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Tuning - Ponudnik Storitev - Slovenija

SlovenijaPonudnik storitev


    The company Gas Garage, car mechanic workshop, d.o.o. was founded in 2018. The company is engaged in the sale of auto parts and provides car repair shop services. The store is located in the very center of Ilirska Bistrica, next to the Petrol gas station. Our customers are mainly individuals but we also have business contracts with some small and medium size enterprises. We offer our customers a wide range of products, including original car parts, spare car parts, spare parts, tires and wheels (brands OZ, VOSSEN, GMT, REDS and the like), tuning parts, agricultural program, professional cleaners (brands MARTIN COX, K2, GYEON, FLEX, WORK STUFF, MEGUIARS and the like) and car accessories such as sleds, towbars and roof boxes. In our car mechanic workshop we perform various services, including small and large services, installation of various automotive and motorcycle parts, major engine and electrical repairs, automotive optics and tire replacement. Diligent employees in our company always strive for the satisfaction of our customers, as we believe that this is crucial for the further development and growth of the company's business.



    Podjetje Gas Garage, avtomehanična delavnica, d.o.o. je bilo ustanovljeno v letu 2018. Podjetje se ukvarja s prodajo avtomobilskih delov ter opravlja storitve avtomehanične delavnice. Trgovina se nahaja v samem središču Ilirske Bistrice, zraven bencinske črpalke Petrol. Strankam v naši trgovini nudimo široko paleto izdelkov, med drugim originalne avtomobilske dele, nadomestne avtomobilske dele, nadomestne moto-dele, pnevmatike in platišča (znamke OZ, VOSSEN, GMT, REDS in podobno), tuning dele, kmetijski program, profesionalna čistila (znamke MARTIN COX, K2, GYEON, FLEX, WORK STUFF, MEGUIARS in podobno) ter dodatke za avtomobile, kot so sani, vlečne kljuke in strešne kovčke. V naši avtomehanični delavnici opravljamo različne storitve, med drugim male in velike servise, vgradnjo različnih avtomobilskih in moto delov, večja popravila motorja in električne napeljave, avtomobilsko optiko ter menjavo pnevmatik. Vestni in marljivi zaposleni v našem podjetju si venomer prizadevajo za zadovoljstvo naših strank, saj smo mnenja, da je to ključno za nadaljnji razvoj ter rast poslovanja podjetja.


Rezultati za

Tuning - Ponudnik Storitev - Slovenija

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