Izdelki za varnost in (4)

ANTISLIP TRAKA ČRNA/ŽELENA - Oznakovanje varnostnih con

ANTISLIP TRAKA ČRNA/ŽELENA - Oznakovanje varnostnih con

Polyurethane resin layer on a 100 micron PVC support, coated with grains polyurethane. Solvent acrylic adhesive. It is very easy to fix, because the adhesive he is extremely aggressive. The product is impervious to water, resistant to shock, compression and rust. high resistance to salt water, detergents, oils motor and hydrocarbons. Full range of colors: black, white, red, yellow, blue, transparent, granite brown and black/yellow
Silosi za shranjevanje riža - za preprečevanje izgube hrane in dosego največje varnosti hrane.

Silosi za shranjevanje riža - za preprečevanje izgube hrane in dosego največje varnosti hrane.

El arroz es vital en la dieta global. Almacenarlo correctamente requiere grano limpio, seco y sin daños. Factores clave: -Humedad: Cosecha a ≈ 25%. -Temperatura: Afecta el crecimiento de hongos y cambios químicos. -Tiempo de almacenamiento: Menos es mejor; limpieza previa reduce riesgos. -Estado general: Control de semillas rotas y partículas extrañas. -La manipulación poscosecha incluye recepción, limpieza, secado y almacenamiento. Para mantener la calidad: -Recepción: Analiza humedad, temperatura y partículas extrañas. Control de insectos y sistema de aspiración. -Limpieza: Sistema integrado con separador magnético, tamiz de tambor, prefiltrado, limpiadora de grano y silos de espera. Ventilación y ventiladores son cruciales. -Secado: Reduce la humedad. Evita decoloración, pérdida de germinación. -Almacenamiento: Opciones populares son silos metálicos, de concreto, naves y silos bolsa.
Silos za shranjevanje riža - za preprečevanje izgub hrane in s tem dosego prehranske varnosti

Silos za shranjevanje riža - za preprečevanje izgub hrane in s tem dosego prehranske varnosti

Efficient post-harvest handling of rice ensures food security. Keep rice clean, dry, and undamaged during storage. Factors to consider: -Moisture content: Aim for ≈ 25% at harvest. -Temperature: High temps promote fungi growth and oxidation. -Storage period: Shorter is better; clean grain before storage. -General condition: Check for broken seeds, impurities, and more. Post-harvest processes include reception, cleaning, drying, and storage. To maintain quality: -Reception: Analyze heat, moisture, and impurities. Use insect control measures and an aspiration system. -Cleaning: Install an integrated system with a magnet separator, drum sieve, grain precleaner, grain cleaner, and buffer silos. Ventilation and exhaust fans are crucial. -Drying: Reduce moisture to safe levels. Prevent discoloration, loss of germination, freshness, and breakage. -Storage: Popular options are steel silos, concrete silos, warehouses, and bag silos. Optimize storage with proper management.