Izdelki za pelinkovac (34)

Veliki pelin Artemisia absinthum - Fitoterapija

Veliki pelin Artemisia absinthum - Fitoterapija

Extrait de plante (partie aérienne) bio, fraiche (non surgelé). Mise en macération sur les lieux de cueillette (Origine France) Flacon en verre de 50 ml
pelin (Artemisia absinthium)

pelin (Artemisia absinthium)

Extracts of medicinal plants and berries are used in the food industry, the cosmetics industry and the parapharmaceutical industry.
Beli Pelin Absolut (Artemisia Absinthium) - Konkreti in Absoluti

Beli Pelin Absolut (Artemisia Absinthium) - Konkreti in Absoluti

White Wormwood Absolute (Artemisia Absinthium) Artemisia Absinthe is a plant, also known as white wormwood, that is used to make the alcoholic drink absinthe. This drink has a characteristic anise flavor and is often associated with symbols of art and literature. The plant contains substances such as thujan, which can have psychoactive effects if consumed in large quantities. Wormwood absolute (Artemisia absinthium) is a concentrated extract obtained from the wormwood plant. This extract has a unique, spicy and grassy aroma with bitter, fresh and camphor notes. It is used in perfumes, cosmetics and aromatherapy, and also has some medicinal uses. Production process of Artemisia Absolute - Absolute from White Wormwood Plant collection: Wormwood leaves and flowers are collected during the period of greatest concentration of essential oils. Extraction: The collected plant material is extracted using a solvent, usually ethanol. Collection:Budjak
Ekstrakt pelina v prahu 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

Ekstrakt pelina v prahu 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

Verarbeiteter Pflanzenteil: Kraut Extraktionsmittel: Ethanol und Wasser Trägerstoff: Maltodextrin wiss. Name: Artemisia absinthium Wermut, eine aromatische Pflanze, wird aufgrund ihrer Bitterstoffe geschätzt und findet Verwendung in der Herstellung von Bittergetränken. Einige traditionelle Anwendungen weisen darauf hin, dass Wermut auch gesundheitliche Vorteile haben kann. Unsere Produkte werden als Bulkware verkauft. Bei den meisten unserer Produkte gibt es eine Mindestabnahmemenge von 25kg. Muster können bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem ist Plants2Market BIO und HACCP zertifiziert und seit Ende September 2023 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 erstzertifiziert. Folgende Produkte bieten wir außerdem an: Acerola Ackerbohne Acker-Schachtelhalm Afrikanische Schwarzbohne Alant Alpha-Liponsäure Amla Artischocke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Baldrian Bambus Beta Glucan BIO Birkenblatt BIO Brasilianischer Mandelegerling BIO Brennnessel BIO Brokkoli
Eterično olje pelina

Eterično olje pelina

El aceite esencial de ajenjo se obtiene de la planta Artemisia absinthium, conocida comúnmente como ajenjo o ajenjo común. Este aceite esencial se ha utilizado históricamente con fines medicinales y terapéuticos debido a sus propiedades antiparasitarias, antibacterianas y antiinflamatorias. Además, se cree que tiene propiedades estimulantes que pueden mejorar la digestión y aliviar problemas gastrointestinales. También se utiliza en aromaterapia para aliviar el estrés y la ansiedad, proporcionando un efecto calmante y relajante en el cuerpo y la mente. Sin embargo, es importante utilizarlo con precaución y en cantidades adecuadas, ya que el ajenjo es una planta poderosa y su aceite esencial puede ser fuerte y potencialmente tóxico en altas concentraciones.
Ekološka Pelin - Vse naše naravne ekstrakte

Ekološka Pelin - Vse naše naravne ekstrakte

Découvrez notre huile essentielle d'armoise, tracée et documentée, issue de nos fermes et extraite naturellement : La qualité Landema. Réservé à un usage professionnel. Vente aux particuliers réservée aux pharmacies. Certifications : BIOLOGIQUE : Issu de l’agriculture biologique, certifié par ECOCERT FR-BIO-01, NOP : Issu de l’agriculture biologique, certifié Organique par ECOCERT Label Landema : Extrait dans nos distilleries Pays de fabrication : MAROC Pays de récolte : MAROC Partie de la plante : Partie aérienne Composition : 100% Pure, naturelle et intégrale. Notes olfactives : agreste, camphré, doux, herbacé, rafraichissant Contrôlé et conditionné dans nos ateliers en France Fabrication L’huile essentielle d’armoise bio proposée par Landema provient de récoltes dans des zones certifiées biologiques. Culture Dans le sud-est du Maroc, dans la région du Haut Atlas, on trouve de vastes étendues sur lesquelles pousse de grande variété d’espèce d’armoise. Réf:ARMOHE1B Famille de produit:ARMOISE Type d'extrait:Huile essentielle Code INCI:100% HUILE D'ARTEMISIA HERBA-ALBA Pays de fabrication:MAROC Pays de récolte:MAROC Partie de la plante:Partie aérienne Catégorie d'usage pour les particuliers:Ingrédient Nom Botanique:Artemisia herba-alba Asso Composition:100% Pure, naturelle et intégrale.
Pelinkovec - iz nadzorovane ekološke pridelave

Pelinkovec - iz nadzorovane ekološke pridelave

getrocknetes Wermutkraut
Zdravilna rastlina Artemisia annua, Enoleten pelin - Zdravilna rastlina / Koristna rastlina

Zdravilna rastlina Artemisia annua, Enoleten pelin - Zdravilna rastlina / Koristna rastlina

Einjähriger Beifuß / Artemisia annua, auch bekannt unter den Namen Qing Hao, Sweet Sagewort, Süßer Wermut, Ajenjo dulce und Sweet Wormwood Der Einjähriger Beifuß gilt als Heilpflanze in der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM). Die Nutzpflanze findet dort Verwendung auch als Mittel gegen Malaria, weil sie selbst Malariaparasiten abtötet und schon lange erfolgreich als Mittel gegen Malaria eingesetzt wird. Viele Veröffentlichungen befassen sich mit der Wirksamkeit diese medizinsch relevanten Pflanze. Es wird unter anderem auch von seiner Wirkung bei Infektionskrankheiten und sogar gegen Krebs berichtet. Artemisia annua wird in wässriger Lösung, als Salbe und aufgebrüht als Artemisia Tee angewandt. Neben dem Wirkstoff Artemisinin enthält das Heilkraut weit über 400 gesundheitlich relevante Wirkstoffe. Diese wirken unter anderem antibakteriell, antiviral und immunstimulierend.
Absinth Pelin - Posušena ekološka zelišča absinth pelin, artemisia absinthium

Absinth Pelin - Posušena ekološka zelišča absinth pelin, artemisia absinthium

High quality dried organic or conventional Absinth wornwood herb for wholesale Preparations from the plant are used to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. The herb is included in choleretic and appetizing teas. Hamazulene, a substance isolated from wormwood, has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect and is used for X-ray burns, eczema, rheumatism and bronchial asthma.Wormwood is eaten by animals, stimulates appetite and improves digestion, but gives their milk a bitter taste. Bitter wormwood is used in liquor-vodka production to prepare vodka, liqueurs, vermouth, absinthe, but long-term use of such drinks leads to strong excitement of the nervous system. When brewing beer, it is used instead of hops. Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Organic, conventional Appearance:cutted Quantity:up to 50 tons per year Package :As required
Pelina 200 Kapsul

Pelina 200 Kapsul

Plante vivace de 50 à 150 cm de haut, l'Armoise est facile à identifier grâce à ses tiges florifères élancées, rougeâtres, un peu velues et striées. Ses feuilles oblongues, découpées en segments et auriculées à la base, sont de couleur vert foncé sur la face et blanc cotonneux sur le revers. Ses petites fleurs tubuleuses jaunes ou rougeâtres sont regroupées en un capitule solitaire. Cellesci dégagent une odeur très forte, parfois désagréable. La période de floraison de cette plante herbacée se situe entre les mois de juillet et d'octobre. L'Armoise produit des akènes ovoïdes, d'environ 2 mm de long, pourvus de petites épines. Conseils d'utilisation 2 à 4 gélules/jour à avaler avec un grand verre d'eau à prendre en supplémentation d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée. Ne pas dépasser la dose quotidienne recommandée. Ne pas laisser à la portée des jeunes enfants. Conserver à l'abri de la lumière, de la chaleur et de l'humidité. Comme avec tout supplément nutritionnel
Dimljena Pekoča Paprika

Dimljena Pekoča Paprika

Benefici: la paprika affumicata a caldo aggiunge un gusto profondo e ricco a tutti i piatti. Può essere usato al posto della paprika rossa dolce quando vuoi aggiungere una nota piccante al tuo piatto o al posto dei fiocchi di pepe di Cayenna o del peperoncino. La paprika affumicata a caldo è prodotta come altre polveri di paprika da peperoni che vengono affumicati, essiccati e macinati in polvere. Questo processo conferisce il colore e il sapore. Il colore può essere diverso da un leggero rosso-arancio a un rosso scuro e anche il gusto può essere qualsiasi cosa, dall'amaro caldo al dolce caldo.Usi: la paprika affumicata calda è comunemente usata in piatti come il gulasch, uno stufato di carne rossa a cottura lenta con verdure, cipolle, patate e panna acida sulla parte superiore del piatto come elemento finale. È una buona idea scaldare la spezia con un filo d'olio d'oliva per meno di un minuto a fuoco basso per sprigionare il suo sapore naturale. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso
Ekološka cvetna voda iz pelina - Cvetne vode

Ekološka cvetna voda iz pelina - Cvetne vode

Pour la p'tite histoire : L'Armoise serait liée à la déesse grecque Artémis, déesse des femmes. D'ailleurs la plante était utilisées pour faciliter l'accouchement, soulager les règles douloureuses, réguler le cycle menstruel.. Chez les Aztèques et les indiens d'Amérique, elle était utilisée pour les rituels médecines et en tant que purificatrice spirituelle. En Chine, l'Armoise est très connue pour le moxa, la moxibustion, qui consiste à chauffer les points d'acupuncture et à apaiser les douleurs. Pour information : Voici quelques propriétés de l'eau florale d'Armoise: Idéale pour les varices, elle aide également les peaux couperosées, irritées. C'est la plante des femmes, on utilise l'eau florale d'Armoise pour réguler le cycle menstruel, les règles douloureuses, la ménopause. C'est également une très bonne draineuse du sang, elle décongestionne en cas de circulation difficile et purifie le sang. Origine:Aromaplantes Partie distillée:plante entière
Križne Lesene Čipe

Križne Lesene Čipe

in den Holzarten: Fichte, Kiefer, Mahagoni, Eiche, Buche und Lärche


Nos produits standards contiennent +90% de bois dur : chêne, charme, frêne hêtre principalement, ainsi que érable, merisier, bouleau, acacia de manière marginale. Bois de qualité chauffage et 100% français


It is advisable to fill the tank with water while stirring and then add NEUTRAL to adjust the appropriate pH for the phytosanitary preparations that we are going to use. After a few minutes we will carry out a pH measurement to check that it remains in the chosen range. Finally we will incorporate the phytosanitary products to be used. The doses depend on the hardness of the water and the pH to be adjusted, but as a guide to reach a pH of 6, 60cc / 100L will be used. SKU:n/a Size:5 LITERS
Breze chips

Breze chips

Fuel birchen briquettes RUF - эis effective and cost-efficient fuel type for furnaces, fireplaces, positive-pressure boilers, wood stoves and heater units, as well as for other solid fuel heating systems. Briquettes are produced from milled birch chips of fine fraction and birch sanding dust on hydrostatic press of high pressure. Briquettes have regular geometric shape, they are convenient for storage and transport. Size of one RUF fuel briquette is 150*60*100 mm. Industrial chips GOST 15815-83 are chips for pulp and paper and hydrolytic productions, manufacture of wood chipboards and fibreboards. Depending on products manufactured of pulp chips, the permissible content of different timber species is determined (coniferous: pinewood chips; broadleaved species: oak, birch chips). Fire wood chips are wood chips for the production of calorific energy. Compared to industrial chips, there are no general requirements for fire wood chips. Fire wood chips are produced by processing wood...
Lesne sekance

Lesne sekance

Our Hardwood Sawdust is composed of very small wood chips that contain a minimal amount of moisture, allowing it to be virtually dust free. The majority of Sawdust is Poplar and contains no species that would be harmful to animals.


Legna da ardere naturale in diverse forme e dimensioni, perfetta per serate accoglienti davanti al camino o per riscaldare gli ambienti domestici. La nostra legna da ardere proviene da foreste gestite in modo sostenibile e viene accuratamente preparata per garantire una combustione ottimale e un calore avvolgente. Goditi l’atmosfera accogliente e il calore naturale della nostra legna da ardere di alta qualità.
Bukovi Lesni Čipi

Bukovi Lesni Čipi

Our wood substrates are made exclusively from selected, untreated beech from european forests. This guarantees the best quality of natural raw materials. The beechwood trunks used are processed using a special procedure. The chopped wood is fractionated into various sizes, dedusted, cleaned and dried.
Bela vdova

Bela vdova

White Widow is a classic variety, created at the end of the 1990s by crossing a Brazilian landrace with an indica of the south of India. White Widow's terpenes give off pine and spice flavours, with a pungent aromatic aspect. This version of White Widow is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles) Line:Profile Line


Momoqui auch bekannt als südamerikanischer Walnuß besitzt eine lebendige Maserung mit vereinzelt hellem Splintanteil.


Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Prah iz listov ali Rezani listi

Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) Prah iz listov ali Rezani listi

Unser Artemisia annua anamed (Abkürzung A-3) ist eine Varietät, die folgende Vorteile hat: - Einen überdurchschnittlich hohen Ertrag an Blättern - Einen ca. 20x höheren Gehalt an Artemisinin UNSER ARTEMISIA ANNUA ANAMED (GEKÜRZT "A-3"): Seit Jahren weltweit bekannt - die Spezialzüchtung Artemisia annua anamed (A-3) erhalten Sie nur bei uns! Bei teemana legen wir großen Wert darauf, Ihnen ausschließlich die höchste Qualität und Reinheit von Artemisia annua Produkten anzubieten. Unsere sorgfältige und schonende Verarbeitung des einjährigen Beifußes stellt sicher, dass die vielen wertvollen Eigenschaften dieser beeindruckenden Pflanze erhalten bleiben. Wir verwenden nur die besten Blätter der Artemisia annua, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie stets die bestmögliche Qualität und Erfahrung erhalten. Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen diese Reinheit und Qualität zu bieten und laden Sie herzlich ein, die Artemisia annua Produkte in unserem Angebot zu entdecken.
Beli Pelin CO2 Ekstrakt (Artemisia Absinthium) - CO2 Ekstrakti

Beli Pelin CO2 Ekstrakt (Artemisia Absinthium) - CO2 Ekstrakti

White Wormwood CO2 Extract (Artemisia Absinthium) CO2 extraction, also known as supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, is a process for extracting useful substances from plants or other raw materials using supercritical (critical point) carbon dioxide as a solvent. When carbon dioxide is heated and pressurized to a specific point, it becomes supercritical, meaning it is in both the liquid and gas phases at the same time. In this supercritical state, CO2 can use its unique properties to extract various compounds from plants. The CO2 extraction process is widely used in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other industries. It is the preferred method for extracting active ingredients, such as essential oils, flavonoids, terpenes and other beneficial substances from plants, because it does not leave solvent residues and does not lead to degradation of the ingredients due to high temperature or chemical processes. Collection:Budjak
Eterično olje pelina

Eterično olje pelina

Wormwood essential oil is obtained from the plant Artemisia absinthium, commonly known as wormwood or common wormwood. This essential oil has historically been used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes due to its antiparasitic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it is believed to have stimulant properties that can improve digestion and relieve gastrointestinal problems. It is also used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and anxiety, providing a calming and relaxing effect on the body and mind. However, it is important to use it with caution and in adequate quantities, as wormwood is a powerful plant and its essential oil can be strong and potentially toxic in high concentrations. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Artemisia absinthium CAS:84929-19-1 EINECS:84929-19-1
Ekstrakt prahu pelina 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

Ekstrakt prahu pelina 4:1 - Chem2Market GmbH

Processed plant part: Herb Extractant: Ethanol and water Carrier: Maltodextrin Scientific name: Artemisia absinthium Wormwood, an aromatic plant, is valued for its bitter substances and is used in the production of bitter drinks. Some traditional uses indicate that wormwood may also have health benefits. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli ORGANIC Chaga ORGANIC Chlorella ORGANIC Cranberry ORGANIC Barley grass ORGANIC Ginseng ORGANIC Grapefruit ORGANIC Kale ORGANIC Rosehip
Navadni pelin - Artemisia vulgaris, Posušen navadni pelin, navadni pelin

Navadni pelin - Artemisia vulgaris, Posušen navadni pelin, navadni pelin

High quality dried Common wormwood for wholesale The aerial part of the plant is used as a spicy seasoning for various dishes, especially fatty ones. Wormwood is a medicinal plant. The herb is used as a medicinal raw material - leafy flowering tops collected during flowering and dried. Wormwood improves appetite and digestion, has a tonic, sedative, hematopoietic, wound-healing, choleretic and mild laxative effect; improves stomach function and helps with fever. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Conventional Part of plant:Herb Quantity:up to 70 tons per year Package:As required
Eterično olje belega pelina (Artemisia Absinthium) 10 ml., 20 ml. - Eterična olja

Eterično olje belega pelina (Artemisia Absinthium) 10 ml., 20 ml. - Eterična olja

White (Wild) Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) essential oil, also known as absinthe grass or "absinthe", is a different plant from white sage (Artemisia ludoviciana). White wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a species of herb in the Asteraceae family and is known for its bitter and aromatic leaves. It is a bearer of historical and cultural significance, as it is the main component of the alcoholic beverage absinthe. Here are some of the main characteristics of white wormwood: Leaves: The leaves of white wormwood are pinnately divided, silver-gray or gray-green, and have a strongly bitter taste. Aroma: White Wormwood has a strong aromatic presence with light floral and herbal notes. Constituents Content: White wormwood essential oil contains a variety of constituents, including thujone, camphor, bornel, and other chemical compounds. Collection:Budjak Cat. Number:AA-001
Letni Pelin - Posušena sladkega pelina, artemisia annua herba

Letni Pelin - Posušena sladkega pelina, artemisia annua herba

High quality dried Annual wormwood for wholesale Annual wormwood is a common and well-known medicinal plant. The plant is widely used in medicine. The aerial part of the plant is used as an aromatic seasoning for culinary products. The essential oil is suitable for use in the perfume industry and soap making. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Conventional Appearance:cutted Quantity:up to 30 tons per year Package:As required
Cvetna voda iz belega pelina (Artemisia Absinthium) 200 ml. - Cvetne vode (Hidrolati)

Cvetna voda iz belega pelina (Artemisia Absinthium) 200 ml. - Cvetne vode (Hidrolati)

Floral Water from White Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) 200 ml. The floral water of white wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is obtained by steam distillation of the plant. Wormwood is a perennial herb known for its bitter taste and aroma. This plant contains various active ingredients, including essential oils, which give the floral water its characteristic aroma and properties. Here are some of the possible properties and ways of applying White Wormwood Floral Water: Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties: White wormwood is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its floral water can be used to keep the skin clean and soothe inflamed areas. Toning effect: Floral water of white wormwood can be used as a facial tonic that tightens pores and gives a feeling of freshness. Facial Breath: Due to its antiseptic properties, white wormwood floral water can be used as a breath freshener. You can lightly spray water into your mouth or use as an oral spray. Collection:Budjak Cat. Number:WW-001