Izdelki za reciklirano (113)

Reciklaža, Varčevanje z Viri

Reciklaža, Varčevanje z Viri

Auch die Schonung von Ressourcen steht im Vordergrund. Das verarbeitete Material Messing wird durch die Rückführung von Spänen zu 100% wiederverwertet. Durch einen zentralen Ölkreislauf der Versorgung der Fertigungsmaschinen und die Filterung des verwendeten Öls werden Neuanschaffungen minimiert. Die Auslieferung der Produkte erfolgt zu 90% in Umlaufbehältern und die restlichen 10% werden in recycelbarer Verpackung versendet. #Kreislauf #Nachhaltig #Recling #Umwelt
Pakiranje iz reciklirane plastike

Pakiranje iz reciklirane plastike

Make a strong statement on sustainability Send a clear message about sustainability. With our packaging made from recycled material, you can strengthen the circular economy and thus make a valuable contribution towards conserving our planet’s resources. And this provides the same outstanding protection for your products as our solutions made from virgin material. At the end of its useful life, 100% of our packaging made from recycled material can be returned to the recycling loop.
Sistem za recikliranje elektronskih odpadkov - inženiring obratov

Sistem za recikliranje elektronskih odpadkov - inženiring obratov

The reclamation of valuable resources from electrical and electronic scrap – a global volume in excess of 40 million tonnes/year – is one of the greatest challenges facing our society. With additional support from WEEE Directive legislation, this represents enormous growth potential for recycling companies in all consumer-oriented markets. For many years now, ERDWICH has specialised in the reclamation of valuable primary materials from electronic waste with its turnkey system solutions. ERDWICH pre-processing: All process execution is fully compliant with the new DIN EN 50625/1 rules. Whether you need to handle electrics/electronics, small/large household appliances or specialist items such as fluorescent lamps, PCBs, LCD monitors and PV modules, whether as a mobile or stationary solution: create new value from electronic waste with ERDWICH. To get an idea of what we’re capable of, please see the following Case Studies. Now it’s your turn: we look forward to receiving your...
Zbirni center za odpadke in reciklirane materiale

Zbirni center za odpadke in reciklirane materiale

The Gmöhling recycling collectors support you in waste separation. Waste separation is indispensable in the commercial and private sector. Conscientious recycling and reprocessing protects not only the environment but also keeps costs down. With an anodised aluminium surface, the container can be cleaned without trouble and is therefore suitable e.g. for hospitals. The sleek design allows you to collect materials directly at the point of waste generation, e.g. in rest areas, production facilities, waiting rooms, visitor areas, offices, kitchens and so on. With the 6 recycling pictogram labels, you can choose yourself how best to separate the waste: glass, metal, paper, plastic, bio-waste, residual waste. Waste separation system made from anodised aluminium Used for collecting and separating waste and recyclables 4 different versions: 1 bin, 2 bins, 3 bins, 4 bins Each compartment has a 45 l plastic container The plastic containers can be removed individually Front-opening flap...
Flottweg Sorticanter® - Sorticanter®: reciklirna centrifuga Flottweg

Flottweg Sorticanter® - Sorticanter®: reciklirna centrifuga Flottweg

Ventajas que ofrece la Sorticanter® para reciclar plásticos: ► Sistema cerrado para evitar los olores desagradables. ► Los colores no influyen en los sólidos a separar. ► Menor consumo de energía térmica gracias a que la fase de deshumidificación está integrada en la Sorticanter®. ► Coste mínimo de personal y, por tanto, ahorro de costes para la empresa explotadora. ► Separación de mezclas de sustancias inadecuadas para la separación estática (fibras); así, no se requiere una secadora mecánica (centrifugación con tamiz) ► Es posible tratar partículas inferiores a 1 mm; las burbujas de aire y otros efectos dañinos no ejercen influencia alguna. ► Un sistema de circulación de volumen bajo reduce el consumo de agua fresca y, asimismo, disminuye la cantidad de aguas residuales, ya que la mayor parte de la suciedad se separa en la Sorticanter®. La Sorticanter® permite procesar hasta 1000 o 2500 kg de sólidos por hora (en función de las propiedades de la materia prima). Protección antidesgaste:Soluciones a medida Accionamiento del decantador:Simp Drive® Velocidad diferencial:Soluciones a medida Automatización:Soluciones a medida Material:Acero inoxidable de gran calidad Panel de control:Touch Control
Drožilni sistemi za industrijo recikliranja

Drožilni sistemi za industrijo recikliranja

Zerkleinerungsanlagen für die Recyclingindustrie - Smasher - Der SMASHER ist eine Anlage zur Vorzerkleinerung von EAG
Prilagojeni spiralni transporterji za reciklirane materiale - SG sistem za reciklažo PET steklenic z iztokom za tekočine

Prilagojeni spiralni transporterji za reciklirane materiale - SG sistem za reciklažo PET steklenic z iztokom za tekočine

Transporting recycling materials presents particular challenges for conveyor technology. The spiral conveyors for recycling materials need to be able to withstand materials with very different properties, unlike when transporting raw materials in industrial production processes or homogenous material such as granulates or pellets. In addition, the sturdiness in regards to environmental influences cannot be underestimated as a decisive factor for the longevity of the conveyor system as a whole.
Detektorji kovin in separatorji kovin za industrijo plastike, lesa, tekstila in rudarstva

Detektorji kovin in separatorji kovin za industrijo plastike, lesa, tekstila in rudarstva

Metallseparatoren und Metalldetektoren von Mesutronic finden Ihren Einsatz beim Schutz von Produktionsanlagen. Metalldetektoren, Metallseparatoren und Fremdkörperinspektionssysteme von Mesutronic für die Qualitätskontrolle und den Schutz von Produktionsmaschinen. Die Mesutronic GmbH bietet seit über 30 Jahren Lösungen zum Maschinenschutz und zur Qualitätssicherung. In den Segmenten Kunststoff, Holz, Textil und Bergbau warten wir mit einer breiten Produktpalette auf, mit deren Hilfe Sie ihre Produktionsmaschinen vor ungewollten Fremdkörpern schützen.
Klešče za bale T413

Klešče za bale T413

KAUP attachments of the class T413 designed with high visibility are mainly used for in-plant, non-palletised transportation of bales of paper, waste paper, tobacco and textiles or also boxes and containers. Pulp, foamed plastic (polystyrene) wool and Big-Bags can also be transported with specially designed clamping arms.
HXF13KLL+ Bio Nosilec - Biološki nosilci z visoko kapaciteto za biološko obdelavo odpadnih voda in akvakulturo

HXF13KLL+ Bio Nosilec - Biološki nosilci z visoko kapaciteto za biološko obdelavo odpadnih voda in akvakulturo

High capacity biocarriers both for biological sewage and gas treatment and for aquaculture Total Surface: 955 m²/m³ High capacity biocarriers both for biological sewage and gas treatment and for aquaculture Recycled HDPE:black Virgin HDPE:white
SIGRATEX® Netkani materiali

SIGRATEX® Netkani materiali

Based on carbon and glass fibers, we produce isotropic non-wovens with different fiber orientations and lengths. The non-wovens are made of 100% recycled materials.
rHDPE Steklenica Salin 250 ml / izdelana iz reciklata - Steklenica iz rHDPE / reciklata / reciklirana steklenica

rHDPE Steklenica Salin 250 ml / izdelana iz reciklata - Steklenica iz rHDPE / reciklata / reciklirana steklenica

Auf Wunsch können wir unser komplettes Flaschensortiment aus Recyclat fertigen. https://www.lindner-kunststoffprodukte.de/produkte/neuheiten/neues-aus-recyclat/
Material za Polnjenje in Oblazinjenje Ekološki in Trajnostni - 100% Recikliran Papir iz Nemčije

Material za Polnjenje in Oblazinjenje Ekološki in Trajnostni - 100% Recikliran Papir iz Nemčije

Umweltfreundlich ✔ Nachhaltig ✔ ressourcenschonend ✔ aus 100% Recycling Karton ✔ 100% Recycling Papier ✔ aus 100% Altpapier ✔ auf 100% Sekundärrohstoffe basierende Herstellung ✔ bei der Herstellung bis zu 70% weniger Wasserverbrauch ✔ 9-malige Wiederverwendung im Recyclingkreislauf ✔ weniger CO2-Ausstoss durch kurze Produktionsstrecken ✔ umweltschonend ✔ Einhaltung höchster Umweltstandards ✔ chlorfrei & säurefrei ✔ hohes Füllvolumen ✔ sehr ergiebig ✔ sehr staubreduziert ✔ aus starkem 3-lagigem Papier ✔ 100% recycelbar ✔ Made in Germany ✔ hohe Farbbrillanz optimaler Polsterschutz ✔ vielfältig einsetzbar ✔ edle Haptik ✔ wiederverwendbar ✔ kreatives Gestalten ✔ dekorativ ✔ vegan ✔
Kmetijska Gradnja

Kmetijska Gradnja

Unsere Produkte sind nach den jeweiligen Bauvorhaben gegliedert.
oeco Stojalo - Stojala s Pokrovi za Vreče za Odpade in Recikliranje

oeco Stojalo - Stojala s Pokrovi za Vreče za Odpade in Recikliranje

Wherever waste disposal should be organised as simple and hygienic as possible oecoständer provides helpful services. Whether outside or inside, on events, assembly or building sites, oecoständer is quickly set up and directly operational. Up to 6 stands can be set up together in a line and compose a collecting station; special combination clips are already included in delivery. 6 different lid colours are available to better distinguish every single fraction. ■solid construction (light metal coated tube) ■simple assembling (connector system) ■high capacity: 70 l bag ■hygienic plastic flap lid ■small place requirement (0,16 m2) ■space-saving storage (folded up) ■extendable ■low weight (about 1,9 kg) Rubbish and recyclable bags made of plastic are available for a simple, clean and hygienic disposal. The bags can be quickly and easily fixed with the stretching frame. 60/70 l bags standard version includes holder, stretching frame and flap lid. waste separations:simple and hygienic Flexible:Up to 6 stands can be set up together easy:quickly set up and directly operational
ECO Visoko Učinkovit Filtr za Taljenje - Visoko Učinkovit Filtr za Taljenje za Močno Onesnažene Aplikacije Recikliranja Plastike

ECO Visoko Učinkovit Filtr za Taljenje - Visoko Učinkovit Filtr za Taljenje za Močno Onesnažene Aplikacije Recikliranja Plastike

Die kontinuierlichen Schmelzefilter der ECO-Serie werden wegen ihrer speziellen Ausführung in PET- und PA-Anwendungen eingesetzt und zur Filtration von Kunststoffschmelzen aus gering verschmutzten Industrieabfällen bis hin zu leichter verschmutzten Haushaltsabfällen verwendet, sowie von sauberer Neuware. ECO-Schmelzefilter können eine große Bandbreite an Polymeren verarbeiten, und entfernen dabei alle festförmigen und elastomeren Fremdstoffe wie z. B. Papier, Holz, Aluminium, Kupfer, Gummi, Silikone oder auch Polymere mit höheren Schmelztemperaturen wirkungsvoll. Zudem wird degradiertes PET, in Form von Black Specks, deutlich reduziert. Das klassische Einsatzgebiet der ECO-Schmelzefilter sind daher Extrusionsanwendungen, in denen z. B. PET-Recycling-Flaschenmahlgut zu Lebensmittelverpackungsfolien, Verpackungsband und Fasern konvertiert wird. PET-Regranulierungs- und Compoundingprozesse im Allgemeinen sind weitere Anwendungsgebiete.
ILUDEST® model LM-6/H Računalniški Sistem Recikliranja - Avtomatizirana destilacijska enota, zasnovana s strani ILUDEST®, za izboljšanje učinkovitosti

ILUDEST® model LM-6/H Računalniški Sistem Recikliranja - Avtomatizirana destilacijska enota, zasnovana s strani ILUDEST®, za izboljšanje učinkovitosti

The instrument has a capacity of 6 litres of solvent mixture with a throughput of up to 1 l / hr (e.g. when recovering Xylene). A microcomputer controller holds up to 100 programs as well as monitoring the distillation process for normal and safe operation. Variable reflux ratios and equilibrium times are possible so that the operator has maximum flexibility to design a program for optimal efficiency. Other capacities are available upon request.
Kontejner za reciklažo z žepi za viličarja, zložen

Kontejner za reciklažo z žepi za viličarja, zložen

Wertstoffcontainer mit Staplertaschen, stapelbar
Postaja za polnjenje Big Bag z dvigalom za sode

Postaja za polnjenje Big Bag z dvigalom za sode

BigBagbefüllanlagen als Umfüllstation von Fässern in Big-Bag´s
Neutrakon® enota za nevtralizacijo SN90 za do 11 MW - za industrijsko ogrevanje, CHP

Neutrakon® enota za nevtralizacijo SN90 za do 11 MW - za industrijsko ogrevanje, CHP

The neutralisation unit Neutrakon® SN90 is suitable for the neutralisation (increase of the pH value above 6,5) of acidic condensates of industrial condensing units up to 11 MW. Thanks to the single removable Neutra baskets, maintenance work is easy. The innovative matrix improves the flow of the condensate Made in stainless steel type 4VA With ball valve for easy maintenance Suitable for condensates of industrial heating units, CHP and flue gas systems up to 11 MW (1500 l/h)
ATEX Popoln Mešalni Sistem eco-Topmix Zona 0

ATEX Popoln Mešalni Sistem eco-Topmix Zona 0

Explosionsgeschütztes Rühren leicht gemacht mit unseren energieeffizienten und in ATEX Zone 0 funktional sicheren Komplettrührwerken für Standardbehältergrößen.
METAL KICKER - Vse-Metalni Separator, Metalni Separator, Indukcijski Razvrščevalec

METAL KICKER - Vse-Metalni Separator, Metalni Separator, Indukcijski Razvrščevalec

Metallabscheider / Metallseparator zur Abscheidung aller Metalle aus Materialstrom. Einzigartige robuste, schnelle und effektive Klappentechnik zur Abscheidung des Sortiergutes. Äußerst empfindlicher, sehr einfach zu bedienender Metallsensor.
Fizična Deacidifikacija

Fizična Deacidifikacija

Die Entsäuerung von Rohwässern erfolgt über die physikalische Entsäuerung.
TPE spojine za modifikacijo udarca recikliranih polimerov

TPE spojine za modifikacijo udarca recikliranih polimerov

With an ever increasing refuse stream, Government waste prevention programmes and new industry targets, the demand for products made from recycled materials is rising, meaning that recyclability is becoming an increasingly important attribute for polymers. However, thermomechanical degradation from the repeated melting during the recycling process, weathering and contamination can all have negative effects on properties and performance. Dryflex TPE impact modifiers can be added to the recyclate, helping to transform the properties from stiff and brittle to flexible and tough and improve the impact resistance and aesthetics of the finished product. Dryflex TPE compounds are being used as impact modifiers in both primary and secondary recyclate supply streams. Compatibilisation Dryflex TPE impact modifiers can also function as a compatibiliser when used with commingled sources of non-polar polymers such as PP, PE and PS. When added to an immiscible polymer blend, the TPE modifies inte
Kurtz WAVE FOAMER - energetsko učinkovito oblikovanje brez pare z elektromagnetnimi valovi. Primeren tudi za reciklirane materiale!

Kurtz WAVE FOAMER - energetsko učinkovito oblikovanje brez pare z elektromagnetnimi valovi. Primeren tudi za reciklirane materiale!

Dampfloses Schäumen durch die Kurtz RF-Technologie! Partikelschaumverarbeitung mit bemerkenswert hohem Anteil an recycletem Material realisierbar auf Basis elektromagnetischer Wellen.
Obračalnik komposta

Obračalnik komposta

Kompostwender sind für die effiziente Erzeugung großer Mengen Kompost äußerst wichtig.
Proizvodnja lesnih sekancev na kraju samem

Proizvodnja lesnih sekancev na kraju samem

Lohnhacken mit LKW-Großhacker, maximaler Durchmesser 65cm Auf Wunsch mit Einbringung durch eigene Abrollcontainer-LKWs und Aufschieben der Hackschnitzel mit unseren Teleskop-Radladern
poraSpheres - Prazna Steklena Krogla - Prazna steklena krogla, izdelana iz recikliranega stekla v razponu 90-500µm

poraSpheres - Prazna Steklena Krogla - Prazna steklena krogla, izdelana iz recikliranega stekla v razponu 90-500µm

Unsere Hohlglaskugeln weißen folgende Vorteile auf: + Leicht + Mineralisch + 100% Recyclingglas + Rollwirkung + Geschlossenporig (zieht keine Feuchtigkeit) + Gewichtseinsparung bei gleicher Verarbeitungsfläche + Mögliche Kosteneinsparung von teuren Zusatzstoffen + Dämmend + Brandhemmend …
Recikliranje električnih in elektronskih odpadkov - področja uporabe

Recikliranje električnih in elektronskih odpadkov - področja uporabe

One of the greatest challenges facing our society is the reclamation of valuable raw materials from electrical and electronic scrap. A global scrap volume exceeding 40 million tonnes a year – a figure forecast to double by 2025 – presents both a challenge and an opportunity. Since even in Germany only some 40% of scrap is currently fed into a waste management process, we may assume that the global rate of waste management is still substantially lower. With additional support from WEEE Directive legislation, this represents enormous growth potential for recycling companies in all consumer-oriented markets. For many years now, ERDWICH has specialised in the reclamation of valuable primary materials from electronic waste with its shredding machinery and turnkey plant solutions. As a result, economical and mature solutions are available for meeting any of these challenges. ERDWICH pre-processing: Whether you’re handling electrical/electronic waste, small/large household appliances,...
Sistemi za recikliranje hladilnikov - inženiring obratov

Sistemi za recikliranje hladilnikov - inženiring obratov

One particular challenge in the refrigerator recycling process is presented by chlorofluorocarbons such as R 11, R 12 or R 141b, which were used for decades as foaming agents for insulation materials. Since these substances damage the Earth’s ozone layer when released, they must be removed and collected securely in a closed-system pre-processing plant. With ERDWICH, you are assured of the latest, technologically advanced solutions: Whether you’re handling small-scale units or complex refrigeration plant: utilise the expertise we’ve gained in processing over 30 million refrigerator units. To get an idea of what we’re capable of, please see the following Case Studies. Now it’s your turn: we look forward to receiving your project enquiry!