Slovenija, Vodice
...To je odlična možnost za tovor, ki je označen kot vremensko odporen, in ga je mogoče shraniti na prostem. Ali pa je vaša pošiljka prevelika in ne more stati znotraj naše facilities. Drug dober razlog je varčevanje s stroški, s to metodo lahko prihranite nekaj denarja. Naše zunanje skladišče je strateško locirano v Sloveniji blizu pristanišč Luka Koper in Trst (Italija). Vendar pa, če je vaš...
Slovenija, Prevalje
...Skupaj z našimi poslovnimi partnerji si prizadevamo organizirati dolgoročne rešitve za skladiščno logistiko. Nudimo skladiščenje ter polnjenje/razkladanje pošiljk za optimizacijo logističnih procesov. Velikost našega carinskega skladišča znaša 3.600 m2. V sodelovanju z Luko Koper lahko ponudimo skladiščne storitve v odprtih ali zaprtih prostorih znotraj gospodarske cone med fazami uvoza, izvoza ali tranzita.
Slovenija, Koper / Capodistria
2hm logistics is company headquartered in Koper, Slovenia. We offer you a wide pallete of services. We're being developed and upgraded strategically. Knowing the diversity of Europe, with numerous nations living on the same continent, we can already assure you that our team speaks more than 10 European languages and therefore company has capability to create solutions or solve problems in domestic...
Slovenija, Koper
Na križišču Istre in Krasa Hotel Bio se nahaja v mirnem območju, le minuto izven središča Kopra - mesta tisočih soncev. Tu se istrski svet izliva na Kras, ki je odlično izhodišče za različne izlete. Čudovita okoliška narava in sredozemsko podnebje s toplimi poletji in milimi zimami vabi na obisk vse leto. V Bio hotelu Koper se lahko pohvalimo z dolgoletno tradicijo, ki je odraz kakovostnih storite...
Slovenija, Koper-Capodistria
Maton d.o.o. offers products and solutions for homes. Using local materials of the highest quality, Maton designs and constructs durable solutions with long expected life span. The company offers wide range of products that include different types of windows, such as PVC, wooden windows and windows made from aluminium. The company is famous for offering the combination of those materials in their ...
Slovenija, Koper
Company Globus & Histria are specialised in wholesale and retail of products of high quality and from distinguished brands. Our mission is to always provide timely and high-quality services of delivery of selected products. As a business partner, we strengthen long-term business relationships that are based on trust,reliability and efficiency. In addition to a diverse assortment of products of dif...
Slovenija, Koper-Capodistria
We are a restaurant, located in Koper. Our culinary and catering story began with ice cream, so we still pay extra attention to it today. We have over 35 different flavors, some very special, such as lavender, olive oil with lemon, raspberry, rosemary, khaki. Ice cream is made from fresh milk, cream and cocoa butter. We use hazelnuts, chocolate and fresh fruit for taste. We also have ice creams th...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Ice Cream Cones
Ice Cream Cones
Slovenija, Rence
Since 1991, we have been engaged in the implementation of compleate logistics solutions, currently covering with our two branches port of Koper and port of Rijeka, and soon we will also be present in Trieste, and with an international agent network we cover the whole world. We are primarily specialize in the following areas: • customs brokerage for all types of procedures for all types of goods...
Slovenija, Vipava
... select them by mass selection as the basis of clonal selection from vineyards all over Vipavska Valley, Goriška Brda, Carst and Koper in the span of five years. This is how we ensure best genetic material for our grafted vines which is later seen in good vine growth and high quality yield. Besides high quality vine grafts , we have to mention rootstocks, especially good quality American rootstocks. That is why our nurserymen planted virus-free clones, the production of which has been based upon a million rootstocks well adjusted to our soil types and climate conditions. ...
Slovenija, Izola
...VENERE has more than 25 years of experience and knowledge in the apparel industry. We are specialized in baby, kids & junior apparel with our own collection and creation of other private labels, upon customers needs and ideas. We are a clothing supplier with our own manufacturing facility in Bangladesh. Our headquarter is located in Izola, which is close to the Central European Port of Koper...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
GEAPRODUKT d.o.o. je družinsko podjetje, ustanovljeno 1.3.1990, specializirano za trženje sadja in zelenjave. Svoje funkcije in poslanstvo opravljamo iz treh poslovnih centrov v Sloveniji: Ljubljana, Ankaran in Maribor; V Italiji iz Verone in v Španiji iz Barcelona. Za svoje delovanje uporabljamo tudi storitve Luke KOPER. Naše glavne storitve so: 1. uvoz in izvoz sadja in zelenjave, 2. oskrba...
We are branch of CJ korea express Germany GmbH, established in Koper in September 2012. We provide a comprehensive logistics service across land, sea and air. We provide complete solutions with imports, exports and goods transit. Our services include: Transit procedures; Customs clearance and shipment of goods; Advising on customs clearance; Customs inspections; Advising on customs regulation...
Slovenija, Koper-Capodistria
FAKULTETA ZA MANAGEMENT, članica Univerze na Primorskem, je bila ustanovljena leta 1995 kot Visoka šola za management v Kopru. Je poslovna šola, katere poslanstvo je izobraževanje in raziskovanje na področju družboslovnih in poslovno-upravnih ved s poudarkom na managementu. Je prva in edina fakulteta za management v Sloveniji.Sedež fakultete je v univerzitetnem mestu Koper. Z regionalno...
Slovenija, Koper
...RC-Log is a modern logistic company which offer shipping, forwarding and customs services, basely working on overseas transportation as well as on inland transportation. Our competitive advantages are highly experienced stuff, well established co-operation with the port of Koper, most of worldwide Shipping Lines and their agents and many of Slovenian road and rail operators. - Overseas transport (export/import/transit)- Conventional transport- Customs services- Storage...
Slovenija, Koper
...fertilizers, alumina, ores, minerals, concentrates, aluminium and other metals, steels, timber etc. We offer agency services at the ports of Koper (Slovenia), Rijeka, Split, Ploće (Croatia), Trieste (Italy) and Istanbul (Turkey). Vessels under our agency load/discharge general cargoes such as steel products, aluminum products, fruit, timber products, wood pulp, pvc etc.; dry bulk cargoes, such as coal...
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... reliable partners and an established network of experts and professional individuals. The operational office in Koper covers Port of Koper and North Italian Ports and its directly involved in quality and quantity surveying of various commodities, sampling, analysis, pre-shipment inspections, inspections of warehouses and transport means, loading supervision, damage and loss adjustments...
Slovenija, Koper
BN-COM d.o.o. je uspešno podjetje, ki proizvaja in dobavlja orehe, bučna semena ter olje po vsej Evropi. Našim strankam ponujamo visokokakovostne izdelke in storitve. Zaupanje potrošnikov in podjetij je prioriteta naše družbe. Velik poudarek dajemo tudi strokovnemu izobraževanju vseh zaposlenih, s ciljem zagotoviti najboljše storitve. BN-COM je podjetje, ki misli na skupnost. Podjetje zagotavlja ...
Slovenija, Koper
Truffles & Truffles products...
Slovenija, Koper
Import & Export - Food/Seafood - Vitamins - Chemicals products and Petroleum derivates International Business Consultant - Commercial Advisor International Finance Financial Investment - Financial Credit - Soft Commodities Commodities Major markets BRICS and first world...
Slovenija, Koper
... with our business partners.We are able to supply the following materials:• Bauxite• Mullite• Brown Fused Alumina• Flint Clay• Silicon Carbide - SiC• Alumina• Graphite• Magnesite• AndalusiteThrough our warehouse we can also offer logistic solutions and warehousing for the material that arrives in the Port of Koper. We are fully equipped for filling and emptying containers.Since 2007 we are also proud holders of the IQNet and SIQ Certificate, which together with our tradition and position on the market gives additional proof that we are a reliable business partner.
Slovenija, Koper
V tiskarni VEK ponujamo širok nabor tiskovin: Darilna embalaža, kaširana embalaža, kartonske škatle, mape, darilne vrečke, koledarji (gasilski, setveni, stenski…), knjige (trda in mehka vezava), katalogi, revije, brošure, zborniki, bloki, dopisi, namizne podloge, kuverte, zemljevidi, nalepke, vizitke, letaki, zgibanke, navodila, plakati, priznanja, vabila, vstopnice, voščilnice, obešanke, ceniki, ...
Slovenija, Koper
Slovenija, Koper
Since our establishment we have been able to provide the best quality truffles to our costumers from all over the world. Gold Istra served the global cuisine with the best quality fresh truffles on the market, constantly focusing on the demands of our customers, who wish to be supplied with good quality fresh truffles, in a longer season, and with new delicacy species, that were unknown in the cul...
Slovenija, Koper
Tomos operates four product lines, always focusing on its customers’ needs and their desire to experience the spirit of freedom or simply own an economical and environmentally friendly means of transport. PRODUCT LINES a) Two-wheel mopeds L1e-A (25 km/h, 15 m.p.h.) b) Two-wheel mopeds L1e (45 km/h, 30 m.p.h.) c) Electric Scooters d) Delivery vehicles for institutional users All vehicles meet the h...
Slovenija, Koper
Slovenija, Koper
Slovenija, Koper
ETHERNA proposes itself as a Design international agency for the most important groups with innovative ideas in the visual communication.ETHERNA works as intermediate for the leader international brands for the concept design paying particular attention to the trends, chromatic aspects and shape of the object to develop. We are supported by a designers’ team specialized in renderingimages with str...
Slovenija, Koper-capodistria
To have a competitive and innovative spirit, it doesn't require a whole army. Carrying it onto a more personal level it persuades you and your company of getting away from typical mediocricy. DESTUDIO design sets you out-of-the-box thinking to create powerful and multidisciplinary solutions in presentation design. Make it personal, innovative and fresh.
Slovenija, Koper
Priljubljene države za to iskalniško poizvedbo