Izdelki za kozmetika (1730)

Lactobacillus plantarum

Lactobacillus plantarum

tindalizzato insieme all'azione del biancospino, sostiene l' equilibrio della flora intestinale (microbiota); questo complesso sostiene e rafforza il microbiota intestinale che, per diversi motivi quali cattiva alimentazione, stress, terapie farmacologiche o altro, va incontro al fenomeno della disbiosi (squilibrio) intestinale. IL L'azione di questi ingredienti favorisce il recupero della disbiosi intestinale e ripristina la intestino alla condizione ottimale di eubiosi.
Zvezek S - Bald Square 02 - Morsko zelena - Pansydaisy Pisarniški material

Zvezek S - Bald Square 02 - Morsko zelena - Pansydaisy Pisarniški material

90x150x5mm. 43g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Pasting Binding Reference:PW-N-S-BS-2


REVITAFILL Xtra2 is a monophasic, sterile, non-pyrogenic, injectable hydrogel for the correction of soft tissue deficit. The hydrogel is highly purified, cross-linked sodium hyaluronate-based, of non-animal origin, and produced by bacterial fermentation. REVITAFILL Xtra2 is a volumizing filler designed for correction of lips and fine wrinkles. Its low density makes it ideal for a lip filling effect. SKU:RVTF-0000 Brand:REVITAFILL Xtra Concentration:Cross-linked HA 22mg/ml Amino acids (Glycine and Proline) Indication:Smoothens fine wrinkles Volumizes lips Defines lip contouring The Pack Includes:2 x 1 ml Syringes 4 x 27G 13mm Needles Results' Duration:REVITAFILL Xtra2 provides long-lasting and natural results. The results may vary individually Manufacturer:REVITACARE


Vitten Hydro Plus - 3x3ml - MEZOTERAPIJA

Vitten Hydro Plus - 3x3ml - MEZOTERAPIJA

vittén Hydro Plus contains 200-300 times more moisture than the human body, which contributes to skin hydration and cellular rejuvenation. A Vittén mesosolution is a total mesosolution that helps maintain healthy skin and provides essential skin elements. SKU:VITN-0003 Brand:vittén Concentration:Crosslinked HA 15mg/ml Phosphate Buffered Saline pH7.0 Indication:Oval of the face Neckline Deep wrinkles Peri-oral wrinkles The Pack Includes:3 ml x 3 syringes Results' Duration:In general, the results can last more than 6 months. Manufacturer:JETEMA
Prosti nukleotidi (derivati RNA)

Prosti nukleotidi (derivati RNA)

Nucleotidi (adenosina - 5' monofosfato, citidina - 5' monofosfato, Uridina - 5' monofosfato, Guanosina - 5' monofosfato): Precursori degli acidi nucleici, importanti per la sintesi delle cellule del sistema immunitario sistema. Fornire un elevato livello di energia metabolica Aiutano a prevenire le infezioni nei soggetti immunocompromessi Rafforzano l'attività della flora batterica gastrointestinale Stimolare il metabolismo degli acidi grassi insaturi
Zvezek Pimm A5 03 Vijolična - Pansydaisy Pisarna

Zvezek Pimm A5 03 Vijolična - Pansydaisy Pisarna

145x205x5mm. 95g, 48 ruled pages. slim staple binding notebook with italian artificial leather cover. Fountain pen friendly paper. Two label stickers included. ruled notebook Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft CoverArtificial Leather (PU) covering Reliure: Wire Staple binding Reference:PW-NL-A5-03
Masovni Cbg Izolat

Masovni Cbg Izolat

This CBG isolate white powder is a result of a series of purifications and crystallizations of the CO2 organic hemp extract rich on CBG. The extract has been purified several times and the result has been crystallised to reach the highest purity. Either you look for pharmaceutical, food or cosmetics grade, we have the right solution for you. For laboratory testing result and more information about this product, please feel free to contact us. CBD Content:99% Minors Content:ND THC content:ND
Super Skunk

Super Skunk

Super Skunk
Maison Francis Kurkdjian

Maison Francis Kurkdjian

Maison Francis Kurdjian
Mlinček "theelementcbd"

Mlinček "theelementcbd"

TheElementCBD Grinder In acrylic with 2 sections
Paperways Palette Tedenski Blok Pred Sončnim Zahodom - Pansydaisy Papirnica

Paperways Palette Tedenski Blok Pred Sončnim Zahodom - Pansydaisy Papirnica

240x172x7mm, 174g, 50 sheets Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Reliure: Handmade Pasting Binding Reference:PW-M15-202
Popoldanski Potovalni Dnevnik Pariz - Pansydaisy Papirnica

Popoldanski Potovalni Dnevnik Pariz - Pansydaisy Papirnica

145x205x11 mm, 200g, 128 pages. Illustrated journal pages (various notebook patterns) Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: PUR binding Reference:LM-D11-003
Popoldanski Potovalni Dnevnik Seoul, (Kralj & Kraljica) - Pansydaisy Papirnica

Popoldanski Potovalni Dnevnik Seoul, (Kralj & Kraljica) - Pansydaisy Papirnica

145x205x11 mm, 200g, 128 pages. Illustrated journal pages (various notebook patterns) Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: PUR binding Reference:LM-D11-010


Vainillin, vanilya çekirdeğinde doğal olarak oluşan eşsiz ve lezzetli vanilya kokusu ve aromasından sorumlu, oldukça aromatik bir organik kimyasal bileşiktir (vanilin glukozit). Üç fonksiyonel grupla değiştirilen bir benzen halkasından oluşan organik bir kimyasal bileşiktir: aldehit, hidroksil ve metoksil. Vanilya kokusunun bileşenlerinden biridir. Guaiacol'dan sentetik olarak elde edilen vanilin, kağıt imalatında üretilen sodalı sudan elde edilir. Tadı vanilyayı vanilyadan ayıran en önemli özelliktir. Sentetik vanilya ikamesi, bitkinin doğal meyvesinden daha yoğun bir tada sahiptir. İnce beyaz ila hafif sarı kristaller halindedir.
Popoldanska žepna beležnica Pariz Slavolok zmage - Pansydaisy Pisarna

Popoldanska žepna beležnica Pariz Slavolok zmage - Pansydaisy Pisarna

105x140x3 mm, 12g, 48 pages. Stapling binding. ruled notebook Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Wire Staple binding Reference:LM-N04-005
Cbn izolati na debelo

Cbn izolati na debelo

This CBN isolate white powder is a result of a series of purifications and crystallizations of the CO2 organic hemp extract rich on CBN. The extract has been purified several times and the result has been crystallised to reach the highest purity. Either you look for pharmaceutical, food or cosmetics grade, we have the right solution for you. For laboratory testing result and more information about this product, please click the baton contact us. CBD Content:99% Minors Content:ND THC content:ND
Krafter - Orientalna Atmosfera

Krafter - Orientalna Atmosfera

Retrouvez la collection complète de produits de soin de la barbe THE KRAFTER CBD dans cet ensemble haut de gamme. Que vous préfériez les senteurs marines de DEEP SEA ou les senteurs musquées et boisées d'ORIENTAL VIBES, cet ensemble est idéal pour donner à votre barbe l'attention qu'elle mérite. En plus des baumes, huiles et shampoings ce pack contient un peigne à barbe en noisetier. Un ensemble parfait pour vous ou pour offrir à votre proche.
Zvezek S - Prečna Mreža 02 - Roza - Pansydaisy Pisarniški Material

Zvezek S - Prečna Mreža 02 - Roza - Pansydaisy Pisarniški Material

90x150x5mm. 43g, 60 graphic pages. Lies flat and rips neatly mix of deskpads and color pop items handmade binding. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Pasting Binding Reference:PW-N-S-CG-2
Konopno olje "cannabis sativa" - Deviško 1. stiskanje

Konopno olje "cannabis sativa" - Deviško 1. stiskanje

Este aceite es extraído de las semillas de la planta de cáñamo (Cannabis sativa L.), una variedad de cannabis que no contiene THC, la sustancia psicoactiva que se encuentra en la marihuana. Es por esta razón que el aceite de cáñamo es legal en muchos países. Entre las propiedades del aceite de cáñamo podemos destacar su alto contenido en ácidos grasos esenciales (omega 3, 6 y 9), vitaminas (A, C, E y diversas del complejo B) y minerales. También contiene antioxidantes naturales como la vitamina E y los polifenoles. Las aplicaciones y usos del aceite de cáñamo son muy variados. Se utiliza en la industria alimentaria, tanto para consumo humano como animal, ya que es rico en nutrientes y sabor. También se usa en cosmética y cuidado personal debido a sus propiedades hidratantes antiinflamatorias y regeneradoras de la piel. Además, se está investigando su potencial uso terapéutico para tratar enfermedades como el dolor crónico, ansiedad y depresión.
Popoldanski Potovalni Dnevnik Pariz Eiffel (Roza) - Pansydaisy Pisarna

Popoldanski Potovalni Dnevnik Pariz Eiffel (Roza) - Pansydaisy Pisarna

160x210x6 mm, 111g, 80 illustrated pages. Handmade Stitch binding. Illustrated journal pages (ruled notebook) Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Handmade Stitch binding Reference:LM-CV-PAR-01
Paperways Patternism Zapisek 03 Prečna mreža - Pansydaisy Pisarniški material

Paperways Patternism Zapisek 03 Prečna mreža - Pansydaisy Pisarniški material

130x210x13mm, 230g, 144 graphic pages. Sewn binding with an exposed spine. Graphic pattern notebook pages Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Hard Cover Reliure: Sewn binding Reference:PW-N03-003
Set Nalepk za Oznake Paperways Palette La La Land - Pansydaisy Papirnica

Set Nalepk za Oznake Paperways Palette La La Land - Pansydaisy Papirnica

90x150mm, various colorful label sticker, set of 4 sheets, 20g Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Reference:PW-S20-005
Kalijev sorbat

Kalijev sorbat

El sorbato de potasio es un conservante de alimentos altamente eficaz, seguro y no tóxico. Aunque el sorbato de potasio es uno de los muchos conservantes que hay en el mercado, es uno de los mejores porque es inofensivo y versátil. El sorbato de potasio se produce en gran parte de forma sintética. Es un polvo insípido e inodoro. Según la FDA, se considera seguro de usar porque se descompone en el cuerpo en agua y dióxido de carbono. Está en la lista de conservantes que pueden usarse en productos cosméticos con restricciones. Su concentración máxima permitida en el producto final es de 0,6%, calculado como ácido sórbico. Funciona mejor en un ambiente ácido, de lo contrario sus propiedades son mucho más débiles.
Pluryal mesoline ANTIOX - MEZOTERAPIJA

Pluryal mesoline ANTIOX - MEZOTERAPIJA

Pluryal mesoline ANTIOX is a face and hair care mesotherapy treatment product designed to renew and revitalize the skin, hair and scalp. This product can make the skin and hair stronger, healthier and more glowing. Pluryal mesoline ANTIOX fights free radicals and prevents hair loss. SKU:PLUR-0010 Brand:Pluryal Concentration:Amino acids Taurine Proline Cysteine Cystine Antioxidants Glutathione Indication:Fights free radicals Makes the skin healthier and more glowing Prevents hair loss The Pack Includes:5 x 5 ml Vials Results' Duration:In general, results will last 6 months with the right sessions. Manufacturer:MD Skin Solutions
Popoldanska VRTNA AGENDA - Pansydaisy Papirnica

Popoldanska VRTNA AGENDA - Pansydaisy Papirnica

145x205x13 mm, 254g, 160 pages. Illustrated monthly diary and journal pages (various notebook patterns) Papier: post-consumer recycled paper Couverture: Soft Cover Reliure: Sewn binding Reference:LM-D12-JAR
Tom Ford

Tom Ford

Tom Ford
Vitten Hair Daily - 8x5ml - Mezoterapija

Vitten Hair Daily - 8x5ml - Mezoterapija

Vittén hair daily is a unique, professional dermo-cosmetic with a high proportion of active ingredients - a cocktail of growth factors (FGF-9, nogin peptide, FGF-5s) that affect the hair growth cycle. It is intended for daily use at home. SKU:VITN-0004 Brand:vittén Concentration:Cocktail with FGF-9 FGF-5s Noggin Peptides Indication:Hair loss treatment Slows down hair loss Stimulates growth Extends the life of the hair The Pack Includes:8 ampoules x 5mL Results' Duration:The results of treatment with this method vary, but for most patients the results last up to a year. Manufacturer:JETEMA
Kervin Murphy

Kervin Murphy

Kervin Murphy
Kamelina rastlinsko olje

Kamelina rastlinsko olje

Camelina vegetable oil is extracted from the seeds of the Camelina sativa plant, also known as golden flax or false sesame. This essential oil is appreciated for its nutritional profile, being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E. Its anti-inflammatory and emollient properties make it a natural moisturizer for the skin, helping to calm irritation and improve skin elasticity. Additionally, camelina oil is known for its ability to strengthen and soften hair, providing shine and manageability. It is also used in cooking due to its mild flavor and high content of healthy fatty acids, contributing to a balanced diet. CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Camelina sativa seed Oil