Izdelki za proteinpulver (94)

Prehranski Dodatki v Prahu – v Košaricah

Prehranski Dodatki v Prahu – v Košaricah

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere, confezionati in barattoli, offrono una soluzione pratica e versatile per chi ha difficoltà a inghiottire le compresse. Questi integratori possono essere sciolti in acqua, offrendo un sapore gradevole e un'esperienza di consumo più piacevole. I barattoli offrono una capienza maggiore rispetto alle bustine, garantendo un dosaggio personalizzabile e adattandosi alle esigenze specifiche di ogni individuo. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate e di alta qualità per il benessere quotidiano. La formulazione degli integratori in polvere include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente, senza rinunciare alla qualità. Scegliendo i barattoli, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Ekološki Maca Prah

Ekološki Maca Prah

The maca powder is obtained from drying the whole fruit (seed, pulp and peel) and its subsequent milling making it an integral powder. Maca is considered an ally of fertility, both because of its organo-mineral content (it is associated with zinc, for example) and because of its macaines. PRODUCT APPLICATIONS Thanks to its high protein and fiber content, maca increases physical energy. In addition to its energetic properties, maca is known worldwide for its highly beneficial and aphrodisiacal properties. MACA POWDER It helps to regulate hormonal disorders, solve impotence problems and increase fertility. It can be used as a supplement, or in the preparation of nutraceuticals, or as an ingredient for energy foods. MOQ:20kg
Športna Prehrana - Prehrana za Šport z Lastno Znamko

Športna Prehrana - Prehrana za Šport z Lastno Znamko

Develop a product line of sports nutrition with us, specifically tailored to the needs of athletes and fitness enthusiasts. From protein powders and energy bars to isotonic drinks – we offer everything you need to establish a successful brand in the sports industry.
Bel etikett beljakovinski prašek koncentrat

Bel etikett beljakovinski prašek koncentrat

Nous développons et fabriquons les boissons protéinées qui correspondent à l'identité de votre marque. Notre expérience dans le sport de haut niveau nous permet de développer des boissons riches en protéine très spécifiques et de haute qualité nutritionnelle, parfaitement digestes à partir de différentes matières premières protéinées. Nous adaptons le format de conditionnement à vos demandes.
Whey beljakovine (koncentrat + izolati) vanilijev okus - WPC + WPI vanilijev okus, sladkan s stevijo

Whey beljakovine (koncentrat + izolati) vanilijev okus - WPC + WPI vanilijev okus, sladkan s stevijo

Odżywka białkowa będąca połączeniem koncentratu i izolatu białka serwatki o smaku waniliowym. Słodzona naturalnym słodzikiem - glikolizydami stewiolowymi. Przykładowa formulacja
VG Titans W65-L Teksturiran pšenični protein

VG Titans W65-L Teksturiran pšenični protein

VG Titans W65-L Textured Wheat Protein offers a high-quality plant-based protein solution for food manufacturers looking to create innovative meatless products. This dry, extruded product hydrates to form a texture similar to meat, making it suitable for use in a wide range of applications, including burgers, sausages, and cold cuts. Its high protein content and versatility make it an essential ingredient for enhancing the nutritional profile of both plant-based and traditional meat products. Produced from non-GMO wheat, VG Titans W65-L is crafted with a focus on sustainability and health. This textured wheat protein is ideal for companies aiming to meet the growing consumer demand for vegan and vegetarian foods. Its adaptability and ease of use in various recipes make it a valuable component for expanding product lines and catering to diverse dietary preferences.
Jajčni prašek; Prašek iz jajčnega beljaka, Beljakovina iz piščančjega jajca - Beljakovina (Beljakovine)

Jajčni prašek; Prašek iz jajčnega beljaka, Beljakovina iz piščančjega jajca - Beljakovina (Beljakovine)

vielfältige Funktionalität durch Aufschlagfähigkeit und Gelstärken hochschlagfähiges Eiweißpulver für die Herstellung von Schaumküssen high gel Eiweiß für Verbesserung der Bindefähigkeit Kartons / Säcke: 25 kg
Dopolnila v prahu

Dopolnila v prahu

We offer a wide range of powdered supplements, specializing in sports nutrition for athletes and healthy lifestyle enthusiasts. Our main offerings include bovine protein, vegan protein, and BCAA & amino acid complexes. Please refer to our catalog for a complete list of our products. MOQ :2500 kg
XL GRAIN - Vaša alternativa soji - prehransko dopolnilo za živali / za govedo / beljakovine / v prahu

XL GRAIN - Vaša alternativa soji - prehransko dopolnilo za živali / za govedo / beljakovine / v prahu

XL GRAIN est un complexe enzymatique, couplé à des agents technologiques choisis, qui réagit avec vos céréales. Des enzymes et un activateur qui, au contact de l’eau de vos céréales vont déclencher le travail. Et son intérêt est double : 1- Augmenter la part de céréales fermières dans la ration jusqu’à 10 kg / jour / animal sans risque d’acidose 2- Réduire vos achats de correcteurs azotés et d’aliments de production comme les tourteaux de colza et de soja par exemple.
Psylliumova semenska lupina v prahu - Kapsule in tablete

Psylliumova semenska lupina v prahu - Kapsule in tablete

Psyllium seed husks are the non-digestible husks of the Plantago ovata, plant native to India, which is known here as psyllium or flea seeds. Psyllium seed husks are a purely natural source of valuable, mucilaginous dietary fibres. Ground to fine powder and mixed with water, psyllium seed husks swell to many times their original volume, and thus increase the intestinal contents. Comparable to a lubricant in the intestines, the stool becomes softer, which facilitates intestinal activity and emptying. Art. No.:1785


PROTEIN 96 bei FREY Nutrition online bestellen. Eiweiss mit weltweit höchstem Proteinanteil für die Zunahme von Muskelmasse und Fettabbau.
Pakiranje za prehrano za zmogljivost in beljakovinski prašek

Pakiranje za prehrano za zmogljivost in beljakovinski prašek

Our sustainable standup pouches are perfectly suited for performance nutrition and protein powder products. Different sizes cater all needs Our XXL size is the perfect solution for packaging powder, smaller sizes are ideal for producing trial packs (new flavors e.g.). Laboratorytested barrier properties protect your product against oxygen, humidity and UV light. With our outstanding aroma preservation (e.g. material Martha 0,04 cm3/m2*24h*bar) your products stay fresh for a long time. All of our materials are made out of recyclable mono plastic or sustainable paper. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces, you can create different designs for every taste and type. Special editions are no problem either and quickly realized due to digital processes and fast delivery. Our pouches are fully printed and provide all the space you need for branding and product information. Design effects such as transparency or metallic spaces are easily realized and without additional cost. Sizes:Stand-up pouches S (90 x 160 x 60 mm), M (130 x 200 x 70 mm), L (160 x 225 x 80 mm) Quantity:Stand-up pouches 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml, 3000 ml Flat-bottom pouches 250 g, 500 g, 1000 g Materials:1) Plastic metallized, 2) Transparent plastic, 3) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper , Made for Recycling logo, Euro hole
Beljakovinski prašek - individualno razvito v okusu, odmerku in sestavi

Beljakovinski prašek - individualno razvito v okusu, odmerku in sestavi

Sie möchten Vielfalt in Ihr Protein-Sortiment bringen? Dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Mit einem reichen Erfahrungsschatz in dieser Branche bieten wir Ihnen die leckersten Rezepturen mit 1A-Nährwerten. Egal ob klassisches Whey Protein, Mehrkomponentenprotein oder vegane Specials – bei uns werden Sie garantiert fündig. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir Ihre Wunschrezeptur und designen Ihr Produkt ganz nach Ihren Vorstellungen. Proteinquellen:tierisch (Kollagen, Milch, Ei) oder pflanzlich (Erbse-, Reis-, Soja-, Hanf-, Kürbiskernprotein) Verpackungen:Dose, Beutel, Sachets, Sticks Geschmacksrichtungen:klassisch oder ausgefallen


manufacturing amino acids for food industrials pharmaceuticals with high quality and best price from china.
Deminiraliziran Whey Prah - Izvoznik Deminiraliziranega Whey Prahu

Deminiraliziran Whey Prah - Izvoznik Deminiraliziranega Whey Prahu

Demineralized whey is generated as a dilute liquid by-product of cheese production. It contains lactose, proteins, and minerals. It can be processed to extract the minerals using Electro-dialysis. The concentrated demineralized whey is then spray-dried into a powder. Demineralized whey powder has widespread usage, some examples: are infant formula, baby food, dietary foods, and fortified products.


High protein demineralized whey powder is obtained by concentrating 70% (1D) pasteurized whey, reducing its minerals by demineralization process and drying it by spray dry method. It contains a high level of milk protein and is a unique sweet product because the mineral level is reduced.
Bio Spirulina Prah - 100 % Bio Spirulina Alge - Bogata z Železom in Beljakovinami

Bio Spirulina Prah - 100 % Bio Spirulina Alge - Bogata z Železom in Beljakovinami

Jetzt kommt die Algen-Power für Ihren Smoothie: unser Bio Spirulina-Pulver wird aus der „Athrospira platensis“ gewonnen, die auch als Mikroalge bezeichnet wird. Nach der Ernte werden die frischen Algen getrocknet und zu feinem Pulver vermahlen. Dabei bleiben viele Inhaltsstoffe sowie die intensive Farbe erhalten. Ob als klassischer Smoothie mit Früchten und Gemüse, als Smoothie Bowl oder in griechischem Joghurt eingerührt – mit Spirulina wird es ein farbenfroher Hingucker, der es in sich hat. Probieren Sie es doch mal aus! Rühren Sie täglich 1 Teelöffel (5 g) borchers Bio Spirulina Pulver in Ihre Speisen oder Getränke. Bei Bio-Produkten: DE-ÖKO-006
Koncentrat sirotkinih beljakovin - serija Globulal®

Koncentrat sirotkinih beljakovin - serija Globulal®

Beside a nutritionally high-quality protein source our WPC also provides an outstanding functionality. By ultrafiltration of the whey proteins and spray drying our whey protein concentrate, called GLOBULAL, is produced. Our range includes WPC 70 as well as WPC 80 in different variants. Characteristics and Benefits: Prepared from milk High-value protein source High gelling version available Excellent amino acid profile Free from glycomacropeptid Structure formation during heating Increased water-binding capacity and prolonged shelf life Increase of thickening properties in desserts, dressings and sauces Egg replacement in bakery products
Prahu konopnih beljakovin

Prahu konopnih beljakovin

It is an organic powder from dried and crushed hemp seeds. Powder, like seeds, consists of high-quality vegetable protein, supplemented with essential amino acids, which are necessary for normal functioning and development of the body. Net Weight:28 gr. Gross Weight:420 gr. Shelf Life:24 months Storage conditions:Store at a temperature of 18 ± 3 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening, sto Nutritional value per 100 gr.:Proteins - 37 g, fats - 11 g, carbohydrates - 40 g Energy value per 100 g of product (kcal / kJ):410 kcal (1730 kJ) Ingridients:Hemp protein Organic:No Raw:Yes Gluten-free:Yes
Whey Protein 2 kg - Izdelek iz Whey Proteina v 2 kg Embalaži

Whey Protein 2 kg - Izdelek iz Whey Proteina v 2 kg Embalaži

Proteintrinkpulver zur Herstellung eines Kaltgetränks. Diätetisches Lebensmittel für intensive Muskelanstrengungen, für allem für Sportler. Pures Whey Protein ist reines Whey = Laktalbuminprotein mit der biologischen Wertigkeit von 104. Laktalbumin, welches durch Ultra-Filtration und Ionentausch aus der Molke der Milch gewonnen wird, ist in den USA als Whey-Protein bekannt und ist das hochwertigste und leichtverdaulichste Monoeiweiß.
Maca V Prahu 500 Gramov - Ženske

Maca V Prahu 500 Gramov - Ženske

La maca est une racine originaire des Andes péruviennes. Il a été prouvé que la Maca est bonne pour l'amélioration de l'énergie, de la fertilité et de l'endurance. La Maca augmente la production des hormones testostérone qui entraîne la production d’adrénaline elle est idéale pour rester en forme toute la journée et ameliorer votre libido ! Super stimulant en général et pour la libido, la racine de Maca augmente votre énergie au quotidien. La maca est une source de lipides (acides gras), de protéines, de fibres glucidiques, de vitamines B1, B2, C, D et E, et de minéraux tels que le fer, le potassium, le cuivre, le magnésium, le sélénium, le phosphore et le calcium. Cette racine contient également un bon nombre de phytonutriments comme les glucosinolates, les flavonoïdes, les alcaloïdes (macaenes) et les stéroïdes
Beljakovinski prašek iz bučnih semen - Prehransko dopolnilo

Beljakovinski prašek iz bučnih semen - Prehransko dopolnilo

The high content of protein and dietary fiber, low content of fat and sodium in pumpkin seed protein powder make it the first choice for those seeking to optimize their bodies and strengthen their physical fitness among the numerous plant-based proteins. For weight loss people who need a low-calorie diet, replacing some of the protein in the diet with pumpkin seed protein not only reduces the intake of cholesterol and saturated fat, but also achieves a balanced nutritional intake. The content of unsaturated fatty acids in pumpkin seed protein powder is relatively high, as high as 77.073%. Pumpkin seeds also contain a certain amount of pumpkin seed bud protein. pumpkin seed protein powder are also rich in soybean oleic acid, which can nourish brain cells and remove deposits on the inner wall of blood vessels, thereby improving brain function and improving cerebral blood circulation, thereby preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis to a certain extent. Specification:Protein >60% MOQ:1kg Package:1kg / Bag 25kg / drum Loss on Drying:≤5.0% Residue on Ignition:≤5.0% Lead (Pb):<2ppm Arsenic (As):<2ppm Total Plate Count:<5,000cfu/g Total Yeast & Mold:<500cfu/g
veganska beljakovina v prahu - beljakovina na rastlinski osnovi

veganska beljakovina v prahu - beljakovina na rastlinski osnovi

Birule naturals Protein Pulver Vegan aus Hanf, Chia, Maca, Kokos, Kürbis 100% rein pflanzliches Proteinshake, glutenfrei, laktosefrei, ohne Soja
Vrečka za beljakovinski prašek - Vrečka iz aluminijaste folije z zadrgo

Vrečka za beljakovinski prašek - Vrečka iz aluminijaste folije z zadrgo

Production Process of protein powder bag A: Artwork confirmation B: Printing cylinders making C: Prepare raw material accordingly D: Printing E: Lamination F: Slitting or folding G: Bag making/cutting H: Final inspection J: Delivery Other information of protein powder bag A: We are specialized in making all kinds of packaging materials, such as food bags, coffee bags, zipper bags, ziplock bags, stand up pouches, black bottom bags, aluminium foil bags, pet food bags, tobacco bags, fruit packaging bags, vegetable packaging bags, paper bags, tin boxes, hole puncher for plastic bags. B: We do printing according to your design artwork, just send us layered design in AI or PDF or PSD format. C: The MOQ is 10,000 pcs, the more the cheaper D: Similar samples are available Disclaimer: All trademarks and pictures shown here are as example of our production capability, they are not for sale, and they are the property of their owners. Dimension:According to your requirement Material:PET+AL+PE bag type :stand up bag with zipper Usage:for protein powder packaging MOQ:10,000 pcs Printing:Plain or according to your design Country of origin:China(Our factory is in China and have office in Germany) Thickness:120 micron
Veganski Kolagen - Podpora Veganskemu Kolagenu z Biotinom, Hialuronsko Kislino in Rastlinskim Beljakovinskim Prahom

Veganski Kolagen - Podpora Veganskemu Kolagenu z Biotinom, Hialuronsko Kislino in Rastlinskim Beljakovinskim Prahom

Vegan kolajen ürünleri,geleneksel hayvansal kolajen kaynakları yerine bitkisel kaynaklardan eldeedilen bir takviye ürünüdür. Kolajen, cilt, saç, tırnaklar, kemikler ve eklemsağlığı için önemli bir proteindir ve vücutta doğal olarak bulunur. Ancak yaşlanma,stres, kötü beslenme alışkanlıkları veya genetik faktörler gibi nedenlerlekolajen üretimi azalabilir. Collagen Life Bitki Tozları, Hyarulonıc Acıd, Protein ve Vitamin içeren tablet vücut’da eksilen kolajen üretiminin yerine destekleyici görevi sunar. K olajen, bitkisel kaynaklardan,genellikle Bitki ve Sebzeler, deniz yosunu, soya, bakla veya diğer bitkiselprotein kaynaklarından elde edilen bileşenler içerir.
Instant WPC beljakovinski prašek - beljakovinski prašek zasebna blagovna znamka

Instant WPC beljakovinski prašek - beljakovinski prašek zasebna blagovna znamka

WPC PROTEIN POWDER - Instant whey protein concentrate with chocolate. No added sugar. Sweetened by sucralose. Protein content: per reqeust 40% - 80% Contains enzymes (lactase, alpha amylase, neutral protease, lipase, cellulase). Flavors: Classic (no flavour), Chocolate, Chocolate-Coconut, Vanilla, Strawberry, Cappuccino, Cookies $ Cream, Caramel, Salted Caramel, Cinnamon, or others on request. Product description: - Cold water soluble - Gluten free - Can be individualy tailored (added enzymes, vitamins, minerals or extracts) Appearance: powder Taste and aroma: sweet with flavour Certification: HACCP Shelf life: 24 months County of origin: EU Specifications: - Optimal price and quality ratio - Excellent durability and shelf-life - Wide range of flavors - Wide range of packaging options Packaging: • single-serving sachet • doypack bag • 15 kg industrial bag (600 kg per europallet) • Others on request.
Veganski beljakovinski prašek - Plastične posode 1 kg z različnimi okusi ali papirnate vrečke 25 kg

Veganski beljakovinski prašek - Plastične posode 1 kg z različnimi okusi ali papirnate vrečke 25 kg

A high protein, partially defatted, functional plant-based protein flour that is free from the Top 8 Allergens. With its mild flavor and smooth texture, Noteo® can be used in a wide variety of applications to enhance nutritional value to meet today's market demands.
Čokoladne in oreščkove beljakovinske kreme

Čokoladne in oreščkove beljakovinske kreme

Indulge in the rich and creamy taste of Chocolate and Nut Protein Creams, a perfect treat for those who love the combination of chocolate and nuts. These creams are crafted with high-quality ingredients, offering a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional spreads. Each serving provides a satisfying texture and a burst of flavor, making it an ideal choice for any time of the day. Chocolate and Nut Protein Creams are perfect for those who want to enjoy a sweet treat without the guilt. They are ideal for spreading on toast, adding to smoothies, or simply enjoying by the spoonful. With their convenient packaging, you can easily carry them in your bag, ensuring you always have a healthy snack option at hand.
Mandelovo v prahu z visoko vsebnostjo beljakovin - mandljeve beljakovine

Mandelovo v prahu z visoko vsebnostjo beljakovin - mandljeve beljakovine

Polvere proteica di mandorla per latte di mandorla instant, senza saccarosio. Proteine 32%