Slovenija, Celje
...Xypex Gamma Cure is a curing agent designed specifically for Xypex crystalline waterproofing products. Gamma Cure may be used as an alternative to water curing for certain Xypex applications. It is also used to accelerate the Xypex Crystallization Process. Xypex Gamma Cure acts as an evaporation retardant by retaining the maximum amount of moisture in the Xypex coating. It also provides a catalyst for the reaction with the Xypex crystalline waterproofing treatment. It is a self-disappating (2 - 3 days) non-film forming product.
Francija, Beaurevoir
Podjetje MAXEL je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1987 in ga od leta 2014 vodi Laurent Capon. Zaradi nenehno naraščajoče povpraševanja strank je podjetje certificiralo OEKOTEX Standard100 Razred1 za 5 glavnih družin izdelkov. Maxel svojim strankam nudi vse vrste šivalnih niti za industrijo, ki so izdelane v Franciji. Naše niti so na voljo v več kot 350 barvah, v številnih številkah in tehničnih specifikaci...