und designen Ihr Produkt ganz nach Ihren Vorstellungen. Proteinquellen:tierisch (Kollagen, Milch, Ei) oder pflanzlich (Erbse-, Reis-, Soja-, Hanf-, Kürbiskernprotein) Verpackungen:Dose, Beutel, Sachets, Sticks Geschmacksrichtungen:klassisch oder ausgefallen
Vilgain Grass-Fed Whey Protein - Beljakovinski prašek brez umetnih sladil Sucralose, sladkan s Stevio

Vilgain Grass-Fed Whey Protein - Beljakovinski prašek brez umetnih sladil Sucralose, sladkan s Stevio

Das erste wohlschmeckende Protein aus 100% natürlichem Ursprung ohne künstliche Süßstoffe. Es ist reich an hochwertigem Protein, einschließlich BCAAs, die den Muskelaufbau und -erhalt unterstützen und basiert auf Molke, die aus hochwertiger Kuhmilch gewonnen wird. Es hat eine ausgezeichnete Verdaulichkeit und enthält einen hohen Anteil an essentiellen Aminosäuren, von denen die verzweigtkettigen Aminosäuren BCAA zusammen mit Leucin einen natürlichen Bestandteil darstellen. Diese Aminosäuren sind wichtige Bausteine zur Förderung des Muskelwachstums und der Regeneration.
Dopolnilo Beljakovinskega Prahu - Velikoprodaja Beljakovinskega Prahu

Dopolnilo Beljakovinskega Prahu - Velikoprodaja Beljakovinskega Prahu

We have popular branded wholesale protein supplements available wholesale at best market prices.We can supply Internationally
Rastlinske Beljakovine in Alternative LT 1-2 Tedna - rastlinske beljakovine, alternativne beljakovine, beljakovinski prašek, beljakovine

Rastlinske Beljakovine in Alternative LT 1-2 Tedna - rastlinske beljakovine, alternativne beljakovine, beljakovinski prašek, beljakovine

Cashewprotein, Chiaprotein, Cranberryprotein, Erbsenprotein, Süßlupinenprotein, Hanfprotein, Haferprotein, Kürbisprotein, Mandelprotein , Reisprotein, Reisstärke, Süßlupinenprotein, Sojaprotein, Leinsamenprotein, Sonnenblumenprotein, Paranussprotein, Erbsenprotein, Hanfprotein, Kokosprotein, Granatapfelprotein, Kürbisprotein, Sonnenblumenprotein, Mandelprotein, Weizenkeimprotein Alle Proteine in Bio und konventioneller Qualität verfügbar.


manufacturing amino acids for food industrials pharmaceuticals with high quality and best price from china.
Koncentrat sirovátkového proteinu - izolát sirovátkového proteinu

Koncentrat sirovátkového proteinu - izolát sirovátkového proteinu

Optimum Nutrition ON Gold Standard 100% Isolate Pure Whey Protein, Naturally Occurring BCAAs and Glutamine, Pre and Post Workout, Vanilla Flavour, 31 Servings, 930 g Gold Standard whey protein powder contains 25g (83 percent) of high quality 100 percent pure whey isolate protein blend per serving to suport lean muscle gain* Whey protein isolate is ultra-filtered for exceptional purity; it supports the growth and maintenance of muscle mass and the maintenance of normal bones* Informed Choice certified ON whey protein powder contains low sugar (0.3 g), low fat (0.4 g) and 5.5 g of naturally occurring essential amino acids, BCAAs, per serving This high protein powder is perfect as a protein shake, pre workout and post workout for both men and women; comes in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavours
Deminiraliziran Whey Prah - Izvoznik Deminiraliziranega Whey Prahu

Deminiraliziran Whey Prah - Izvoznik Deminiraliziranega Whey Prahu

Demineralized whey is generated as a dilute liquid by-product of cheese production. It contains lactose, proteins, and minerals. It can be processed to extract the minerals using Electro-dialysis. The concentrated demineralized whey is then spray-dried into a powder. Demineralized whey powder has widespread usage, some examples: are infant formula, baby food, dietary foods, and fortified products.


High protein demineralized whey powder is obtained by concentrating 70% (1D) pasteurized whey, reducing its minerals by demineralization process and drying it by spray dry method. It contains a high level of milk protein and is a unique sweet product because the mineral level is reduced.
Bio Spirulina Prah - 100 % Bio Spirulina Alge - Bogata z Železom in Beljakovinami

Bio Spirulina Prah - 100 % Bio Spirulina Alge - Bogata z Železom in Beljakovinami

Jetzt kommt die Algen-Power für Ihren Smoothie: unser Bio Spirulina-Pulver wird aus der „Athrospira platensis“ gewonnen, die auch als Mikroalge bezeichnet wird. Nach der Ernte werden die frischen Algen getrocknet und zu feinem Pulver vermahlen. Dabei bleiben viele Inhaltsstoffe sowie die intensive Farbe erhalten. Ob als klassischer Smoothie mit Früchten und Gemüse, als Smoothie Bowl oder in griechischem Joghurt eingerührt – mit Spirulina wird es ein farbenfroher Hingucker, der es in sich hat. Probieren Sie es doch mal aus! Rühren Sie täglich 1 Teelöffel (5 g) borchers Bio Spirulina Pulver in Ihre Speisen oder Getränke. Bei Bio-Produkten: DE-ÖKO-006
Koncentrat sirotkinih beljakovin - serija Globulal®

Koncentrat sirotkinih beljakovin - serija Globulal®

Beside a nutritionally high-quality protein source our WPC also provides an outstanding functionality. By ultrafiltration of the whey proteins and spray drying our whey protein concentrate, called GLOBULAL, is produced. Our range includes WPC 70 as well as WPC 80 in different variants. Characteristics and Benefits: Prepared from milk High-value protein source High gelling version available Excellent amino acid profile Free from glycomacropeptid Structure formation during heating Increased water-binding capacity and prolonged shelf life Increase of thickening properties in desserts, dressings and sauces Egg replacement in bakery products
Ekološki sirotkin protein v prahu

Ekološki sirotkin protein v prahu

Organic Whey Protein powder can be used as an ingredient for protein shakes, smoothies, baked goods, energy bars and more… The most general application is to fill it in pouches or tubs for retail. ORIGINS:EU BULK PACKAGING:25 kg bag
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein - Vse velikosti, vključno z 2,28 kg in vse okuse Dvojno Bogata Čokolada in Vanilija

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Protein - Vse velikosti, vključno z 2,28 kg in vse okuse Dvojno Bogata Čokolada in Vanilija

Delivers 24g of whey protein to support muscle growth. After training, your body uses protein to help repair and rebuild muscle fibres. Each great tasting serving contains 24 g of premium whey protein to support muscle growth and 5.5 g of naturally occurring BCAAs.
EU Prah konopnega proteina (50%)

EU Prah konopnega proteina (50%)

Hemp protein production is one of our core capabilities. This item is used in supplement industry as well as mixing in with other food ingredients in production of healthy snacks, bars etc. We offer hemp protein in bulk- in 20 kg bags. Our Hemp Protein 50% is produced from Hemp cake. It is processed through milling and sieving processes to obtain high quality hemp protein. Option to pack it in private label packaging is available as well. Please contact trevor@nutraingredients.co.uk for further information.
Prahu konopnih beljakovin

Prahu konopnih beljakovin

It is an organic powder from dried and crushed hemp seeds. Powder, like seeds, consists of high-quality vegetable protein, supplemented with essential amino acids, which are necessary for normal functioning and development of the body. Net Weight:28 gr. Gross Weight:420 gr. Shelf Life:24 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 37 g, fats - 11 g, carbohydrates - 40 g Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):410 kcal (1730 kJ) Ingridients:Hemp protein Organic:No Raw:Yes Gluten-free:Yes
ISO Feed - Prah za Obrok

ISO Feed - Prah za Obrok

ISO Feed Grade Fish Meal Powder with 48% 65% 72% Protein
Whey Protein 2 kg - Izdelek iz Whey Proteina v 2 kg Embalaži

Whey Protein 2 kg - Izdelek iz Whey Proteina v 2 kg Embalaži

Proteintrinkpulver zur Herstellung eines Kaltgetränks. Diätetisches Lebensmittel für intensive Muskelanstrengungen, für allem für Sportler. Pures Whey Protein ist reines Whey = Laktalbuminprotein mit der biologischen Wertigkeit von 104. Laktalbumin, welches durch Ultra-Filtration und Ionentausch aus der Molke der Milch gewonnen wird, ist in den USA als Whey-Protein bekannt und ist das hochwertigste und leichtverdaulichste Monoeiweiß.
Ekološki Maca Prah - Visoka Vsebnost Beljakovin Čista Rastlinska Superhrana

Ekološki Maca Prah - Visoka Vsebnost Beljakovin Čista Rastlinska Superhrana

In dem Maca - Pulver von LANUCO findest Du ein rein pflanzliches, qualitativ hochwertiges Superfood, mit dem du deine Ernährung gesund und ausgewogen ergänzen kannst. Das Maca - Pulver stammt aus den Knollen der Maca-Pflanze, die seit ungefähr 2000 Jahren in den oberen Höhenlagen der peruanischen Anden angebaut wird. Selbst bei den Inkas wurde die Maca - Knolle schon als „Königin der Anden“ bezeichnet und als Nahrungs- und Heilpflanze eingesetzt. Dem Maca - Pulver wird eine vielseitige Wirkung zugesprochen: So soll es geistige Wachheit und psychische Belastbarkeit verleihen und Sportlern zu mehr Leistungsfähigkeit verhelfen. Außerdem findet es in der Naturheilkunde Anwendung als Potenzmittel, bei Libidomangel oder zur Linderung der Symptome bei Wechseljahrsbeschwerden. Produkteigenschaften:Bio, Glutenfrei, Vegan Herstellung:Knollen der Macapflanze werden von Juni - September geerntet, für drei Monate getrocknet & pulverisi Ökokontrollstelle:DE-ÖKO-003, Nicht EU-Landwirtschaft
Derivati mleka v prahu - Široka paleta derivatov mleka v prahu

Derivati mleka v prahu - Široka paleta derivatov mleka v prahu

Fra i derivati del latte presentiamo molte tipologie di prodotti, alcuni sono ottenuti dalle materie prime tal quali polverizzate come burro, mascarpone, panna e yogurt, altri sono ottenuti da fasi intermedie di processi tecnologici come il latticello (prodotto residuale della lavorazione del burro). Il siero di latte (residuo del processo di caseificazione) è disponibile nelle tipologie spray, istantaneo, permeato e demineralizzato. In questa categoria presentiamo inoltre una gamma completa di proteine derivanti dal siero e dal latte fra cui: le proteine concentrate del siero Wpc (Whey Protein Concentrate), le proteine concentrate del latte Mpc (Milk Protein Concentrate) e varie tipologie di Caseinato ottenuto con sali di sodio, calcio e potassio.