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Rezultati za

Water - Distributer - Slovenija



    Želimo postati eden najuspešnejših ter najbolj zaupanja vrednih in spoštovanih distributerjev na slovenskem ozemlju. Zaradi našega inovativnega pristopa k delu in konstantni potrebi po izboljšavi smo opazili izrazite spremembe na slovenskem trgu. Trg, na katerem si distributer in barman izmenjujeta informacije, znanje in izkušnje ter s tem pripomoreta k vzajemni izboljšavi. Spoznavamo vse bolj vedoželjne stranke, ki so na podlagi raznih informacij in pripovedi čedalje bolj odprte za preizkušanje izdelkov višjega kakovostnega razreda ter in s tem pripravljene doživeti nepozabna čustva.Our ambition is to become one of the most successful, most trusted and respected distributors in Slovenian territory. Due to our innovative approach to work and the constant need for improvement, we saw marked changes on the Slovenian territory. The market where the distributor and barman exchange information, knowledge and experience, and they contribute to a two-way improvement. We are seeing more and more curious customers who are increasingly open to test products of a higher quality class, and ready to experience unforgettable emotions.Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.



    Fokus Plamen d.o.o. is a wholesale and retail distribution company established in Slovenia in 2011. For several years, Fokus Plamen d.o.o. through exclusive contracts it distributes large brands, especially northern European ones such as Hofer Kerzen, Lumea, Burner International, Angelo Poretti and Vicenzi. The main markets are Italy, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria. The company is developed on two different distribution lines: one for the Horeca market with direct sales to hotel chains, restaurants and wholesalers, and the other for a large distribution market that supplies chains such as Obi, Bauhaus and Metro. Focus has always specialized in finding high-quality products that are not yet present in their markets. The company's mission is therefore to really position various brands and create long-term demand for their products. Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.


Rezultati za

Water - Distributer - Slovenija

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