Slovenija, Slap Ob Idrijci
...The majority of transport services occur in Slovenia and on the route Slovenia-Italy and Slovenia-Croatia. The company's goal is to make as many "full" rides as possible, without empty kilometers. In the provision of services, it cooperates with internal and external contractual subcontractors (trucking companies), which it hires when the company's transport capacities are occupied. Thus, we are...
Ujemajoči se izdelki
Logistics services
Logistics services
Drugi izdelki
Slovenija, Cirkovce
... becoming an ambitious leader on roads world-wide. Moreover, we have adapted to the new global guidelines in the field of transport, attaching the utmost importance to the environment. We use more and more environmentally-friendly vehicules and our drivers are trained to work with the newest technologies in our field to ensure quality performances. Today our fleet reaches 80 vehicules. In this approach...
Slovenija, Vipava
At Transport Curk, we carry out reliable transport of various goods, including the groupage goods system, with quick response and respect for the agreed deadlines. With excellent organization, we enable the transport of both large and small quantities of freight goods. We offer international road freight transport to all EU countries and outside. Transportation is safe, fast and on time. We regularly maintain a vehicle fleet that meets all expected international standards and regulations.
Slovenija, Slovenj Gradec
DVORNIK d.o.o. is a company with many years of experience and tradition in the field of trucking. With a high degree of reliability, professionalism and adherence to agreements, we offer volume transport, transport of the automotive industry, pallet goods, bulk shipments, transport with tarpaulins, express transport ... With reliable work we have extended our services from Slovenia to the whole of Europe. With a regularly serviced vehicle fleet, we ensure the safe transport of your pallet goods.
Drugi izdelki
Prevoz Blaga
Prevoz Blaga
Sefratrans is a family business with more than 50 years of tradition. With hard work we have become a trusted partner for various transportation services. Our basic services are transporting all types of cargo in bulk condition locally and internationally, groupage transport (LTL) and full container consignments (FTL) internationally. In our modern vehicle fleet we have nine trucks, most of which comply with the latest EURO6 standards. Our most important virtues are reliability and punctuality.
Slovenija, Rence
... • warehouse manipulation of project loads and transshipment of goods between different transport units • rail and road transport, ordinary trains, block trains, railway agency, transport of containers, full loads and collectors • sea transportation - FCL, LCL, RO-RO, BBK, CONVENTIONAL • air transport ...
Slovenija, Spodjnja, Idrija
EUROTIR Transport and logistics.
Slovenija, Ajdovščina
POLNI NAKLADI Nudimo storitve polnih nakladov na naslednjih destinacijah: SLOVENIJA - ŠPANIJA vsak dan v tednu ŠPANIJA - SLOVENIJA vsak dan v tednu ITALIJA - ŠPANIJA vsak dan v tednu ŠPANIJA - HRVAŠKA občasno ŠPANIJA - SRBIJA 1-krat na teden makovec transport DELNI NAKLADI Vsak ponedeljek odide tovornjak, napolnjen s paketi in grupiranjem, proti Španiji, kjer se dostave izvajajo ob sredah v...
... such a big Freight transport Market it is crucial to cooperate for maintaining high quality of service.Becose of Industrial importance of Germany, we offer improved Freight-Cargo transport and logistics Services to support heavy Industry demand for efficient and quick transport of raw Materials, Goods and finished Products. We offen transport spare Parts, shipments ordered on Ebay and other poppular internet stores. As we are well aware that the smooth functioning of the supply chain is crucial to your company, we offer you an express delivery of the necessary raw Materials and Goods.
Slovenija, Sezana
We are a newly founded transport company from Slovenia and we conduct transportation of refrigerated and non refrigerated goods throughout Europe and the Balcan. Our main vision is the absolute efficacy of the service we offer, which combines the rapidity of the transport and the security of the freight, all at a competitive price. All that is achieved trough a highly qualified staff with years...
Slovenija, Šmarje Pri Jelšah
... its entire fleet. The company also diversified its activity in the sale of trucks, truck service and its own car wash, where they offer a service of washing trucks in their own car wash. The company generates about 60% of all transport revenues abroad and 40% of all transport revenues are from domestic customers. ...
Slovenija, Pristava Pri Mestinju
Tomas trans, mednarodni prevozi in druge storitve, d.o.o., je podjetje z nekajletno tradicijo na področju opravljanja prevozov v mednarodnem in lokalnem cestnem tovornem prometu. Prevoze opravljamo na področju prevozov s tovornjaki (s cerado), tako kot tudi kontejnerske prevoze. Na področju kontejnerskega prometa nudimo opravljanje prevoznih storitev za 20 ft., 30 ft., 40 ft., 45 ft. ter High...
Slovenija, Postojna
Branal, d.o.o. je družinsko podjetje s sedežem v Postojni. Ustanovil ga je direktor Aleš Hace leta 1992. Podjetniško pot so pričeli z avtoprevozništvom leta 1993 z nabavo prvega tovornjaka in opravljanjem transportnih storitev za lokalna podjetja. Branal, d.o.o. je podjetje z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami in nudi mednarodni prevoz razsutih (nenevarnih) tovorov, oblovine, kontejnerskega kot tudi paletiranega blaga. Kupujejo in prodajajo oblovino ter proizvajajo lesne sekance. V prodajnem sortimentu imajo na voljo tudi barvne kovine.
Slovenija, Ljubljana
... Britain, Ireland and the Benelux countries. We can carry any type of general freight of normal dimensions irrespective of quantity.Our main objectives are business excellence, high-quality services, competitive prices, and tailoring our services completely to the needs of our customers.To transport your goods safely, fast and costsefficiently. Quality and flexibility are our main Concerns. To provide good and reliable logistic services that can support our customer's growth.
Slovenija, Žalec
...Naše podjetje razpolaga z več kot 70 vozili, kategorije EURO 5 in EURO 6. Vozni park vključuje vozila za volumenski transport in vozila prilagojena prevozu s temperaturnim režimom (-25/+25°C). V voznem parku je 20 vozil, primernih za prevoze osebnih, tovornih ali počitniških vozil. Naša glavna dejavnost je prevoz blaga ter posledično nudimo celovito logistično ponudbo ter organizacijo transporta...
Company Sanimar Robert Bergant s.p. was established on 01.09.2009, registered under activity 49.410 (Road freight transport). Since its establishment it has been engaged in the transport of temperature-sensitive cargo. At the time of its establishment, the company had only one truck. Not long after that, due to the high demand for transport services, it was forced to start increasing the vehicle...
Slovenija, Koper / Capodistria
2hm logistics is company headquartered in Koper, Slovenia. We offer you a wide pallete of services. We're being developed and upgraded strategically. Knowing the diversity of Europe, with numerous nations living on the same continent, we can already assure you that our team speaks more than 10 European languages and therefore company has capability to create solutions or solve problems in domestic...
Slovenija, Podplat
... vehicles operate in international transport with a maximum transport from Slovenia to Germany, occasionally also to Austria, Belgium and Netherlands. We offer transport services from Germany to Austria (also further to Slovenia and Croatia), Slovenia and Croatia. We offer transport services of full loads, collective transports and transports of partial consignments. Transport services are carried out...
Slovenija, Maribor
Izkušnje imamo pri prevozih temperaturno odvisnega blaga ( zamrznjeno blago, blago ki ima točno določeno temperaturo +/-), prevozu nevarnih snovi ( ADR), volumenskih prevozih ( nakladalna višina 3m), v tujini smo registrirani v evidenco prevoznikov za prevoz odpadkov. Imamo vsa ostala druga potrebna dovoljenja, ki so potrebna za prevoze ( FRC certifikat za prevoz prehrambenih oz. pokvarljivih proi...
Slovenija, Šempeter Pri Gorici
... trucks to smaller trucks for groupage transportation. We also provide our customers with modern storage facilities in Šempeter pri Novi Gorici, where we can store cargo and handle goods with forklifts. We are aware that regular maintenance of our trucks is crucial for high quality services. That is why we make sure that our fleet is regularly serviced and fault-free. Transport Samo Urdih...
Slovenija, Jesenice
Slovenija, Ljubljana
Transportation of goods by road - international...

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