Izdelki za pečica meneghetti (21)

PEGO - Biostimulant za cvetenje in razvoj sadja

PEGO - Biostimulant za cvetenje in razvoj sadja

PEGO favorise et catalyse l'attachement des fruits, prévenant les problèmes de chute des fruits et stimule la floraison. Ce produit contient des algues brunes, des polysaccharides, de la propolis et d'autres substances naturelles qui attirent un plus grand nombre de pollinisateurs (abeilles et bombes) et il contient également des acides aminés qui profitent de l'absorption du calcium, du bore et du zinc qui sont des éléments cruciaux pour la floraison et la nouaison. phase. Aspect:Liquide brun foncé Application:Foliaire et Fertigation emballage:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L


Il Parmigiano Reggiano è un alimento naturale e premium: è senza glutine e 100% naturale, in quanto senza conservanti e additivi. È inoltre naturalmente privo di lattosio: l’assenza di lattosio è la conseguenza naturale del tipico processo di ottenimento del Parmigiano Reggiano. Parmareggio propone una gamma di pezzi che si differenziano per stagionatura e formato. GR.800 PREZZO AL KG EURO 12,50 SCADENZA 12/07/2025 MINIMO D'ORDINE 500 PZ
Tortellini Mignon

Tortellini Mignon

I tortellini mignon di carne sono un capolavoro artigianale della tradizione culinaria italiana, un emblema della cultura gastronomica dell'Emilia-Romagna. La sfoglia di pasta viene stesa a uno spessore minimo, conferendo a questi piccoli ed eleganti tortellini una leggerezza e delicatezza uniche. Il ripieno è un equilibrio di carne, prosciutto cotto, mortadella e un tocco di noce moscata. Ogni ingrediente è selezionato e dosato per garantire un gusto finale intenso e saporito.


Paccheri trafilati al bronzo ed essiccati lentamente, grano 100% Italiano e senza conservanti aggiunti


Vente interdite aux mineurs. L’achat de graines est autorisé en tant que souvenir, collection, et préservation de la biodiversité. L’usage domestique, alimentaire ou agricole, ainsi que la germination et la culture sont illégales et passibles de poursuites. Bloom Farm Groupe et les revendeurs ne pourraient être tenus responsables d’une utilisation par des tiers ne respectant pas la législation nationale en vigueur. Caractéristiques produit: (Ice Cream Cak S1 citronelle x Ice Cream Cake Samadhi cut)
Tagliatelle - Testenine

Tagliatelle - Testenine

Tagliatelles - Pâtes Prix au KG:5,5€/KG en vrac Énergie:1472 Kj/100g • 348 kcal/100g Protéines:12,3g/100g Glucides:67,4g/100g SUCRES:5,8g/100g Matières grasses:1,83g/100g acides gras satures:0,4g/100g Sel:0,03g/100g Poids:0.300 kg
Campanelle Bio - Ekološke rokodelske testenine

Campanelle Bio - Ekološke rokodelske testenine

Conditionnement : - sachet de 240 grammes Ingrédients : - Farine* de blé tendre T80 Bio (Origine Poitou-Charentes) - Eau * Ingrédient allergène
Proso - Paket prosa

Proso - Paket prosa

Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi. Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
Milano Prestige

Milano Prestige

100% best Arabica coffees from Brazil, Columbia, Honduras, Costa Rica and Peru. Brazil: “Santos” is a smooth and balanced Brazilian coffee with a clean and fine aroma. A chocolaty flavor, a full body, intense aromas and a persistent finish define its essence. Columbia: Most Columbian coffees are of the Arabica variety: extremely aromatic and full-bodied defined by hazelnut and flowery finish and fragrance. Honduras: Balanced and full-bodied coffee with a sweet liquorish fragrance. Costarica: Excellent coffee with hazelnut-colored crema and a fragrance of apples and dates. Light acidity. Peru: Delicately structured coffee with a fruity and cocoa finish.The specific roast yields a very rich and textured coffee, full-bodied with a persistent finish of flowers and chocolate.
Sredozemska mešanica

Sredozemska mešanica

Eggplant, olive, tomato and peppers constitute this mix for giving typicity to your sauces, meat stuffings, cooked fish, terrines and other culinary preparations. Colin-Ingredients Ref:60159402 Main ingredients:Tomatos, peppers, olive, egg plant Inclusions list:Tomatos, peppers, olive, egg plant Heat treatment:No Indicative dosage:2 to 5 % Colour and visual:White, red, green and black Packing:Sac de 20kg Palletizing:Palette europe de 500kg
Paprika Capia

Paprika Capia

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *For availability of current varieties please contact *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Antalya, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Łąckie Pierogi - zamrznjena hrana

Łąckie Pierogi - zamrznjena hrana

-pierogi ruskie -pierogi z mięsem -pierogi że szpinakiem i serem -pierogi z truskawkami -pierogi z jagodami -pierogi z serem na słodko -pierogi z jabłkami -pierogi ze śliwkami -pierogi z kapustą i grzybami -pierogi z kapustą i mięsem -pyzy łąckie -pyzy z mięsem -uszka z grzybami -uszka z mięsem
Estragon - HoReCa

Estragon - HoReCa

Tarragon is unique in its own way: it is the only plant of the wormwood species that does not have strong bitterness in taste. The grass has a strong pungent and tart aroma, a refreshing taste, and French chefs took full advantage of these properties, creating many culinary recipes with it. Tarragon, both fresh and dried, is seasoned with a wide variety of dishes: it well complements omelets, many types of sauces. Use for Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, lunch dishes, drinks, sweet dishes. Taste spicy, slightly spicy, refreshing Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 23 Fats (g / 100g)… 7,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 50 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 360
Olje boragovca

Olje boragovca

kaltgepresst max 37°
Iberski Sira Rocinante

Iberski Sira Rocinante

Cheese made with pasteurised cow, goat and sheep´s milk (3 milk). Soft Iberico Cheese Rocinante - Aged 7 days. Semicured Iberico Cheese Rocinante - Aged 2 months. Cured Iberico Cheese Rocinante - Aged 6 months.
Parmigiano Reggiano 30 mesecev

Parmigiano Reggiano 30 mesecev

Il Parmigiano Reggiano 30 mesi è un concentrato di sapore, friabile e granuloso, con un aroma deciso. Il suo sapore caratteristico lo rende un trionfo per le papille gustative. La lunga stagionatura ne fa un prodotto altamente digeribile e ricco di elementi nutritivi, indicato per gli intolleranti al lattosio e per i bambini più piccoli.
EURO 4,60 na kos De Cecco Mezze Penne Rigate 3 kg Těstoviny z tvrdé pšenice

EURO 4,60 na kos De Cecco Mezze Penne Rigate 3 kg Těstoviny z tvrdé pšenice

Dal 1886 abbiamo un compito importante: creare ad arte una pasta inconfondibile portando avanti senza compromessi una tradizione. Conquiste, passi avanti, affinamenti costellano la nostra storia e ci permettono, ogni giorno di più di portare sulle tavole di tutto il mondo il piacere autentico della cucina italiana. La storia di De Cecco parte da lontano. Nel 1831, l’Italia non era ancora unita e Nicola Antonio De Cecco avvia l’attività di mugnaio a Fara San Martino. CONFEZIONE DA 4 X 3 KG 1 CONFEZIONE DI 3 KG = EURO 4,60 1 PALLET 48 CONFEZIONI DA 4 SCADENZA 29/09/2027 MIMINO D'ORDINE 30 PALLET
PEGO - Biostimulant za cvetenje i razvoj plodova

PEGO - Biostimulant za cvetenje i razvoj plodova

PEGO promotes and catalyzes fruit attachment preventing fruit falling issues and it stimulates blooming. This product contains brown seaweed, polysaccharides, propolis and other natural substances that attract a greater number of pollinators (bees and bombs) and it also contains amino acids that benefit the absorption of calcium, boron and zinc which are crucial elements on flowering and fruit setting phase. Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid Application:Foliar and Fertigation Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Ditalini - Testenine

Ditalini - Testenine

Ditalini - Pâtes
List žajblja - HoReCa

List žajblja - HoReCa

Salvia officinalis is widely used in cooking as a spice. Dry grass is added to soups and main dishes, as well as toppings for pies and other culinary products, among which are egg-rice, cabbage, meat. Use for Snacks, main dishes, drinks, sweet dishes. Taste Spicy, bitter Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 11 Fats (g / 100g)… 13 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 61 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 410
Mini Tagliatelle z Jajci - Ročno Delo Jajčne Testenine

Mini Tagliatelle z Jajci - Ročno Delo Jajčne Testenine

Conditionnement : - sachet de 500 grammes Ingrédients : - Farine* de blé dur, farine* de blé tendre (Origine Poitou-Charentes) - Oeufs* frais plein air - Eau * Ingrédients allergènes