RPWORLD - High Mix Low Volume Manufacturing Services


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RPWORLD is a leading mechanical part manufacturing supplier for automotive parts, medical device, scientific instruments, and more industries. We produce low- to mid-volume parts, and end-use production parts in as fast as 3 days with CNC Machining, Injection Molding, Vacuum Casting, Sheet Metal Fabrication and more. Our on-demand manufacturing service helps accelerate products to market, reduce development and production costs, and minimize risk throughout the product life cycle. We're committed to providing exceptional rapid prototyping and on-demand production services. Whether you need rapid prototypes for testing and verification, low-volume production for NPI or ramping up for commercialization, our one-stop manufacturing solutions have got you covered. Why Work With Us? - Short Lead Time: Highly automated and advanced machines working 24/7, ensuring short lead time in as fast 3 days. - Consistent High Quality: The combination of quality control with advanced inspection equipment ensures your custom parts are consistent with your 3D files. - High Precision: Our equipment enables the tight tolerance DIN ISO 2768 M (F) meeting your exact specifications. - One-stop Solutions: CNC machining, injection molding and more to streamline your production resources and mitigate production risks. - On-demand Manufacturing: The flexibility enables the production of custom parts quickly and effectively, meeting the evolving market needs.

Zadnje novice o podjetju

Компания RPWORLD получила сертификат ISO 14001 для улучшения

Компания RPWORLD получила сертификат ISO 14001 для улучшения

Pridobitev certifikacije ・ 22. apr. 2024 preberite več Open In New icon

RPWORLD, один из ведущих производителей прототипов и деталей для машин по требованию, с гордостью объявляет о своем недавнем достижении - сертификации ISO 14001. Это достижение демонстрирует путь RPWORLD к экологической устойчивости и укрепляет приверженность принципам окружающей среды, общества и управления (ESG).


Efficient Mechanical Parts Manufacturing : From Prototyping to On-Demand Prod.

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


F1-3, Bldg. A1, Henghuifeng Industrial Zone, DaChong Town, Zhongshan

528476 Dachong - Kitajska


Podatki o podjetju

Ključne številke

  • Številu zaposlenih
    101 – 200
  • Komercialne
    51 – 100
  • % izvoznega prometa
    95 %


  • Leto ustanovitve
  • Glavna dejavnost
    Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

Poslovni podatki

Tržno območje

  • Check Circle Outline icon Mednarodno

Območja za dostavo

Dejavnosti podjetja RPWORLD

  • Jeklo in kovine - strojna obdelava
  • Rezkanje jekla in kovin
  • Orodni stroji za obdelavo kovin - deli in pribor
  • Vbrizgavanje gume in umetnih mas
  • Plastgjutning
  • Industrijska obdelava pločevine
  • CNC Machining
  • CNC Machining parts
  • CNC Machining center
  • CNC Machining Service