Španija, Murcia
...","Alcohol":"14,5º","Would happily grace a collection with many years to come":"Z veseljem bi obogatil zbirko še vrsto let.","WINEMAKING":"PRIDOBIVANJE VINA","Manually destemmed and fermented in 1.500 l. stainless steel vats.":"Ročno odstranjeni peclji in fermentirani v 1.500 l nerjavečih jeklenih posodah.","Tiramisu -coffee, cream and cocoa notes.":"Tiramisu - note kave, smetane in kakava.","Surface...
...Greece, Italy and Switzerland.The main objective in Coffee CremOro is to keep the authenticity of the blend with the strong sense of modernity. That is the reason, company follow the artisanal frames in order to obtain the consistent quality and specific, recognizable flavor. The finely selected coffee beans from all around the world are roasted in their unique way and blend with same careful attention. The same careful attention over many years that created a great reputation for CremOro in providing consistent, exceptional tasting coffee.
... proizvajalci in mnoge naše mešanice kave so prejele zlato medaljo na International Coffee Tasting. Z navdušenjem se obračamo na vsak sektor, imamo dobro proizvodno kapaciteto, ki nam omogoča, da smo na trgu s prav zanimivim razmerjem med kakovostjo in ceno. Iščemo neposredne stranke in distributerje, ki so pozorni na kakovost izdelka in jih zanima malo znana blagovna znamka, ki predstavlja nišo...

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