Izdelki za visok tlak (7)

Kovinski horizontalni tlakovni rezervoar iz nerjavečega jekla

Kovinski horizontalni tlakovni rezervoar iz nerjavečega jekla

These tanks, which have wide application areas in different industries, can increase efficiency and ensure operational safety with the right choices. When purchasing a pressure tank, you should carefully consider your process requirements, paying attention to material quality, design features and safety standards. As GEO Tekno, with over 25 years of experience, we can help you select the pressure tanks you need and provide you with the most suitable solutions through our experienced design and manufacturing departments. If you need a pressure tank for your process, all you have to do is to contact us. Do not hesitate to contact us for your questions. Choose our certified pressure tanks to maximize your process performance!
HP2 Sistem Hladilnega Sredstva pod Visokim Tlakom Model C - Sistem Hladilnega Sredstva pod Visokim Tlakom

HP2 Sistem Hladilnega Sredstva pod Visokim Tlakom Model C - Sistem Hladilnega Sredstva pod Visokim Tlakom

Double filtration system is used in our high pressure coolant sytems. They are easily removable and cleanable. On the other hand, especially the main feature of this system is not to be obligated to stop machine during cleaning and changing filter. One filter can be operated with machine while another is been cleaning. This will provide you the time saving during filter change Multiple Manifold Block with 4 outlets is provided as standart in this model. However, it can be manufactured over 4 outlets depending on your requirements at your machining process. HP2 High Pressure Coolant Units are used as mobile station. They have wheels under units and you may easily move it where you prefer them to be placed at your workshop.
Visokotlačna Črpalka za Polnjenje S tekočim Kisikom - Črpalka za Polnjenje S tekočim Kisikom

Visokotlačna Črpalka za Polnjenje S tekočim Kisikom - Črpalka za Polnjenje S tekočim Kisikom

Yüksek Basınçlı Likit Oksijen Pompası, sanayi tesisleri ve sağlık sektöründe kullanılan oksijen tüplerine yüksek basınç altında sıvı oksijen dolumu yapmaktadır. Şanzuman, vakum kaplamalı soğuk hazne ve yağlamalı krank tahrikli yatay pistonlu gövdeden oluşan oksijen pompası 230 bar ile 400 bar arasında boşaltma basıncı sağlamaktadır. Sıvı oksijen pompası üretiminde kullanılan tüm malzemeler yüksek basınç karşısında dayanıklılık göstermektedir. Likit Pompa ile sıvı oksijen (LO2) ve sıvı azot oksit (LN2O) gibi oksitleyici gazların pompalanması mümkündür.
3-prehodni Visokotlačni Škotski Parni Kotli z Lijakom in Plinom

3-prehodni Visokotlačni Škotski Parni Kotli z Lijakom in Plinom

•Steam production capacity between 1-25 tons •Operating pressure under 2-18 bar •Specially reinforced burner room •95% efficiency ratio •Flue emission guarantee
Industrijski ventilatorji, radialni ventilatorji, nizki tlak, visok tlak

Industrijski ventilatorji, radialni ventilatorji, nizki tlak, visok tlak

we are a manufacturer of all types of commercial and industrial fans we're exporting our products to more than 37 countries.