Izdelki za r g epoksidharz (3)

Barvanje tal - Barvanje tal z epoksidno smolo

Barvanje tal - Barvanje tal z epoksidno smolo

Industrial floor painting. Anglia Decor Ltd. Chas accredited for health and safety. Specialist in floor painting, providing nationwide coverage. We prepare the floor using diamond grinding and vacublasting, this ensures the resin coatings adhere well to the floor. Get in touch for a free quote
ALPHATEC® 800 Visoko Učinkovit Epoksidni Fuga - Univerzalni epoksidni fuga za industrijske stroje

ALPHATEC® 800 Visoko Učinkovit Epoksidni Fuga - Univerzalni epoksidni fuga za industrijske stroje

This grout material was specifically formulated to support heavy machinery on concrete foundations, and when used correctly, will ensure the transfer of static and dynamic loads into the inertia block. The polymer epoxy grouts offered by the Alphatec Group are already extensively tried and proven in many industries around the world. The benefits of using epoxy grouts are most easily seen in a repair or rehabilitation project, but they will perform very well in new installations of all types of rotating machinery. As the only epoxy grout manufacturer with its own contracting arm, Alphatec Engineering is uniquely placed to give you the best combination of products and services.
EPOXY SMOLA D150 KOMPLET 2kg - Epoksidna litje smola

EPOXY SMOLA D150 KOMPLET 2kg - Epoksidna litje smola

Système époxy transparent. Dureté variable. Facile d'emploi. -> Application Décoration, décoration florale, imitation de liquide, simulation de cours d'eau en maquettes. Couleur : Transparent Ratio mélange : 100/100 Potlife : 70 min à 9h Temps avant démoulage : >48h TG°C : nc Unité de vente : 1 kit de 2kg Minimum de commande : 1 kit