Izdelki za surfsup (5)



Lassen Sie Profis reinigen Wir bieten Ihnen Sandstrahlen bei uns im Werk oder mobil in der ganzen Welt. Wir führen in unserer Strahlhalle in Reken Sandstrahlarbeiten bis zu einem Strahlgut gewicht von 1,5 Tonnen aus. Dabei können die zu bearbeitenden Teile bis zu 10m lang und 3m breit sein
Shramba za Shranjevanje

Shramba za Shranjevanje

Abri de stockage Dimensions:Pignon 6,00 x Profondeur 6.00 x Ht faitage 2,74 m Armature:Arceaux en acier galvanisé Ø 60 mm Espace entre arceaux:1,50 m ( nous consulter suivant le lieu et l'altitude) Couverture:Toile PVC armée 650 gr/m2, garantie 10 ans Coloris toile:Vert RAL 6005 ( voir les autres coloris disponibles en option) Ancrage standard:Terre  ( nous consulter pour d'autres types d'ancrage) Voir options ci-dessous:Les fermetures pignon - les modules d'extension Autres prestations   (nous consulter pour le chiffrage)  :montage - isolation - tôle de protection - autre ancrage


When lifting machinery components, there are always edges and surfaces which are insufficiently protected by regular edgeprotectors and protective sleeves. Textile load lifting accessories cannot always be used, as the cables or chains being used press against the load with extreme pressure. Damage to the often expensive and highlymachined components is often unavoidable and the edges must be reworked at great cost. The secuPad is DIN A4 size and can easily be placed at critical locations by hand. It consists of multiple textile layers joined together on every side. It adapts flexibly even to difficult contours. The surface is coated in Powerflex and protected against abrasion and the penetration of shavings and lubricants.


Il ferma-anta brevettato è una novità destinata a rivoluzionare il mercato del settore. E’ l’unico ferma anta ad agire indifferentemente sull’aletta di battuta dell’anta, sul montante o sulla doppia anta avendo una regolazione millimetrica che va da 0 a 124 mm, grazie all’inserimento di apposite prolunghe. I materiali di costruzione, sono stati ampiamente testati da laboratori specializzati, così come il meccanismo di funzionamento. La severità dei collaudi ci permette di offrirvi un prodotto duraturo ed affidabile. Un prodotto firmato Tecnometalsystem.


- Caillou 12/25 (gravier de rivière silicique) - Mélange (Sable+Gravier) - Gravier 12/20 Big Bag