Izdelki za zasloni in (15)

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Touchscreen PC Touch con adeguamento a 4.0
SCREENING BUCKET MVR - Proizvodnja vedrov in hitrih spojk

SCREENING BUCKET MVR - Proizvodnja vedrov in hitrih spojk

The SCREENING BUCKET, thanks to its powerful rotation, allows you to screen the material, isolating the smallest fragments from the rest. Particularly suitable for selecting the material during excavation, reclaiming land in which there are boulders and debris of various kinds, selecting pebbles taken from watercourses and used for the construction of containment gabions, selecting the excavation product for the reuse of conducted. The bucket is made of Hardox 400: a highly resistant material with invaluable productivity. TON. MACHINE:2,0 - 35 TON.
Sito vedro z rezili CDS

Sito vedro z rezili CDS

New screening bucket with blades CDS with size on request, ideal for wet soils, gravel or demolition material, weight about 1500 kg, ideal for excavators from 15-20 Ton., Use and maintenance manual, 12 Months warranty.
MB-S Serija Screening Bucket - Screening Bucket za Bagre

MB-S Serija Screening Bucket - Screening Bucket za Bagre

Ideali per la selezione e la vagliatura del materiale naturale, sia nella fase precedente che nella fase successiva alla frantumazione, le Benne Vaglianti MB consentono di abbattere fino al 60% dei tempi di frantumazione. Sono dotate di un perno anteriore che blocca le sollecitazioni create da materiali particolarmente grandi e spigolosi, permettendo anche un aumento della capacità di carico nel cesto. Le benne vaglianti MB sono progettate con sistema convogliatore per eliminare qualsiasi attrito in fase di carico materiale, mentre la forma piana nel basamento permette una notevole facilità nel trasporto. L’esclusiva ed innovativa forma conica del cesto è appositamente studiata per aumentare in modo significativo le performance di produzione oraria e per vagliare tutto il materiale raccolto, senza residui. Le benne vaglianti MB sono dotate di cesti ormati da pannelli modulari intercambiabili, disponibili con fori di misure differenti a seconda delle esigenze, di facile montaggio.
Ds – Ekran za praznjenje

Ds – Ekran za praznjenje

It’s the first barrier against contaminants. Thanks to its action, contaminants like plastics, metallic pieces, etc. are taken out.
X-PAQ CT2500 krmilnik - X-PAQ CT2500 krmilnik na dotik

X-PAQ CT2500 krmilnik - X-PAQ CT2500 krmilnik na dotik

The ASG-CT2500 X-PAQ™ Controller is compatible with SD2500 Series transducerized DC electric screwdrivers and nutrunners. Used for applications requiring a maximum torque in the range of 10 to 50 lbf.in (1.1 to 5.6 N.m). •Torque control with angle monitoring •Angle control with torque monitoring •Programmable I/O for Process Control •32 task storage keys for multiple assembly set-ups •8 available parameters within each task •Data collection, and run down graphing •Color touchscreen •Optional Networking Module interface for advanced data storage and interfacing with plant controls available ASG-SD2500-…FX, Fixture Mount Transducerized Electric Screwdriver ASG-SD2500-…PL, Push/Lever Start Transducerized Electric Screwdriver ASG-SD2500-…PS, Push to Start Transducerized Electric Screwdriver ASG-SD2500-…RP, Transducerized Right Angle Nutrunner ASG-SD2500-…RQ, ASG-SD2500-10RQ Transducerized Right Angle Nutrunner
Tiskarske storitve, naprave in oblačila, uredniške storitve - sitotisk za personalizirane promocijske naprave

Tiskarske storitve, naprave in oblačila, uredniške storitve - sitotisk za personalizirane promocijske naprave

Officina Grafica Eco provides - Traditional and digital printing on paper: business cards, brochures, catalogues, flyers, letter sheets, menus, document folders, posters, boxes, adhesive labels, and more... - Print in large format such as PVC sheets, shop windows, bench or floor signs, totems, roll-ups, signs in durable materials, and much more. - Eco stationery which includes large and small format notebooks, notebooks, desk planning, exclusive calendars with photos of our property, diaries, greeting cards for every eventuality, and even more ... - Sportswear, work and promotional, printed or embroidered - All promotional material, from writing systems to technological products, for business promotion, but also for individuals. Customization of pens, folders, brochures, leaflets, posters, posters, roll ups, USB sticks. Material for congresses and events, personalized gadgets for business conventions, for gifts to customers and much more Development of ecological stationery
Sito vedro CBR 15

Sito vedro CBR 15

Screening bucket for 15-25 Ton excavator, basket with measure on request (min 10x10 - max 150x150), with or without teeth, customizable connection according to your needs / excavator or backhoe loader / wheel loader, hydraulic hoses of connection, CE Certificate, Use and maintenance manual, 24 months warranty, Availability of new units ready for delivery.
Lc – Zaslon z Nizko Konsistenco

Lc – Zaslon z Nizko Konsistenco

Depending on the process chosen and customer requests, LC screens could be preferred to MC ones, or could be even combined together.
Mc – Zaslon Srednje Konsistence

Mc – Zaslon Srednje Konsistence

MC can be equipped with slotted or holes baskets and thanks to its design, the thickening factor is reduced to the minimum, ensuring optimum runability.
Vsl – Vsh – Vibracijski zaslon

Vsl – Vsh – Vibracijski zaslon

The range includes VSL series (low consistency device up to 1.0% consistency) and VSH series (high consistency device up to 4.0% consistency).
ŽAR KOVČEK - Proizvodnja vedrov in hitrih spojk

ŽAR KOVČEK - Proizvodnja vedrov in hitrih spojk

La benna GRIGLIATA è particolarmente indicata per la selezione e la separazione di materiali inerti e per il loro recupero, per una selezione primaria di materiali di varia natura, per bonifica e pulizia di terreni e per una preselezione del materiale di risulta da una demolizione. La luce delle griglie è determinata in funzione alla pezzatura del prodotto che si richiede. Tutte le griglie vengono saldate singolarmente e fissate tra loro con dei segmenti longitudinali per garantire solidità alla struttura. La benna può essere equipaggiata con denti tipo CAT saldati o tipo ESCO saldati. Disponibili varie misure e optional a seconda dell'utilizzo. TON. MACCHINA:0,6 - 50 TON.
Ctp – Grobo Sklajevanje

Ctp – Grobo Sklajevanje

CTP is a centripetal technology where the basket is revolving. There is no any mechanical action on the contaminants.
As – Zaslon Pristopnega Pretoka

As – Zaslon Pristopnega Pretoka

AS can be equipped with slotted or holed baskets. Special rotor has been foreseen to ensure low pulsation.
Dsc – Neprekinjen zaslon za praznjenje

Dsc – Neprekinjen zaslon za praznjenje

Part of the stock is conveyed to DSC and its function is doing a stock pre screening and keeping, as much as possible, pulper’s vat clean.