Izdelki za kozmetika (6224)

Olje breskve (Prunus persica) 100 ml. - Osnovna (rastlinska) olja

Olje breskve (Prunus persica) 100 ml. - Osnovna (rastlinska) olja

Peach oil (Prunus persica) Benefits of using peach oil: 1. Actively fights skin aging; 2. Stimulates metabolism; 3. Promotes wound healing and tissue regeneration; 4. Protects against the influence of free radicals; 5. Relieves irritation; softens and moisturizes the skin. Peach oil has no strict contraindications. It is suitable for both normal and sensitive skin. However, in some people the product causes allergies, so it is recommended to test the product before use. It is a good natural alternative for those who experience allergies when using mass cosmetics. Peach oil can be used in a variety of ways for health, beauty and aromatherapy: 1. For the skin: Peach oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids that hydrate and soften the skin, making it smoother and softer. Can be used as a natural moisturizer or massage oil. 2. For hair: Peach oil can be used to nourish the hair and scalp, making it softer, shinier and healthier. Collection:Budjak
Sladko Mandljevo Olje 20 ml - Naravna Olja

Sladko Mandljevo Olje 20 ml - Naravna Olja

Süßmandelöl 20 ml ist ein Produkt zur Haut- und Haarpflege. Dank der darin enthaltenen Vitamine A und E spendet es der Haut Feuchtigkeit und nährt sie, während es dabei hilft, den Hautton auszugleichen und Falten auf der Haut zu reduzieren. Artikelnummer:31969
Golf Cosmetics Razkuževalni sprej za površine in tkanine 80°C 400 ML

Golf Cosmetics Razkuževalni sprej za površine in tkanine 80°C 400 ML

Golf Spray igienico per superfici garantisce l'igiene delle superfici a contatto frequente grazie alla sua formula a base di alcol all'80%. Aree di utilizzo: è adatto per l'uso su maniglie di porte, interruttori della luce, tavoli, sedie, superfici di bagni e cucine, comandi, carichi, bidoni della spazzatura, portachiavi e toilette. Non lascia una sensazione di appiccicosità dopo l'uso. Contiene alcool a 80 gradi. Adatto all'uso su superfici e tessuti. Pratico e facile da usare grazie al formato spray. Si asciuga rapidamente. Non lascia macchie. Senza candeggina e senza candeggina.
Popravni milo

Popravni milo

El Jabón Reparador ha sido especialmente diseñado para todas las imperfecciones de su piel y será un aliado perfecto contra las imperfecciones y el exceso de sebo, así como en las zonas secas de la cara o el cuerpo. Puedes utilizar el Jabón Reparador para toda la familia a partir de los 3 años. Limpia, hidrata, repara y prepara su piel para todas las agresiones diarias. Para una mayor eficacia, utilice nuestra rutina facial (jabón, sérum, crema). Para un tratamiento en profundidad de las zonas secas del cuerpo, utilice el bálsamo corporal como complemento. Modo de empleo: Haga espuma con el jabón y aplíquelo por la mañana y por la noche sobre el cuerpo o el rostro. Para obtener mejores resultados, aplique el jabón reparador como limpiador antes de utilizar nuestras gamas. Evitar el contacto con los ojos, mucosas y heridas. En caso de contacto con los ojos, aclarar abundantemente. Aproximadamente 6 meses con uso diario por la mañana y por la noche. capacidad:80 g / 2,82 oz


Les collections d'étoles et écharpes Karawan, sont tissées à la main avec des matières naturelles d'exception dans une démarche de développement durable. Heat Une étole au moelleux chaud et généreux de la laine bouillie… pour s’envelopper d’un confort doux, en mode cocoon chez soi ou à emporter partout ! Elle vous suivra ! Référence:KETEC01L2


STYLAGE® Bi-SOFT® M LIDOCAINE corrects instantly superficial lines and wrinkles. The product is ideal for filling of smaller nasolabial folds, treat superficial wrinkles and sagging chins folds to make them smooth and tight, marionette lines, nasal hump reduction or nasal tip lift and reshaping earlobes. STYLAGE® Bi-SOFT® M LIDOCAINE is also to be used for hand rejuvenation, including volume loss treatment on the back of the hands. The filler contains lidocaine for a more comfortable injection. SKU:STLG-0003 Brand:STYLAGE® Concentration:Cross-linked hyaluronic acid 20 mg/g Lidocaine 0.3% Mannitol 0.9% Indication:Treat superficial wrinkles and lines Correct or reshape nose and ears Hand rejuvenation The Pack Includes:2 x 1ml Syringes 2 x 30G 1/2" Needles Results' Duration:In general, results can last up to 15 months. Manufacturer:VIVACY
Naravna vlažilna dnevna krema 50 ml - Dnevne in nočne kreme

Naravna vlažilna dnevna krema 50 ml - Dnevne in nočne kreme

L’huile d’argan est un formidable anti-âge! De par sa forte teneur en acides gras (oméga 6 et 9) et en vitamine E, l’huile d’argan regorge de propriétés hydratantes, reconnues scientifiquement. Très nourrissante, elle aide à combattre les signes du vieillissement cutané en activant la régénération cellulaire et en restaurant le film hydrolipidique de la peau. Idéale pour améliorer l’élasticité et la fermeté de la peau, l’huile d’argan aide aussi à lutter contre les agressions extérieures comme le vent et le soleil. Quant à l’extrait de baie de Goji, cela va intensifier la production de collagène et booster la régénération cellulaire. Convient à tous types de peaux.
Ekološki Zafu za meditacijo in jogo, izdelan iz rjavega spelta - Zafusi za meditacijo in jogo

Ekološki Zafu za meditacijo in jogo, izdelan iz rjavega spelta - Zafusi za meditacijo in jogo

Our Brown Spelt ECO Zafu is a classic round cushion, ideal for meditation and yoga. This zafu is handcrafted from high-quality materials, featuring an organic spelt filling that offers firm and comfortable support. Its brown cover is removable, making it easy to clean and maintain. This cushion is perfect for providing proper posture during meditation, helping to improve concentration and comfort during yoga and meditation practices. Outer cover made of 100% natural cotton canvas (SOFT TOUCH - soft touch) Drawstring closure Removable inner container bag made of 100% cotton textile Filling: choose between sterilized spelt husk from organic farming Side handle for LFA transport Extra reinforcement seams Easy to wash (30º Approximate measurements: 32cm wide x 15cm high (adjustable)
Šampon in Gel iz Čajevca - 300 ml - 99% naravnih sestavin. Protiglivične in antibakterijske lastnosti.

Šampon in Gel iz Čajevca - 300 ml - 99% naravnih sestavin. Protiglivične in antibakterijske lastnosti.

El Aceite de Árbol de Té es conocido tradicionalmente por sus propiedades antifúngicas, antibacterianas y preventivas en pediculosis. El Champú y Gel de Árbol de Té Saluvital, contiene un 99% de ingredientes naturales y es apto para veganos. Es ideal para prevenir contagios de personas en gimnasios o piscinas, etc. y mantener la piel sana. Higiene diaria niños y adultos. Indicado para la higiene íntima. *Sin parabenes *Para todo tipo de pieles Modo de empleo: Aplicar mínimo dos o tres veces a la semana. Verter una pequeña cantidad sobre la palma de la mano o esponja y frotar con suavidad hasta generar espuma, después aclarar con agua templada. C.N:176601.4
Proizvodnja kozmetičnih izdelkov - SUROVINE IN RASTLINSKA OLJA

Proizvodnja kozmetičnih izdelkov - SUROVINE IN RASTLINSKA OLJA

The selection of raw materials is coordinated with the client, depending on the objective and function of the product to be obtained. In order to create your exclusive brand, we have a complete range of biological assets: - Oils - Vegetable Extracts - Essential oils - Butters
Zapalnik Clipper s plutovinasto torbico

Zapalnik Clipper s plutovinasto torbico

Clipper Lighter With Cork Pouch
Črno milo z arganovim oljem in grenkim pomarančevcem - Ekološka nega telesa

Črno milo z arganovim oljem in grenkim pomarančevcem - Ekološka nega telesa

Organic argan and bitter orange black soap and more generally black soap is used as a smooth exfoliation before manual exfoliation with gant « Kess » during the hammam ritual in Morocco. It is also used for a variety of skin conditions including acne, eczema and psoriasis. The therapeutic properties of the soap make it a reliable product in many cases. Organic ingredients such as olive oil, shea butter and argan oil promote hydration of the skin and provide a feeling of softness instant. The benefits of black soap : It effectively exfoliates the body and face It gently washes the skin Excellent anti-wrinkle Helps fight against skin conditions SKU:COS00153 Weight:0.3 kg
Regenerativna Krema za Roke 75 ml - Nega Rok in Nohtov

Regenerativna Krema za Roke 75 ml - Nega Rok in Nohtov

Rejuvenating Hand Cream est une crème régénérante pour les mains, intense, à base de cellules souches provenant de la culture-mère de PhytoCellTecTM Malus domestica. Ce concentré possède un pouvoir régénérateur impressionnant ; il renforce la matrice extracellulaire et améliore la régénération naturelle de la peau. Rejuvenating Hand Cream contient aussi des ingrédients aux vertus éprouvées comme le hyaluronate de sodium, le beurre de karité, l’huile d’amande douce, le panthénol, l’allantoïne et les vitamines A et E. Grâce à la formule ultra riche de cette crème régénérante pour les mains la peau de vos mains redevient saine, lisse et sans défaut.
Pijača za lepoto s kolagenom

Pijača za lepoto s kolagenom

Integratore alimentare dal gradevole aroma fruttato a base di Peptidi Bioattivi di Collagene. Suo la formula agisce direttamente sul metabolismo cellulare della pelle stimolando la produzione di Il collagene, contrastando così l'invecchiamento, aumenta tono ed elasticità. Il collagene è strutturale proteine ​​importanti per la salute di pelle, capelli e unghie, ecco perché Rossylla Collagen Beauty Drink è “bello da bere”: dopo sole 4 settimane di trattamento la struttura cutanea è rinnovata” da interno": le rughe si attenueranno, l'incarnato migliorerà e la pelle apparirà più tonica con effetti positivi anche sulla riduzione della cellulite e sulla crescita delle unghie.
JAZ SEM BIO Trdni Deodorant 24h Cedra Bambus 50g - Ekološki Trdni Deodorant

JAZ SEM BIO Trdni Deodorant 24h Cedra Bambus 50g - Ekološki Trdni Deodorant

JE SUIS la combinaison parfaite d’actifs anti-odeurs, 100% d’origine naturelle, la terre de diatomée et le bicarbonate de sodium pour une efficacité 48H. JE SUIS une formule enrichie en beurre de karité bio, et huile de coco bio, pour une application tout en douceur. JE SUIS étudié pour minimiser mon impact sur la planète. Texture solide facile à appliquer. Parfum tonifiant.
Living Proof Full Shampoo

Living Proof Full Shampoo

Living Proof Full Shampoo
Mobius uganka prstan, 5 mm širok - Osebnitev večne ljubezni in matematične elegance, spretno izdelano

Mobius uganka prstan, 5 mm širok - Osebnitev večne ljubezni in matematične elegance, spretno izdelano

Tutvustame 5 mm laiust Mobius Wedding Bandi sõrmust, mis on ühtsuse ja lõpmatuse elegantne esitus, mis on asjatundlikult loodud ettevõtetele, kes otsivad võrratut kvaliteeti ja disaini. Vezi Istanbuli südames toodetud meistriteos on saadaval nii kulla kui ka hõbedaga, et rahuldada teie nõudlike klientide erinevaid eelistusi. Sõrmuse disain ammutab inspiratsiooni Mobiuse riba matemaatilisest kontseptsioonist, mis sümboliseerib armastuse ja pühendumise igavest olemust. A se vedea 5 mm laiune rõngas loob rihma ühe keerdkäiguga illusiooni lõputust järjepidevusest, muutes selle mõjuvaks valikuks elu kõige olulisemaks kohustuseks. Täpselt valmistatud material – olgu see kuld või hõbe – läbib range kvaliteedihindamise, et tagada pikaealisus ja sära. 5 mm laius on tasakaalus peenuse ja silmapaistvuse vahel, muutes selle idealalseks valikuks nii meestele kui naistele.
Anti-Aging Volumizer za Ustnice x2

Anti-Aging Volumizer za Ustnice x2

Too Be Beauty Lip Volumizer specially formulated by enriching the active ingredients with 24 carat gold, which are needed to properly moisturize the lips, make them look more vivid and fuller and especially for the anti-aging. Active Substances Contained in Too Be Lip Volumizer L-Ornithine Amino Acide It is a natural amino acid encapsulated in the lonosome and obtained from the plants through biotechnology. Thus, it penetrates completely through the skin and reaches the targeted area in the lowest layer, nourishing the adipose tissue, and making the lip contours look more prominent along with a fuller appearance. Lonosome Technology Lonosome: It is the new form of distribution system. It consists of a double layer of phospholipid and a protective polysaccharide coating. Active substances with a more polar molecular structure cannot penetrate through the epithelial tissue of the lip skin and then to the lowest layer, and they stay on the skin and cannot reach the target area.
Ročno izdelano milo za otroke 105 g. - Mila

Ročno izdelano milo za otroke 105 g. - Mila

Children's handmade soap This soap combines a whole range of substances designed to gently care for delicate children's skin. A decoction of chamomile, sedum and calendula has a soothing effect on the skin. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and protects the skin from harmful external influences. Nourishes dry skin, gives it elasticity and tightens it. D-Panthenol is a B vitamin that promotes skin regeneration and increases the strength of collagen fibers. Jojoba and macadamia oils nourish the skin and cover it with a light film that protects it from drying out. Suitable for all skin types. It can be used by adults in daily life, especially for face washing. Ingredients: sodium salts of olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, castor oil, d-panthenol, vitamin E, jojoba oil, macadamia oil, decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula). How to use: Massage gently until foam forms, then rinse thoroughly with water! Collection:Budjak
Ekstrakt Ruscus (Ruscus aculeatus) 100 ml. - Ekstrakti propilenglikola

Ekstrakt Ruscus (Ruscus aculeatus) 100 ml. - Ekstrakti propilenglikola

Propylene glycol extract of Ruscus (Ruscus aculeatus) 100 ml. Propylene glycol extract of Ruscus can be used in various cosmetic and skin care products due to its properties, such as strengthening the vascular wall and improving microcirculation. How to use Propylene Glycol Extract of Ruscus: Foot gel or cream: Add a few drops of Ruscus propylene glycol extract to your foot gel or cream. This can help reduce swelling, improve microcirculation and reduce the feeling of heavy legs. Massage oil: Dilute the extract in a carrier oil (such as olive oil) and use to massage the leg area. This can help relax muscles and improve circulation. Vein Care Cream: Include Ruscus extract in vein care creams. This can be helpful in venous circulation problems. Care for sensitive skin: Add a few drops of extract to your face or body cream to care for sensitive skin. This can help strengthen capillaries and reduce inflammation.


Imprimé à la main, au cadre et au block print sur une très belle toile de coton, à la texture solide. Un motif vivant qui évoque les reflets de l’eau, le mouvement des ombres portées, les figures dansantes…selon les jours !… et à associer à 2 unis, Indigo et Safran. Pour un voyage… entre mer et épices, chez soi, à la plage, au spa et en ville… de véritables compagnons utiles et durables ! Référence:KTSH04S Dimensions:21 x 21 x 8 cm
Mehak Laneni Bambusov Difuzor 150ml - Arome za prostore

Mehak Laneni Bambusov Difuzor 150ml - Arome za prostore

Soft Linen difusor en varilla de bambú 150 ml es un producto que aporta sensación de frescor y frescura a tu hogar con sus suaves notas de lino. Cambia la atmósfera del ambiente emitiendo un agradable olor a lino. También incluye palos de bambú diseñados para un uso prolongado. SKU:31310
Napreden Eliksir Mladosti 30 ml - Serumi

Napreden Eliksir Mladosti 30 ml - Serumi

Panthenol heeft een intensief hydraterende werking. Methylsilanol mannuronate heeft intensief hydraterende en anti-ageing eigenschappen. Het mineralencomplex is een zeer krachtige anti-oxidant. De stamcellen, afkomstig van een zeldzame, Zwitserse appelboom, hebben een revolutionaire anti-ageing werking. De stamcellen PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica hebben de volgende eigenschappen: Beschermen de levensduur van menselijke huid stamcellen; Vertragen de veroudering van essentiële cellen; Betekenen een doorbraak in antiveroudering; Hebben een krachtige regenererende en antirimpel werking
Krema proti staranju z arganom - Ekološke kreme za obraz

Krema proti staranju z arganom - Ekološke kreme za obraz

Notre crème anti-âge bio à l’Argan vient soulager l’épiderme et redonner à la peau force et jeunesse . Lorsque les ridules s’installent, notre crème enrichi en actifs anti-âge agit non seulement de manière préventive mais également en réparant l’élasticité de la peau ! Au fils des années, la peau a tendance à s’assécher, le teint est moins flamboyant et les rides apparaissent petit à petit. Ceci s’explique par la diminution de production endogène de collagène et d’élastine qui offrent à la peau fermeté et élasticité. Les crèmes aux actifs biologiques DÔM LABS vont agir en correction et en prévention de ce type de phénomènes. SKU :COS0044 Poids:0.2 kg
Balzam za Lase Grški Jogurt - 250 ml

Balzam za Lase Grški Jogurt - 250 ml

"Scopri la cura finale dei capelli con questo balsamo unico basato su yogurt greco e gelatina reale.Questa straordinaria formula combina le proprietà nutrienti dello yogurt greco con il potere rivitalizzante della gelatina reale per dare capelli senza pari e morbidezza. Lo yogurt greco è noto da secoli per le sue proprietà nutrienti.È ricco di proteine, vitamine e minerali che nutrono e rafforzano i capelli.Ripara i capelli danneggiati, riduce l'effetto crespo e riporta le serrature.Inoltre, lo yogurt greco ha anche un effetto idratante naturale, rendendo i capelli morbidi e sani. La gelatina reale è ricca di aminoacidi, antiossidanti e vitamine che stimolano la crescita dei capelli e nutrono il cuoio capelluto.Aiuta a riparare i capelli danneggiati e protegge da danni esterni causati, ad esempio, dai prodotti di calore e styling. Questo balsamo basato su yogurt greco e gelatina reale è adatto a tutti i tipi di capelli.
Svincnik za ustnice N° 201 Rdeča 1,1 g - Svincniki za ustnice

Svincnik za ustnice N° 201 Rdeča 1,1 g - Svincniki za ustnice

Lippenpotlood N° 201 Rood 1,1 gr - Lippenpotloden
Zvezek XS - Črtasto ob robu 03 Temno modra - Pansydaisy Pisarna

Zvezek XS - Črtasto ob robu 03 Temno modra - Pansydaisy Pisarna

75x105x5mm. 26g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Pasting Binding Reference:PW-N-XS-ER-3
Dnevna Krema Grški Jogurt - 50ml

Dnevna Krema Grški Jogurt - 50ml

"Esta crema griega del día del yogurt también es una crema antihorreal y tiene un efecto de elevación.Debido a su composición única, esta crema griega del día del yogurt ofrece una rica nutrición e hidratación profunda de la piel.Ayuda a reducir las arrugas y combatir los radicales libres. Los ingredientes activos del yogurt, como la lactosa y las proteínas, aumentan el contenido de humedad en las capas superiores de la piel y proporcionan un efecto anti-jorobado.Royal Jelly también garantiza la renovación celular y la elasticidad de la piel.Los agentes antihorreos que contiene la crema de día, como el ácido hialurónico natural, garantizan una piel firme, suave y juvenil aún más efectivamente. Además, el yogur griego contiene vitaminas y minerales como vitamina B, calcio y zinc.Estos nutrientes contribuyen a la piel más saludable y radiante.Los ingredientes hidratantes del yogurt, como las proteínas y las grasas, proporcionan hidratación y suavizan la piel.
Choco Hash

Choco Hash

Choco Hash
Ekološka Nomadska Škatla Limona Meta Svežina in Čudeži - Nomadske Škatle

Ekološka Nomadska Škatla Limona Meta Svežina in Čudeži - Nomadske Škatle

Ingrédients : Shampooing : Sodium cocoyl isethionate / Sodium coco sulfate / Cocos nucifera oil / Butyrospermum parkil butter / Aqua / Glycerin / Cera vegetal / Stearic acid / Candelilla cera / Mel / Citrus limon oil / Propolis / Curcuma / Benzoate / Sorbate / Limonène / Citral.Dentifrice : Calcium carbonate / Cocos nucifera oil / Stearic acid / Sodium cocoyl isethionate / Xylitol / Mentha piperita oil / Chlorophyl / Benzoate / Sorbate / Limonène.