Izdelki za transnaturna iruna (3)

LULIANA SERUM ZA INHIBICIJO LAS - Zmanjšaj količino - Količina seruma za inhibicijo las Luliana 1 Povečaj količino + DODAJ K

LULIANA SERUM ZA INHIBICIJO LAS - Zmanjšaj količino - Količina seruma za inhibicijo las Luliana 1 Povečaj količino + DODAJ K

BENEFITS of Luliana Serum : ✔ It’s made of 100% natural ingredients that do not contain any chemicals. ✔ It is used after hair removal, not for hair removal. ✔ Used after removal to weaken the follicle and gradually end the growth and disappear. ✔ It is a means that prevents the appearance of hair. ✔ It does not cause any kind of allergy as it is a natural product and is used for all areas of the body. ✔ Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. ✔ Safe for the face and the whole body, even sensitive areas, without any side effects. ✔ Can be used for the whole body and face without any side effect at all!
TURNA - NK Tekuče Organomineralno Gnojilo

TURNA - NK Tekuče Organomineralno Gnojilo

Garanti Edilen İçerik (%W/W) Organik Madde 30 Toplam Azot (N) 3 Organik Azot (N) 0,5 Üre Azotu (N) 2,5 Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)9 pH 4-6 Ürün Özellikleri Organik madde, azot, potasyum ve formüle edilmiş, tamamı suda çözünebilen sıvı organomineral gübredir. Bitki kalitesi üzerinde önemli etkilere sahiptir. Bitkinin sağlıklı bir vejetatif dönem geçirmesine katkı sağlar. Ayrıca bitkinin su metabolizmasına önemli katkı sağlayarak kuraklıkla fizyolojik mücadelede rol oynar. Diğer gübrelerle de karışarak damlama sulama ve yapraktan yağmurlama şeklinde uygulanır.
TBC - Tributil citrat

TBC - Tributil citrat

TBC is a very good plasticizer for PVC and cellulosic derivatives. TBC improves light stability and it has good solvating properties for rubber and PVC. Since it has good low temperature properties and also is a non-toxic plasticizer, it can be used in food contact applications.