GROUPE RIVIERE - Artisans de la gastronomie à travers le monde


Factory icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec

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Français Oglejte si 48 izdelkov

The Rivière Group which has been firmly rooted in its locality for 3 generations in the South-West of France, concocts and prepares innovative gourmet ready meals, based on traditional French recipes. The recipes are formulated from natural ingredients, without colourants, preservatives or artificial flavourings. The Rivière Group expresses its attachment to the quality of its products and its commitment through its CSR policy across its brands. Maison Rivière showcases the traditional French recipes of south-western prepared meat dishes. Les Mets de Provence brings sunshine to your plate with culinary aids, condiments, aperitif spreads and Provence-flavoured cooked vegetables dishes. Aroma One is the specialist for herb and spice purées in tubes, for practical and flavoursome cooking. Solvia takes your taste buds on their travels and your 5 senses abroad with condiments, sauces and organic cooked vegetables. Our commitments to supply quality products: - Manufactured in France - French-sourced meats and vegetables - Clean label and nutritionally balanced recipes - SME quality labelling and our productions sites (CSR) - Well-functioning production facilities and accreditation by international standards (IFS, BRC, Bio)


Recette : Poulet basquaise en 15 min

Domain icon Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec


57 Avenue Frederic Passy

11400 Castelnaudary - Francija

Št. za DDV

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Dejavnosti podjetja GROUPE RIVIERE

  • Omake
  • Ravioli
  • Zelenjava, konzervirana
  • Uvoz - izvoz - poljski pridelki
  • food industry
  • organic products
  • Foods, specialties
  • Canned foods and of vegetables
  • Seasonings
  • top of the range produce