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El partner - Izdelovalec Proizvajalec - Slovenija

  1. EKTEN, D. O. O.


    We are a global provider of air filtration systems, technological equipment for quarries and separations, equipment for the insulation materials industry, equipment for glass furnaces and equipment for the transport and storage of powder materials. We produce comprehensive and innovative turnkey solutions for our customers. The development of solutions takes place in close cooperation with the client: from planning and production to transport and installation. After the completion of the work, we take care of the service of our devices. We offer complete solutions, which allows us detailed insights into all the challenges posed by complex systems. The devices and sensors are connected and controlled from a central digital control system. Each of our products is unique. We manually make individual custom pieces, which are then assembled into complex systems in accordance with the customer's requirements. We are connected by caring for a cleaner environment, teamwork, constantly upgrading our knowledge and following the latest trends in our industry. At Ekten, we will continue to pursue the vision of becoming a global development partner that offers sustainable technological and ecological solutions for various industries. All in concern for a cleaner environment for our and future generations. The preparation of the presentation of the company Ekten at Europages was co-financed by EU funds (www.eu-skladi.si).

  2. AGENCA D.O.O.


    S prizadevanjem za dobre ideje, visoko kakovost izdelkov, brezhibno izvedbo storitev si zagotavljamo svoje mesto med vodilnimi na področju tipskega pohištva in pohištva po meri. Na trgu pohištva nastopamo kot zanesljiv partner, ki poskrbi, da se ideja arhitekturnega biroja najprej pretvori v tehnično risbo, nato v fizični izdelek (proizvodnja pohištva) in na koncu zaključen projekt z montažo pohištva na licu mesta. Preko tujih arhitekturnih birojev smo v preteklosti že opremljali hotele znanih hotelskih verig, kot so Hilton, NH Hotels, La Meridien ipd. Čeprav večino našega poslovanja predstavlja sodelovanje z arhitekturnimi biroji, pa z veseljem prevzemamo tudi nekoliko manjše projekte, kot so opremljanje hiš, apartmajev itd..Lumberline offers custom made furniture production, on time delivery and assembly of furniture produced. Lumberline is the furniture factory which deals with the production of furniture for furnishing hotels and other touristic facilities, health institutions, offices, schools and other custom made furniture on request. We are capable of meeting the most complex requirements of our customers owing to our most sophisticated production tehnology, highly professional experts and great team performance.Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.



    Our offer encompass a variety of cabinets, including vertical, semi-vertical, and combined cabinets, alongside serve-over and self-service counters and islands. Additionally, we specialize in crafting product customizations, tailored to your unique requirements. At WSL, we understand that one size does not fit all. That's why our selection of remote and plug&play refrigeration cabinets caters to the diverse needs of commercial refrigeration across various store formats and retail segments. Our models seamlessly integrate in terms of dimensions and design, achieving attractive pricing through efficient production, even for small batches. Committed to sustainability and energy efficiency, our refrigerated cabinets adhere to the highest technological standards, promoting environmental friendliness. With our dedicated team of specialists, we deliver turnkey projects for various commercial and industrial facilities. What sets us apart is our ability to seamlessly integrate technology and design in refrigeration and shopfitting into a cohesive system. This unique approach enables us to offer comprehensive solutions tailored precisely to our clients' needs. Whether it's a modern commercial or industrial facility, we provide all-encompassing solutions from a single, dependable source. Choose WSL Refrigeration for more than just products; choose a dedicated partner committed to transforming your refrigeration and retail space into an efficient and environmentally friendly environment



    50 years of experience + quality without compromise + innovation = Gabrijel Aluminium The Gabrijel Aluminium Company specialises in production and surface treatment of aluminium components. We stand as a reliable partner on the consumer electronics market offering innovative solutions in production of aesthetic and technical aluminium components. As our fundamental principle is clean and healthy environment for everyone, we also aim to pass our endeavours for environmental responsibility onto our business partners. We strongly implement the environmental ISO 14001 standard in all company operations. The quality is incorporated into every phase of the working process: from preparatory actions and actual implementation to project conclusion and commission to our satisfied customer. The quality of our business operation and business model is testified by the ISO 9001 and ISO/TS 16949 certificates. The Gabrijel Aluminium Company is a global-oriented company with a successful tradition since 1964. We offer a wide range of production of high quality aluminium products. Our selection includes technical and decorative components as specified by our customers. Co-financing Content preparation for online promotion is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (www.eu-skladi.si)

  5. TIPS MTC D.O.O.


    Are you in a need for a quality metal development and processing by cutting, punching, bending, welding and surface protection? The TIPS MTC is a 50+ years family business and a reliable partner that supports you throughout the value chain. In addition you can benefit from the final product assembly, adding additional material including electricals, packing and shipping to the desired address. If this sounds like a company that understands your side of the business, is set up to support you and will take your needs seriously, then you are most welcome contact us.

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    Podjetje PVC Nagode d.o.o. je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1998 v Postojni, kjer je še vedno sedež podjetja. Ustanovitelja Božo in Peter Nagode sta pričela v majhni najemniški delavnici, vendar kmalu okrog sebe zbrala maloštevilno ekipo predanih posameznikov, s katerimi so skupno skrbeli za rast podjetja. Leta 2005 je sledila selitev v nove prostore na drug konec mesta. V podjetju je danes zaposlenih 60 ljudi. Od samega začetka je podjetje zanesljiv in avtoriziran partner nemškega dobavitelja Rehau, s katerim sodeluje na področju oken iz umetnih mas (PVC). V letu 2011 je podjetje sledilo tržnim zahtevam in svojo proizvodnjo dopolnilo še z izdelki iz aluminija, kjer je glavni dobavitelj materialov podjetje Heroal. Posebej je izpostavljen lasten razvoj polken in pvc/alu oken. Vizija podjetja je postati kakovosten proizvajalec in ponudnik stavbnega pohištva iz širšega spektra materialov. Zato je glavno vodilo vseh kakovost, razvoj in predanost okenski tehniki.



    We are a start up software development company providing complete development and maintenance support for building custom applications tailored to meet specific business needs. How We Can Help You We will convert your idea to a cloud-based web and mobile applications. We will take care of all the intermediate steps i.e. requirement analysis, wireframe design, UI design, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance. We practice Scrum (Agile) to manage your projects. Why Us? By choosing us as an outsourcing partner you can get the following benefits. 1. Scale up or down the size of the team quickly 2. Leverage a large pool of experienced talent with cross dimensional skills 3. Get one stop solution under the same roof 4. Get rid of hassles for hiring, training, and retaining talents. It will help you to focus on your core business 5. Reduce your cost by 50% and time to go to market by 40% to 60% What We Do We are a custom software service provider focused on web applications using Ruby on Rails, PHP and mobile applications on iOS, Android. We also provide support to our clients in front-end design. Ruby on Rails framework involves rapid development cycle and a strong ecosystem. You can get a lot of things done in a very limited time and budget. This is especially helpful for fast growing startups.

  3. MTD BIO D.O.O.


    V podjetju MTD BIO, d. o. o., smo strokovnjaki za celovite tehnološke rešitve za podporo avtomatizaciji proizvodnih/storitvenih procesov, opreme za kovinsko predelovalno industrijo in kovinske konstrukcije ter priznan partner na področju avtomobilske, papirne, logistične in petrokemične industrije. Podjetje je sinonim za kakovost, celovite rešitve in stalno pripravljenost za vključevanje inovativnih tehnologiji v ponudbo svojih rešitev. Poslanstvo našega podjetja sta odzivnost in kvaliteta storitev, ki zagotavljata zanesljivo podporo našim kupcem. Skrbimo za strokovno in uspešno opravljene storitve ter fleksibilnost izvedbe v dogovorjenih rokih. Poskušamo se prilagajati potrebam trga in s stalnimi izpopolnjevanji stremimo k strokovnemu razvoju in usposobljenosti zaposlenih. Eno izmed temeljnih poslanstev podjetja je, da našim zaposlenim zagotovimo dobre pogoje dela, zato nenehno skrbimo za prijetno in varno delovno okolje.

  4. CETIS D.D.


    CETIS bo pomemben strateški razvojni partner in ponudnik celovitih rešitev varnostnih tiskovin v svetovnem merilu ter inovativnih embalažnih rešitev v Evropi. S partnerskim odnosom, ki temelji na zaupanju, fleksibilnosti in na odzivnosti, poskrbimo za učinkovito izražanje identitete Skupino CETIS sestavlja 7 družb s področja rešitev varnostnih in komercialnih tiskovin, in sicer družbe, s katerimi matično družbo CETIS d.d. povezujejo razvojne, proizvodne in tržne sinergije. CETIS d.d. je del Skupine MSIN d.o.o., ki ima več kot 1.200 zaposlenih in med drugim združuje podjetja, ki skupaj predstavljajo največjo grafično-embalažno skupino v Sloveniji. CETIS d.d. je eno vodilnih evropskih podjetij na področju rešitev varnostnih in komercialnih tiskovin. S tiskovinami in najnaprednejšimi komplementarnimi rešitvami, ki so rezultat lastnega razvoja, je zanesljiv strateški partner podjetjem in vladam na štirih celinah. Znanje Cetisovih strokovnjakov na področju tiskarstva temelji na več kot 200-letni tradiciji.



    ABOUT US Private company Gledring is a 3rd generation since 1949. The company beginning goes back a long time, what give us experience, precision and adapting to marketing requirements/changes. Younger generations bring us freshness and creativity in our company and program. We are not only producers of custom fit rubber mats but we are also innovators in car industry. Company Gledring was first in the world which made easy to clean design mats without traditional square shape and our new rubber trunk mat system, which protect your trunk and bumper. Family Gledj with their co-workers make great company, which is now working in 40 countries all over the world with growth every year. We are happy and proud that tradition continues from generation to generation and that we are getting better and stronger every day. OUR MISSION Company Gledring strives to be a leader in the car rubber and trunk mats industry. Our brand is built on a passion for cars and that kind of lifestyle. We are committed to continuously strengthening our products and bring innovations to our market in order to improve our competitive position. We are innovation and design leaders in car rubber mats industry who provides market with new quality designer products. We are consumer focused and therefore we continuously improve the quality, look, feel and image of our products and our organizational structures to match and exceed consumer expectations and to provide them with the highest value.

  1. ISOMAT D.O.O.


    ISOMAT D.O.O., je podjetje tipa Izdelovalec/ Proizvajalec, ki deluje v panogi Toplotna izolacija - materiali. Deluje tudi v panogah industrial insulation, thermal insulation, insulation. Sedež podjetja je v kraju Mežica, Slovenija.


Rezultati za

El partner - Izdelovalec Proizvajalec - Slovenija

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