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The work - Distributer - Slovenija



    Želimo postati eden najuspešnejših ter najbolj zaupanja vrednih in spoštovanih distributerjev na slovenskem ozemlju. Zaradi našega inovativnega pristopa k delu in konstantni potrebi po izboljšavi smo opazili izrazite spremembe na slovenskem trgu. Trg, na katerem si distributer in barman izmenjujeta informacije, znanje in izkušnje ter s tem pripomoreta k vzajemni izboljšavi. Spoznavamo vse bolj vedoželjne stranke, ki so na podlagi raznih informacij in pripovedi čedalje bolj odprte za preizkušanje izdelkov višjega kakovostnega razreda ter in s tem pripravljene doživeti nepozabna čustva.Our ambition is to become one of the most successful, most trusted and respected distributors in Slovenian territory. Due to our innovative approach to work and the constant need for improvement, we saw marked changes on the Slovenian territory. The market where the distributor and barman exchange information, knowledge and experience, and they contribute to a two-way improvement. We are seeing more and more curious customers who are increasingly open to test products of a higher quality class, and ready to experience unforgettable emotions.Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.



    Agromehanika is a leading manufacturer of agricultural machinery in Central and Southeastern Europe. For 50 years, Agromehanika has been synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation – traits recognized by numerous farmers and business partners. The company began to develop in the late 1960s, and today Agromehanika is one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery in Central and Southeastern Europe. The majority of its products are exported to European countries. In recent years, sales have expanded to other continents as well. Agromehanika's products are sold in more than 30 countries worldwide. Our agents can be found throughout Europe, in Asia, Africa, and Australia. The majority of our product line consists of AGS sprayers and AGP mist blowers. Long-standing experience and a deep understanding of user needs allow for a broad offering of professional spraying equipment and spare parts. A strong development department ensures high quality, continuous progress, and new functionalities for our products. The second product group comprises AGT compact tractors, designed specifically for steep terrains, vineyards, and orchards. With additional equipment, the tractors can also be used for municipal tasks, forestry, and other specific work. Agromehanika has its own network of sales and service centers in Slovenia, Croatia, and Hungary.



    Company TRADING & CONSALTING, d.o.o. is an established family business whose roots go back to 1995. They have successfully used their experience and knowledge gained over the years and focused on the export of tools for the transformation of plastics and sheet metal and the export of adhesives for the manufacture of windows, metal parts for manufacture of radiators and metal parts for the manufacture of refrigerators. The head of the company is the director Igor Brkljačič, who is well aware that business partners value quality, favorable prices and timely delivery. They have been cooperating with foreign multinationals such as the Rettig group, Internorm Bauelemente GmbH and Austria Haustechnik for a long time. They keep up with the times, while exploring the market and looking for new partners and opportunities to expand the program. The company boasts a credit rating of A1 ++ and an excellent payment index.

    Vsi izdelki za "the work"


    Podjetje ProSpa je generalni zastopnik za zaščitna delovna oblačila proizvajalcev Balneo Spa-Španija za Slovenijo, Hrvaško in Srbijo in Dennys Brands-Velika Britanija za Slovenijo. Podjetje Denny Brands spada med največje proizvajalce zaščitnih oblačila v Veliki Britaniji. Balneo Spa - oblačila za wellness centre se ponaša z Eko-Cert za materijale. Smo dobavitelj za priznane hotelske verige tako v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem, ter svetovno znane kuharske šove. Balneo Spa je postal prepoznavni znak vrhunskih wellness centrov. Več informacij najdete na spletni strani: www.balneo.si



    PROTEAM, je podjetje tipa Distributer, ki deluje v panogi Lepila in adezivi, pripomočki za nanašanje. Deluje tudi v panogah hand tools for mechanical work, workplace noise suppression systems. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Teharje, Slovenija.


Rezultati za

The work - Distributer - Slovenija

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