...{"Summary Information":"","Product Brand":"Mindivan","As propolis is used by being assimilated alone, it can be mixed with pollen, royal jelly and honey, which are other important products in bees, and an energy and health store can be created. The beneficial secretions of bees also benefit humans and are highly preferred.":"Ker se propolis uporablja samostojno, ga je mogoče mešati s cvetnim...
...{"Prevents under deposit corrosion in boilers":"Preprečuje korozijo pod oblogami v kotlih.","PRODUCT BENEFITS":"PREDNOSTI IZDELKA","Reduces deposits, resulting in more efficient heat transfer, energy savings and fewer acid cleanings":"Zmanjšuje usedline, kar vodi do učinkovitejšega prenosa toplote, prihrankov energije in manj kislih čiščenj.","Enhanced formula prevents activity loss during...
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