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Extractions - Uvoz izvoz



Preveril Europages

Naša organska gorčica s črnim česnom se dobro poda k mesu, zelenjavi ali vinaigretom. Primerna je tudi za marinade. Gorčica z značajem, fino in močno z okusom po črnem česnu. Poiščite navdih z našimi idejami za recepte SESTAVINE Ekološka francoska gorčica (ekološka gorčična semena, ekološki alkoholni kis, voda, sol) 90 %. Ekološki črni česen iz Gersa 10 %. SKLADIŠČENJE Hranite pri sobni temperaturi, stran od svetlobe. Po uporabi kozarec tesno zaprite. Po odprtju hranite v hladilniku in porabite v 90 dneh.

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Preveril Europages

V podjetju L'Etuverie se je rodil naravni tekoči izvleček organskega črnega česna, pridobljen s postopkom hladne ekstrakcije. Po več letih raziskav in številnih poskusih z različnimi tehnikami ekstrakcije nam je uspelo razviti ta izvleček, ki vsebuje največ S-alil-cisteina (molekula, ki je odgovorna za glavne prednosti in antioksidativne lastnosti črnega česna). Naše raziskave so bile osredotočene na zagotavljanje zadostnih količin S-alil-cisteina v našem končnem izdelku, da vam lahko ponudimo kvintesenco našega ekološkega črnega česna. Ekološki tekoči izvleček črnega česna je za črni česen to, kar je za rastlino eterično olje: naravni koncentrat. Osem kapljic na dan v kozarcu vode zagotavlja ekvivalent 600 mikrogramov alil-cisteina.

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The making of an excellent ice-cream is like building a house – without good foundations, the house may collapse. Rokmar offers solid foundations for your ice-cream: BASES for hot and/or cold preparation bases for milk-based or water-based ice-cream or fruit-based ice-cream. Our bases are without any palm oil, hydrogenated fats or gluten. With its full and refined flavour and fresh and optimum structure without the presence of any crystals, your ice-cream will not only look nice and durable in display case containers but also sinfully good. The competition will envy you! Packing 3 kg Carton 2 x 3 kg 80 g/l Natur, Vegan

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Bases for fruit-based ice cream

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The making of an excellent ice-cream is like building a house – without good foundations, the house may collapse. Rokmar offers solid foundations for your ice-cream: BASES for hot and/or cold preparation bases for milk-based or water-based ice-cream or fruit-based ice-cream. Our bases are without any palm oil, hydrogenated fats or gluten. With its full and refined flavour and fresh and optimum structure without the presence of any crystals, your ice-cream will not only look nice and durable in display case containers but also sinfully good. The competition will envy you! Packing 3 kg Carton 2 x 3 kg

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Rokmar SOFT ICE & FRO YO products are powder mixes developed for hot or cold production of ice cream. Their simple preparation with milk and / or water ensures the production of fresh quality ice cream in the simplest way, which is served to order directly from the soft ice machine. Even with a small dose and easy preparation, every ice cream maker will be able to achieve delicious results. Thanks to the excellent structure, the ice cream will always be full and firm. Surprise your guests with delicious ice cream!

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For making hot chocholate.

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Packing 3 kg Carton 2 x 3 kg Dosing as desired

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Packing 2 kg Dosage 100 g/l

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Rezultati za

Extractions - Uvoz izvoz

Število rezultatov

10 Izdelki