Izdelki za oakworks masaža (33)

Pokrovi iz Hrasta - Pokrovi iz Hrasta in Okviri

Pokrovi iz Hrasta - Pokrovi iz Hrasta in Okviri

Meticulously handmade oak beam covers/casements are decorative casings designed to hide structures such as steel joists (RSJs), concrete lintels therefore giving the impression of a beautiful oak structure or element. Our oak covers and casements are made from solid oak, designed and manufactured to look as realistic as conventional oak beams.
Zidarstvo - Vse vrste zidarskih del

Zidarstvo - Vse vrste zidarskih del

Bei uns werden Ihnen alle Maurerarbeiten aus einer Hand geboten. Egal ob Betonarbeiten, Sanierungsarbeiten oder Repaturen.
Lesena miza - Trdna miza s pritrjenimi sedeži - Oblikovanje odporna na vremenske vplive

Lesena miza - Trdna miza s pritrjenimi sedeži - Oblikovanje odporna na vremenske vplive

Introducing a robust, weather-resistant table with four attached seats, expertly crafted by DREWCO for one of our valued clients. This heavy-duty table is designed to endure the harshest outdoor conditions, making it an ideal choice for parks, public spaces, and outdoor dining areas. Please note that all our products are custom-made for our clients, and this is just one example of the exceptional pieces we can create in our factory. Constructed from premium materials, this table and seating combination offers exceptional durability and stability, ensuring long-lasting use even in challenging weather. With its integrated seating, this design provides both functionality and convenience, delivering a reliable and sturdy solution for any outdoor environment.
Nova ameriška hrastova sodčka 228L - Prevoz Burgundija ameriški hrast 228L

Nova ameriška hrastova sodčka 228L - Prevoz Burgundija ameriški hrast 228L

Fabrication Française artisanale Chêne Américain Grain fin, mi-fin Épaisseur 27 mm Chauffe traditionnelle au feu de bois.
Dvojni leseni nadstrešek z delavnico

Dvojni leseni nadstrešek z delavnico

Dimensions: L 557 x  P 708 x Ht 254 cm Surface:   39,43 m2 Structure: Poteaux 115 x 115 mm Qualité: Pin naturel traité autoclave Atelier: 275 x 164 x 220 de haut + porte Inclus: panneaux lateraux Couverture:  Plaque de toit en aluminium Hauteur de passage:  221cm Dimensions:L 557 x  P 708 x Ht 254 cm Surface:39,43 m2 Structure:Poteaux 115 x 115 mm Qualité:Pin naturel traité autoclave Atelier:275 x 164 x 220 de haut + porte Inclus:panneaux lateraux Couverture:Plaque de toit en aluminium Hauteur de passage:221cm


Nettoyant dégraissant industriel polyvalent en solution aqueuse à haut pouvoir émulsifiant. Hyper polyvalent – Concentré – Économique – Ininflammable – Biodégradable – Contient un inhibiteur de corrosion Le dégraissant professionnel le plus polyvalent et le plus adapté pour tout nettoyer et dégraisser. Composé d’une solution riche en produits actifs naturels et synthétiques non polluants. Permet un nettoyage subtil, rapide et efficace. Concentré économique et pratique. N’altère pas le plastique, le caoutchouc, le plexi, le tissu, le verre… S’utilise pur ou dilué. Ne laisse pas de film gras. Ne pollue pas le milieu naturel. Contient un inhibiteur de corrosion. Ininflammable, biodégradable, sans solvants chlorés, sans hydro carbure, sans ammoniaque, sans butyl glycol. Réf:i505 Conditionnement:Bidon de 1 L avec Vapo – Carton de 20 Métiers:Métalliers Ex:CETEXALT ORIGINAL
Bore heads for cup hinges

Bore heads for cup hinges

Drill heads for cup hinges
Izterjava Dolgov

Izterjava Dolgov

WORLDWIDE, FAST, PROFESSIONAL, AND ABSOLUTELY TRANSPARENT In addition to comprehensive consultation, we assess the prospects of success for your outstanding international claims in advance and, if necessary, engage our experts on-site to quickly realize your demands. We act as intermediaries between you and your customer, approaching them in their native language and mindset. This significantly increases the chances of success and, in most cases, avoids a time-consuming and costly procedure.
Ekološki - Prižigalnik iz lesa in voska 50 XXL blokov v škatli

Ekološki - Prižigalnik iz lesa in voska 50 XXL blokov v škatli

Suitable for use as barbecue firelighters, chimney starters & for lighting fires - Firelighter cubes made from FSC®-certified wood and a plant-based eco-wax are suitable for use as barbecue firelighters, chimney starters and for lighting fires. Safe, low-odour and certified according to DIN EN 1860-3 – quality made in Germany. The shape of these firelighters is also often described as eco firelighters or brown firelighter cubes.
Proizvodnja kalupov

Proizvodnja kalupov

AOPB est autonome pour la fabrication des moules : - moules classiques, - moules 3 plaques, - moules à dévissage, - moules à canaux chauds, - moules de surmoulage d'inserts, - moules à versions.
Projekt - Abalıoğlu Burdur

Projekt - Abalıoğlu Burdur

In the Abalioglu Feed Factory project located in Burdur, we have performed warehouse steel processing. we used 78 tons of steel on an area of 2000 m2.


Mit dem Konzept „JOB-CAR“ ist der Arbeitgeber vor den üblichen Problemen, die mit einem Leasingvertrag und der arbeitsvertraglichen Überlassungsvereinbarung verbunden sind, geschützt. Der Arbeitgeber ist von der Halterhaftung und allen Kostenrisiken befreit. Die Bilanzierungspflicht gemäß IFRS 16 entfällt. Die Abwicklung von Schadensfällen sowie die Abrechnung der Wartungskosten und des Kraftstoffverbrauchs erfolgt direkt zwischen AMS und Arbeitnehmer. Die Vorteile auf einen Blick: -keine Halterhaftung des Arbeitgebers -keine Leasingverpflichtung des Arbeitgebers -keine Abwälzung der Sach- und Preisgefahr -keine arbeitsrechtlichen Risiken -keine Kosten bei Beendigung des Entgeltanspruchs -keine Mehrkosten bei vorzeitiger Vertragsbeendigung -keine Bilanzierungspflicht gemäß IFRS 16 -keine CO2-Bilanzierungspflich gemäß Scope 3 Firmen- oder Dienstwagen für alle Mitarbeiter? Mit unserem Leasingkonzept für JobCar und einer Gehaltsumwandlung ist das kein Problem. Der Arbeitgeber zieht die Leasingraten, die er an AMS zahlt, vom Brutto-Gehalt des Arbeitnehmers ab. Ist kein Gehaltsabzug möglich, entfallen die Leasingraten. Der Arbeitgeber wird niemals nachbelastet. Auch nicht bei erhöhter Abnutzung bzw. Fahrleistung, bei Schäden oder bei vorzeitiger Vertragsbeendigung bzw. Rückgabe. Die Abwicklung von Störfällen erfolgt allein zwischen AMS und Arbeitnehmer.


👉👉 MINERAL DE HIERRO 62% 👉 País de origen: Chile 🇨🇱 ✅ Permisos Gubernamentales y Titulo Minero al día ✅ 👉 Capacidad de producción: 200.000 t/m mensuales 🤝🏻 Negociación directa con la mina 🤝🏻 👉 Información detallada en la oferta adjunta ¿Interesado❓ Hablemos ❗
PAESMA - Kovinske konstrukcije in zgradbe

PAESMA - Kovinske konstrukcije in zgradbe

Fundada há mais de 70 anos. Somos especializados no fabrico e construção de: • Moradias; • Unidades industriais e comerciais; • Escolas; • Edifícios desportivos; • Edifícios públicos; • Projetos chave na mão; • Produção de equipamentos; • Produção em subcontratação de peças mecânicas e metálicas.
waax agora

waax agora

ağda ısıtıcıları
Prevoz tovora v prikolicah - Mednarodni prevoz v prikolicah

Prevoz tovora v prikolicah - Mednarodni prevoz v prikolicah

Currently we offer more than 25 trucks with tarpaulin trailers meeting the Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. Our vehicle fleet consists of well-known brands (Mercedes-Benz, MAN, DAF) trucks, Krone, KOEGEL semi-trailers (91 m3, internal height 2.70 m., width 2.50 m., length 13.50 m) (XL certificate). *At the customer's request, we send two drivers to the trip for faster delivery of goods. *All tarpaulin trailers can be loaded from the sides, rear and top. *We ship dangerous cargo (ADR) (hazard classes 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 8, 9).
Titandioxid (TiO2)

Titandioxid (TiO2)

Pigment, Rutile / Anatase
Ekološko ekstra deviško oljčno olje iz Salenta

Ekološko ekstra deviško oljčno olje iz Salenta

Vendita olio extravergine di oliva biologico salentino prodotto da olive nociara e cellina estratto a freddo. Olio extravergine biologico certificato.


With our in-house professional prototyping, and a network of our manufacturing Partners, you do not need to look elsewhere. We have a complete range of metal and plastic machining, additive manufacturing, casting, injection molding, welding and product testing available.


Riguarda la costruzione di opere destinate a trasferire i carichi di manufatti poggianti su terreni non idonei a reggere i carichi stessi, di opere destinate a conferire ai terreni carat- teristiche di resistenza e di indeformabilità tali da rendere stabili l’imposta dei manufatti e da prevenire dissesti geologici, di opere per rendere antisismiche le strutture esistenti e funzionantI. Comprende in via esemplificativa, l’esecuzione di pali di qualsiasi tipo, di sottofondazioni, di palificate e muri di sostegno speciali, di ancoraggi, di opere per ripristinare la funzio- nalità statica delle strutture, di pozzi, di opere per garantire la stabilità dei pendii e di lavorazioni speciali per il prosciugamento, l’impermeabilizzazione ed il consolidamento di terreni. Codice:OS 21
Vrteči kolesci s poliamidno obrobo in sivo gumijasto pnevmatiko

Vrteči kolesci s poliamidno obrobo in sivo gumijasto pnevmatiko

Roulettes pivotantes à oeil roue jante polyamide bandage caoutchouc gris non tachant. Supports acier embouti zingué. Du diamètre 80 au au 200 mm De 50 Kgs à 205 Kgs de charge utile.
Rešitve za skladiščenje

Rešitve za skladiščenje

Les performances et les services de stockage de produits chimiques du Groupe blondel sont évaluées régulièrement dans le cadre du programme SQAS (Safety &- Assessment for Sustainability) et lors des audits de certification ISO 9001. Ses évaluations couvrent la qualité, la sûreté, la sécurité, l’environnement et la RSE (responsabilité sociale des entreprises).
Naše Storitve

Naše Storitve

Our Services
Emart Skupina

Emart Skupina

Our company EMART GROUP, whose foundation year is 2020, continues to be the most preferred one in Turkey and the world in the export sector since its establishment, and at the same time, we are a manufacturer company that produces camera junction boxes, CCTV Accessories with quality materials. Our company, which provides service in the world and in Turkey, has consumers in more than 48 provinces in Turkey. Our company, which dominates the foreign market as well as the domestic market, has dealerships in many countries. These are Russia (Kazan and Krasnoyarsk), Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq.
Gradbeni materiali po ugodnih cenah v Evropi - Distribucija gradbenih materialov

Gradbeni materiali po ugodnih cenah v Evropi - Distribucija gradbenih materialov

Marola. Din 1992. Oferim consiliere, comercializam si livram peste 30.000 de produse si solutii in toata Romania, precum si Europa ! Materiale de constructii | Materiale de zidarie | Produse metalurgice | Finisaje | Instalatii sanitare Instalatii electrice | Instalatii termice | Casa si gradina | Amenajari interioare | Amenajari exterioare | Mobila | Sisteme complete pentru termoizolatii | Sisteme complete pentru comaprtimentari si imprejmuiri | Sisteme complete pentru hidroizolatii | Gresie si Faianta | Scule si unelte | Parchet | Protectia muncii | Sisteme de prindere Suntem motivati de aceleasi lucruri ca tine, de 25 de ani. Oferim consiliere pentru ca lucrurile sa fie facute bine. Iti punem la dispozitie expertiza noastra, astfel incat sa construiesti si sa amenajezi corect. Onoram comenzile repede si livram rapid. Clientii nostri ne descriu ca fiind prompti, competenti si prietenosi.
Innbasics (WinCC OA)

Innbasics (WinCC OA)

The module adds an extension to the context menu of the GEDI File-Explorer, Makros to the Script-Editor and several other useful methods for generic scripting purposes. This document details the effec The purpose of this Add-On is to ease the standardization of development in the WinCC OA Environment. This is achieved by adding Hotkeys for frequently used codestructures and a series of standardized debug-calls, as well as an expansion of the existing context menu for the GEDI file explorer. - easy installation - focused on operation ease - keyboard shortcuts
Evodak Apartment - Dnevno najemni apartmaji

Evodak Apartment - Dnevno najemni apartmaji

Evodak Ankara genelinde günlük kiralık Ev Ofis Daire Apart konusunda uzmanlaşmış kadrosu ile evinizin rahatlığını bulabileceğiniz ve sizin için özenle tasarlanan konaklama yerlerini hizmete sunmaktadır. 0312 2856005 Firmamız ;konukları için nezih, hijyenik ve beklentilere cevap veren ayrıcalıklar sunar.Türk aile yapısını, değerlerini ve misafirperverliğini profesyonel kimliğiyle bütünleştirmiştir.Ankara dışında ikamet eden ve belli sebeplerden dolayı kısa süre için Ankara ‘ya seyahat eden kişilere ve firma çalışanlarına evlerinin konforunu temin ediyoruz.
Hrast Garaze - Hrast Garaze, Pomožni objekti in Kompleksi

Hrast Garaze - Hrast Garaze, Pomožni objekti in Kompleksi

Our bespoke oak framed garages are individually designed around your specific requirements, we listen to your requirements, usage of space and design a garage for your individual needs complimenting your existing property blending perfectly within your garden setting.
Leseno zavetje za 2 avtomobila

Leseno zavetje za 2 avtomobila

Dimensions: L 600 X  P 500 X Ht 300 cm Surface: 30 m2 Structure: Poteaux 12x12 cm, poutres 6,5 x 16 cm en  sapin lamellaires Qualité:   Bois autoclave sous pression RAL 3 Couleur:  Sapin naturel Couverture:  Couverture en lambri, finition au rouleau bitumé  Inclus: fixation par étrier, 6 unités Dimensions:L 600 X  P 500 X Ht 300 cm Surface:30 m2 Structure:Poteaux 12x12 cm, poutres 6,5 x 16 cm en  sapin lamellaires Qualité:Bois autoclave sous pression RAL 3 Couleur:Sapin naturel Couverture:Couverture en lambri, finition au rouleau bitumé Inclus:fixation par étrier, 6 unités