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Active international - Slovenija



    Billev Pharma East was established in Ljubljana in 2007 by Mr. Peter de Mayo Billev. The company was at that time a sister company to Billev Pharma ApS, Denmark, with the same owner. Peter established Billev Pharma ApS as one of the first regulatory affairs consultancy companies in Europe in 1978. Mr. Billev has retired and the ownership of the company was transferred in 2022 to two employees of the company: Ms. Katja Pečjak (Associate Director) and Mr. Vito Strasberger (Managing Director). Since the very beginning, it has been our vision to be early in providing assistance with the growing amount of new legislation through active participation in the preparatory work for rules and regulations through international organisations. Through diligent consultancy work, Billev Pharma East has since its beginning in 2007 slowly grown to its present size also because of loyal customers. This is what has enabled us to provide fully up-to-date consultancy to our customers. Regulatory affairs environment can be very complex depending on the type of product. From our experience medicinal products are on the top of complexity. Many times we also face that certain products are borderline and our knowledge on different types of legislation certainly gives you assurance that your product will be placed on the market under the applicable legislative act.



    Podjetje ArPoS International d.o.o. vam omogoča dostop do kakovostnih in cenovno dostopnih storitev in blaga kar nakazuje, da za profesionalno opremo ali storitev ne potrebujete zapraviti celega premoženja. Pokrivamo izredno širok spekter dejavnosti, pa naj bo to za domačo ali za profesionalno rabo. Naše rešitve in storitve so zaradi različnih področij delovanja zelo raznolike in se med seboj prepletajo, pa tudi dopolnjujejo. To je poleg znanja in izkušenj naša konkurenčna prednost, da lahko oblikujemo rešitve za različne naročnike, mala, srednja in velika podjetja iz različnih branž in raznolikih zahtev. Ključna področja so po vsebini razdeljena na tri programe: - Delovna oblačila in obutev - Oprema in pripomočki za Airsoft in Paintball - Taktična oprema Poslanstvo naše družbe je nudenje visoko kakovostnih, prijaznih in učinkovitih storitev in ponudb, ki bodo uporabnikom omogočale doseganje konkurenčne prednosti. Rešitve bomo ponudili individualno, glede na vaše potrebe, želje, zakonske predpise, …… S tem dosegamo visoko dodano vrednost, ki zadovoljuje lastnika in vse zaposlene ter uporabnika. Active. Professional. Sucessful.