Izdelki za učinkovitost in (47)

TINY Omega-3 - Rožmarin - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina, ki podpira cirkulacijo

TINY Omega-3 - Rožmarin - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina, ki podpira cirkulacijo

In TINY Omega 3 - Rosemary, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 22 times as absorbable by the body than conventional omega 3. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 22-fold increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
CJC® Desorber Conditioning Unit - Odvodnjavanje, Sušenje in Vzdrževanje Maziv - Hitro in Učinkovito

CJC® Desorber Conditioning Unit - Odvodnjavanje, Sušenje in Vzdrževanje Maziv - Hitro in Učinkovito

CJC® Desorber Conditioning Units verwenden zur Öltrocknung das patentierte Desorptionsprinzip. Freies, gelöstes und emulgiertes Wasser wird so schnell, effizient und kostenoptimal aus Ölen und Fluiden entfernt. Die CJC® Desorber sind Entwässerungssysteme für Schmierstoffe, die unabhängig vom Betrieb der Maschine als Nebenstromfilter oder im Batch-Betrieb arbeiten. Optional mit einem CJC® Filter für das Entfernen von Partikeln, Oxidationsprodukten und Säuren kombinierbar. Erzielen Sie höchste Ölreinheiten für maximale Maschinenzuverlässigkeit. So profitieren Sie: • Frühzeitige Ölwechsel vermeiden o,Schnelle Öltrocknung bis unter 0,01 % Wassergehalt o,Ölrückgewinnung von stabilen Öl-Wasser-Emulsionen • Optimaler Schutz vor Korrosion, Kavitation und Verschleiß • längere Lebensdauer von ölgeschmierten Bauteilen • für jeden Schmierstoff und jedes Additivpaket geeignet • auch für hochviskose Fluide bis ISO VG 100 einsetzbar • Kompakt und umweltfreundlich
Električni Viličar RX 60 2,5 - 3,5 t - Učinkovitost Brez Izpustov za Vsako Uporabo

Električni Viličar RX 60 2,5 - 3,5 t - Učinkovitost Brez Izpustov za Vsako Uporabo

Überragende Sichtverhältnisse dank neuem Hubgerüstkonzept Geringste Umweltbelastung und hohe Umschlagleistung durch kraftvollen elektrischen Antrieb Kompakte Bauweise und extreme Wendigkeit Hohe Verfügbarkeit durch Li-Ion-Akku
Detektor kovin Secus® - Detektor kovin za učinkovito in učinkovito zaščito zaposlenih in strojev

Detektor kovin Secus® - Detektor kovin za učinkovito in učinkovito zaščito zaposlenih in strojev

Detektor metali Secus® zapewnia bardzo wydajną i skuteczną ochronę maszyn. Zapobiega dostawaniu się zanieczyszczeń metalicznych do procesu produkcyjnego i tym samym redukuje do minimum czasy przestojów spowodowane naprawami. Ponadto pracownicy są niezawodnie chronieni przed obrażeniami spowodowanymi przez odpryskujące elementy metalowe. Zaprojektowany specjalnie dla przemysłu ciężkiego Secus przekonuje przede wszystkim swoją niezwykle wytrzymałą konstrukcją i czułością detekcji, która została zoptymalizowana specjalnie dla przetwórstwa surowców. Dedykowany do różnych gałęzi przemysłu m.in. chemicznego, tworzyw sztucznych, recyklingu, gumowego, drzewnego, energetycznego, górniczego, tytoniowego Solidna konstrukcja połączona z optymalną czułością wykrywania Niezwykle prosta obsługa Dostępne w standardzie z otworami o wymiarach do 2200 x 1200 mm Stopień ochrony IP55, opcjonalnie IP66
Servisni dvigalo - Najbolj učinkovit in ergonomičen način za plezanje po stolpih

Servisni dvigalo - Najbolj učinkovit in ergonomičen način za plezanje po stolpih

Das Klettern der Turmleiter und das Heben von Ersatzteilen sind zeitaufwändige und riskante Aspekte der Turbinenwartung. Die sich wiederholende Bewegung des Kletterns ist auch körperlich anstrengend und verursacht unzählige Verletzungen. Ein Service Lift ist die ideale Lösung.
TINY CBPlus 5% - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina. Pomaga pri sprostitvi.

TINY CBPlus 5% - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina. Pomaga pri sprostitvi.

In TINY CBPlus 5%, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times as absorbable by the body as conventional nutrients. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent - Legal cannabinoids without hemp, without THC We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY CBG 1% - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

TINY CBG 1% - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

In TINY CBG 1%, the nutrient is refined by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times more absorbed by the body than in untreated form. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Koencim Q10 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY Koencim Q10 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY Coenzyme Q10, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times as absorbable by the body than conventional coenzyme Q10. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Melatonin + Lavanda + Valerijana - Zelo učinkovita tekočina za dober spanec.

TINY Melatonin + Lavanda + Valerijana - Zelo učinkovita tekočina za dober spanec.

In TINY Melatonin + Lavender + Valerian, the nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, which allows them to be absorbed by the body up to twice as much as conventional substances. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 2-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Vitamin C - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zaščito imunskega sistema

TINY Vitamin C - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zaščito imunskega sistema

In TINY Vitamin C, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it twice as absorbable by the body than conventional vitamin C. TINY Vitamin C is enhanced with the vital protein glutathione. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 2-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Astaksantin + Vitamin E - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zaščito celic.

TINY Astaksantin + Vitamin E - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zaščito celic.

In TINY Astaxanthin + Vitamin E, these nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it up to 7 times as absorbable by the body as conventional astaxanthin and vitamin E. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 7-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Omega 3 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY Omega 3 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY Omega 3, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 22 times as absorbable by the body than conventional omega 3. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 22-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Vitamin E - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zdravje podpira

TINY Vitamin E - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zdravje podpira

In TINY Vitamin E, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it absorbed by the organism more strongly than conventional vitamin E. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Koencim Q10 - Ubiquinol - Prehransko dopolnilo, učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina podpira energetski metabolizem

TINY Koencim Q10 - Ubiquinol - Prehransko dopolnilo, učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina podpira energetski metabolizem

In TINY Coenzyme Q10, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times as absorbable by the body than conventional coenzyme Q10. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY L-Triptofan - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY L-Triptofan - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY L-Tryptophan, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it absorbed by the organism more strongly than conventional L-Tryptophan. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY CBPlus 5% + Melatonin - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina. Pomaga pri sprostitvi.

TINY CBPlus 5% + Melatonin - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina. Pomaga pri sprostitvi.

In TINY CBPlus 5% + Melatonin these nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times as absorbable by the body than conventional nutrients. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent - Legal cannabinoids without hemp, without THC We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Olje Kurkume - Prehransko Dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY Olje Kurkume - Prehransko Dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY Curcuma Oil, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it absorbed by the organism more strongly than conventional curcumin. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Melatonin - Visoko učinkovita tekočina za dober spanec.

TINY Melatonin - Visoko učinkovita tekočina za dober spanec.

In TINY Melatonin, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it twice as absorbable by the body as conventional melatonin. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 2-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Omega 3 - Vanilija - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina, ki podpira cirkulacijo

TINY Omega 3 - Vanilija - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina, ki podpira cirkulacijo

In TINY Omega 3 - Vanilla, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 22 times as absorbable by the body than conventional omega 3. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 22-fold increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY CBC 1% - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

TINY CBC 1% - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

In TINY CBC 1%, the nutrient is refined by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times more absorbed by the body than conventional substances. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Ingver - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY Ingver - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY Ginger, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it absorbed by the organism more strongly than conventional gingerol. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Vitamin K2 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina, ki podpira zdrave kosti.

TINY Vitamin K2 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina, ki podpira zdrave kosti.

In TINY Vitamin K2, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it twice as absorbable by the body than conventional vitamin K2. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 2-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Črni Kumina - Prehransko Dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita Zdravstvena Tekovina

TINY Črni Kumina - Prehransko Dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita Zdravstvena Tekovina

In TINY Black Cumin, the nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it more absorbed by the body than conventional black cumin. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Kompleks vitamina B12 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY Kompleks vitamina B12 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY B12, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 5 times as absorbable by the body than conventional vitamin B12. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 5-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY PMS Oil - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zdravje žensk

TINY PMS Oil - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita tekočina za zdravje žensk

In TINY PMS Oil, the nutrients are refined by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making them more absorbed by the body than conventional nutrients. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - Significantly Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY CBD 1% + Aloe Vera - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

TINY CBD 1% + Aloe Vera - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

In TINY CBD 1% + Aloe Vera, the nutrients are refined by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making them 6 times more absorbed by the body than in untreated form. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY OPC - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY OPC - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY OPC ist der Nährstoff durch eine der TINYsphere® Technologien veredelt, wodurch er vom Körper 9,3-fach stärker aufgenommen wird als herkömmliches OPC. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 9,3-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY CBD - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

TINY CBD - Kozmetični izdelek, zelo učinkovita kanabinoidna tekočina

In TINY CBD, the nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 6 times more absorbed by the body than conventional substances. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 6-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Vitamin D3 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY Vitamin D3 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY Vitamin D, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it twice as absorbable by the body than conventional vitamin D. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 2-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com
TINY Vitamin D3+K2 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

TINY Vitamin D3+K2 - Prehransko dopolnilo, zelo učinkovita zdravstvena tekočina

In TINY Vitamin D3 + K2, these nutrients are enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it twice times as absorbable by the body than conventional vitamin D3 und K2. - Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology - Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies - Developed at German universities - Faster and longer lasting effect - 2-fold Increased bioavailability - IFS & HACCP certified - Natural raw material sources - Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan - Water soluble in any mixing ratio - Tastes excellent We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail: contact@tiny-technologies.com Website: www.tiny-technologies.com