... celotno podporo pri razvoju blagovnih znamk na slovenski in evropski ravni. Law Office Stušek Ltd. is an innovative law firm that applies state-of-the-art technology solutions in its operations. This makes attorney’s at law and consulting services quickly and easily accessible to users worldwide. We cover all areas of attorney and legal representation. We can arrange a branding strategy for you...
... their legal relationships and proceedings.It had become a professional legal office with clients which include companies from Slovenia and abroad, the most demanding individual clients and institutions of public importance. Among others, our clients include also global corporations, commercial banks and insurance companies.In our work we try to consider the individual needs, demands and rights of our clients and search for creative approaches to find the best solutions. We are guided by the highest standards of the legal profession and a sincere desire to find practical and creative solutions.
Slovenija, Sežana
Ravbar Law office was founded in 2002, and is based in Sežana, Slovenia. Our office guiding principles are professionalism, reliability and personal approach. We represent and defend clients before courts and other state authorities. We also draw up documents and represents clients in their legal relationships and proceedings. Our legal services extend but are not limited to civil law, corporate law, labour law, inheritence, criminal law, enforcement of due payments and other dispute resolution. We are committed to offer you the best in terms of quality and service.

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